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Another Rocket Strike Hit U.S. Base Inside Baghdad International Airport (Videos)

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Late on September 20, a new rocket strike targeted the Baghdad International Airport, where U.S. troops maintain a base.

The Iraqi Security Media Cell said a “Katyusha” [107 mm] rocket was launched from Abu Ghraib at the airport. However, Sabereen News, a Telegram channel close to Shiite armed groups in the country, said the airport was targeted with two salvos of rockets.

Rocket sirens can be clearly heard in several videos from airport and its vicinity. The sirens went on for a long period of time. This suggests that several rockets were detected.

According to Sabereen News, the strike targeted the U.S.-held part of Baghdad International Airport, known as “Victoria Base.”

Exactly ten days ago, a similar rocket strike hit the army post office in Victoria Base. No human losses were reported as a result of the attack.

Iraqi Shiite armed groups are allegedly behind the recent attacks on U.S. troops and bases in the country. Following the assassination of Iranian Quds Force Commander, Qassim Soleimani, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units, many of these groups vowed to kick out U.S. troops.


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Wishing it’s only the beginning of US fall in middle east. For terrorists and looters. Pay for your crimes.

Kenny Jones ™

But you’re French which does the same


Exactly, so may France pay the same way, as it has to be…

Kenny Jones ™

That’s the spirit, France paid too in the barracks bombings of 1983


And you Kenny, if you are lecturing François, which Anglo-Saxon country are you from?…

No don’t tell me that!! Just say if you are from NATO country please?

Me&Myself None

Il n’y a aucune évidence que Mr. Francois soit Français, il peut être Québécois, French Antillais, Suisse, Belge. Ce nom là est très commun dans ces pays là, n’est-ce pas vrai François? Et, oui je suis polyglotte.

Kenny Jones ™

Sir I don’t speak faguette

Kenny Jones ™

https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary/status/1307022665140572160?s=20 more to come


Since I don’t see it, can you tell me what kind of file is it, please?

Kenny Jones ™

It’s just a twitter link, it says the Iraqi resistance will start targeting US helicopters starting next week, which is tomorrow, since they decreased the use of convoys to transport logistics, they think they’re safe now but no


Thanks Kenny!

I suppose I have to activate Twitter in my browser

John Wallace

No just click the link


I can’t click what I can’t see …Firefox has options by default, to disable some social media networks…If disabled one simply can’t see them at all. Thanks all the same…I’ll have to go to enable it in Settings options..


Stay away from them sm, here is your place, with us!


I don’t have active Twater account and my Fake book account is frozen at least 6-7 years

John Wallace

I don’t have twitter of fakebook but the link should take you there


Thanks John, it did. very kind…I have seen white swan flying….In your face Twitter! :)

Icarus Tanović

You are smart guy, not having those fakebooks bullshits.


Very interesting


So you are one of those addicted to SM who had to start with taking heavy drugs just to reduce dependence on Twitter?

Look what Twitter did to Trump ! He completely forgot to send troops back home from Syria and instead he decided to send even more reinforcements…more than ever. All because of Twitter bad influence…terrible

Jens Holm

Trump didnt forget.

The troops keep away Assads and Russians from oil and fuel and partly control the gas even Assads gets some from Egypt

Jens Holm

Aloha J. Roderat.

No wonder pigs dont live, where You are.


I’m so active here I wouldn’t have time for sm. But on the part with drugs I can’t reply hehehe.

If only the Americans could pay attention on how their politicians keep their promisses, as much Russians do.

John Wallace

Sorry so you cant see the pic at all.. How about https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1307022665140572160%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdisqus.com%2Fembed%2Fcomments%2F%3Fbase%3Ddefaultf%3Dsouthfrontt_i%3D12468120https3A2F2Fsouthfront.org2F3Fp3D124681t_u%3Dhttps3A2F2Fsouthfront.org2Fanother-rocket-strike-hit-u-s-base-inside-baghdad-international-airport-videos2Ft_e%3DAnother20Rocket20Strike20Hit20U.S.20Base20Inside20Baghdad20International20Airport20Videost_d%3DAnother20Rocket20Strike20Hit20U.S.20Base20Inside20Baghdad20International20Airport20Videost_t%3DAnother20Rocket20Strike20Hit20U.S.20Base20Inside20Baghdad20International20Airport20Videoss_o%3Ddescl%3Dversion%3D4885cdc92b55320b8a45187f0dca9ed4

John Wallace

click on the ” @ASBMILITARY ” at the top and it will take you to the twitter account which has lots you will enjoy with this down the page a bit.

Fog of War

What have they been waiting for this whole time ? Just more Arab hot air.

Kenny Jones ™

Waiting for nearing the election, the whole goal of the revenge of Soleimani was also deny Trump being re-elected

Fog of War

Except, Trump is just a puppet. The agenda will continue no matter who wins the ” selection”.

Kenny Jones ™

Trump isn’t “just” a puppet, look at all the things he’s done for Israel, what the past presidents haven’t, he’s a pain and very annoying, he must go, I don’t care if the US falls into a civil war when his supporters take up arms

Fog of War

All presidents are ” puppets ” willing or not. Trump did those things because the window of opportunity was there. I don’t care for Trump or anyone else, but who do you want Biden ? Harris ? Pompeo ? Hillary ?

Free man

Translation: Shiite militias loyal to the mullahs regime fire Katyushas at the Iraqi capital’s international airport. There is no doubt that this is an overwhelming victory for the axis of resistance almost as much as the attacks on Iraqi contractors transporting American equipment. The resistance led by the mullahs regime against Iraqis is a success.


Definitely much bigger success, than your very cheap irony and blabbing empty worthless comments like the rest of us here all day long.

Jens Holm

Go there and try to sell umbrellas.


Jens did you have experience anybody stuffing you umbrella up your posterior

and opened it after that ?


CRAM failed ??

Lone Ranger

CRAM is not surfire. The more the incoming targets the lower the chance to intercept them. Also CRAM can only engage targets with a max target speed of Mach 1.7. Its a rather archaic system. Could be modernized tho like the Russians did with their Kashtan.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s right boys, send them some heavy ordinance there. Something like 250 kab, conected with 4 katchusas as a propulsion.

Assad must stay

why US insists on staying in iraq and middle east to do what?

Lone Ranger

To steal oil, prop up wahabimossad terrorists to destabilize the region for the greater Israel project and a future strike against Iran.

Assad must stay

Inshallah they fail and all go back home inshallah

Fog of War

No casulaties. Yawn.

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