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MARCH 2025

Another Russian Su-25 Survived Ukrainian Anti-Aircraft Missiles (Photos)

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Another Russian Su-25 Survived Ukrainian Anti-Aircraft Missiles (Photos)

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Another Su-25 close air support fighter jet of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) has survived a direct hit from Ukrainian air defense fire.

On June 10, Russian sources shared photos of the fighter jet, which was reportedly hit by a man-portable air-defense system (MANPAD). The fighter jet’s left engine received a direct hit. Despite the heavy damage, the jet was able to land in an unspecified Russian air base. The pilot was not hurt as a result of the incident.

Another Russian Su-25 Survived Ukrainian Anti-Aircraft Missiles (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

Another Russian Su-25 Survived Ukrainian Anti-Aircraft Missiles (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

Another Russian Su-25 Survived Ukrainian Anti-Aircraft Missiles (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

This was the second Russian Su-25 to survive a direct hit from Ukrainian air defense fire. The first such incident was reported in the very first weeks of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

The Su-25 was designed to withstand air defense fire, especially MANPADs. The fighter jet’s cockpit, fuel tanks and engines are all armored. The jet also has a redundant control schemes to increase the likelihood of surviving a hit.

The protection was improved in the upgraded Su-25SM3, which were equipped with the Vitebsk-25 protection suite. The suite integrates a set of Zakhvat forward and rearward facing missile approach warning ultraviolet sensors, the L-150-16M Pastel radar homing and warning system, two UV-26M 50 mm chaff dispensers and a pair of wing-mounted L-370-3S radar jamming pods. The fighter jet that survived the hit was not upgraded to the SM3 standard.

The VKS’s Su-25s have been providing Russian troops along the frontlines in the Donbass region with close air support. Typically, they are armed with S-13 unguided rockets, which have a warhead of 21-32 kilograms and a range of 3-6 kilometers depending on the variant.

While Ukraine is still retaining some of its air defense and air force capabilities, the VKS maintains supremacy over the country’s airspace.



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lucas grijander

the Su-25 is the new sturmovik


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Last edited 2 years ago by Deborah
mike l hutchings

that it is just like the WARTHOG


SU-25 is WAY BETTER than your american A-10 the problem is you americans believe your governments “HYPE” about the A-10 there is no comparison the SU-25 is 20 times better. – Z –


With this 20 times better statement you make a complete fool out of yourself. Both of those aircraft are very capable, both are extremely survivable, both are beautiful. Each design has its advantages and disadvantages, which is better depends on the battleground and doctrine. Su-25 is more versatile, A-10 is more of a specialist. That puts each of them into and advantage or disadvantage over each other depending on the scenario they are used in. It’s fine to dislike the west, most here will agree. To say everything that is made by the west is bad because of that is foolish.


In defense forum of defencetalk, there is a thread that entitled “Why “this vs that” platform discussions are unproductive”

jens holm

Its for generals in Ukriane as well. Most of the Russian ones has less troops in their command. So Russia has many but smaller ones.

jens holm

Thats right. But those two airplanes dont fight each other as well as the military forces integrate their jobs in very different ways.

Nato soldiers also use integrate machineguns in big systems with very advanced ways of shooting. The typical russian machinegun is not integrated with the rest and fight as single weapon.

But its almost the same weapons.

jens holm

Boths are very good ones. because of better drones and missiles, they now are specialized into fewer jobs.

We see the same for tanks. They are not that almost full protection they once was.

I have never heard about any USA hype. Their Warthogs has done many exstreemly good jobs for many years. .


“I have never heard about any USA hype.” You mean you have never heard of F35 or Littoral combat ship class?


oh you mean those Radar reflective invisible ships with that amazing rail gun system that will make all other navies obsolete? lol. now if they could just launch the f35 from the littoral using the ‘working’ rail gun… lol


I think your hockey helmet strap is on too tight.


Never seen any warthog getting hit and making it to base though.


There is at least one case of a very badly damaged A-10 being flown safely back to base by a female pilot.

Google is your friend.


In case you are too lazy to search for yourself: https://www.military.com/air-force/air-force-pilot-landed-damaged-10-warthog-using-only-cranks-and-cables.html


“Capt. Brett DeVries was 150 feet off the ground on a strafing run when the 30 mm gun of his A-10 misfired at the same moment the entire canopy of his aircraft blew off.” https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-military/2017/08/15/air-force-capt-lands-a-10-with-no-canopy-no-gear/


It did not misfire. He saw his mother in law on a runaway. Canopy blow off was merely a convenient excuse.

jens holm

It seemes You dont see much, lie like hell or dont have internet.

You have to feed Your pigions.

Many returned to base almost unflyable, but only seven Warthogs have ever been shot down or crashed due to combat.) Production had been shut down since 1984, and zero effort had been put into coming up with a direct replacement.3. sep. 2014


Yes, like only 3600 Americans perished in 2003. war in Iraq. Except couple of thousands that went DOA in Rammstein and other military hospitals never been counted. But only seven….of course. We’ll see how Warthog excels in a battle with Russians. Not 7, but 777. Relax and enjoy.


Here is a rather well made video in English (by and Anglo) about the SU-25 and its development. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCnbNfCT_J4

i am confused

so let me get this straight the Russian su-25 tanks through a direct hit from a Man-pad (designed to destroy fighter gets)

the The F-35 is downed because it hit a bird during a flight.

Last edited 2 years ago by i am confused

Russian equivalent of the A10


thats wat israel said

jens holm

The manpad only took a turbine.


Exactly, keyword here is “ONLY”, overall sounds like an ineffective weapon, i thought the main objective of these weapons is complete destruction of their target in the air.


Even larger civilian liners can fall after collision with a bird, it depends from height, speed and mass of a bird. If cabin glazing is spitted at altitude, a plane is doomed by the reason of fast depressurization. F-35 has no armored canopy to resist any hits as opposed to a CAS plane.


Sure. F35’s problem is birds that spit on. Remember Spitfires?


Bird was armored. At least that was briefed at Pentagram…err…Pentagon.


wow, One took off successfully? where is my Guinness book of records..


What you should do is give Syria some birds to defend their air space, They have Pantsir and they have BUK m2m….. ( not buk 1) they have s300 pmu2 (not base s300) They have mig 29 sm and older s200v and yet those F35 of the IDF are bombing them on a every other day basis! With absolute impunity. For the IDF bombing Syrias capital is like going to the 7-11 for a slurpee.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mahraja

A s Russia has no problems shooting down Ukrainian SU 25,s its obvious that Ukraine hasn’t got the new updated model probably the SU25SM or earlier SU25UTG

Gorgeous George

S300 Missile has a much larger warhead than a MANPAD


They have neither su 25sm or SM3 The Russian air force only sent SM3 to theater about two weeks ago. (topwar.ru) The UTG is a trainer version for aircraft carrier so no you wont see that. Ukraine does have its own aviation industry and Su 25s were built in Tiblisi so there are Israeli variants (scorpion) as well as some upgrades that are local. The simple fact is the plane did what it was designed to do. Nothing more. Its probably the best plane in the Russian air force and has clearly been the most productive and effective since it came to service


the frogfoot is near indestructible, with titanium cockpit from memory (could be wrong )…

for such a old aircraft its crazy how its still a superiority aircraft ….


Military development reached its peak in 1980’s, then was decline of research and production, that’s why quite old military machines still modern, if to add some electronic stuff in cockpit.


The real honest thing about warfare is you find out where you really are against enemy weapons – there is no hiding, and you also have an ability to learn and adapt to enemy weapons on the battlefield. Russia is finding out, both its overall weapons suite is fit for purpose against anything NATO is throwing at it in theatre and is also learning how and what weapon configurations from its present armoury are the most effective against NATO weapons. We have seen wave after wave of Ukrainian Nazi optimism, after NATO anti tank weapons were delivered, after NATO anti aircraft weapons were delivered…. However, the honesty is that Ukrainian Nazis are being culled from the front line at unsustainable rates and Russia keeps advancing – that is the reality of war – no one can hide from the truth of the territorial map and the loss of their soldiers and equipment – Russia is winning its plain to see!


Well said. A war is the truest proving ground for your weapons, command structure down to NCOs as well as your overall doctrine. There is no doubt an army will find certain weapons, organization and doctrine are useless or outdated or just don’t plain work. How well you absorb the shortcomings and adapt to what you isn superior is key to this war and the next years.


Non Commissioned Officers—those that do not receive a commission from war looting. What a stupid identification. Americans love their 3-letters.


this site was plagued with Ukro trolls they will be back, having a Russian fan boy is no better. Especially one that talks so much crap and is ignorant as hell. You talk smack about NATO and bring it on and you will destroy…….with what your key board? Are you in the Russian army? are you fighting in the Donbass? you are about as ignorant as they come, Go look and see what the Russian army calls their NCO? lay off the shit talk until you learn something because nothing you write is close to accurate.

Peter Jennings

I think maybe the US and nato idea was to arm Ukraine to the teeth, release them on Russian troops and watch what happens, especially when the Russian military use the hypersonics.

jens holm

Something is wrong in Your brain.

We have been very open about this for many years. You msut be censured or has no memorycard.

Ukraine has not be armed to the teath at all. It has been armed well for own defence only. That has been the agreement with Russia as well.

Russia also got their nukes.


“Russia also got their nukes.” Don’t worry. You’ll have them delivered back.


lol they were Russia’s Nukes to begin with. Ukraine has never owned a nuke in its very short history.


Ukraine has been re armed 3 times since 2013 and is attempting a 4th 1st was during riots that usurped democratically elected leader of Ukraine. 2 were necessary after losing 2 major ATO incursions to donbas suffering massive defeats and loss of material by abandoning gear during hail fire. Debaltsve rout and retreat Ilovaisk sunflower field turkey shoot 4th is being attempted right now with ongoing results equal to losses suffered during ATO’s Bad soldiering is just bad soldiering


multiple death in California 2 crashed military planes…..probably downed by pigeon special forces


woman pads perhaps?


Don’t take that lightly. Anton said that bird’s spit crashes F35. Imagine used pads hitting its canopy at high altitude.


You said pigeon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqMnOT24v9c


3 , 3 in the same amount of days. osprey is a given. want suicide, fly osprey


The Russian’s know how to make a FLYING TANK this expertise goes right back to WW2 and the IL-2 “FLYING TANK” german pilots used to say no matter how many rounds they hit them with they just kept flying, the SU-25 make the american A-10 look like a little lego tonka toy lol. LONG LIVE RUSSIA – Z –


Long live Su-25 engineers.


Someone might want to tell the author of the article it’s NOT “Air Supremacy” if the ENEMY can STILL FLY AIRCRAFT


VKS is the The name for the “Russian Aerospace Forces”

your getting confused thinking that VKS was Ukraine, VKS is the Russian airforce


we have air supremacy over moscow … are you transgender?


Someone, but not you, right?)

The military encyclopedic dictionary developed in 2003-2005 interprets the concept of “air supremacy” as follows: “Air supremacy, the decisive superiority of the aviation of one of the belligerents in the airspace at the theater or in the strategic (operational) direction (in the area), allowing the ground forces, the forces of the Navy, the Air Force and the rear of the country (coalitions of countries) to carry out their tasks without significant opposition from the enemy’s aviation and air defense. Air supremacy can be won on one or several theater of operations simultaneously for a long time – strategic dominance, on a separate strategic or operational direction for the period of conducting an operation – operational dominance. Short-term mastery of the initiative in the air by aviation units, units or individual formations in a limited area is commonly called tactical air supremacy.”


Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Vlad the Imposter

Of course the enemy can still fly even if the opposition has air supremacy. The question isn’t whether the aircraft can take off and fly but can they be used to complete a mission and return.


lol, so go ahead and fly them, see what happens


Now that’s a proper war plane,built like a double brick shithouse too.


The article says ‘direct hit to left engine’. The photos shown are of major damage to the right engine. Would like to see photos of both engines. If the left is worse than the right I would like to buy the engine designers and constructors a round as I’m sure the pilot would as well. Surely the author knows his right from his left.

Vlad the Imposter

SAM’s don’t hit aircraft directly. They have proximity fuses that detonate before the missile can hit an aircraft even if it’s on a direct intercept trajectory. To take out both engines the missile would have had to strike directly above, below or behind the aircraft so the field of shrapnel hit both engines.


s-200 built 60 years ago shoot down USA f-16


S-200 missile weights 7 tons (S-200V) or even 8 (S-200D).



The s200 was very advanced when introduced and was upgraded all the way to 1990…….the F16 the same its from 77 (so 45 year old air plane designed started in 71, so you could say 51 years) so a missile designed to shoot down a plane should be able to do just that. The s200 is simply bad ass because of the war head its massive.

I must say I think this is the first time I have read anything from you that did not have “trailer park or some form of rape”


jens survived suppository dildo therapy provided by prophet …now Sawyer receives diarrea diapers from jens—necessary in his lgbt trailer park in Michigan


we will repair it with duck tape, like our tanks


Gotta hand it to the Russians they make machines to take some heavy crap and then the pilot instead of bailing out like your average angloZionaZi pilot in fear of his ass …the Russian flies home on an engine and a prayer to fight another day.

As they say “Russians are slow to saddle but when they do they ride like the wind”.

To Odessa, a Russian city since 1795.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo
Igor Sikorsky

Both planes are impressive designs and truly rugged compared to other aircraft. These Su25s are just amazing to observe after landing in this condition. Excellent design when they came up with it all those years ago now. Still as rugged as a Flying Tank no doubt.

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