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Another Step Towards A Global War

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Another Step Towards A Global War

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Another Step Towards A Global War

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The world made another step towards a global war. On March 14, Russian forces recorded the US MQ-9 Reaper drone moving towards the Russian state border in the Crimean peninsula. The UAV was flying with its transponders turned off and crossed the temporary restricted flight zone established for security purposes during the Russian Special Operation in Ukraine.

As a result, the UAV was neutralized by Russian fighters. The Russian military emphasizes that the pilots did not use airborne weapons, and did not come into contact with the UAV.

For its part, the United States claimed that the Russian Su-27 struck the UAV, as a result of which it crashed into international waters. In confirmation, the Pentagon published a video showing the damage to the propeller, but did not prove that it happened as a result of the contact with the Russian aircraft. The video shows that after a highly professional maneuver by the Russian pilots, the drone continued its flight. The propeller could be damaged by the fuel dumped when the Russian pilots tried to force the foreign UAV to turn around and leave the airspace without using weapons.

The wreckage of the Reaper has already been found off the coast of Sevastopol at a depth of about 900 meters. A deep-water branch of the South Stream gas pipeline reportedly runs near this zone.

After the incident, Washington initiated telephone conversations between the Defense Minister and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces with their Russian counterparts.

The Russian Defense Minister explained that the reason for the incident was that the American side did not comply with the flight restriction zone.

The establishment of a restricted flight zone is a widely used practice to enhance security in the zone of military conflicts. In particular, such zones were established by the United States during the numerous wars that they waged in different arear of the world.

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Global Wars are for Mujahid Only


Chris Gr

Psychopaths are sataniyyun.


fags are satanist psychopaths, who fear Mujahid who kill fags down to the animal they touched.

Last edited 1 year ago by JHK
Chris Gr

HTS the goatmuckers


Russian jet peed on USA’s drone. Lets make this clear 😁😂 Nice SMO trophy ❤👍… since americans were so desperate they first to find it, I am sure there is secret inside that drone that Russia is going to announce it 😁


The main secret is how much it stinking after urinating.)


It stinks roughly $32 million 😁😂

Icarus Tanović



Disagree with such point, this is not a step towards war, but a step backwards, because unpunished aggressor become more rude and blatant. But if to flick on the nose, it can make some sober thoughts even inside empty heads, because aggressive kids and stupid adults accepts only force, while kind and polite attitude is taken as weakness. This is also my personal experience.


I think that Russia tolerates a lot, I can’t understand how they get such strenght to hold breath and keep tolerance with knowing what ukrainians doing since 2014 with NATO’s help.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, Russia indeed tolerates a lot. It is my opinion as well.

Last edited 1 year ago by Icarus Tanović

Because Russia cares not to harm citizens, not just russian and ukrainian, but around the world. Presidental elections in other countries won’t bring long lasting stability, because change of regime is always present, so nazis could come back again and spoil peace. This has to be done on international matter. Russia and China are trying to bring peace in Middle East, if this works out, the more countries see this can work out, the more countries would want nazis out. Cleaning world from war mongers and bringing some sort of internal and external organization to monitor stability in every country is next action, control of politicians and military and police also have to be implemented. Or simple destroying all weapons for mass destruction and depleted ammos, stopping production of all sorts of weapons, bringing laws which forbid anything what can affect peace in the world. If nothing is done about it, there will be always wars.

John Tosh

Slowly the words of Edgar Cayce is taking shape. It looks like Russia will rule the world with China and a few breakaway countries from the Western world.

Chris Gr

Cayce said that these countries will leave communism.


Communism is stateless society with public property of main production funds (heavy industry, resources, power generation). It’s like Utopia, because one world government is needed to prevent competition among countries and to dismiss all states. But it will lead to the end of history, if to believe to the book of Revelation (Apocalypse in greek). Private banks and oligarchs are ready for absence of state, because they want to replace state apparatus with their own management, but they are against public property obviously. Socialism is a step before communism, because a state still present. Some people count state capitalism as socialism/communism. If to hold this correction in mind, there is nothing special in socialism/communism in future, though it won’t be classic, but new form like chinese socialism is not classic, but combination of state capitalism with growing elements of socialistic society. Anyway I don’t believe to civil “prophets” like Cayce, Vanga, Messing or Nostradamus, this is hoax for me.

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон
Chris Gr

The short future of humanity is fascism, because both capitalism and communism have failed. But this form of fascism will be more religious like the evangelicals or the Khomeinists.


utter bullshit. there is no future in capitalism. the only salvation for humanity is to destroy usury.

Erik Nielsen

China is in the front seat, Russia as policeman.


andddddddddddddddddddd…. it’s gone!!!

Erik Nielsen

Explanation not accepted.

Any shooting down of US property in International waterways of free navigation is a declaration of world war against the innocent American people who have never done anything wrong.

All Americans have always have been working hard, followed all the rules, paying all their bills and only wanted its freedom against International dictatorship regimes and the axis of evilness, and this vulnerable US drone was completely innocent and brutally attacked without cause.

Last edited 1 year ago by Erik Nielsen

Lol!! well thats the bullshit they are trying to sell,of course no one is buying it.


I think it was Erik’s sarcasm picked up from MSM propaganda.


Tell me you’re joking. Better yet, tell me that your hardworking Americans finally found the brains and the guts to free themselves from their Jewish overlords that foment all those wars they, the people, are bleeding for.


And what about spying for nazis? Not casus belli? Such UAV can do it from international airspace, but it still threat to Russia. So don’t whine. Turning off the radio beacon (transponder) is making this property belonging to nobody like pirate vessel, and everyone can attack it, because piracy is prohibited, especially if it pose a threat like all military equipment does in one form or another.

Ultrafart the Brave

I sense a promising future for you in stand-up comedy.

You even have the name for it.


If the West wants total war they will have it by their acts of aggression and Russia defending itself as it must without making the decision .


No more Mr nice Bear! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! The angloZionaZi turd is getting flUShed and God knows it is long overdue. How long before a USSAN false flag attack a la 911 on one of its Natostan “allies”, let’s say the subservient idiot va$$al failed state of Germanistan?

We are weeks if not days away from a major USSAN terrorist “incident”.



AND this ICC nonsense with Putin is just to divert attention away from the US incompetence with the drone.


It’s done in similar way all as with former Yugoslavia, and Russia is aware of it. Slobodan Milosevic was handed to ICC by serbian NATO puppets. We are heading to WW3, it was paused in Yugoslavia. NATO sent troops in EU all around Russia, just the matter of time when all this blows up. Russia and China are trying to stop nazis, but people need to wake up and stop nazi governments. USA has no intention to stop false flags and proxy wars until they are on the top of power chain. You can’t stop nazi governments if citizens don’t oppress. It will be mistake of all of us if comes to WW3, because we could have stop it. USA is not type of government which would stop in anything what harms world, they don’t care for their citizens. They have to be stopped, bringing negotiations is not going to stop them, it only delays WW3. NATO must be denazified and dismantled, what I see as only way for bringing peace to the world, and for this needs direct war or arrests of all nazis.


Monks, priests saying there must be war, because of all bad what came to the world. They saying to clean world from devil’s hands only way is war.


USA and ALL of EU give Ukraine money, weapons, ammunition, logistics, personnel. WW3 HAS STARTED.

The only salvation to peace is to eliminate usury.

Larry Large

Silly Russkies! Thinking that just because the USA enforces no-fly zones, we’d respect theirs!

Don’t they know that Murica gets to do what it wants, where it wants, when it wants? And if the Russkies don’t like it, they can suck it.

We’re Number One! Bow before our power, peasants! Heil, Biden!

Last edited 1 year ago by Larry Large
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