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MARCH 2025

Another UAV Attack Prevented In Transnistria (Photos)

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Another UAV Attack Prevented In Transnistria (Photos)

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On May 3, another terrorist attack was prevented in Transnistria. A quadrocopter carrying twenty kilograms of explosives aimed to strike at the TV and radio center was intercepted over the village of Mayak.

According to local reports, the drone was equipped with two kilograms of plastid and a five-liter container with an incendiary mixture, as well as a radio device that served as a detonator. The explosive device had to be activated remotely, using a radio signal. The cargo drone was neutralized.

Another UAV Attack Prevented In Transnistria (Photos)

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Another UAV Attack Prevented In Transnistria (Photos)

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The criminals attempted to blow up the building where the cooling system for transformers is located, what would lead to the complete disablement of the radio center.


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Black Russian

“Ghost of Transnistria” – Ukraine-Tards believe in shit like that. Your ideology will be vaporized soon by the Russian Forces coming from the east. America and Europe need to send you Bibles for support to save your filthy souls.

Hanged Moskal

I think Javelins and Switchblades will make it


These are names of ukro-newborns, nowadays. Javelina and Svichblada.


Really? It seems that facts do not interest you.


Call your son, Sarmat..


What about your fithy soul soviets?

Muhammad your Prophet

Another terrorist attack from Vladimir Putin the terrorist cockroach was just prevented? That’s good news but Ukraine is already preventing many terrorist attacks from Putin on a daily basis. Like these Russian tanks it just destroyed with Putin cockroaches burning inside. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=308944378085314&id=100069092624537&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline


American lapdog or American pretending to be someone else…yes you

Muhammad your Prophet

A terrorist Putin cockroach pretending to be a phony liberator… yes you


you are the terrorist cockroach

Michel LeBlanc

Its so free in ukraine millions emigrated from there since 2014, what does that tell you dickweed?

John Tosh

“Muhammad your prophet” cannot be a true American. He has no morals. He loves to see death. Have you noticed how weak people tend to do that? The psychology of weak mind is to enjoy evil.

Russia is strong, so it just wants to rid Ukraine of criminals who will attack Russia in the future. It is obvious burning humans comes from a primitive instinct.

Africans burn people… hundreds of years ago, Europeans and Americans burnt women as witches..

So this low life enjoys the same gory details as his ancestors…… he is a primitive human being.

Muhammad your Prophet

John Tosh another terrorist Putin cockroach crying because his shitty army is getting destroyed by the Ukranian forces. He’s not the first deranged freak that has started to cry around here and he won’t be the last.


you are doomed

Michel LeBlanc

Russian army destroyed? Since when?

Man you got some good dope.


She’s a zio terrorist Jew girl, formally a man 8n hasbara school in Hell Aviv

Black Russian

Is that why the Ukraine map is getting smaller. When this is over 30-40 of combat territory won’t belong to Ukraine. Also Ukraine will no longer have access to Black Sea. They should have quit while they were ahead. 8 years of Bombing Donbass and Ukraine Retards will have nothing to show for all that effort.

Muhammad your Prophet

And you’ll still be just another terrorist Putin cockroach crying about NATO after Russia’s economy flatlines and goes into default, right? You should quit now that you’re losing because it’s only going to get worse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

you are doomed


Hey Jew girl in Hell Aviv? How’s the weather up your stinky rectum where you put your head?



Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey

Ukrainian tank destroyed with Zelensky cockroaches: https://t.me/anna_news/30754

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey
John Tosh

Western News Media

Every single day we are bombarded by how Ukraine is winning this war. Meanwhile we see how many of the cities of Ukraine have marching armies. Almost none. They are all hiding in ditches and metal plants yet to the Western media they are winning!!

In the future , Western Media is going to be ridiculed. The attack on Iraq, Libya and Syria has created enemies for the USA globally. It changed a once respected nation into almost a pariah country with the same level of respect as any other third world country. The only thing going for the West now is the fact they control the financial system of the globe. With time that too will change.

My advise to the clowns in the Western Media especially the editors of Yahoo News, CNN, Drudgereport, MSNBC etc, stop the lies, stop the fake stories. The planet is tired of seeing Zelenskyy walk around and talk. He is as impotent as that president of Venezuela President Gauido who has no country but was supported by the Western Countries.

So here goes, with the Russia-Ukraine war, one thing will come out of it. The people of the Earth would realize despite the support of NATO, G7 and all its satellite countries, one can still fail. The support of NATO is no longer the ace in the pack. NATO support is as worthless as any other support out there.

Florian Geyer

Very well said, John Tosh.

We are all living in a very unstable period of an empires deaththrows. The US Empire is now on critical life support from the Federal Reserve now, and bankruptcies always start slowly with a sudden rush into the coffin.

Muhammad your Prophet

Every day what we see is how many murdered civilians have been dug up from mass graves by Russian rapists like you.


you are doomed


Crimes of Ukrainian territorial defense in Kiev in February: https://vk.com/wall-123538639_2329829?z=video-123538639_456278589%2F4a6c8523ea0e49f0ed%2Fpl_post_-123538639_2329829


NATOs might and the picture of US military superiority was founded on the altered history of US military defending Germany and Japan in second WW, and its agression after WW2 against militarily impotent smaller countries. US bullish actions, with merciless destruction of societies, helped to paint its superpower picture. As this picture is now challenged by Russia in Ukraine, and economically world wide, it suddenly reveals its fakeness, and brings the reality into focus: US and NATO are paper tigers, not able to live up to its claims. as longer the conflict lasts, and with it the enforced sanctions, as worse it gets for the US and its “enslaved” western states. The economic war is the one, which is already breaking the neck of European countries, and the US. Both USD and EUR are losing value drastically, and with Russias countersanctions, commodities are becoming more and more expensive, against a currency, which will be unable to buy them for a competitive price.

Last edited 2 years ago by Selbstdenker

Well stated my brother…kudos


Not a single newspaper in the West claims that Ukraine is winning the war! The opposite. Ukraine is loosing thousand of innocent civilians a the same number of soldiers. We are proud how brave Ukrainians are considering this is fight between David and Goliath

Joseph similia

FAMINES Like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures say: “A QUART OF WHEAT FOR A de·narʹi·us and three quarts of barley for a de·narʹi·us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine”- Revelation 6:6. Note, food would become very expensive, 2 pounds of wheat for a denarius which was a days wage in bible times. Don’t even think about buying olive oil it says.

We are in the end of times for this old wicked system. We need to stay awake because he will come as a thief in the night, Jesus said. Read the bible , pray for God’s kingdom to come, seek out those that have faith.

Don’t be caught sleeping.Those calling on the name of Jehovah and have faith in Jesus will be saved, says Romans is 10:13-17 ” For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” 14 However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? 15 How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent out? Just as it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!” 16 Nevertheless, they did not all obey the good news. For Isaiah says: “Jehovah, who has put faith in the thing heard from us?” 17 So faith follows the thing heard. In turn, what is heard is through the word about Christ

Only God’s kingdom can bring an equitable human society with plenty of food and plenty of good things for all. Pray for God’s kingdom to come and God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.


China and Russia should work together and solve their problems easily and sooner.


Sooner rather than later…the zio terrorist Jew controlled USA, United Snakes 9f Aipac, has their sights on Taiwan now. China MUST cut off the Western hand clean on first strike


China will. Buriat People Republic and Independent Syberia is on its way…


Like in Syria, what does Putin allow the local to do? Will he tie their hands like he does the Syrian military? Why Putin doesn’t think that where the drone cane from, shouldn’t be levelled?


Yeaaah… they forgotten to remove the packaging box from the photo! What a russian knobs!

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