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Another Wave Of Missile, Drone Strikes Hit Ukraine Overnight (Videos, Photos)

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Another Wave Of Missile, Drone Strikes Hit Ukraine Overnight (Videos, Photos)

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Another wave of missile and drone strikes targeted Ukraine’s southern and western regions over the night of March 30-31.

Strikes were first reported in the southern region of Odessa and Kherson. At least two electricity substations were struck by drones in Odessa, leading to a power outage. In Kherson, Ukrainian media reported that an “agricultural facility” was hit with missiles. The strikes on both regions were blamed on Russia.

Another Wave Of Missile, Drone Strikes Hit Ukraine Overnight (Videos, Photos)

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Another Wave Of Missile, Drone Strikes Hit Ukraine Overnight (Videos, Photos)

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Later in the night, there were reports of strikes on the western regions of Lvov and Ivano-Frankivsk. In Lvov, blasts were heard near the settlement of Stryi, where an air base modernized to host American-made F-16 fighter jets and a large gas storage facility are located. In Ivano-Frankivsk, the strikes reportedly targeted the Burshtyn Thermal Power Station.

Ukrainian media didn’t report on the strikes against the western regions. However, the Polish military said that it scrambled fighter jets after “missile strikes” on Ukrainian territory.

In addition to the strikes on the southern and western regions, there were reports of blasts and air defense fire in the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Nevertheless, it is still unclear if anything there was hit.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has not yet released any statement on the strikes. Last week, the Russian military launched a mass strike and 57 group strikes against a wide range of high-value targets across Ukraine, including decision making centers, air defense systems and power stations.

The Russian military resumed large-scale strikes against Ukraine earlier this month after a series of of provocations by Kiev, including dozens of strikeswith rockets, missiles and suicide drones on Russian territory as well as cross-border attack. These provocations were mainly meant to terrorize Russian civilians.


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ukraine is stupid and nato are losers

jens holm

we dont care. you are not even europa.

some has told me you are unwanted children from the khasars.in kalmukien .


u re retarded and u are not “europe”, just another loser in internet …


even i, a stupid american, can read a map. geographically speaking, the ukraine is a central european country.

but nazi jens thinks only the eu is europe.


jens holm

its about behave. russia not behave but the uppersit.

ww1 and finally ww2 was a leaner. those closed sections with infected nationaisme make sense .

eu has opened up borders, so almost anything can pass almost free. ukraine by that now is part of the rest of the world and has right to do so.

jens holm

europe is in it. you are not. sure the have they ussr lefover and quaqmire, but it theirs. we and many others has demands for treamen people well and very much for trade.

eu is a union. and we have chosen to be members choose.

ukraine even was a very big tradepartner for hitler supported by ussr.

Zoo Keeper

europa is a sinking boat. russians thankful for not being it and linking to the asian tigers.

Zoo Keeper

i asked someone in netherlands last week about state of the german economy & he just said ‘kaput’.

jens holm

thats partly rigt. but see the level.

germany fx are 63.000 dollars in gdp pr capita. russia is 36.000 pr capita.

so even its true germany is in recession fcx 10%, they still would be 57.000 compared to russia making 36.000.

germany also has big produtiontools, well educated people and are flexible to reagian. so we are a kind worried but do something about it.

russian are only allowed to read and learn about here worse then the deavil read the bible. thats it.

jens holm

about usa is same thing. your kind never metion halft of the usa, which are bigger then the whole russia and some 165 mio. they dont exist in you world.

you mention the upperclass and the poor only. and you dont see or deny to see the mainparts of the poor are above most people in the world.

jens holm

look at your own people. you die like flees just as the many poorest millions in usa. for you men its 65,5. apart from guns and alhokol the reasons are exaxt the same.

thats not europe. we work hard to change thats

jens holm

compared to russia we can walk on the water and make water to wine.

Psycho Killer

we don’t care you are scum europa!!! someone told me you rape children from ukrainazia, only because it’s for free!!!

jens holm

its because you are in russia.

most likely we sell their organs and eat the rest too.

russia is very inspired in tech by that. some days ago a tjakcik had to eat his ear in rt tv. hip hip.

i dont think his health were checked by that.


terrorist attacks on civilians in russia, particularly belgorod, are really paying off for the idiotic ukronazi leadership.

jens holm

russian killes minimum 10 times as many then the ukras.

you could stop using civilians as human shields or retreat

maybbe you has it from hamas or saddam. many might think putin need is save pension. old oldes die too.


get off the drugs you danish nazi.

Zoo Keeper

dumbest dane i’ve ever had the misfortune to run across, in spite of only understanding a twentieth of the gobbledegook he tries to write.

Zoo Keeper

trying to understand jens’ gobbledegook is like trying to use the toilet in a public park restroom and seeing a whole bunch of unflushed turds in the bowl, then trying to leave in a hurry and avoiding slipping on the vomit on the floor left by the od’d junkie in the next stall.

jens holm

again and again. globalisme is all besides you.

you even put western economics into your collapsed and infected failed engels and marx and conclude we are wrong.

election in russia is between one persion. bipolar of worse.

if it read about denmark on russian sites its not here at all. i live here and has windows and doors.

jens holm

any statics in russia is not that at all. all are created. you got importing facts about us from people living here and are no deciders and unknows for us living here – as pure gold.

russia dont behave as europe. so much about you knowledge about here. using gobbledegook only say you have no accec. we are not like that. now instragram are hit too.

jens holm

those are the facts.

what a waste and strange if the russian incommings dont hit civilians too. hard times for the russian taxpayers if its only fireworks too far away.

Zoo Keeper

you’re quite right, jens, for a change. russia kills ten times as many ukrainians as ukraine kills russians. how you managed to figure that out and finally admit it, must be some truth drug or something you took accidentally.

jens holm

i just refere from all we know from the invasion started. ukras not even has the firepower waste for it.

Psycho Killer

only ukrainazia uses human shields!!! europa first rapes the children then uses them as human shields!!!

jens holm

you cerlation are well informed by the russia medies only.

it goes for the rest too. before russia invaded we had 10.000 ukra men and voman in low paid jobs. none were lazy and they did no crime.

today we extra some 40.000. all – which can work – has real partime or part time jobs are normal taxpayer

jens holm

almost all try to learn their needed new country and all children to school. some will become danish teachers experts in keeping they culture and culture.

so its only true there a few high criminals to keep down. they really are nasty. and we do. we have structures and even jails for that.

they are fine people and not as russia and writing were. if they remain here, im sure many are gifted and can educate into more avanced and better paid jobs. many says they settle here and never leave.

Zoo Keeper

indeed they are. they are quite brilliant tacticians, those ukrainians and nato advisers. next, they’ll launch terrorist attacks on minsk, hoping to scare the belarussians from direct involvement. lol


dont worry, president biden just announced that catholic easter be hence forth called transgender visibility day!

amerikkka= 🤣🤡💩

Zoo Keeper

isn’t that the day when transies with imaginary vaginas go on egg hunts?

Icarus Tanović

it is also protestan one.

jens holm

i think even mormon angel moroni, like miff romulan celebrate today. give one egg each to parading transjesters so they go home happy und try to ovulate.

jens holm

i never wrote that.

Little Bird

it is possible poland is housing and maintaining f-16s but needs to land and takeoff from ukraine on sorties to avoid extermination.

jens holm

that makes some sence. ar least a lot of supply is easy to get by the borderstates. roumania is not far away too.


tieto zásahy na západnej ukrajine mohli byť vedené už dávno. no rusko dúfalo, že sa tomuto môže vyhnúť. ale ako sme sa sami presvedčili, prehnitý západ tomu zabránil. zmarili mierové rozhovory a eskalovali napätie až do tejto fázy. svetu mier!!!

Crocus Shooting Gallery

bring it on you filthy orc bastads!!!

Zoo Keeper

famous last words. lol

jens holm

whoever last out door, turn lights out

jens holm

not by me at all

Columbine Shooting Gallery

says the low life paedophile!!! stop raping children scum!!!

Crocus Shooters Executioner

i like to bind torture and kill ukrainazis just for fun!!! you should hear their pleas for mercy ad i cut their eyeballs out!!! 😘😘😘

jens holm

you show your level well. my malware filter took you. it went to its daft prick nothing. the timer was 0,00005 seconds.

Zoo Keeper

were any more scrambled egg brain polish generals extinguished during the polish scramble?


western countries using citizen taxpayer money and facing high inflation, energy prices and economic collapse on the horizon all the while they destroyed ukraine for good and russia is still winning.

jens holm

of course we are. should we use yours of turkish or syria lira.

we are in same problems with a decline as most of yhe wold. why dont compere. we learn that on our sshools and in education.


when will poltava get a solid attack??? when will slavyansk be liberated???

Icarus Tanović

very, very soon.

jens holm

i hear as soon as swedes send furst swede nato mercunaries there. ether that or swedish meatball meal pacs, not sure which. kinda same thing anywho.

jens holm

this not written by meen.

Columbine Shooting Gallery

yeah crocus shooting gallery paedophile

Crocus Shooters Executioner

hey crocus shooting gallery, die bitch

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