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Another Wave Of Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Terrorists In Central Syria

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Another Wave Of Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Terrorists In Central Syria

Illustrative image.

On September 25, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) carried out another wave of airstrikes on ISIS terrorists in central Syria.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that the intense airstrikes are targeting the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle. The monitoring group didn’t provide any information on the terrorist group’s losses.

“Several Russian warplanes are taking turns targeting the organization’s [ISIS] sites at the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle, amid continuous hit-and-run battles between the organization’s fighters and regime forces in al-Badiya,” the group’s report read.

A day earlier, a similar wave of airstrikes hit ISIS terrorists and their hideouts in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle. The airstrikes were likely a response to a recent attack by the terrorist group.

In the last few weeks, ISIS terrorists intensified their activities in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle. The terrorists are sneaking into the region from the nearby Homs desert.

Syrian government forces and the VKS appear to be determined to push ISIS terrorists out from the region. While it is possible to achieve this within a few weeks, securing the Homs desert will likely take much more time.


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Porc Halal

SF, please specify which ISIS you are talking about to avoid confusions…its about turkish forces and their mignion islamist puppets in Idlib or the ISIS in Holms desert…

I bothered to read the title only..


Not even hole”title only”…since in title is written “Central Syria”

and Idlib is still not in “Central Syria”.

Porc Halal

Ok talking cricket, what else??…

Apparently you want to play the rol of my conscience censor…hehe

Porc Halal


Can I go to the bathroom now?..


“an hour ago” But of course…hurry up.

Porc Halal

“Two hours ago”


Concrete Mike

Lol yes agreed.

Jokes aside. Its us isis not turkey isis in homs.

At tanf is not that far.



It is about US mercenaries posing as ISIS terrorists.

ivan cohen

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a great producer of famous “fake news” inventing one everyday for the joy of Usa and IsraHELL (their financers), this observatory I am sure that also mine I are very good in building news everyday for the american rogue propaganda for western ignorant-idiots which believing in these mountains of lies. As national media following with no control in what bullshit they create…)


Amazing, unbelievable ! ! !

Fake news is permanently the Swiss, French, and “Free World” mainstream medias only engine ! ! !

ivan cohen

yes, and in some (or many of these nations) created commissions which are deciding what news are fake and what are not……. in my thought (and perhaps many other people) this is censorship, same or also worse than sovietic or britannic or american censorship in many periods of our history


Since 1945, “Italy, Mafia, Vatican” are totally CIA/Mossad/NATO infeode !

Hind Abyad

Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese Christian provinces.


Il y a des lignes rouges a ne pas transgresser ou c’est la fin de l’Aventure humanité !

Elles sont inexistantes chez les insectes et virus Juifs US/Israel…

Les religions serraient elles des bactéries pour l’auto destruction ?

Hind Abyad

Vous dites juste, faut jetter leur Bible dans une démonstration pubilique qu’ils nous fouttent la Paix!

Ici l’Alerte Rouge commence demain blabla..je vois Rouge.

Enfin l’Arménie demande l’aide de la Russie!


Bon Jour d’Edmonton , Canada.

Hind Abyad

Bonjour de Québec, Canada;-)


Je me suis fait virer de Breibart et Russia Insider sans savoir pourquoi….

Toute vérité n’est pas bonne a dire dans ce monde du politiquement correct de la fausse Histoire et fake news pour rouler les masses dans la farine avant de les passer a la friteuse….

Hind Abyad

Le ruse aussi s’est fait virer.. RI n’est plus depuis deux mois.

Breibart peut être trop Americain n’accepte pas le Francais?

Je vais envoyer un message de la.



Un complement d’information sur Hiroshima au cas ou….

It’s clear the US should not have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Hind Abyad

Porca Miseria!

Hind Abyad

‘A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count’

COVENTRY, England — Military analysts in Washington follow its body counts of Syrian and rebel soldiers to gauge the course of the war. The United Nations and human rights organizations scour its descriptions of civilian killings for evidence in possible war crimes trials. Major news organizations, including this one, cite its casualty figures.

Yet, despite its central role in the savage civil war, the grandly named Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is virtually a one-man band. Its founder, Rami Abdul Rahman, 42, who fled Syria 13 years ago, operates out of a semidetached red-brick house on an ordinary residential street in this drab industrial city.

Using the simplest, cheapest Internet technology available, Mr. Abdul Rahman spends virtually every waking minute tracking the war in Syria, disseminating bursts of information about the fighting and the death toll. What began as sporadic, rudimentary e-mails about protests early in the uprising has swelled into a torrent of statistics and details.” https://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/10/world/middleeast/the-man-behind-the-casualty-figures-in-syria.html

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and wahabimossad operators. May they rest in pieces…


They are resting in piss,their own piss.

Lone Ranger

Good job Comrades.?

Icarus Tanović

Dear sf, this is a smokescreen. A make up that Russian af is “doing” something. Why don’t you let SAA use its own planes and attack Idlib, or why don’t you do that and let them continue the offensive in Idlib. What do they waiting for, so to SAA loose combat moral, is this so? Or you betrayed Syria and let Turks occupy Idlib and other places? Or you are waiting for something else? Turks aren’t big deal. This cancer must be destroyed! If Evil prevails in Syria, all people can count that as end of humanity.


Indeed,we had another report today of terrorists launching drone attacks against the SAA,its been going on for months since the ceasefire,the SAA and allies should just launch a massive attack at 3am without anouncing anything,just do it and roll over those bitches,although it will be a tougher job now than it would have been months ago because those turds and their proxies have had time to dig in.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that is exactly waht I think, as I can see I’m not alone. They had and still having huge amount of time to dig in, fortify them selves, re arm, bring more Wahhabi headchoppers, regroup. And that is why their moral increased and SAA moral decreased. Is this that situation that Putin betrayed Syria? Because, remember Turks gave SAA ultimatum to stop all action against terrorists, sfter that they started heavy shelling and drone action, and barely take for few hours Saraqib, but SAA, take it back. They have seen that that doesn’t works, so they quickly turn to ‘diplomacy’ of that bullshit ceasefire regime. And look at that now. Stalemate. Nothing have changed for MONTHS. Syrian soliders are rusting in tranches like iron in salt water. Don’t you see that nowadays all positive that was going in favor for Syria is slowely getting darker image and it is going down. They just shouldn’t agree to that ceasefire and m4, or they should but just respect that on the paper and rhetorically, not on the ground.

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