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Another Wunderwaffe Bites The Dust: Kiev’s Leopards Fail Test In Zaporozhye (Photos, Videos)

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Another Wunderwaffe Bites The Dust: Kiev’s Leopards Fail Test In Zaporozhye (Photos, Videos)

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Early on June 8, the Russian military repelled yet another large ground offensive by Kiev forces in the Zaporozhye region.

The failed offensive, which took place near the village of Orekhov, was led by German-made Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks. Photos that surfaced online after the offensive indicate that several Leopards were either destroyed or damaged right on the frontline along with a number of American-made M113 armored personnel carriers.

Anti-tank landmines and dragon’s teeth anti-tank obstacles were credited with slowing down the first push by Kiev forces. The attackers were later engaged by direct fire from infantry, armor and helicopters as well as indirect fire from artillery, which resulted in the heavy losses.

During the offensive, Russian air defenses shot down at least two reconnaissance drones, one of which was identified as a Ukrainai-made Leleka-100.

The Russian Ministry of Defense released videos documenting the work of attack helicopters and special forces against Kiev’s armor on an unspecified part of the front.

Meanwhile, the press chief of the Russian Zapad Group of Forces, which are active in the south Donetsk sector, provided more details on recent operations.

According to the commander, reconnaissance of the Zapad Group of Forces uncovered the movement of military hardware of Kiev forces near the town of Kupyansk and destroyed an infantry fighting vehicle with artillery fire. A multiple rocket launcher was also destroyed near the town of Rodnyanskoye in a rocket strike.

In addition, two attempts by Kiev forces to rotate units at forward positions were disrupted, and one sabotage and reconnaissance groups and two mortar launchers were annihilated in the defense area of the 6th Combined Arms and 1st Tank armies.

Kiev forces launched their so-called spring counteroffensive on June 4. So far, they have failed to make any meaningful gains in Zaporozhye or any other region. Despite sustaining heavy losses in equipment and personnel, political pressure will likely force Kiev to launch more offensives in the upcoming days.


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The Objective

much of russia’s information is propaganda. wagner’s boss says a different thing. i don’t understand why russia pushes propaganda so forcefully despite compelling signs russian forces are under intense pressure and having serious challenge stopping ukrainian advances.

Raptar Driver

russians don’t lie, they simply give strategic dis-information.

Raptar Driver

stupid people, everyone gives disinformation in war. the difference is the west simply lies through their teeth, obvious lies, this is much different.


ah i see elgar aka “limp dick putin was not chess master” aka several more personas decided to post under a new name, now that his previous personas are blown lol. if you’re looking for proof that paid ukro trolls are posting here, refer to the article “nato equipment burning in steppe” where this dumb fuck accidentally posted with the wrong name attached to his profile picture and blew his cover.


the main point is they are stopping it, both sides use propaganda but the simple fact is the ukraine has spent months building up for this and believed they had the equipment and manpower needed. it’s getting so desperate that individual nato countries are looking at sending in troops. they wouldn’t be doing that if things were going the ukraine’s way.


oh oi, oi, the poor emo soyboy doesn’t understand russian propaganda, what a tragedy. ngger please, nobody here gives a lame fuck if you dont understand a shit


show arguments or shut up shit head.


ghost of kiev, is that you?

US is becoming a shithole

there are no big ukraine advances

Romanian yankee kurwa

some leopard wunderweapon aka wundershit were just stepping onto mines….others are easy practice targets for vickr alligator systems. i heard russian heli pilots are battling each other which to go first into leopards ass because it’s so easy and make a lot of money. the plan of ukroshit slaves is to get a strong foothold somewhere, anywhere, to please theirs masters to keep send them ‘bread and circus’, no matter what enormous personell casualties have

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee kurwa

leopards were easy targets for the kurdish insurgents while fighting with the turks , so what problem should have the russians to deal with? i don’t understand why some people believe it could be a wunderwaffe. it was obvious from the begin that they will fail. the same with the coming f16.

Igor Shiptarovic

everyone lies, but the greatest lair was the shovel.


wagner boss has he’s own agenda mabey he wants to become president


agreed. he leads russia’s most effective strike force but the way he speaks, he definitely has an agenda. time will reveal what it is.


progozhin may yet be president, but he will achieve that by winning the war rather than by his complaints. he may well win the war, let us see what wagner achieves once they return in august, by all accounts they will be better-armed at that time as well

Madam Defarge

pretty much sounds like the us.

Glen Andrew Bolderson

the offensive started on june 5th and so far the ukrainians are getting creamed. the western bullshit media wont cover it because all they do is propaganda stories. “compelling signs” from where??? cnn??? lmfao.

Buford T Justice

nice try , princess, even in western media is now having to admit that the ukrainians are getting their asses kicked.

Last edited 1 year ago by Buford T Justice

it is western journalists and experts who claimed the counteroffensive would break the russian defenses within 24 hours. they actually made those claims and printed those statements, russia did nothing as ridiculous. it is the western side that comes out with impossible absurdities that are proven false immediately and they have to explain to their audiences why they were wrong

Raptar Driver

if this is the way nato fights then it is better off forming a butter churing cartel.

The Objective

sf is no longer a credible source of info in this war as far as i’m concerned. only when russian losses are undeniable does sf report them. i won’t believe the “heavy losses” claim until i look at other sources. one thing is certain: russia is less likely to win this war than ukraine. this is putin’s biggest foreign policy mistake.


but you’re also a paid troll so nobody gives a flying fuck about what you think lol.


troll nº 1 speaks , they publish the news and 2 minutes later there is nº 1 , a kind of two in one , with the news comes the troll grabbed


it’s funny af how you come to your own defense using a different name. cope harder son. your precious leopards are on fiiirrreeeee.🤣


sf is a very a credible source of info. and the proof is that you are here everyday (and night), commenting, liking. thanks for the page views. cope.


then you no need to be here. cnn suits you.

Virgo Atheist

then go fuck off! why are you here then, other than to flame the thread? take your gaped ass back to your dildo on your desk at foggy bottom, you whiny pussy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Virgo Atheist
V Molotov

go back to cnn like good girl


leopards failed – the good news of the day


the leopards are as good as any nato tank and they are useless against russian aviation and it’s heroes.

Virgo Atheist

exactly! german tanks, us tanks, british tanks, french tanks may as well have tampon dispensers in them… they’re great against people wearing flip flops and turbans, but they will all be scrap metal in ukraine, and soon in syria. the mopping up of western scumbag criminals in eastern europe and the middle east is already underway. the imperialists will have to survive by cannibalizing themselves… no one else is interested in their lies and ponzi schemes anymore.

Massa John

where are the real vids? guts flowing around and all?

Psionists slaves of America

take that you zionist enslaved banderite bastards. watching zionist slaves getting slaughtered is a lot of fun.


all tanks can be disabled with mines, set on fire, or taken out from above. the armor is weaker on top and underneath. no such thing as an impregnable tank. some are just better than others, but all have vulnerabilities. plus some tankers are smarter than others tactically.


i think it’s interesting to note that russia was criticized a lot for making these long tank columns, exposing themselves to potentially high casualty counts in case of discovery. but it seems american tactics are literally exactly the same based on what we can see in the footage.

Miki Miric

mrzim paničare,mrzim ljude koji vjeruju u gluposti koje im se podmeću iz zapadne kuhinje,slava rusiji

G7 frowning clowns

dosta gluposti i laž od fašističke moroni. z


i suppose us/nato have to test their tonka toys someplace lol

everything thrown at russia fails 😆😝😎

gooooooooow 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💤💤💤 zzz putin!

Fried Chicken Kiev

those there leopard tanks sure are expensive coffins. pretty stupid tactics to mass mobilise against superior artillery and anti armour systems. you’d think digging their armour in to defend against the next russia assault would be a better use, but nope, nato says, ukraine nazis force the conscripts to do. kinda sad really, knowing the conscripts on the offensive aren’t the same bastards shelling civvies, killing them is not much of an honour.


you can definitely see western mbts like the leopard and challenger 2 in the pics. to bad i cant see on the pics one of them destroyed yet.


with the failure of western equipment, russia should prepare syria for an offensive against the ineffective and cowardly wimps of the us military to push them out

Last edited 1 year ago by Clubofinfo

it is demoralising for nato’s war of expansion to result in defeats and the loss of its supposedly invincible equipment, which were the very reason nato dismissed all russian peace gestures and claimed to be more powerful and to be the winner of the cold war. this refutes the entire premise of western foreign policy, it demands the west go away and focus on building functional weapons to protect themselves rather than trying to conquer the world

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