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MARCH 2025

Ansar Allah Drone Attack Forces Saudi Arabia To Stop Pumping On Major Oil Pipeline

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Ansar Allah Drone Attack Forces Saudi Arabia To Stop Pumping On Major Oil Pipeline


On Mat 14, 2 oil-pumping stations for Saudi Arabia’s East-West pipeline were hit by suicide drones, the kingdom’s Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Khalid al-Falih said describing the attack “an act of terrorism” that targeted global oil supplies.

“Saudi Aramco took precautionary measures and temporarily stopped operation of the pipeline, as it is evaluating the situation and working on restoring the operations of the affected pump station and the pipeline,” al-Falih said, according to state news agency SPA.

The energy minister stressed that Saudi oil production and exports will still continue uninterrupted. He claimed that the attack “proves the importance of confronting all terrorist organizations.”

The 1,200-km pipeline carries crude oil from Saudi Arabia’s main eastern oil fields to the Red Sea port city of Yanbu in the western part of the country. The targeted facilities are located in the town of al-Duwadimi and the city of Afif.

According to Saudi Aramco, there were no casualties as a result of the attack.

A few hours earlier, Yemen’s Masirah TV, loyal to the Ansar Allah movement [also known as the Houthis], reported that seven drones had beeen employed against vital Saudi installations.

The report based on remarks of the official from the Sanaa-based government [controlled by Ansar Allah], did not specify targets and the time of the attack.

According to the report, the drone strikes were carried out in response to Saudi Arabia’s military agression against Yemen. The official added that Yemeni forces are ready “to execute more of these significant and tough strikes as long as the siege continues.”


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Concrete Mike

Good job Yemen, hit those saudis where there vulnerable!

It will cost me more for everytging in the long and i dont give a fuck about it, down with saudi!

Lena Jones

I’m happy to suffer higher gas prices too if it means the destruction of the genocidal, infanticidal house of saud is at hand.


I am thinking the same , Lena :)

We can also use less ‘gas’ by taking less frivolous trips etc.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

same lol

chris chuba

The U.S. will portray this as a terrorist attack because the Houthis aren’t allowed to fight back. They are supposed to allow themselves to be bombed and starved into oblivion.


The Yemenis since the days of Queen of Sheba simply don’t cotton to the idea that foreign invaders will control them. They are just tough warrior people who want to be left alone. The complete retard MBS made a fatal mistake when he invaded Yemen with mercenaries to install a puppet Hadi regime. Big Mistake!


The Yemenis chucked the Brits out as well :)


This is just the beginning of a nightmare that is coming to Saudi cowards who have been bombing the women and children of Yemen with US planes and support. The Saudi and other regional puppets will pay a very heavy price if they don’t wisen up and leave Yemen and stop provoking Iran. The biggest losers will be western oil dependent economies.

klove and light

pay a heavy Price??? leave jemen and stop provoking Iran???

look, i understand that u are a Person of character and truth…..and that u , as many others see the pure Evil satanic doings of the fake created saud Regime or the fake created israeli Regime or the fake created Nation of USA……..all created by the british Crown elite….but..big BUT……

this is exactly what the jews with their Partners the british Crown elite have and had planned decades ago……. they want a greater war…they Need a greater war…….

now.. as i have written here several times already…..there is no way that any Ground force on our planet can win a war against the houthis in jeman….it is virtually impossible due to 1 simple reason….jemen has one of the roughest Terrains geography wise in the world..ist afr worse than Fighting in the jungle of Vietnam….ist mountains next to mountains, valley next to valley, Caves next to Caves..similiar to Afghanistan…..that said…..the houthis can be a “pain in the arse” for the Saudis…but thats it…a pain in the arse…..this attack and occupation can/could last for decades ie. Afghanistan… 18 years..taliban are unbeatable, but have no Military capabilitiy to truly hurt/kill the inavding Forces….same with jemen and same with iraq…..same with syria

Iran/persia is a totally different Story…..not only can they defend themselves, but they have the Military capabilities to KILL/DESTROY any attacking Forces and the bases from which they ttacked be it aircfrat carriers for airforces or destroysers for Missiles or land base attacks from bases in Saudi,UAE or Afghanistan……….all u see in syria, in jemen, in iraq(they failed in lebanon 2006 and havent tried since) is a Chess game for the big war with Iran…to weaken the only allied nations/People before the big war…….now in jemen they have failed to a large extent

the true danger for ALL of us……is what happens after the initial start of the war between USA and Iran, and Iran destroys billions of Dollars of Military Hardware(Aircraft carrier/destroyer etc..) and kills thousands of Evil USA Forces in the middle east……….U see Iran fights on ist own Turf, a Country of 80+ Million with over 1,6 Million km2 and america has to attack thousands of miles from their own Turf… and the only way to attack Iran is from either seabased(Aircraft carriers or Missile destroyers) or land based in Saudi a., UAE and Afghanistan…..to put it in short

USA cannot win a war as Long as it stays conventional, cause Winning a war means 2 Things 1. either unconditional surrender or 2. US Ground Forces march into Teheran

both are fantasies pure Fantasy and wont happen……that only leaves 1 Question left…….

will the Evil empire 1. ACCEPT defeat ??????? what do u think…u seriopusly believe that america will accept defeat, accept the sinking of some of their ships, thousands of dead us pricks and go back home watching the stanley Cup final and the new series of the khadashiraians???????

nope they wont…..which again leaves just 1 Option….. NUCLEAR…….and they will move into that direction…. unless ofcourse the american drug infested, Hollywood bs paedohile sick Evil Society rises up against their Government….-sarcasm out-

me personally… i´ve booked a last Holiday tripin june with my buddy to the Caribbean to enjoy the last days of the world as we know it..cause only a fucking Miracle can turn this around.And i dont believe in miracles or fairytales, espeically since 90% of the Worlds pouplation are busy taking drugs,drinking booze and behaviing like totallly brainwashed imbeciles. Peace and love and harmony

Lena Jones

Nuclear is not an option either: fallout will definitely effect the gulf monarchies and plausibly israel too if the wind is not in their favor – something no one can control. That aside, MOST Americans would be against such a strike and it would be a hard sell for any US gov to impose the nuclear solution on its own voters – plausibly even bringing down the presidency of whomever is in the White House. The price of destroying Iran remains prohibitive.


The greatest gift that the US has given the leaders of Iran, are the failed states of Somalia, Libya etc, and the devastation caused by the US in Iraq ,Yemen and Syria.

Even the opponents of the Iranian government do not want to see their home country in ruins and ruled over by US/Israeli and Saudi appointed warlords.

Iran will be united in any war with the US, even in great adversity. Iran will prevail.

David Parker

That collection of scum who call themselves the “US government” doesn’t act with the permission of we the people. They are totally under Zionist control and will do whatever the Israeli Zionists say to do.

David Parker

Iran, North Korea, and Cuba are the only nations in the world outside the grip of the Zionist “bankers” that use “government” as the collectors for compound interest on “national debts” for loans of paper.

Hisham Saber

Iran could withstand a preemptive nuclear attack, and then the first thing they would do is annihilate Israel, totally, and all U.S. bases, troops, ships, in the entire region. Even across the world U.S. forces would be attacked hard. The lackey Gulf Arab monarchies would all fall, be destroyed as well.

Do you think Iran has not thought about the nuclear option being used against them? Iran has a ‘ fatwa’ or religious edict/ruling against nuclear weapons, but like all Fatwa’s, it can easily be reversed and or annulled if need be, just takes the religious Expedenciary Council led by Ayatollah Khamenei to annul or reverse said Fatwa. Then Iran has the nuclear material needed, enriched to 95-98% Plutonium and Uranium, the war heads, and the ballistic missiles to deliver the warheads.

Iran wont back down until the whole U.S./Israeli menace is done away with. Iran has been vigorously preparing for whats about to happen since 1979. They are ready.

Now, are the syndicate of criminal Jews who run the world through their fraudulent money scheme ready to lose 6-7 million Jews, their ill-conceived homeland Israel(sic) and their world dominating monetary system Jews have been building up and nurturing if and when Iran is attacked? That’s the big question. Because China is just about ready to usurp it anyways. The first fatality in such a conflict will be the Petro-dollar, thus the collapse of the U.S.- Jewish monetary global controls.

Promitheas Apollonious

if usa attack iran with nuclear weapons is opening the pandoras box of retaliation against them, from the allies of iran. if you remember also russia have followed the usa into a preemptive nuclear strike if their national security is threatened during Medvedevs presidency and he even named several european countries as the targets, when they began to install the missiles from usa on their ground.

So stop thinking as the americans that what ever they want they do with no price to pay. This mentality all have thinking that attacking someone who can actually inflict on you more harm than you can to them, will take it seating down it is what will destroy americans and their allies.

klove and light

and the dices Keep on rolling………..




The cry of the child butchers and head choppers of innocent children. Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Khalid al-Falih said describing the attack “an act of terrorism”.

What about bombing hospitals, homes, graveyards, funerals, wedding cermanies. children schools, markets etc. Idiot

Concrete Mike

terror attack on saudis?? nah i.agree with you lets call it justice :)


Amen to that.


Terror attack on terrorists and child butchers.

David Parker

That is a “humanitarian” war, just like destroying Yugoslavia was a “humanitarian” war that the US under Zionist control set the precedent to use NATO in offensive wars in the Mideast. Behind all evil find the Zionist, the most demonic of all people.


There we Fucking… Go :) Bout time…..

Lena Jones

I celebrated this well-deserved strike by zooming off to the gas station and filling right up in case prices get hiked overnight and long lines at gas stations are formed tomorrow. There were a few other people thinking and doing same and we all sorta started talking and had ourselves a ‘gas party’ lol.


keep at it and before long they’ll be breaking down mohammed bin salman’s door for a quiet chat, man to man. will be fun to watch. would be even better if they, the houthis, could lay their hands on some, or even better, all of the squatter’s military advisors in yemen and hang them very high for the world to see.

Sorna Karbaschi

what is more important about this operation, is that the 7 Drones flew for 1400 kilometers without being deleted, by either Saudi’s or American radars , this is must be worrisome for American forces in the Regen, If Yemenis were able to successfully flew their drones for such long distance without being detected they easily, can operate their drones in Bab-el-Mandeb, too.

Promitheas Apollonious

maybe this is why the saudis are trying to get S400 from the russians? Obviously any country involved in war that is armed with western weapons and more specifically made in usa. there illusion of been super power with super weapons seem to be falling apart not in every war they have started and finally had their asses kicked from people armed with light weapons and fighting for their motherlands.

Pave Way IV

Houthi drones? Oh, FFS… No sneaky IRCG scuba commandos? No Colombian Hezbollah IEDs?

Israeli propaganda used to be entertaining at one time. This is just… pathetic.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

ahhaha very nice houthis, keep doing this until they have to stop all oil LOL!!!

Promitheas Apollonious

and since here it has not been reported is good for the posters here to know that syrian S300 have locked on israeli F16s and escorts over lebanon air space, preventing them to strike syria again.

Lena Jones

Probably true as here in south Lebanon, I could hear planes overhead for hours last night, followed by drone activity till 5am this morning – and I know it’s NOT the Lebanese airforce cuz it practically doesn’t exist! The only planes that fly over my location are usually terrorist israeli planes – whose fuel, btw, is paid for by my tax dollars and yours!

Promitheas Apollonious

not my tax $ I can assure of that part never paid taxes to any government. My info is always correct and this one is cross referenced.


If you look into it,Tax is voluntary,just don’t volunteer

Promitheas Apollonious

no is not voluntary especially for the tax slaves that work as employees. Also you can not avoid taxes that are put on goods no matter how educated you are, on the subject you still can not avoid those, unless of course you are home less and live in the streets.

By the way what country you live that tax it is voluntary.


I’m from the UK,I agree direct taxes on goods are nearly impossible to avoid,but by signing a tax form you are agreeing to pay tax,dont sign and ask the tax authorities to prove that the income tax applies to the man not the corporate person

Promitheas Apollonious

good luck to that especially if you live in UK or for that matter in any western country and see where it get you. I hear this argument a million times. Maybe it be good to learn to live reality and not think that theoretical theories apply in real life.


I does work ive personal experience of it and know others that do the same, don’t be in fear of something that you have been brainwashed by the government into believing,it works ,listening to the disinfo will have you believe it doesn’t work ,i didn’t believe ,but i do now ive seen it work.

Promitheas Apollonious

you assumption that I am in fear of anything or brainwashed shows how limited your thinking is kid. I am very well versed in the legal system not of the english laws but also all the countries we have operations in and are not based on the english law, so stop telling me theories and in this case I think the one whose brainwashed it is you, by your own self and want to believe. But will not argue with you.


I love people who are insecure using the word kid to belittle,its sad really,your reading comprehension is pretty poor aswell ,a theory is something that is not a fact,but I have first hand knowledge of this working multiple times which would be a fact and remember legal is not the same as lawful.One thing ,have you a job because whatever time I look at this site you are here giving everyone your opinion about how the world should be,stop being so anal and chill bro.

Promitheas Apollonious

oh now you started a personal attack in order to sell your pitch way to go kiddo. I use the kid word only for people who believe illusions that have nothing to do with reality they live in and think they have rediscover the wheel. You also lie when you say you have personal experience in what you advice someone to do that will eventually land him either in prison base on the law or worst.


You really are a snowflake and a hypocrite who throws mud and then says someone else started it,maybe your one of the tribe,they are experts at misdirection and,calling people liars etc so maybe the name promitheus should be removed from your avatar as you keep melting with just a little heat

Promitheas Apollonious

moron i did not throw mud you just said a bullshit and you said you personally done it and works or you have personal knowledge of it which means the same. I said you are a moron matter of fact and a complete ignorant person as far the law goes and you parroting jerking off from the net. And that is the end of that. Now go do what you suggesting and unless you are a homeless in Uk or live from the government hand outs and we see where it get you.


Jesus triggered much kiddo,you need to get in the deep freeze when you read my replies, but I’m going now to debate with people who don’t throw a tantrum when someone disagrees with them,bye kid

Promitheas Apollonious

you disagree with me ? you said you live in UK and you pay no taxes that is a lie as for how you suggested not to pay taxes is the least moronic and an illusion of a single cell. That is what I answered to not disagree with you but told you out right you are a moron and a parrot of some idiots on the net and your comments prove to be lower than those in knowledge and thinking span so go fuck your self.

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