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Ansar Allah Launched “Biggest-Ever” Retaliatory Attack Against Saudi Arabia

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Ansar Allah Launched "Biggest-Ever" Retaliatory Attack Against Saudi Arabia


Ansar Allah (the Houthis) and its allied Yemeni army units launched ‘biggest-ever’ retaliatory attack against Saudi Arabia.

A spokesman for Ansar Allah-led forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced on August 25 that Yemeni forces had fired 10 short-range ballistic missiles at military sites in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan International Airport in its “biggest” attack with such missiles on targets inside the Kingdom.

Yemen’s al-Masirah TV reported that the missiles targeted the hangars of Saudi warplanes and Apache choppers as well as some military sites in the Jizan Airport.

Ansar Allah Launched "Biggest-Ever" Retaliatory Attack Against Saudi Arabia

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I am beginning to really warm to the Houthis. When you are dong ‘God’s work’ I am not inclined to be picky as to who is doing it and for which God.. Just delighted to see the evil Saudis – getting some pay back Keep going chaps.


I am no fan of Islamists of any kind. Sunni or Shiite fanatism included.

But I support any people in their right for sovereignity, and self determination. And the Houtis surely are just that. And they pose no threat to other countrys other to the invaders, so its no ones but their business, what ideology drives them. So its truly good to see, they now turned the tide. Saudis getting the upper hand is now pretty much impossible. Now its just a question, how the next war in Jemen (the internal war between STC and Hadi and now also tribes from the North) will evolve.


Absolutely well put.


Thanks, appriciated! :)


Me too, they are making the Saud perverts and their US puppet masters look like dickheads.


and the squatters advisers to the clown prince can’t say they’ve done a very competent work.


fine, they were targeted. were they hit?

Ford Fairlane

I like to think that Mr. Bin Salman must be lacking some sleep as of lately.

Pave Way IV

He’s the unfortunate sacrificial al Saud crown prince. MbZ (and Mossad/CIA pals) in the UAE will have him whacked and replaced eventually – he has served out whatever purpose they had. Only question now is will the UAE collapse economically before KSA does, or will Nettanyahu get the war with Iran started, which will result in the immediate annihilation of KSA and UAE infrastructure and economies (Iranian missiles, etc.). Maybe that was the plan all along.

Concrete Mike

Yeah i think so too, saudi/ uae to be dissolved and swallowed up our big corporations.

Not a bad plan, get iran to flatten the whole fucken things for free, and build her up( with a nice markup duh!!!), steal all the oil.

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