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Ansar Allah Media Reveals Details Regarding Cruise Missile Strike On Abha Airport (Infographics)

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On June 12, Ansar Allah forces launched a cruise missile at Abha Airport in southern Saudi Arabia. Later on the same day, Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV channel released an infographics summing up details regarding the claimed characteristics of the cruise missile and results of the strike.

The infographics below is based on the data provided by Al-Masirah:

Ansar Allah Media Reveals Details Regarding Cruise Missile Strike On Abha Airport (Infographics)

Click to see the full-size image


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Great. Yemen nation has all rights to defend themselves from enemies and kill them in their land. The government is a small thing. The main thing is the Yemeni nation and their home state. Saudis are against Yemeni nation and of their home state under the pretext of Yemeni government.

Jens Holm

There is no Yemen Nation. There was an old ancient King, but he only represnted old days.

The rest is crap – hou hou hou. Even ISIS are there as if it was afootball match.

People letting the rest starving should be shot. Same thing for Syria.

Real Anti-Racist Action

According to the US and Europe and Israel their is a Yemen nation. It is in all of their school books complete with geography showing its location, size and populations. Also inner-nation contracts with Yemen and so on. In fact, they are descendants of Abraham eldest son.

Jens Holm

I would prefare there were 2 nations.


The world knows that US, NATO, Israel, ISIS and Al-Qaeda are terrorists.

Jens Holm

We have our own world. Thank You


Yes evil child butchers have own world.


The picture shows an Iranian #LongRange #Hoveizeh … is that a ‘known’ fact at this stage?

Mahmoud Larfi

No the picture was taken from the illustration on the box of a scale model (a toy) of a Soviet/Russian Kh-55. here check by yourself: https://www.scalemates.com/kits/amodel-72127-x-55-and-x-55m-as-15-kent-nato-code–106768

Rhodium 10

Iran made Somar..a copy of Russian KH-55…

Mahmoud Larfi

Yes but that picture in particular was taken from a toy boxing. Check the link I provided !


I must get some toys like that :)


That’s a good bit of detective work right there …

chris chuba

Yemeni made but I’m certain that Iranians gave them technical assistance, I’m crying in my chair as I type. Interesting, the Houthis claim a control tower was hit, the Sauidis say a passenger terminal, I wonder who’s lying. Did Bone Saw release any pictures of the damage.


I’ve seen no pics of damage at this time.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Bravo bravo bravo houthis please try to aim for the runways, hangars, control towers


Or maybe palace kingdom of Saudi-Wahabi-Scum… ☕

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Hahaha yea that’s the grand prize!


All of this above will be operational in a few hours. Destroy the ammo depot , fuel tank , Radar…

Concrete Mike

Yes but its a huge PR coup, not a peep in western media yet on this. The media will do all it can to supress this.

KSA is now in a very undesirable position!


There was a small piece in the UK Daily Telegraph today, but the report said the Houthi Alliance attack was because the Saudi’s are blockading Yemen.

There was no mention though of US/UK advisers and arms supplies being complicit with the destruction of Yemen, the massive Saudi made Cholera epidemic and the intentional starvation of Yemeni citizens of ALL ages.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

True, or all of the above lol


According to Goyim Maps, from Sanaa Yemen to Negev isisrael is around 2000Km. That is in range of this missiles, very good Houthi, keep producing this missiles, let those Squatters know that they should never came to isisrathell!


Nice one, AA, and just, no doubts, and we all hope this is the beginning to an end of this war on Yemen, witch reasons is just so false its breathtaking and on top of it, an bizzare one man theater selected of course, by the happy headchopping even kids and somehow this slips thru, huh, of course its about Mooney, and weapon sales, ad infinitum until its nothing left to bomb. To make this isnt not that advanced any more, per see, its about configurating the right shit, and make it work, GPS etc and info flow, or processing, whats the deal, its well known, it just need the will to do so more than how and from where, schmucks, give me an break, AA have steadily climbed up the ladder of expirience and inginuity, and this gentlemen as Yemens.

May the lord bless them in their just fight against an attacker. Blessed by the pepacemakers. If this isnt any help, aim for the head. Wack it from within and then outward, that one is costly effective and it may end an war much faster then anyone expected, the people may take the new path, if awaken or awoke, never give up and never give in. Its an mans duty, one of the very few He will have in the face of our Creatore, you call it God, I may as well say, Brahman. Cheers.



Great job Houthis! You have every right to defend the Yemeni people. Strike as many enemy positions as your repertoire allows you! Let those swines suffer like they let Yemen suffer! Show no mercy, kill every single one you can.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Lol a US Tomahawk missile from 1978 is more advanced and accurate than this potato missile!


Ha ha ha ha… “Wraith”… Tour of Duty warrior… Take a seat.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

get l0st russkie troll master


Hey there wraith Warrior, did you get pulled away from your video games?

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

get l0st wimpy twerp troll. I can bench your body weight using only 5% of my strength


Wow really you have the app for that??? You da man…

I am glad they can accomplish this. However they should not be releasing info-graphics or design schematics or details on range and flight behavior. They should keep knowledge a secret. For the Jew’s in Israel will analyze this information to death then sell Saudi Arabia counter equipment. I am not saying that equipment supplied to Saudi Arabia by Israel will be 100% successful. But it will be 50%-65% successful. Right now Ansar cannot afford any of their missiles not hitting their targets.

Had they laser defense systems, the missile would not have gotten through. I am glad that the people of Yemen an fight back. Let this be a lesson to Iran and Syria and Lebanon and Yemen. You can never defend against missiles without operating at the speed of light. Israel is helpless against a missile war for another 4 years. In 4 years time Israel will have laser defenses operating. Russia please supply Syria and Lebanon and Iran with your laser systems.

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