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Ansar Allah Struck Airport And Power Station In Southern Saudi Arabia

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Ansar Allah Struck Airport And Power Station In Southern Saudi Arabia

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Late on July 8, Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement (also known as the Houthis) carried out a new strike on infrastructure targets in southern Saudi Arabia. Through the al-Masirah television network, the Yemeni movement revealed that the Abha airport in the Saudi region of Asir and the Tihama power plant, which is located eight kilometers northeast of Abha were struck with Qasef-K2 loitering munitions.

Ansar Allah Struck Airport And Power Station In Southern Saudi Arabia

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On the same day, the Saudi-led coalition said that it had interecepted at least one unmanned aerial vehicle belonging to the Houthis. The effectiveness of the July 8 strike remains unclear because of the lack of photo and video evidence from the site. The Saudi-led coalition rarely releases videos showing successful interceptions (some would say because of the lack of such cases) and prefers to hide the impact of suceessful Ansar Allah attacks.

Ansar Allah Struck Airport And Power Station In Southern Saudi Arabia

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Nonetheless, the previous cases demonstrated that Ansar Allah does have more than enough capabilities to overcome the Saudi air defense.

Ansar Allah Struck Airport And Power Station In Southern Saudi Arabia

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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Nice job as usual houthis, keep causing as much destruction, mayhem, frustration and just general carnage on the saudis as u can


So much for ‘US protection’ for the obliging petro$ gulf states, looks like all those arms deals got KSA et al diddly-squat. Iran knew that they could counter the US threats and pressure using their allies in the region, and Trump’s ‘B’ team are now finding that out the hard way.

Luke Hemmming

Well done Houthis. WTF is ISIS and Al Qaeda doing in Yemen? Helping Saudi Arabia no doubt. Al Qaeda is Right in the middle of Saudi held territory. ISIS has this tiny ass little pocket in Qayfah. Wuddup wit dat?

Brother Ma

Yep! And yet supposedly ISIS is anti the House of Saud. Bull crup!

Concrete Mike

I know right, those areas havent changed in at least 2 years!

Its funny how they all work together to the detriment of the yemenis!

chris chuba

I really hope they can manufacture this stuff on their own, it looks like they can. If they can put the screws the the KSA this damn war might just end and the first person I will contact on Twitter is that Neocon in denial ‘Tom Rogan’ who thinks that the only way to end the war is to help the Saudis starve Yemen.

Brother Ma

My hope is that they can manufacture on their own and then help other nations who may find themselves in straitened circumstances. Many allies of the Yankees are getting sick of the protection racket and will want to depart and many will need such asymmetric weapons to be able to do so. Remember how Athens dealt with its departing allies in the Peloponnesian War!

Concrete Mike

Yes please rub it in that zionist bitche’s face!!

Can you beleive someone would actually support the saudi barbarians!!! Only selfish snakes would support those barbarians!

Such a vile regime!


more of the same and one day in the not too distant future, mohammed bin salman (of fake leonardi da vinci fame at 450mbucks) will be awoken with a kalashnikov pipe in his ear and a band of excited yemenits with long long knoves hopping around the royal bed. that would be the day.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

id pay to watch his ass getting destroyed lol


Is quite interesting that ISIS and Alqaeda are located near Saudi Arabia coalition… Oo I forgot that Saudi finance Alqaeda….and ofcourse ISIS the brotherhood of Saudi Government

Taz T

All that money they have wasted buying American weapons together with UAE and they can not even defeat Houthi and Yemeni army. What a waste.

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