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Ansar Allah, The Red Sea And False Flags

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Ansar Allah, The Red Sea And False Flags

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Written by Gavin O’Reilly

Since the launch of Al-Aqsa Flood on the 7th of October and the subsequent Israeli onslaught on the beleaguered Gaza Strip, what has perhaps been most notable is the response of Yemen to the ongoing slaughter.

On the 31st of October, Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement launched a barrage of missiles towards the southern Israeli settlement of Eilat, with the group formally declaring the launch of a military operation in defence of Palestine shortly afterwards.

In the following weeks, this military operation would expand to include further strikes against Israeli targets, and would culminate in the closure of the strategic Bab al-Mandab Strait to all ships destined for Israel, with the group announcing that any vessel defying this order would become a target.

In response, a number of global shipping giants announced that they would no longer be travelling through the Red Sea en route to Israel, and would be taking a far more costly route around Africa instead. A highly-impactful military operation by Ansar Allah it would seem, and one that’s all the more significant considering that like Gaza, Yemen itself has been subjected to an almost nine-year long genocidal war and blockade.

In March 2015, following Ansar Allah’s seizure of the capital Sana’a, neighbouring Saudi Arabia would launch an air campaign in a bid to restore their favoured Presidential candidate, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, to power.

Targeting mainly Yemen’s agricultural sector with US and British-supplied bombs, this air campaign would lead to widespread starvation and famine in what is already the poorest country in the Arab world. The subsequent collapse of Yemen’s health, water and sanitation infrastructure, would lead to the largest Cholera outbreak in recorded history, a situation exacerbated even further by a Saudi blockade preventing food and medical supplies from entering the country. A situation that bears a grim similarity to the Israeli blockade imposed on Gaza in response to Al-Aqsa Flood.

Thus, for Yemen to engage in a military operation on behalf of Gaza, in spite of the horrors that they themselves have faced, is an undeniably admirable stance.

It also increases the likelihood that a direct US military intervention in Yemen, appears increasingly imminent.

On Saturday, a report by the website The War Zone outlined how US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin would announce the launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian on a visit to west Asia next week, an initiative intended to militarily counter Ansar Allah’s ongoing operations in the Red Sea. A subsequent report by POLITICO also detailed how White House officials had mulled over options on military strikes against Ansar Allah, having being previously reluctant to do so out of possible escalations with Iran.

The possibility of a deliberately-staged provocation, intended to precipitate a US military response in Yemen, now appears increasingly likely. Indeed, similar occurrences have a historical precedent.

In 1915, amidst the first World War, Germany had announced that all ships travelling to Britain would be attacked, placing advertisements in US newspapers to inform would-be travellers of this situation, with Washington having been a neutral party in the conflict at this stage.

On the 7th of May however, the British ocean liner Lusitania, sailing from New York to Liverpool, would be torpedoed by a German submarine off the southern coast of Ireland, resulting in the loss of almost 1,200 lives, with a significant number being US citizens.

Conspicuously, the British Naval escort that was standard for ships such as the Lusitania at the time was absent on the day. The ensuing public revulsion in the United States at the sinking of the Lusitania would galvanise support for the subsequent entry of the US into WWI in 1917, despite the strong anti-interventionist sentiment that had been present beforehand.

Now, more than a century later, the grim possibility that a similar situation may occur in the Red Sea, a popular cruise ship destination, appears increasingly likely, as well as the ensuing chaos that will inevitably follow.


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What Arrogance!

who appointed yanky pricks to be the authority over the red sea??

they and the rest of the coalition have no business being there.. i hope they get pummelled by the yemenis.

Peppe il Sicario

men who culturally walk around openly with a dagger at their waistband are not to be screwed around with. the qataris first, the emiratis later and finally the saudis figured that out. houthis were taking out all their western military junk from day 1!


hopefully the murricans will be an authority under the red sea, once the yemenis sink their floating tubs


the lusitania was carrying troops and over 2million rounds of ammunition. as per latest research.


and the captain of lusitania knew about the smuggling of military equipment on a civilian ship. and his name (william turner) is quite similar to hollywood hero will turner from pirates of the caribbean. let’s call it “coincidence”.

Icarus Tanović

oh, let’s just see that how far demonic entity of united states will push them selves and their nato alies in this case. vietnam ii. these guys aren’t blackmailed by anything. nor intimidated. bring turkey, australia, swedes, norway, anyone you like, fuck if they care.

Last edited 1 year ago by Icarus Tanović

a bude to len a len horšie. uvidíme ako dlho vydrží hizballáh vzdorovať. čím dlhšie vydrží tak tým viac si získa sympatie a podporu vo svete. zatiaľ som totižto videl iba to, ako hizballáh útočí na vojakov sionu!!! nevraždia nevinné ženy a deti, ako to robia izraelskí sionisti v pásme gazy!!!


this is yemen every man carry weopeon and ready to fight specially hotuis and anzharrallah with man power of more them 5 million ready to fight any aggressor and they will be happy to kill us/zionist and ukzionist


wait for the sound of the tranny navy’s rusty tubs going glub…glub…glub in the red sea and the mediterranean septic tank. ussa is so scared of attacking iran that it is funny. the neocohen’s almost understand that any attack on iran means the apartheid, occupied khazar enclave in palestine will look like the sputtering rump ukrap dumpster fire within 24 hours of any anglozionazi attack. if the washing town sewer wants waves all over the me then they will get tsunamis.

Last edited 1 year ago by Martillo

the author imagines we are still at the beginning of the so-called american (sic) century and their banksters’ world war projects were just kicking off. the ussa and evil eussr and their fiat filth are going down the toilet bowl. they can no more win a war against the rest of humanity than they can pay for all their bouts of genocide of the 20th and 21st centuries. the jig is up and america (sic) is just a drug-addled, toothless maniac raving under a bridge with a half empty bottle of pi$$.

Peppe il Sicario

hear hear!!! i saw the yemeni army’s and the houthis last military parade…..very very impressive. those eu munchkins and their us massah don’t know what they’re getting themselves involved in. it’ll serve as a hard bitch slap to them of the new reality on earth. the iranians, are probably the best military trainers in the world in my view and the houthis are their creation.

Peppe il Sicario

hamas’ success right now against the terrorist zio-nazi state is in large part due to their siding with iran in recent years.

Peppe il Sicario

someone forgot to tell lloyd austin he’s wanted back at the plantation.

jens holm

flagpole in my rectum no lube did not give me monkey pox


yes the west are all bad people, right? how about russia and china? it wasn’t just the west who sells weapons to ksa, et al. china sold ksa attack drones by the hundreds…the russians designate ansarallah as terrorists and voted yes on those very sanctions that have wreaked havoc on the yemeni people. so let’s not forget the other players and their part in the great plan…that no one mentions.


if there is a ff, might it be over the 3000 us troops there? why are they there? what happens if the saudis or stc attacks them and ansarallah is blamed? ready-made excuse…retaliation. that they might ‘retaliate’ massively against yemen, but yet try to weather the attacks in syria and iraq only in tit for tat fashion, shows just how powerful and effective the yemeni tactic really is. slava yemen.

Florian Geyer

the houthi’s need some hypersonic missiles,lol.

Boycott usa the world's bully

hey genocide joe! hint. it is easier to stop usa military and money support to israel to do genocide.

Daniel Weatherman

false flags are complex being more of a propaganda or political ploy. there are operations where large forces are goaded into attacking or security systems are shut down by intelligence operations. rogue elements launching an attack on their own forces and allies. friendly fire or missile hitting a u.s ship are far more likely. houthis have chosen to embargo not provoke a us attack.

sea legs – run the jewels

Daniel Weatherman

i’m sure the houthis could hit camp lemmonier as well as us cruiser or aircraft carrier. personally shipping companies aren’t calling for the destruction or disarnament of the houthi’s yet wanting an end to the attacks. an escalation would make shipping even more perilous and globalist admiralty are there to protect global economic players.i see a lot of push and pull but not an attempt to escalate with a false flag.

unkle – if dolphins were monkeys

Daniel Weatherman

the big scores in the false flag world like the uss maine in cuba, lusitania, gulf of tonkin and uss liberty were pre planned. israel has already botched its security letting hamas through and the houthi and iranian response isn’t something the deep state can control effectively. those ships may soon be needed around taiwan so things just need to kept under control…..

unkle – lonely soul

Daniel Weatherman

another issue besides false flags is when the high level intelligence organizations deliberately ignore or hide critical intelligence. allegations pearl harbour was avoidable and high level admiralty had ordered mission critical ships out to sea while leaving older vessels as bait are a good example of a clearing “operation” where defenses are let down. false flag aside the houthis could get help with a fusillade against a nato ship and cause an escalation.

unkle – ever rest.

Daniel Weatherman

i’d look at the upper level naval elite and what their political opinion is. admiral mcain son of john mcain was involved in both the gulf of tonkin and the uss liberty incidents. it may be the fleet leaders behave recklessly and goad the houthis into an open attack.

the doors – riders on the storm

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