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Anti-Russia Propaganda Campaign In Caucasus Region

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Anti-Russia Propaganda Campaign In Caucasus Region

Troops from South Ossetia. FILE IMAGE: Reuters

The ongoing anti-Russia propaganda campaign shows its landscape effectiveness in the Caucasus region. Main directions of the campaign consist of:

  • Effective measures to deface the Russian troops’ stationing in territory of the independent and semi-independent states of the South and North Caucasus, like Armenia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia;
  • Rumors on the so-adduced negative anti-Caucasian moods and claims among servicemen of other Russian nationalities: Slavs, Tatars, Yakuts etc;
  • Promotion of the narrow-minded local nationalism, including its extremists nature.

It is worth to note that the religious factor in the anti-Russian propaganda in the Caucasus region is slowly receding into the background. Earlier the propaganda used to actively exploit the existing differences among ethnic and religious groups living in Russia or former USSR.

SouthFront has already covered the situation in Armenia and Georgia. The recently increased media and ideological pressure from the Western ideologemes can be observed in the Caucasus region, including South Ossetia and North Ossetia. The coordinated media and ideological interference has been implemented to discredit the Kremlin policy over the past few years.

On August 25, “Congress of the Ossetian Nation” is taking place in the city of Tskhinval in Southern Ossetia. The congress reportedly involves representatives of 97 tribes, which would discuss the unification of Ossetians, issues faced by them and other topics. According to some informed sources, the one of the topics, which are being discussed on the sidelines of the congress, is the creation of the united, and possibly independent, Ossetian state. No doubts, most of the congress parties discussing this possibility see such a “state” for sure as a Russian satellite state. Anyway, this possible development means that North Ossetia would have to secede from Russia. Another option is that South Ossetia will become a new region of the Russian Federation. This variant seems to be unacceptable to Moscow because the Russian Federation does not have any additional possibilities to burden additional economic and political expenditures.

The existing contradictions among South Ossetia think tanks and the establishment can be also shown through the following incident. On May 17, 2017 an incident took place in a military base in the village of Dzau. The incident was constituted as an attack of two sergeants on two officers of the military unit deployed. The attackers were of the Ossetian nationality, the officers – of others.

This incident has so far triggered multiple rumors and media speculations. In spite of the situation was caused by unprofessional actions of the officers themselves of the military unit. In military-legal interpretation of this situation, it turns out to be extremely straightforward and flagrant. There was an attack of servicemen on their officers in the region, where had been a hot conflict and the situation is still tense.

For most militaries around the world this is an emergency situation and such attackers will face a severe punishment: from long terms of imprisonment to a death penalty.

The judicial trial over the South Ossetia incident is still ongoing. However, over the past few month, it has caused a media hysteria in the local media. The main cause is the alleged anti-Ossetian (anti-Caucasian) moods among Russian officers of the Russian, Tatar, Chechen, Yakut and other nationalities.

SouthFront has received comments on the situation from several Russian experts aware of the situation in the region. They say unanimously that the South Ossetia situation widely covered by media is only top of the iceberg. Furthermore, the current complicated situation in the region allows various actors to exploit it promoting own interests.

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AM Hants

How does the regime change script start? Who normally finances it?

Pave Way IV

“How does the regime change script start?”

Script? Regime change is more like an evil, fanatic religious cult with it’s own neocon clerics, zealot Soros followers and elaborate human sacrifice rituals – all in order to possess another state’s government and central bank. There are many rituals with even more scripts in the Deep State Book of the Dead, and they all start differently. Well, except for the group hug part after drinking a sacrificial infant’s blood. That originally wasn’t part of the ritual, but who is going to argue with HIllary…

“Who normally finances it?”

Why, [embarrassed…] that would usually be me – the U.S. taxpayer.

Tommy Jensen

No! The bankers finance everything. The US taxpayer only pays some part of the bill.


So what are the racial problems between them then? Is there some jealousy or spite over petty issues, or is it more deeply ingrained in society?

If Russian’s aren’t welcome there then I think it goes without question they should pull out. They did them a favour, but perhaps they have a short memory?


So Russia hopes the fix is in to bring S.O. into federation, but here’s where the problem is. The Russian southern flank is so subject to ethnic contest that the entire region promises to occupy Russian treasure in near endless quantities for the foreseeable future. In the meantime Putin has made a strategic overreach in his commitment further south, which is presently on a very slippery slope. Napoleon or Hitler at the gates of Moscow. It’s not too late for Vlad to proxy with Israel and let the Turks become counterweight to Iran while the Allowites slip into obscurity.

Tudor Miron

Jon, you should write for CNN. They will love you – they love people who know nothing on the subject but eager to repeat reqired agenda.


Perhaps Sarah Jeong could provide them with some extra inspiration? Next week she will be starting her new job as an editor for the the New York Times.







I dislike what Sarah Jeong tweeted, but twitter ironically won’t censor it. These tech companies (and the Neo-Marxist media/ education system) are quite biased in how they define “hate speech.” As usual wherever it’s been legislated on the face of the earth, governments and manipulative people tend to abuse these laws to silence opinions they don’t like (or inconvenient truths).


Russia literally borders South Ossetia, the only potential overreach would be political; this is despite Russia having a firm footing in the Caucasus, both politically and militarily.


The over reach is in Syria.

Russia has no choice but to be involved along its border, but has the misfortune of being neighbors to ethnic and religious minorities who promise to keep up their agitation forever, and within Russia itself these same groups refuse integration (unlike USA where tv has taught an otherwise diverse population to speak standard English, and hold common aspirations).

Iran is insisting Russia back its play in Syria. Assad is just an excuse for feigned legitimacy. The accumulating naval armadas on the eve of the ill fated Idlib campaign are reminiscent of 8/14/14.

Russia should ally with its natural ally, Israel, and not wed the Shi’a Ayatollah.


Israel won’t last forever and they’ve proven to be harmful to the West’s best interests, as well as its neighbors. As for Muslims integrating into Western culture, I recommend looking at Europe to see how well they’ve “assimilated” into the population.

While I am not against Muslims, and there are plenty of polite and honorable Muslims out there; politicians, news media and academia do a lot to create disharmony between different peoples throughout the Western world.

The following videos only discuss the Zionist influence in the United States, they don’t go into the other kinds of mass Jewish influence.



Tudor Miron

Pull out? Ask Osetians if they want Russians to pull out.


Well as I understood it, that’s what the article was saying, that the described problems were “just the tip of the iceberg”.

Promitheas Apollonious

and you of course what ever you read you believe it with out first at least search and understand the basics, right?

holywood is such a bad education system.


Got your pink knickers all twisted up ay?

Promitheas Apollonious

is that is how you cover your ignorance? How old are you 12?



Tudor Miron

Many articles say many things. Fact is that Osetians know very well that Russia is their only protection.


Well that’s the only information I had to go off.

J Roderet

South Ossetia needs to be admitted into the Russian Federation, like the Crimea was. Yes, the West will cry bitterly about it, but it is what must happen.


More like the russians will cry when the ruble will fall under a cent, for a small piece of land with no resources and no significantly strategic position.

New Israel is Muslim

the jew Russians are looking to genocide another ethnic group in war mongering. Will the jew Russians create another false flag to create a war against Ossetians????

Icarus Tanović

This looks like some Ukrainian quasi-revolutions. They just talk to talk in Caucasus. No ONE trust Americans and theirs propaganda, which is as follows: Russians exploits you and you live in Hell, we are so kind to free you, and you’ll live in HEAVEN. Because? Because we Americans are…good ones. God given. Saints.


Americans, God-given? I thought Americans were God!

Pave Way IV

“…It is worth to note that the religious factor in the anti-Russian propaganda in the Caucasus region is slowly receding into the background…”

Meaning: The Saudis are too broke to keep spawning and feeding more Saudi-Wahhabi terrorists in Chechnya and Dagestan (even with U.S. encouragement), so this must be U.S. State Department Plan B.

Bolton must be getting a boner at the possibility of bringing a unified, U.S. friendly Ossetia into the Satanic NATO alliance. Hell, that would even be better than snagging Georgia! Time for the CIA to drag their criminal chimp Mikheil Saakashvili out of hiding for that job. Where is that idiot holed-up nowadays?


Pave Way IV Don’t forget that South Ossetia is a region of Georgia, not Russia. If they ever become independent state and there are no Russians there Georgia will invade them in no time. Last time Georgians have done that they wanted to exterminate all the South Ossetians. South Ossetians know perfectly well that without the Russians they are done. Let’s see how this ends.

Pave Way IV

The NATOized Ossetia was just Bolton humor – I don’t seriously think it would ever happen, nor would Russia allow it. I thought North and South Ossetians were the same ethnicity and wanted to unite at one time and/or declare independence. Maybe that’s going way back to when Georgia broke away. In any case, I just imagine the CIA boys would be skulking around there ready to stir up any trouble possible for Russia. We’ll see if the western MSM takes any notice – if they spin this at all then one can just assume the U.S. is involved.

Promitheas Apollonious

I dont think in south ossetia you will find the people to be american friendly.

Pave Way IV

I agree, but that’s not really necessary, PA. The neocons chickenhawks in the US don’t care if the people they claim to be saving like them or not – as long as the U.S. has power and control over them. The U.S. State Department/USAID/CIA just needs to find the right traitor that’s already powerful enough amd willing to roll for a pallet of US dollars.

The average Iraqi hates the U.S., and the Iraqi Kurds simply tolerate us for weapons and protection – they don’t necessarily ‘like’ the U.S. But the U.S. (and Israel) only needed to bribe the local psychopath and gangster Barzani to (at one point, anyway) steal over half of Iraq’s oil. The average Kurd got screwed too – Israel was buying that stolen oil from the Kurds for $35/bbl when the rest of the world was paying $80/bbl. – this at a time when Kurds were starving to death in refugee camps in Iraqi Kurdistan.

I’m not saying the situation is anything like that in South Ossetia – I have no idea. But ‘hostility toward the U.S.’ wouldn’t slow down the State Department down one bit from trying to find some thug to bribe (no matter how improbable). People are just possessions – property of the state – to U.S. leaders. That goes for both inside and outside the U.S. They don’t give a rat’s ass whether the little people subjects like them or not.

Promitheas Apollonious

you said it right you have no idea so before talking about it maybe is good to get some idea so what you posting to have something to do, with reality also.


He discovered a coconut grove, and is gorging himself.


“servicemen of other Russian nationalities: Slavs, Tatars, Yakuts” Since when are Russian “Slav’s” “other” nationality?! So which “nationality” is main nationality if not “Russian (Slav) nationality”?!?

viktor ziv

I find this article close to MSM articles. Two sergs attacked two officers and this is exploited as geopolitical warefare? Unanonimus experts? What does it mean? “An unanonimus expert in Bruxelles says EU will colapse next week because german soldier shot french soldier during gun cleaning and this is just top of the iceberg”. Yeah, reporters without borders LOL

John Whitehot

“This variant seems to be unacceptable to Moscow because the Russian Federation does not have any additional possibilities to burden additional economic and political expenditures.”

I was expecting something along these lines in the text.


…meaning that you need some comfortable lies.

John Whitehot

shut it dog, at chain.


Let me remind you this is not Russia, this is the Internet.

John Whitehot

baw baw baw

Promitheas Apollonious

a bullshit article, found its way in the front pages of SF again.

Tudor Miron

This article sounds a little strange… I have not heard about such problems there.

Promitheas Apollonious

because they are not. I am very familiar with Alania on both sides north and south. Have many friends, in south Ossetia and we communicate frequent. As I said, a bullshit article.

Tudor Miron

Thanks for confirming what I suspected. Talked to some friends that have strong connections with Osetia and they confirm what you say.

Promitheas Apollonious

Alania is like second home, for me. Have very good memories from there and part of my heart is left there.

Tommy Jensen

The small countries in Caucasus have the right to democracy and to dream about Nato membership and getting Visa free EU. The populations are tired of walking around in wellies, eating cabbage, collecting water in buckets and communicate through smoke rings. They want freedom.


Give them EU citizenship and they’ll pour into Europe and worsen the migrant situation in Europe.




This article is false I have friends and family in Armenia and no one talks about “Anti-russian” rhetoric or some falsehood about western intervention.

The revolution there was against the very corrupt government and rightly so! This has nothing to do with Russia stop writing lies!!

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