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Anti-Russian Propaganda. Sources Of Russophobia (Photos, Videos)

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Anti-Russian Propaganda. Sources Of Russophobia (Photos, Videos)

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Anti-Russian rhetoric in the world has recently become increasingly important. This is done not only in public statements by politicians in NATO countries and other U.S. satellites, but also in civil relations. Companies fire Russian employees and do not sell their products to Russians. People are bullied for being Russian. The view that Russian is obviously a bad thing is promoted by bloggers and even media in many countries.

The main influence on the development of this process is the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, where Western countries mainly side with the Ukrainians.

However, the real cause of such an attitude towards the Russians is not the war that is going on right now. The roots go much deeper into history.

After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union gained the status of liberator of the world from the Nazi ideology. The claim of the Soviet hegemony was unacceptable to the U.S. and its allies, who later joined together in the military-political bloc NATO. The cold war between NATO and the countries of the socialist camp was waged in the minds of ordinary citizens, who perceived the USSR citizens as bloodthirsty barbarians.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact Organization, the idea of the barbaric nature of Russia penetrated the minds of citizens of former socialist countries. In particular, the main mouthpieces of anti-Russian rhetoric were the Baltic states and Poland, which still loose no chance to accuse Russia for any crimes.

Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus remained bastions of Russian unity after the collapse of the USSR. However, maturing nationalist sentiments in Western Ukraine (Galicia) were used to make the nationalist idea and served the needs to reorient the population toward the Western trends.

These factors led to violent regime changes in Ukraine in 2004 and 2014. Moreover, in 2014, in addition to the coup d’état, there was an actual split of the country into two opposing sides: Western Ukraine and the republics of Donbass supported by Russia.

In addition to internal criminal infighting, Kiev’s policy in various spheres, which promoted Russia’s status as a “villainous country,” contributed to the conflict. Laws were passed that explicitly labeled the status of Russians as non-natives of the country, which greatly offended the local population. Generalization of Ukrainianization and a de facto ban on the Russian language also degraded the dignity of Russians in Ukraine. Especially in the educational sphere. Judging by the photos, Ukrainians are already being psychologically treated during their school years, which causes hatred towards Russians. Ukrainian pupils are inculcated with the cult of war and armed resistance to Russian influence.

Anti-Russian Propaganda. Sources Of Russophobia (Photos, Videos)

Schoolbooks were found in Volnovakha. Textbooks for 11th grade that promote the cult of war.

Anti-Russian Propaganda. Sources Of Russophobia (Photos, Videos)

The textbooks show footage of security forces working against the LDPR separatists.

During  the special operation in Ukraine, Russophobia reached a new level. In particular, Meta allowed public calls for murders of Russian soldiers and civilians to be expressed on its Facebook and Instagram platforms.


The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borel, publicly stated that the war in Ukraine must be won on the battlefield, which is completely unacceptable in the diplomatic world.

As for ordinary citizens in Europe, they are also influenced by global Russophobia, imposed on the official level. In Germany, in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, the Center for Political Education has published a brochure that is made to explain the real reasons for Russia’s special operation in Ukraine. On the cover, Russian soldiers are presented as saying that they speak of ordinary Ukrainians as subhumans who can be shot at without regret. Despite the fact that the Russian Defense Ministry publicly states that civilians are not the target of Russian forces’ shelling, the number of civilian casualties presented by the Kiev regime appears to be relatively small. Despite the scale of military operations and the number of war crimes for which Russia is accused by Ukraine and the West.

Anti-Russian Propaganda. Sources Of Russophobia (Photos, Videos)

German pamphlet that explains the reasons for the war in Ukraine


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It’s been this way for over one hundred years. British propaganda has devoted a lot of effort in the last hundred and twenty years to slandering the Russians, but it’s been in overdrive since 1991. Russians can never be forgiven for trying to break from the imperialist capitalist system. A little bit like Haitians, the war against them is always on.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

The British foreign policy has been extremely anit-Russian, which has its roots in the “Balance of Powers” doctrine. The fear of the British is, that Russia (or another power on the continent) might become a sea power threatening british navy. This is old british thinking (goes back to 1500) and has resulted in two world wars already. The colaboration of Britain with Nazis is not new, they did it with Germany, by rearming germany. Now they do the same with Ukraine.


The British could never operate on the continent against land-powers unless they formed coalitions. Usually with the second or third strongest power in Europe at any given time, in order to take out whoever was the most potent rival. They began this business with the War of Spanish Succession. They built the Japanese navy prior to the Russo-Japanese war, and then made sure to have France and Russia bleed out to shut down the German rival. As you stated, they assisted the rise of a fascist German state to be turned against Russia in 1939. But they seem to really hate the Russians in a way that they don’t even hate Frenchmen or Germans.

Al Doobie

Itty-bitty ex-empire jealousy. Russia is a BIG country that is not bowing down. Not to mention the endless shelling of the MSM/CIA narrative on the not-so-innocent public of the West, who just never seem to figure anything out but how to yodel Alle alle Ruski BAD in sync with CNN and MSNBC and FOX! Till next week when it’s China again. Pakistan is back on the fence. Talk about an echo chamber.

Tommy Jensen

We Europeans are innocents. We cant do anything about it. We can only do what our politicians say we should do, otherwise I would lose my welfare check and my personal dream about my life, and I only have this life to living the dream, my personal dream about my life. Not my fault!


I kind of look at this article differently. Every current and former power has its detractors. Look at all the people dirting USA and the UK.

Has any one heard the US or Uk governments crying about how unfair it is that somebody said something mean about them? We maybe Trump, but that’s all.

The US and UK must be secure in what they are and where they have come from? Or is it function of having a free press in these nations? Putin controls the press so tightly in Russia it must infuriate him to be unable to control it elsewhere especially when they call him short or little.


Rasputin, аre you serious? The opposition radio Echo of Moscow criticized Putin for 22 years, and was closed only because of the special operation in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey

Of course he is not. He’s just a paid troll, cheap whore owned by SBU and sent here to spam garbage 24/7: hans raus, ramses, tomsewer +1000 more gay nicks. He is also a total loser and complete moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Antitrol

What are you and Rasputin smoking to get to the collusion that Britain was colluding with Germany? All wars are banker wars. The bankers have owned Britain for over 300 years. “Judea” declared war on Germany in 1933, six weeks after Hitler, party leader of a minority government, was appointed Chancellor. Germany had already met its disarmament obligations under the Treaty of Versailles by 1925. France, Germany, and Russia had nor even begun by the disarmament conference of 1933. Churchill was already calling for Germany to be smashed by 1935, and Chamberlain green-lighted the production of long range Lancaster bombers in 1937. Who were they going to bomb? Norway? Iceland? Spain? Stop buying into the BS official narrative. The Soviet archive themselves have provided the evidence that Stalin was in the final stages of amassing the largest invasion force ever to invade Europe at the time of Operation Barbarosa. The “evil Nazis” rebuilt the German economic juggernaut that was the cause of WWI, by demonstrating their programme didn’t need the international banking cartel. Both Italy and Germany opposed usury. Taking on the bankers is their sin, just as it has been for Iran, Libya, Iraq and Venezuela. Today, China and Russia are the new “Nazis” and “Fascists” because they oppose the banker hegemony. Putin’s “Nazi’s in Ukraine” narrative is just as silly. The banker backed Galicians are no Nazis, just as they weren’t Nazis in WWII. Galicians have always been a problem. even when in the Austrian Empire. Not only do they hate Russians, they hate Germans, Czechs, and Hungarians as well. Joining the Waffen SS and 500,000+ other volunteers from across Europe to fight the “Russians” (Solzhenitsyn said they weren’t Russians) who had just starved millions of them to death, isn’t surprising. What is surprising is that more didn’t. Make no mistake, the narrative from both sides is hiding the real agenda, but the Russian version is closer to the truth.


I quit working at shoprite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I’m working online! My work didn’t exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new… after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier. Here’s what I do… http://Www.BuzzJoin1.com

Last edited 2 years ago by AprilSizemore

No one should be surprised about UK/perfidious Albion, the worst scum in human history. But Russians should blame themselves most of all. Russian ‘liberal’ elites were crucial in destruction of both the Russian empire and USSR. “Ukraine” wtf is “Ukraine”?! Artificial nation with only one purpose: to hate Russia. Mass scale social experiment. And Russians allowed this to happen! Why no one killed Gorbachev? Lincoln conquered 11 (*13) Southern states with fire and sword, while Russia allowed Ukraine, Lithlolestonia and half of Asia to secede without a single bullet being fired. None of these assholes should have been allowed to secede. At any cost, WW3 if need be. They lost millions in WW2 and then allowed everything to be undone by a bunch of traitors.

Last edited 2 years ago by N007

Ukrops are the true Orcs: bred by their evil masters from Elves for no other purpose but hate their former kin.


It doesn’t sound like the anti Russia sentiment was especially high in the ukrain prior to Russia meddling i. Their fairs leading to the Maidan uprising. The annexation of Crimea made more people pay attention and voice outrage at Russia. Then russian soldiers in Donbas even more anti Russian sentiment. The invasion cemented the Ukrainian identity.

It’s true that hat your mothers said, or should have said” violence solves nothing” and only makes more problems.


Rasputin, you’re wrong. November 27, 2013. Drohobych. To the Muscovite to the gallows, who does not jump is a Muscovite. There was no war in the Donbas, no annexation of Crimea, there was not even a Euromaidan, and hatred of Russians already existed. https://vk.com/video8343475_456239302


The British officers in WWI, they forced the British soldiers into barbed wire, without cutters, where they died. the alternative was to be shot for disobeying orders and to be a disgrace t one;s family and for there to be no war pension or honours. It was DELIBERATE EVIL genocide. The powers that rule our world HATE the people in our world, the French and British governments HATE the population. DO NOT EVER TRUST THEM. And Russia, do not be afraid of harming the people of the world by attacking our governments BECAUSE our governments are harming us and have ill will towards us already.


Roots of russophobia are actually very old and there are many origins.

One is the Great schism between Catholic and Orthodox Christian Church in 1054. Popes and Eastern emperors in Constantinople hated each other for centuries because popes wanted to be universally acknowledged as not just spiritual rulers. They spread their hate towards Eastern Christians for centuries. Frankish and the HRE empires extremely hated so called “Byzantine empire’. The name Byzantine was never used by these people(mostly Greek), they called themselves Romans. “Byzantine” was invented by German historians, and then by Montesquieu and other haters of the Eastern Roman Empire. There can be only one Empire and it must be in the West. Russia continued ERE tradition and the Western hate continued with it. Second origin of russophobia is pure Western racism towards Slavs in general. And of course, third one is continued British propaganda against Russia since early 1800s. Napoleon and Germans had their own anti-russian campaign, and of course the US from WW onwards.


No question there was a very strange attitude toward the eastern Romans displayed by the Western European banker states, with the refusal to aid Constantinople a clear manifestation of this animosity. The British elite fear of a Russian threat to their exploitation of India seems to have resulted in the development over two centuries of a religious-type demonization of Russians. The Germans got brought to heel pretty rapidly between 1870 and 1945, but the Russians proved much harder to subjugate.

Bernard Davis

So, now that the Raj is long gone, what is the reason for the truly rabid hatred of Russia among the entire British elite, but especially the liberal wing of it? The caricatures of President Putin on the cover of the Economist, for example, are extraordinary in their viciousness. Strangely, this attitude is confined to the elite; it is nowhere to be seen in the working class.


We do not have capitalism but barbaric tyrants, filled with DECEPTION, self deception and EVIL.


That is capitalism.


No, he is describing Putins Russia, and Putin.

Your Mouth Yankee toilet

No, he is describing your masters from WashingtonDC you moronic slave whore.


It arguable that the actions of Russian leaders is the main source of anti Russian feelings around the world.

In the Soviet era the the USSR supporting and promoting communist revolutionaries around the world did not win them many friend in high places. Then the constant oppression of people the deportations, starvations, gulags, massacres, mass rapes these barbaric acts generated a lot of negative press. Even more so when they seem incapable of an apology or any admission of wrong doing.

During the Putin era… The brutality abd atrocity’s commuted against the Chechen people. the ideology of Ruskiy mir has warped many Russian world views marking their political elites arrogant and offensive. It’s a fucked ideology borrowing hard from fascism and degrading the foundations of the Orthodox Church.

If your confuse y the Russian propaganda and some of the brain washed commenters on here take some time to learn about the Russkiy Mir ideaolgy which is being pushed by Putin. These people make sense now, they are still very wrong and twisted, but I see how their brains are warped.


Putin era Edit Eventually, the idea of the “Russian world” was adopted by the Russian administration, and Vladimir Putin decreed the establishment of the government-sponsored Russkiy Mir Foundation in 2007.

A number of observers consider the promotion of the “Russian world” concept an element of the revanchist idea of the restoration of Russia or its influence back to the borders of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire.[9][10][11]

Other observers described the concept as an instrument for projecting Russian soft power.[1] In Ukraine, the promotion of the “Russian world” has become strongly associated with the Russo-Ukrainian War.[12][13] According to assistant editor Pavel Tikhomirov of Russkaya Liniya [ru], the “Russian world” for politicized Ukrainians, whose number constantly increases, nowadays is “simply ‘neo-Sovietism’ masked by new names”. He reconciled that with the conflation of the “Russian world” and the Soviet Union within Russian society itself.[14]

Politicization Edit Russia’s president Vladimir Putin visited the Arkaim site of the Sintashta culture in 2005, meeting in person with the chief archaeologist Gennady Zdanovich.[15] The visit received much attention from Russian media. They presented Arkaim as the “homeland of the majority of contemporary people in Asia, and, partly, Europe”. Nationalists called Arkaim the “city of Russian glory” and the “most ancient Slavic-Aryan town”. Zdanovich reportedly presented Arkaim to the president as a possible “national idea of Russia”,[16] a new idea of civilisation which Victor Schnirelmann calls the “Russian idea”.[17]

Russian Orthodox Church Edit On 3 November 2009, at the Third Russian World Assembly, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow defined the “Russian world” as “the common civilisational space founded on three pillars: Eastern Orthodoxy, Russian culture and especially the language and the common historical memory and connected with its common vision on the further social development”.[18][19]

Russkiy Mir is an ideology promoted by many in the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church.[20] Patriarch Kiril of Moscow also shares this ideology; for the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russkiy Mir is also “a spiritual concept, a reminder that through the baptism of Rus, God consecrated these people to the task of building a Holy Rus.”[21]

Reception Edit Around 500 Eastern Orthodox scholars signed Declaration on the ‘Russian World’ Teaching on 13 March 2022, calling it an “ideology”, “a heresy” and “a form of religious fundamentalism” that is “totalitarian in character.”[22] They condemned six “pseudo theological facets”. Those condemnations concern: replacing the Kingdom of God with an earthly kingdom; deification of the state through a theocracy and caesaropapism which deprives the Church of its freedom to stand against injustice; divinization of a culture; Manichaen demonization of the West and elevation of Eastern culture; refusal to speak the truth and non-acknowledgement of “murderous intent and culpability” of one party.[23]

The Economist states that the “Russian world” concept has become the basis of a crusade against the West’s liberal culture and this has resulted into a “new Russian cult of war.” It says that Putin’s regime has particularly debased the “Russian world” concept with a mixture of obscurantism, Orthodox dogma, anti-West sentiment, nationalism, conspiracy theory and security-state Stalinism. It based this analysis on Putin’s first public speech after the war started where he praised the Russian army, using Jesus’ words on love as a laying down of one’s life. He also referenced Fyodor Ushakov, an admiral who is the Orthodox patron saint of nuclear-armed long-distance bombers. Putin recalled Ushakov’s words: “the storms of war would glorify Russia.” The Economist also pointed to Patriarch Kirill’s declaration of the godliness of the war and its role in keeping out the West’s alleged decadent gay culture, and to the priest Elizbar Orlov who said that the Russian special military operation in Ukraine is cleansing the world of “a diabolic infection”.[24]

The Kremlin consistently discredits pro-democratic policies in target societies, employing disinformation and promotion of destructive narratives, then attempting to offer “Russkiy Mir” as an appealing alternative to such policies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin
Tommy Jensen

Whatever you can say about and against this “Russian world” concept versus the liberal west world, the problem is Putin’s doctrine is based on sound humanitarian principles and has so far lead to prosperity and a high civilisation standard, while the western libtard code has lead to demoralisation and depravity. Fixed it for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Jensen

Show me any metric that shows people are better off in Putins Russia over the average of people in The west? This was a discussion from last week I’ll give you a hint. There are none Medical care, happiness index, life span, financial mobility, personal freedoms, productivity. Education. Health, only birth rate was comparable.

Russia may have a lot of natural resources, but the average Russian doesn’t benefit from them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

Is a large number of homeless people in New York or Paris a sign of well-being?


It is a choice, a freedom of choice for some a lack on personality, like Russian women say the men is the head but the women the backbone who keeps the head from losing his head.. There have been multiple aid programs in Europa to help building up a new live for these people and rarely they do. And the number of drop outs are no less high in Russia as in the west they are only different dispersed and more aggressive kept out of view, certainly in towns like Moscwa . Some people just quit or can’t stop drugs, vodka, etc…


Nice try, Langley! Now go back to finishing your gender surgery…


worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic troll in total nervous breakdown ^


Why are the Putin folowers incapable of writing such inspiring and historical analyses? I think asking the question is answering it.


So stop whining that people tell who you really are because you can not censor them like you do with the people and media in Russia.


Thx Southfront for pouring us over with warm golden truth while the world is against us!!!1!1!!


Wester media and wester politicians spreading hate basted on nationality. Many African leaders have been prosecuted by West in International Criminal Court. Are the same court should prosecute Wester leaders and politicians for hate crime they are spreading against Russians


Western leaders should also be prosecuted for war crimes.


Anti Russian propaganda has been rampant in Hollywood for decades. And every country has been subjected to Hollywood for decades.

Demonization of Russia, as has been against whites, is sanctioned by our government who has given ultimate power to news and entertainment media via freedom of press coupled with freedom of speech.

Now mass murder is ok against Russians in Ukraine and against whites in subway stations while governments and the press hide the truth.

And we all know who runs the press and entertainment media.

Last edited 2 years ago by IMHO

Come on you behavedas animals in war, multiple times, and now again.

hans raus

There is no such a kind of thing like russophobia. Russians are known now as child, woman rapists and civilian killers. Being anit-russian is just consequences of russian actions in ukraine. Its as simple as that :)


Kherson retaken yet?

hans raus

kiev retaken yet?


Never was taken, nor even an attempt made.


Dont feed this dumb Nazi troll

hans raus

Feed me! Please! With bananas!


ask Hunter for his banana

Al Doobie

You are saying Ukraine actions for the last 8 year don’t matter, and all the money and weapons obtained from the USA just didn’t exist, and that Ukrainians haven’t been using them against their own people? And now you don’t like Russia’s response when there was every opportunity to prevent the war, just as Ukraine was about to escalate? Can you explain all the atrocities of the Ukrainian forces against their own people? Can you explain all the videos of many people FROM Ukraine describing the horrifying behavior of the Ukraine military? Your hate filled diatribe shows you don’t care for discourse or honesty. It’s war, Ukraine started it with the help of the USA. Russia will finish it one way or another.


And history is repeating it self https://t.me/dvish_alive/10348

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan
Russian copium

Russia has a long history if ruining it’s relationships with his neighbors. And let’s face it, the Soviet Union was not higher in virtue than Nazi Germany. The Soviets were in on the killing and genocide ever since they came to power in 1917. By the time Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, Stalin has cycled through several stages of mass purges and atrocities. The gulag system was all up and running long before Nazi Germany had their first concentration camp. And let’s face it, the Soviet Union was just a smokescreen and excuse for Russian imperial expansion. Soviet regimes were imposed by force in virtually every country and mass purges of the elites have taken place. Nazi Germany was late on this expansionism. In fact Stalin was so arrogant about the might of his empire that he proceeded to purge his entire military. He is the one responsible for much of the losses of WW2, by destroying his own military. We’re not trying to be a Nazi apologist here. But the Nazis have only terrorized Europe for five years. Russia has terrorized Eastern Europe for centuries. Either as tsarist or Soviet. It has never apologized. Never tried to improve relations. Always been arrogant. Always been a bully. Of course Rusophobia is justified. Because nobody is going to like you by default. And everyone is going to hate you when you’re an arrogant narcissistic stuck up aggressor. It is only just to do so. But Russophobia is such an amazing thing. When you need to hate on someone, the Russians are the perfect targets. Because they love to be hated. They certainly do everything in their power to be hated. It works for far left sympathizers, it works for far right sympathizers. Russophobia just works. Just makes perfect sense. Just. Do. It.

Last edited 2 years ago by Russian copium

And the Nation of Islam Ukrotard historian weighs in with the MI6 guide to Banderpism. Great job. My great uncle was drafted in 1918 to go to France, but the Germans capitulated before he was deployed, so the Canadian government simply sent the men to colonize part of Russia. The Americans, Japanese, English, French essentially did the same thing. Russia has managed to avoid total subjugation by the Anglo bankers for over two hundred years. Russia’s neighbours have proven to be a gaggle of superstitious sentimental fascist kooks. Let’s face it, the states taken over by the Soviet Union had a history of attacking Russia or permitting Russia to be attacked. Sucks to be a fascist, so you have my sympathies in that regard.


worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic troll in delirium ^

Michel LeBlanc

Spoken like a true waffen Ss nazi.


At least Russiaerpsistraditipns and culture alive https://t.me/dvish_alive/10348

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

West never stopped waging war against Russia. Even during the rule of their puppet Yeltsin they supported, armed and trained terrorists in Chechniya. They have been doing that with every lunatic willing to harm Russia all along. They destroyed Russian ally Serbia (Russia allowed that to happen) which proved to just be a target practice for Russia. All tactics (icluding propaganda) used to destroy Serbia are now used against Russia. Russia was unbelievably naive and stupid to believe in some kind of “partnership” with the West. They had a lot of opportunities to retaliate in the same manner (Afghanistan, Iraq, supporting Iran, etc.) but they declined to do that. Granted the West got humiliated in those wars regardless but they could have payed a much greater price.This kind of naivety will have dire consequences.


I’m an African and I support 100% Russians. The Nazis are supported by the West. The Western population are 2 fold. Those who understand (about 20-30%) and the reste 70%. Just like the COVID narrative they keep feeding us lies after lies. lies on the previous lies that became established in the mind of the very people who push those lies. West is finished. Long live Russia.

Russia Parade in Kiev

And I’m a Nigerian prince. Found bank accounts of the Moskva sailors. Anyone here Yuri Cecha from Tuva? Well he owe us few bucks for his yurta and a goat, sorry I mean wife.


you are a brazilian princess Jeffersona

Al Doobie

There will eventually be a tsunami of cognitive dissonance in the West. After the tide goes out we will see what’s left.

Russia Parade in Kiev

Sorry mate, tsunami already swallowed Moskva


Play it again $am




Western propaganda has its sheep that will follow their MSM to a word and unfortunately the minority of the educated and better informed cant be herd due to the immense anti Russian sentiment !! Western media is more powerful then its military and that’s why they attack everything and anything that’s Russian !! As a Serbian born living in Canada nothing they say can change my love for Russia and its people, because Ive seen their democracy and freedom that they impose around the globe !! Russia+ Serbia = brotherhood !!


70+% believe the western propaganda that the MRNA vaccines are ‘perfectly safe and prevent covid’ 70+% believe the western propaganda that Russia invaded Ukraine without any provocation

If people are stupid enough to believe the medical propaganda, and be willingly injected with a completely untested experimental drug, with zero legal liability of any death or disability as a consequence, you can convince them of anything!


I’d like to extend a good advise to all ‘russophobes’ that may read this and if you are willing to take a word from someone with 20+ years wearing the green in and out of NATO:


Likewise when you prompt or create false information in order to promote hate and violence and thus justify aggression you are yourself a military target.

You can take sides with Ukraine, I don’t care, but you should learn some etiquette and be mature. You are probably confused or being utilized.

Michel LeBlanc

Most definitly being utilized

Greek in Greece

Please stop calling this a “phobia” as it does not mean what you want to express. “Phobia” comes from the Greek word Φοβία while you mean “a hate against Russians”. Can you imagine people of being afraid of the fagots with this “homophobia” trending word for ex?

Quit the word. The case is purely about propaganda against Russia, as nobody is afraid of nobody just for nothing. If you guys keep on using it, is like subscribing that there is “a Russian aggression so we’re afraid of them”. While Russia is defending.


Oh if I was in the crowd when he told that Russian to leave, I would yell out “you coward in a fake suit” and tell the kid to sit. Fucking Australians. They genocide the aboriginals, follow the US across the globe killing and pillaging, and now they grown a high horse to sit on.

USA is 666

All you have to do is say you hate the Russian Government, do not support the war, support Ukraine neo-Nazis, agree that Russia commits genocide, pretend that the Armenian genocide never happened, support US controlling the entire globe, believe everything you read in the MSM without question, understand that all Russian culture and sport should be forbidden during the war, agree with every social engineering endeavor by the US Government and agree that variously gay people, black people, brown people, all transgender people are superior not on the content of their character but by definition, ignore science on certain topics and agree not to research certain topics, agree that US can choose the government of every country in the world, keep silent about all child abuse, notice none of your surroundings or other peoples behaviour, pretend that Biden does not have dementia, view religion as benevolent as if the Enlightenment never happened – basically dont think. Then you can be RUssian.

Evil Empire

Yes everyone needs to prove his/her loyalty to the US Empire and its World order. Especially Russians, they cannot be trusted by default. Never question MSM narrative whether it’s about Syria, novichok, LGBT, BLM, Trump, covid or Ukraine. Obey. Serve. Take the knee. And repeat how “free” you are.

Last edited 2 years ago by Evil Empire

Yup, what to expect from an world whom sucked the Scamdemic tit for 2 full years, and the Karens mulitplyed, and the hate propaganda against Russia took over where the Scamdemic left and kicked into over drive, so, are anyone really surprised, along with the massive influx of well pissers, etc. Again, patients is an virtue, and I know one thing already, when this war ends, depite the hopium tripping about weapon systems suply, from the west, wont and dont change much, as we speak due to the situation on the ground, witch as far I pay attention is much more vital, its in the eastern parts is where its going to end, when it ends, 2 weeks later and nobody cares anymore, but then we will be given more accurate info, but the Ukrainians are digging their own grave, they simply cant help them selfs, been just mere scum, and shoudnt be regarded as anything else than scum, the lowest level of humans.

I am not surprised a ship if it got hit, I stil consider ships at the basis of old times, to be a element of the past, to big and to easy to target, but I dont think Moscow was hit by anything other then in peace time ships do explode, not only burn but explode, and risks goes up exponetial in war times, and Moscow was old, etc, this sound more as a cockup, etc than anything else, since something went wrong, yup, shit do happen, but means nothing in the larger theater, but I am a bit curious about why dont the Russians use the sledge hammer, give em some punches, and hit them hard, just to underline the facts.


Bob - Enough

Maybe because of WWII; I reckon for the UK establishment it goes all the way back to the war of independence..


The final aspect which this article didn’t cover is the most important and explains most of the problems in the world.

It is the human beast known as the NPC (that transcends all borders and cultures) who blindly follows orders and has given up its ability to think. Its no coincidence the ‘Covid vaccines are safe and effective’ immediately changed to ‘IStandWithUkraine’.

That’s why the disgusting treatment of the Russian-Australian at the Q-A session was made possible by a hostile NPC audience kicking him out. If the masses didn’t cooperate the hostile western governments would be left with being a soundbox.

Its the cooperation of the NPC beast that are responsible for the worst genocides and violence in world history.


This announcer is an arrogant pos that didn’t address the slaughter of ethnic Russians. Slap that punk ass bitch.


The Nazis have it ass backward.

Tommy Jensen

What a pathetic and poor culture the European poodles are. Never standing up for anything than hypocrisy and falsehood.


People people, just remember that Australia going to be the next Ukraine in the future LMFAO. I can’t wait for these morons…

Neo Galt

Ukrainian propaganda is the same as ISIS propaganda. It’s the same (((tribe))) behind both.


I swear to God, I have never had an ounce of racism towards Russians, even after Aleppo.

But now Im full fledged racist against anything commie russian.


Son of Neptune

The Russians always make me laugh.

CIA bot

Son of Uranus, bitch you never laughed in your sad life. Only crying coz you’re such a reject.

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