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MARCH 2025

Antonovsky Bridge: Strategic Point In Battle For Kherson

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Antonovsky Bridge: Strategic Point In Battle For Kherson

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On August 8, local officials announced the beginning of building of a floating bridge across the Dnieper River in the Kherson region after a series of attacks by Ukrainian forces which damaged the Antonovsky Bridge.

After the closure of the Antonovsky Bridge, cars are ferried across the Dnieper by the Russian military. About 1,000 vehicles are transported every day.

“The pontoon crossing will consist of barges, even if a hole is punched in some, it will not be possible to sink it. It will be a single pontoon that people will pass through,” the head of the military-civil administration of the region said.



Antonovsky Bridge is the only road bridge across the Dnieper in the Kherson region between the center of the region and the city of Alyosha. The total length of the bridge is about 1.4 km, width — 25 m.

Amid the ongoing reports about the offensive of Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine, the Antonovsky bridge is constantly shelled by US-made HIMARS MRLS.

Antonovsky Bridge: Strategic Point In Battle For Kherson

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On July 20, the head of the local administration said that the bridge was “virtually destroyed” after being hit by 11 missiles and could collapse if the attacks continued. The latest attack took place on the morning of August 8. The bridge was hit by HIMARS missiles. So far, the Ukrainian military did not manage to destroy load bearing structural components but only damaged the road.


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Southfront resident nigha

So xoxols are using up the whole supply of americunt katyushas on one bridge, and the only damage is potholes on the bridge…. Biden must be proud.

Miki Miric

Pa kako misle osvojiti Herson ako sruše most?🤣🤣🤣


Za koga pitaš? Rusi imaju mostobran sa istočne strane Dnjepra, što im omogućava da postave potonske mostove za pojačanje i snabdevanje (upravo to i rade). Što se tiče Ukrajinaca, napad na most je logičan jer otežava (ali ne i sprečava) rusko dopremanje pojačanja i resursa – i otkriva njihove namere. Ako si pitao za Ukrajince, kako misle da vrate hersonsku oblast ispod Dnjepra – očigledno da ne misle. Verovatan cilj ofanzive je da dođu do Dnjepra, unište ruski mostobran i tako spreče buduću ofanzivu na Mikolajev i Odesu. Ne mislim da planiraju odmah da prelaze Dnjepar – sve i da veruju da imaju snage za to.

opet ja

Ma kakva ofanziva i prodori. Čim izađu iz naselja satrće ih ruska artiljerija, avijacija i dronovi. UAF needs some heavy guided missile like GBU-15 or Kh-59 with TV or thermal guidance to hit pillars.

William White

3 million dollars a hole!

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Sounds like the going rate for use of Kamala Harris!


That’s a Black Hole, more trillions getting sucked in and never to see the daylight.

Bal- baleg

Just wondering why the Kiev comedian still able to shell different areas of interest in Ukraine, I for one is bored of watching chess game played by Moscow instead I’m enthusiastic to see an angered wild bear defending it’s cub with sole intent to kill the enemy and NOT TO TOY WITH IT if you know what i mean.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bal- baleg
hunter bidé lab pork !

Biden is proud of being a stupid senil monkey !!!

Assad Defeated Zionists

They’re already laying vehicle launched bridges over the potholes.

Potluck Pete

Blah, I’ve seen worse bridges and potholes in NYC.

Barba Papa

They don’t need to actually destroy the bridge, although that would probably have been a major publicity coup. It’s a soft kill as opposed to a hard kill. Soft kill gets the job done too. As long as they can deny the Russians its use, the soft kill, it isolates Russian forces in the Kherson region. And pontoon ferries cannot make up for a fully functional bridge. In that sense they have achieved the same result as when Russian forces almost encircle a city in the Donbass and achieve fire control over the only way out. It’s going to make life harder for whoever is now isolated.

Max Schmidt

So the Wunderwaffe HIMARS is being dropped on a medium size bridge for weeks, and all this useless scrap managed to achieve was some holes in the concrete. Sorry folks, but I can’t see the “Wunder” part in this “Waffe”.

Potluck Pete

I can. It’s a Wunder they call it Waffe.



Assad Defeated Zionists

You talk too much luftbaloney.


Ukraine is afraid of Russian referendum in Cherson. Why? According to Selensky their counter offensive is successful and will lead to a full liberation of Cherson. So many obvious Ukrain lies…


Kherson, NOT Cher’s son.


I still don’t understand why those Himars were allowed to even get into the Country?



Because Putin and Zelensky are both jews and working hand in hand to make christian soldiers slaughter each other big time ! God damn it ! Are you still so heavencryingly stupid to not get that !!??

Florian Geyer

Slava Rossiya.

William White

It is a theory and may be true but I doubt it.

Southfront resident nigha

Xoxols are Christians? Nice joke. If you tell them 2+2=5 – they will believe it if they think it benefits them.

jens homo social worker

off your meds again tebe

Southfront resident nigha

Poof nigha! :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Max Schmidt

Truth being said, I also keep asking me this question, again and again.

Max Schmidt

People gave me minus, but I stand for my words, Cromwell’s question is legit.

Zelensky - cuckold on roids and cocaine

Do you have #standwithukraine #zelenskylegit hashtags on you twatter account, too?

Southfront resident nigha

Shhhish! Goyim need fake fireworks. And like being told that they are wieeeenning.


Unless you have completely closed the border, don’t expect to prevent the entry of military equipment…

Michel LeBlanc

Why would we stop the west depleting their weapons reserves?

I say bring em, show your cards bitches. Then you smash their shit.


And what … blow up US planes on Polish runways? Last I heard Russian objectives in Ukraine was liberation of DPR / LPR, demilitarization and de-Nato / Nazifying Ukraine. How does attacking NATO countries and starting a much wider war help Russia achieve their objectives in Ukraine? Russians … or more likely Russian allied militias … are certainly taking more casualties due to NATO weapons in Ukraine but would bringing NATO into the war cause more Russian casualties or less than just dealing with the weapons once they cross the border?

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_Norica

I agree with you that Russia shouldn’t attack NATO airplanes outside Ukraine. However, this is going to be a neverending war, far worse for Russia than Afghanistan was for the USSR because only a few countries supplied weapons thn, those weapons were far inferior, and there were no Russian civilians casualties. Do you realize all it takes for Ukraine to win the war is to blow up one of their nuclear power plants, preferably the one under Russian occupation so that the Russian areas will be affected more? Heck, even if they don’t succeed in blaming Russia for the hit (which they’ll do, as the MI6 will make sure there’s available “evidence”), the UN would blame Russia for the humanitarian catastrophe because it’s the invader anyway, and would place sanctions, and demand an immediate withdrawal from Ukraine in order to lift them. Yes, it’s that easy for the terrorist states of Ukraine/USA to win the war. They don’t play by the international rules anyway – it’s their “rules”. Perhaps Russia should play by its own rules too.

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

SPEAKING ABOUT BREAKING OR KEEPING OF SO-CALLED-RULES?!@FF-OP’S OF UKRONAZI’S:You Know Why Many Right-Thinking Non-Western People Despise these Ukrainian Nazi Scum?! and their U.S.Neo-Cons-liberal Whore Masters?!.They think they’re the Only Ones Who Know How To Fight Dirty?!.But That’s Not True!.RFR,Can Settle This if it Needs to Brutally-Genocidally-Decisive And Take-Out The Arrogant-American Neo-Cons-liberal-Imperialist Criminals IF They Nuke that Zaprohiza NPP And Try to Spin it against Russia.The RFR Having Nothing More To loose Will Finish “ALL IN GRAND STYLED ARMAGEDDON@PREEMPTIVE THERMONUCLEAR ☢️ ZERO SUM STRIKES ON THE U.S. ITSELF AND U.K. PLUS ACROSS ALL HOSTILE NATO EU, These Diabolical Idiots Will All Die And Quantitative And Qualitative Superiority in NUKES,WITH SATAN5 ICBM’S, HYPER SONIC,MISSILES,AND STATUS 6POSEIDON AI-NUKE TORPEDOES THEY WILL FULFILL THE PROMISE TO BRITAIN TO BOTH DROWN IT AND BURY WHAT’S LEFT OF IT UNDER COBALT-30-RADITION FALLOUT DESERT AS FOR THE USA IT’LL BE -JUST -GOOD-RIDDANCE TO IT’S BAD RUBBISH FOR ALL PEACE LOVING HUMANITY!!.The Great Napoleon Was Right Afterall;”Never Correct Your Enemy When You See Him Making A Mistake”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stephen Obi Emekekwue
Pamfil Military Academy

Sorry, but a final nuclear war will be as much as destroying for Russia as for JUSA or UK mob-like terrorist states. So, Russia will never achieve anything nor the NATO imperial shithole. But it is here a clue. back into the commie era, all Military Academies inside the WP (Warsaw Pact) had a top secret scientific simulation in case of a global nuclear war with the fucking capitalist ones. And was extremely elaborated and studied inside a tiny small military circle. Here it is a lot of a story to mention all the aspects and details but the final conclusion was that in this case Russia have 3-4x chances to rule the world AFTER 50 years from the nuclear devastation. So, as a last resort measure, Russia have the upper hand all over the others. Maybe it’s not a coincidence that Kremlin high profiles build a large underground complex only some years ago; the same construction which was attributed to Putin by the Navalnyi idiot in the famous video disclosure. This is not for Putin first, but for the FSB/military elites and was not Putin’s mind there.

Peppe il Sicario

I’m sorry but it’s August. Jewlie was last month and we’re really not into kosher hasbara this month. like Iron Dildo 97% effective rate against bottle rockets.

Max Schmidt

Sturmabteilung Kraken SS has been “defeated” according to the Russian MoD: “As a result of the attacks of the Russian army and the desertion of Ukrainian militants, the formation has completely lost its combat capability”. Soooo, what should I say, -Ruhe in Frieden, Nazis.


Your answer is very German. Rest in peace would be English. But better you start learning Russian than keep on speaking German! You are for Russia so learn this language and stop talking German! Join the Russian army if you think that Ukrains are Nazis. Fight for your passion/conviction.

To be honest Ukrains are doing what their leaders makes them think and do. They are not all Nazis! Ukrains are good people. Keep in mind they fought facism in ww2 whereas Germans lost ww1 and ww2 on the wrong side.

Pamfil Military Academy

Many ukrops are nazi sympathizers. Too many to have a sane nation as a whole. Let remind you that only 8grams of yeast is enough to leavening 1000 grams of flour.

tommy taco sawyer

USA#1 mental illness, monkey pox rape, violent and non violent crime, most incarcerated because we love freedumb, ugliest most obese females moist lgbt most lost wars best lgbt military, #1 police state we are #1 cesspool nation…he he he

mike l hutchings

Russia is winning the NAZI will be brought to justice and NATO with its hands red with blood is not ready to jump in

Dick Von D'Astard

Good to see the radar reflection pyramids in background. Another example of a few thousand roubles of outlay defeating multi billion dollars in practice.


All the western military advisors etc running Ukraine armed forces are not very impressive

Where's my air cover?

20 years of droning sandle schloppers in the desert from your armchair will do that to you.

Michel LeBlanc

Thats why western militaries are staying home, they know the russians would defeat them, easily.

AM Hants

What made me laugh, was a story with regards Finland is going to send the UK some military instructors, in order they can help with the Ukrainians that have been sent to the UK to learn how to fight. Do believe Sweden are going to do the same. What made me laugh, was the fact that UK and NATO have spent the past 8 years training Ukraine Forces, to NATO level. The only thing that appears successful are the Ukraine Pride Parades and cross dressing Forces. Not many of them left since Russia showed them how things should be done.


In my vision right solution are constant repairs of bridge and not making a pontoon-one near it. Puting a light metal roof over bridge make rockets to explode and never damage the bridge itself.

Southfront resident nigha

Good idea. Go do it!

Ed Theman

I don’t understand why they just don’t fix the bridge during the day. Keep Causing Ukraine to waste the missiles on causing potholes.


The bridge is made of post tensioned (steel stress cables running the length of the beam) concrete box beams and these box beams span 150 meters. The missiles punch holes through both the top and bottom chords of the box beam. They can patch holes easily in the top of the beams repairing the road surface for light vehicles as long as the stress cables aren’t damaged however the missiles have cut the stress cables on both the top and bottom chords of the beams so there is no way of repairing the bridge without replacing the full 150 m span with another beam.


I thought the bridge was repaired


After Russia takes everything east of the Dniepier River there won’t be any need for bridges, well except down south they will need a bridge to get to Moldova.


The Russian army is pretty small, they don’t have enough troops to conduct a proper offensive. The Kremlin refuses to mobilize because they fear for their position and popularity.

Pamfil Military Academy

Vanya, you’re right here. Russia have a too small army compared to the HUGE territory to defend. I always said: Russia must DOUBLE its military spending in the next 1 year. Mobilization is not an option as far as the russian soil isn’t invaded literally and Russia didn’t declare official war to Ukropizdan nazi country whore.


Just goes to show how full of crap Russian MOD is with their claims to not being able to destroy the bridges over the Dnieper.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

The kike troll needed to choose a good Russian sounding name, went for Vanya!, what a retard.

Pamfil Military Academy

Military academy say this: This is a big problem for russians. MoD must found a viable alternative to this bridge because in case of an offensive there they must support the supply north of the river. The ONLY good alternative is to appoint many others locations north the river as supply warehouses, underground ones off course. I think there are enough such places.


how is the glorious ukroptian assault upon Kherson going, how far back have we pushed those bad bad Russians? How many kilometers of land has been reclaimed by our million persons army? are we in Mariupol yet? PMSFLOL

Last edited 2 years ago by BanderiteLivesDontMatter
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