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MARCH 2025

AP Highlights ‘Ukraine’s History Of Rampant Corruption’ After US Lawmaker Slams Zelensky

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AP Highlights 'Ukraine's History Of Rampant Corruption' After US Lawmaker Slams Zelensky

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

Days after Politico reported that Republicans are freaking out because one of their own, Rep. Victoria Spartz, slammed the government of Ukraine and called for “proper oversight of critical infrastructure and delivery of weapons and aid,” the Associated Press (aggregated by NPR, no less) has joined this very out-of-character departure from prevailing narratives peddled by mainstream outlets.

In short – it seems that MSM outlets agree that perhaps it’s unwise to send unchecked billions in weapons and aid to a notoriously corrupt nation whose president, Volodomyr Zelensky, just fired their equivalent of their CIA director and Attorney General while accusing them of treason.

Or, as AP puts it:

As it presses ahead with providing tens of billions of dollars in military, economic and direct financial support aid to Ukraine and encourages its allies to do the same, the Biden administration is now once again grappling with longstanding worries about Ukraine’s suitability as a recipient of massive infusions of American aid.

Those issues, which date back decades and were not an insignificant part of former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment, had been largely pushed to the back burner in the immediate run-up to Russia’s invasion and during the first months of the conflict as the U.S. and its partners rallied to Ukraine’s defense.

But Zelenskyy’s weekend firings of his top prosecutor, intelligence chief and other senior officials have resurfaced those concerns and may have inadvertently given fresh attention to allegations of high-level corruption in Kyiv made by one outspoken U.S. lawmaker.

The article notes that high-profile Ukraine supporters on both sides of the aisle want to avoid a backlash that would make future packages of US taxpayer dollars more difficult to pass – while the Biden administration itself has been “pushing Zelenskyy to do more to act on corruption – a perennial US demand going back to Ukraine’s early days of independence.”

“In all of our relationships, and including in this relationship, we invest not in personalities; we invest in institutions, and, of course, President Zelenskyy has spoken to his rationale for making these personnel shifts,” said State Department spokesman Ned Price in a Monday statement to reporters.

“…in October and then again in December 2021, as the U.S. and others were warning of the increasing potential for a Russian invasion, the Biden administration was calling out Zelenskyy’s government for inaction on corruption that had little or nothing to do with Russia,” AP notes.

The EU and the US are greatly disappointed by unexplained and unjustifiable delays in the selection of the Head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Office, a crucial body in the fight against high-level corruption,” the US Embassy in Kiev said on Oct. 9, adding “We urge the selection commission to resume its work without further delays. Failure to move forward in the selection process undermines the work of anti-corruption agencies, established by Ukraine and its international partners.”

Spartz speaks…

AP Highlights 'Ukraine's History Of Rampant Corruption' After US Lawmaker Slams Zelensky

As mentioned above, AP noted that Rep. Victoria Spartz – who’s made a half-dozen visits to Ukraine since the star of the war (and was invited to the White House in May, where she received a pen used by Biden to sign an aid package) – has accused Zelensky of “playing politics,” while also accusing a top Ukrainian official, Andriy Yermak, of corruption. She’s repeatedly called on the Zelensky administration to appoint an anti-corruption prosecutor (like the one Joe Biden had fired in exchange for $1 Billion in US loan guarantees), and blamed Yermak for the delay.

The Ukrainians have hit back – accusing Spartz of spreading “Russian propaganda,” and warned her to “stop trying to earn extra political capital on baseless speculation.”


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The Official Hacker Of Southfront

Have We Won Yet??


not like USA #1 tranny military won vs taliban😂😂😂

Retired Troll

This basement dwelling Jew bastard must be killed to save Slavic lives. Zelensky is a corrupt gay coward who sits in the Warsaw Americunt embassy basement and does bidding for his Anglo-Zionist masters.


You have … the one for asking idiotic questions, masked as an cry for attention. Feeling better now?

Natalie Biden was 13

“We” are pretty good in timing, no need to hurry. Winter is coming anyway. As for the “You”, well it took you 20 years to win against a bunch of Asians in sandals back in Vietnam. Oh wait a minute, you didnt win, sorry my bad.

Jens Holm.

To compre makes no sense unless the Ukras are Vietnamese.

Natalie Biden was 13

It makes a lot of sense. Besides, the Ukros have much more weapons and resources than the poor Asians. I mean, you guys got almost 100 billion tax dollars and still didnt manage to retake a single town in Lugansk, Donetsk, Crimea etc. You are a shame. A disgrace, completely LOSERS!

I Hacked South-Front and It Was Easy

You Russian Hacks love to talk about how Americans lost to a bunch of Peaseants in Sandals, but if i remember History right, the Russians also LOST against the Taliban in Afghanistan, The Taliban beat the Russians so badly that, your Troops were like Feeble Women, that had to drop abandon all of their Military Equipment and flee away barely with the Clothes on Their Back

Now in stark contrast the Americans kicked ass in every battle, but just like Vietnam the cry from the civilians back home demanded a end to a pointless War and rightly so and to withdraw our Troops back Home, Americans were in Afghanistan for 20 Years and the War Hawks still wanted our Troops there, Americans unlike the Pathetic Russians left because it was just an Endless War, just like Ukraine will be for Russia!

So Fuck Off, You Russian Hacks, you forget America has Decades of War Experience and they will Grind your Weak Pathetic Troops to Dust and scatter their Ashes to the Four Corners of the Earth in this Upcoming War, you will see with your own eyes and then your Pathetic Comments on here, wont mean anything, when Russian Women are bouncing on American Dicks in your own Bed!!


All you show, with your post is how much of an imbecile, you really are, stick to your MSM, they are just as bad and idiotic as you.

Resident South-Front ghetto nigha

jens assholm, is it you? :D


moron lgbt—taliban did not exist—USSR entirely demolished muhajadin—-only when Yeltsin terminated financial support, 3 years after Soviet withdraw did Najibullah govt disintegrate into ethnic factions….”am,erikans are not educated to think sociologically or historically…thge functional illiteracy and ignorance of ameri-cannopts has made us an international joke”. Morris Berman


you cowards lost 200+ battles in Vietnam–your own coward soldiers fragged your own officers…”amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans—they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell😂😂😂 Russian females have no interest in feminized LGbt USA “males”—you are confusing Moldovan or the cunning Ukrainian female w Russian “amerikant males are feminized by the tyranny of the school m’arm…amerikants have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin “only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer “he is like a woman; he lies for the sake of lying”. Emil Zola “the cult of sincerity; ameriukans are not sincere—it is a performance”. David riesman “obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. kiese laymon

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

“of all peoples in an advanced stage of economic civilization americannots are lest accessible to long views always and everywhere in a hurry to get rich they give no thought to remote consequences—they perceive only present advantages—amerikants do not remember, amerikants do not FEEL–amerikants live in a materialist dream” Moisede Ostrogorski

The Triumphant Americans

Yuri when American Troops make it inside Moscow, I will make sure to find you, and chop your Head Off


Boy, that sure scared him.


It never was about winning a traditional sense, but rather about destabilization, regime changes and extraction of natural resources for multinational corporations.


Ukraine could never be as corrupt as USA—“ultimate trickster’s paradise”. Bercovitch “from the inception of USA IT HAS BEEn informed by ubiquitous sleaze…” Walter Mac Dougal “amerikans are really 300 million used car salesmen that have no qualms about killing anyone that makes us uncomfortable”. hunter Thompson “Tzarist Russia is far more free and just than amerika where corporations rule and robbery and thievery is made official”. vissaron Belinsky

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

Amerricunt are the most uneducated in the planet. I met bushmen in Africa that had more common sense then most americunts.


“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind puerile primitive lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to any standardization”. Julius Evola

Match your Mate

America has a grifter for president. Ukraine has a grifter toady for president. Both have the integrity of a cockroach. Sounds like a perfect match to me.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Ukraine is already a corrupt failed state even worse than Iraq. Their best hope is for Russia to take it over. Everything the psionists slaves touch they ruin.

Jens Holm.

I see no failded. They have been there for 30 years and a very united. Corrupt is correct. They were a part of USSR.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Right, right and right. But if the war goes on it will be worse than Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria put together.


One of the worst part of USSR, like Poland.

stupified nebraska hillbilly moderator

swallowing sperm again jens


The best part of Ukraine, is the Eastern part. The more you go west towards Kiev, the worst crap you find in that direction.

Svas Tika

Tattoo shops are doing well though.


YES THEY DID $TART THE CRI$IS…. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-started-ukraine-crisis-china-says-fiercest-official-criticism-yet

So why did the both of you stay silent for this long (https://www.ae911truth.org/)!?….

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Jens Holm.

None will be surpriced if Putin suddenly has a long secret beard for camouflage as well.


He eats the $hit out of your Kike a$$!… And LOVE$ IT!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt


Bufford T Justice

Go work on your English , meanwhile, STFU .


Putin is not Chechen or Muslim, idiot.

Jens Holm.

Just hostile propaganda.

It seemes to be some kind of porn and selfie too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jens Holm.
Jens Holm.

Putin lives in USA and run for President there. He has more supporters for uniting the world then Biden.

But the oppostion ther epredict he will end as trailer park white trash.

Natalie Biden was 13

Dude, please, go back to basic English lessons. Nobody can follow you.


Nobody, the ones that make the decision, the 1%, want a smart leader in the USA. The rest of the population, vote for the show. After the vote, no one in the government care about the ordinary citizen or even accept one of their suggestion. Their master, the Oligarch couldn’t care less, they just want to get more money.

Don't Tread on Me

You have no idea what you are talking about, Americans just like any other Nation wants the best for our Country, the promblem lies in corrupt Politicians, that say one thing to get elected, and then proceed to do the complete opposite when in office, really nothing you can do about it

But Trump was a very good president, but that’s why the ELITE threw him out of Office by Rigging the Election, and it explains how someone as Pathetic as Joe Biden can become President!

Nighas cock sucking americans

Americans are cuckolds :D Go back sucking nighas dick!

The Triumphant Americans

Your Wife is a Cuckold, and will be sucking nigga dick, while another Black Man pound her in the Ass from behind, when NATO conquers Russia!

Rules we live by

Trump is a dope. First he picks Bolton then Pompeo. He kept Pompeo because he was an ass kisser and a war mongering jackass and he dumped war mongering Bolton just because he wasn’t kissing enough of Trump’s ass. That’s the long and short of it.

Know people by the company they keep.

stupified nebraska hillbilly moderator

jens advanced senility worse than my schizoid dx


Ukraine: The Hunter Biden of Nations


Seems like a good comparison, Hunter and zelensky both take coke.


The clown 🤡 needs a ticket to hell.


Speaking of rampant corruption, where are Russia’s drones?


USSAN slash imported Ukropper juice telling off Ukropper juice about corruption….doesn’t get any more surreal than these juicoids fleecing their goyim tax cattle to finance genocide in rump Ukropland and then bitchin about it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo
Bufford T Justice

Someone dares speak the truth in Congress and the others freak out . Despicable scum bags.

WT Baker

Our US Constitution states it is our right to alter or abolish any government that acts contrary to the purpose and intent of an elected body of representatives to the general welfare of the people. After 50 years of murder, lies, and cover ups this Wall Street owned Congress i see about to be turned upside down.


Don’t forget a cut for Hunter, Romney, Pelosi, Kerry, Graham, McConnell and 10% for Joe Biden.

Western Squeaks in the Wilderness

The West preparing to dump that festering sore of Ukraine after discovering a massage only aggravates it.

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