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MARCH 2025

Apparent US Mercenaries Spotted In Syria’s Rumeilan Oil Field Area (Video)

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Apparent US Mercenaries Spotted In Syria's Rumeilan Oil Field Area (Video)

A screenshot from the video

Democratic US mercenaries seem to be actively operating in oil-rich areas controlled by the US miltiary in eastern Syria. For example, supposed US-linked mercenaries could be seen on a recent video released by the Kurdish ANHA news agency from the Rumeilan oil field area.


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Normal Person

Assholes escorting assholes representing Oil Giants, inspecting the place to see if it’s worth investing. That’s state/corporate sponsored piracy, and stealing another nation national resources is a crime.


Smedley Butler knew the score

Karen Bartlett

No honor to see here.Guards for thieves, is all.


They look like thugs and thieves in camo gear.

Karen Bartlett

Regular military has no choice. They’re owned by the gov’t. But mercenaries are being paid big bucks and could refuse to do this job, but choose not to.

Toronto Tonto

So what , Russia is in Ukraine .


Oh fuck off, you Israerlis occupy Gaza, the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Golan Hights. I mean you Israeli really occupy these areas, not fake occupy like the Donbass, remember solomon kupek you lost Syria, Russia hating isn’t going to change that you stupid Kahzarian colonizer.

Toronto Tonto

So what Syria is a shitthole like Russia , all yours .


That coming from A Canadian, Canada is a shithole in the making.


He is not a Canadian, he is an Israeli pretending to be Canadian, real name or his original profile was solomon kupek.


I didn’t know, even worse, a troll pretending being Canadian.


Well knowing what a tonto he really, who knows why chose to pretend to be a Canadian.


When brain was distributed, you had been skipped?


Pathetic, you side stepped the question, about your Israeli occupation of the Gaza, West Bank and the Golan Heights. Which your occupations have turned in to shitholes, then again with a poverty rate 30% in Israel proper, your country has poverty rate more then double Russia’s.

Also if doesn’t matter as your idiotic ass say about Syria being like Russia, then for fuck sakes get real job and leave this site. Then again you work as troll because there are barely any real jobs in shithole Israel solomon kupek. Oh and speaking of shithole Israel how is corruption in politics going there shlomo, your corrupt parliament can’t even form a government and Bibi maybe looking at jail time when he leaves politics.


Again get over it you lost Syria solomon kupek.


Butthurt eh? Good.

Icarus Tanović

You forgot Lebanon too, that Zionistic satanistic fagots occupied, but in last 40 and more years they been successfully driven off.


True, I forgot about Lebanon or the Sinai. Really this Israeli troll masquerading as a Canadian going on about fake Russian occupation, yet overlooking his settler colony’s list of invasion and occupations rich beyond belief.

His Russian hatred derives from their spoiling of Israel plan to destroy Syria. He posted the same garbage over two years ago under the name Solomon kupek, and he is doing it again , in the fake guise of a Canadian poster.


Solomon goes back many years on this site. Name changes: Solomon K > Velociraptor > Wise Gandolf > Putin beater. I think he lives in Czechoslovakia. Many there will not forgive the Soviet Union for moving in 1968, and putting down the Prague Spring govt. reforms to become more democratic.


I guess when he did some rants on not only Syrians but on Iranians and his support for clearly Israeli trolls like Jacob Wohl, I would figure him for being Israeli. Then again Russophobic right-wing to neo-Nazi eastern Europeans and Jewish Zionist make for strange bedfellows. Kind of like Soros and his foundation supporting neo-Nazi Banderites in Ukraine. Then again Nazism and Zionism are two sides of the same ideological coin.

Either way his post seems like solomon kupek and this time he is really sticking with this fake Canadian persona. As for being Czech, if true, I say then get over it tonto 1968 is history, Czech and Slovak are now official lackeys of NATO preparing for Russian invasion that is never going to come, because Russia isn’t interested in managing their worthless internal affairs.

Seriously outside Russians, Belorussians and Serbs, the eastern Europeans have no decent or noteworthy qualities to them. Blaming their own failings on Russia is easier then looking at their own societies and why they are rife with corruption, low paid jobs or poverty, all the while still thinking their Western European or North American sugar daddies are going to save them, from their self-destruction.

Meh regardless of where he is from a troll is a troll, but I just need to point out for sure that he isn’t Canadian or even a Russian hating Ukrainian-Canadian.

Peter Jennings

That does show that the isreali regime can be beaten. If memory serves, the regime asked the USadmin to intervene with a peace treaty, and after US barracks were bombed by the isreali regime under a false flag operation.

Memories eh? one thing that gov’t spooks cannot control….yet.


Actually, as Israeldid not follow the porposed UN plan for “their” territory, whole state of Israel is illegal, hence all land there was taken from the Palestinians.


Agreed, but I just wanted to focus on those territories that this Israeli scumbag troll couldn’t answer for in his obsessive hatred of Russia. Indeed it was illegal, hence most of the time I refer to Israel as settler colony instead of a country.

Ceasar Polar

No constitution, no legal existence, a pseudo-state of gangsters/criminals/terrorists/psychopaths —-> IsraHell, in Occupied Palestine

Peter Jennings

This creep has supposedly accumulated 42817 votes from 11632 kneejerks! This does mean that the Disqus platform is compromised. Everything posted is recorded into tonto’s fascist black book. He then places the book between his butt cheeks and shows it to Kemosabe.

Luciano Martini


John Wallace

The Ottoman Empire ( Turkey ) GAVE Crimea too Russia 1774 after all their wars. Turkey , England , France and Sardinia fought Russia IN Crimea in 1853 . The last expeditionary war Sweden fought , which they lost , was against Russia in Poltava in 1709 . Do you know where Poltava is , No . Try finding Kharkov and Poltava is sort of close to there. Where is Kharkov , well that is near Kursk which is where the biggest tank battle ever in the world happened which also just happened to include Russia. So when you say Russia is in Ukraine you base that on complete ignorance and stupidity like most if not all your comments and you think you are what , totally stupid or just stupid. You really do insult the Maple Leaf .


He insults the maple leaf by pretending to be Canadian, he is in Israeli troll who posted the same stuff more then a year or two ago under a different name.

John Wallace

He is too stupid to be anyone’s Troll so no matter where it is from no country would admit to it being one of theirs. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion and I guess somehow that includes it.

Ceasar Polar

New record in thumbs down.

Peter Jennings

The US can no longer help or control themselves. The US and their military cronies are making 30 million a month from Syrian oil, and is why good money is spent on robots who give no thought to anything other than killing and money. A US mercenary cannot use the excuse of protecting america, so they become a shyster’s bitch.

The world is now a more hazardous place for westerners to travel thanks to minions who prostitute themselves for soulless corporate cash. They are messing things up for future generations, including their own.

Ceasar Polar

Inaction is being complicit of their crimes. If those PMC’s are based in the US, then the government as well as the general public know what is going on. This is not only dangerous for the US citizen abroad, but also dangerous to the whole world as it is eroding international law, privatizing/outsourcing military actions, which are not governed by any treaty, since it is a new trend, continues to operate “unregulated”. If we don’t do anything, WW3 will be fought between giant corporations… by-passing government/public approval. Dangerous trend indeed


International law ? Over there ? Those shit countries where they usse women and children as shield for the coward terrorists,coward armies who hide in pyjama’s, criminals who rape, cheat, steal and murder in the name of their cruel god, presidents who invent the most idiote reasons to kill people, loch hundred of tauzends up, make even more redundant, occupy countries, and support fanatic zombies. Good thing there are mercenaries so the cowardly Europeans can pay instead of to deliver. Hope they shoot al IS prisoners and jihadists to those stupid 72 virgins, bed they will not deliver.

Karen Bartlett

I think the private contractors are mostly guarding Syrian oil fields for American oil companies, not fighting terrorists. That role goes to the enlisted regular army.

Ceasar Polar

The sad part is for the benefits of US’s companies (Mostly Rothschild owned directly or indirectly for oil), the US is ready to deprive the Syrian people and Syrian legitimate government of its own natural ressource. This is called BANDITRY or THEFT. Right on the open, using PMC and reg. Military. Is that a democratic society ? It is a fascist system where the rule of Money supersedes the rule of LAW.

Karen Bartlett

Well, citizens don’t always “know what’s going on”. Many aren’t even interested in foreign policy, although imo they should be.

Ceasar Polar

A democratic society should always have watch-dogs, and firewalls in place to prevent/blow the whistle about such important things happening. But those same “watch-dogs” and “firewalls” are actively fought, stalked, persecuted, silenced, bribed, blackmailed, or even killed if they become too loud or efficient in uncovering state secrets. When you have a society that have watched the rape of their nation on national TV, a nuclear demolition of their own “world trade center” watching it fall, and blame it on “fake foes” where it was indeed an inside job, to push for big wars. It is a society that is not democratic, and is a society that is fascist. Without knowing it, americans is now a fascist dreamland for the zioNazis.

Karen Bartlett

Well, by society, you mean the government.

Ceasar Polar

I mean by society the government + We the People together. Government cannot got along unchecked, especially when this government becomes dependent of private money (central banks, or to election campaigns). It is the people’s duty to establish the watch-dogs, and firewalls. If they cant, it means they are living in a fascist system.

Karen Bartlett

It’s per month. That’s about a million per day.

Peter Jennings

You are correct Karen. A mistake on my part. Thanks for the revision. I will amend the comment.


Ah Syrian Army, you have lost the Oil fields, what is it, you going to wait for Trump to Privatize them, to make legal cash, just bomb the oil fields with artillery barrage and that’s it. It is your oil, if it’s not in your hands when then it will be in none especially the United Snakes.

You can call me Al

Fuck off. The Syrians will take them back when all the scum are killed INCLUDING Yanks.

Gregory Casey

I wholeheartedly agree with you Al !!


Yeah right and who exactly will take THEM BACK?! Look at the yanks they are starting to build a whole fortified base there, they even added 40 Abrams tanks, strips for Apache gunships, what the Neocons do is privatize them, you will see, that’s the Trump plan, and after they will just drain and drain the oil as if its theirs, they have secure corridor to Iraq and from there they will ship that oil back to US or sell locally. Just tell us who will be the brave soul to enter and attack and get them back oh and when?

Jim Bim

They are getting paid from the oil the US is stealing.

Karen Bartlett

Well, the main private contractor company, Academie (used to be “Blackwater”) is owned by a guy named Erik Prince. He’s a friend of Pres. Trump. I don’t know how he gets paid. Probably from the taxpayers somehow.

Jim Bim

Exactly Karen.

Karen Bartlett

From recent comments by Mr. Trump, perhaps they are going to use the oil revenue to pay PMC’s. It’s for sure the oil revenue isn’t going to go to the rightful owners of the oil, i.e. Syria.

Jim Bim

It’s the same they did until 2015. Remember “weapons for oil” trade with ISIS. After Putin`s 2015 speech at the UN, Russia smashed thousands of oil tankers driving in caravans between the Syrian and Turkish border.

Karen Bartlett

Aha! Good for Russia! (I don’t remember it because I was working then, 50 hrs./wk with no time to read anything. But I’m glad.) And what did the US do about it? Zilch, i’m betting. Heh, heh, heh.

Jim Bim

Also, Putin at the G20 meeting 2015 said on live TV, ” i have here a list of all the countries who are involved in the weapons for oil trade with ISIS……most of you are on the list……Russia will stop it. The US put the Kurds in charge of the oil fields in the south, bordering Iraq…….they are selling the oil to the Kurds in Iraq. Thousands of trucks with US weapons have crossed the Iraqi Kurdish border into the Syrian Kurdish territory.

Stinky Man

“Trump sends Americans to die for Oil in Syria.” That is not going to play well in the ‘fake’ media. Wait, it’s not fake news it’s real news, Trump send American’s to die for Oil


I do not see a single oil pump jack working in this video. Unless some are simply turned off?


The field was wrecked when the SDF rolled in there, with something like only 7% oil production. I doubt they have restored that much at all.

You can call me Al

I have just said similar (5-15%), but I stated it was due to the US sanctions on Syria before the war – you could be right though.


This was from a pretty good analysis I read when the SDF first entered the oil fields and people were asking why the SAA and Co. did not contest it. It was a wreck and there were much bigger fish to fry at the time.

John Wallace

I saw a similar video the other day with 5 US vehicles and a couple of SDF? vehicles patrolling oilfields in Syria (15 min long ) with dozens of those pumping thing with only one actually working, Close ups of a couple showed doubtful if worked for years and most likely wouldn’t unless cleaned up. A completely different area ( geographical landscape ) to this one.

You can call me Al

Probably another oilfield.

You must remember that before the war, Syria had 7/8 years of sanctions put on it, so maintenance was out of the door. Somewhere I read that the oil output was between 5-15 % of what it used to be.

PS “A pumpjack is the overground drive for a reciprocating piston pump in an oil well.”……. or “nodding donkey”.

John Wallace

Thanks AL , appreciated. I saw a map of Syrian oil fields and they are spread all over the place and I guess the war has taken its toll as well. Our oilfields are at sea so we don’t have those pumpjacks although I have seen them on TV in movies and doco’s so never really knew what they were called apart from that oil thing.. Cheers mate.

More proof that it was always about stealing the oil, nothing else, no protection of the people only the dirty oil $$$ !

You can call me Al

Have a look at this – https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Da1_35VX4AAc_WN.jpg

Karen Bartlett

God protect Syria!


the impotent empire will spend more stealing the oil than they receive from selling it–Syria has never produced enough for export-but apparently the amerikan nazis have nothing better to do w their money…I suspect they will receive 1 shekel for each 5 dollars they spend guarding, processing, transporting and selling it to other head choppers that they have lent the money to to buy it, knowing they will not ever receive payment on their loans….ask Wohl: his ponze schemes were prosecuted by the state of Arizona

Jacob Wohl

These mercenaries have 24/7 USAF protection! unlike the 400 russkies/syrians that got shredded at Conoco in 2018


The trash nobody wanted in this comment section, whats up rat boy.

Jacob Wohl

liking your own comment? I’ve done that but then realized NOT TO because it’s weird


Love it more then you face rat boy.


Do Israelis like you, love getting you ass whopped, you whiny child molesters.


Oh man look at that stare of yours jacob, you are so intimidating, to 2 year old you are going to molest.


Wohl victimized developmentally delayed clients in Arizona—only the cognitively deficient believe his fictional nonsense…if Arizona bureaucrats detected his corrupt lies, one can only conclude he was raised on a diet that stunted his intellectual development


Man that face of yours is puke inducing.


Now that I have done puking after seeing you face, unlike your fake conoco 2018 statement, its funny how you Israeli pussies got shredded by Hezbollah in 2006 or Hamas in 2014.

You can call me Al

I have him blocked, but I am intrigued by this comment of his. Would you mind copying it and sending it to me please.


It’s just Jacob Wohl’s usual disinfo on this site: “These mercenaries have 24/7 USAF protection! unlike the 400 russkies/syrians that got shredded at Conoco in 2018” Syria reported 55, and SOHR reported 68, but now his claim is 400 !

You can call me Al

hmmm, OK thanks; he really is a plank. Cheers,

Jacob Wohl

BREAKING newS: unidentified stealth fighters circling over DAMASCUS, butcher regime air defenses CANNOT see or lock onto them! (debkafile) :-]


Its not news, its fantasy your posting, child molesting rat.


Bla bla bla. You even show that source of fake news called DEBKAfile when everybody knows it is part of the Israeli propaganda system.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Let the Ransom Games begin.

Ceasar Polar

Business as usual, using PMC’s to conduct warcrimes, theft, and banditry. What a change eh ?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

SAA needs to neutralize them and take back what is theirs!!!!

Icarus Tanović



He is the interpreter, he appears in many vid

Gregory Casey

Those bearded ones should be easily recognizable by their neighbors & families back home in America!


Well, the US can’t complain if they get fragged. That’s the problem with that plausible deniability shit.

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