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MARCH 2025

Appeal Of Ordinary Heroes Of 3rd Battalion Of 105th Regiment Of DPR To Their High Command (Video)

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Appeal Of Ordinary Heroes Of 3rd Battalion Of 105th Regiment Of DPR To Their High Command (Video)

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During the military conflict in Ukraine, dozens of videos were shared online showing Ukrainian servicemen claiming that they were thrown like cannon fodder to the front line without training and weapons. In the videos, the entire Ukrainian battalions refuse to follow the orders of the Ukrainian command and leave their military positions. Most of the Ukrainian units were abandoned by their command.

A similar video, the authenticity of which does not arouse suspicion, was recorded by servicemen of the 3rd Rifle Battalion of the 105th Rifle Regiment of the Donetsk People’s Republic. In the video, the DPR fighters appealed to the supreme command of the republic, describing the grave condition of the unit, which was not properly prepared before being sent to the front.

Such an attitude of the military command of a state that has been at war for 8 years cannot be considered the usual practice of deployment of their troops on the battlefield.

At the same time, the video recorded the appeal of former students, citizens who are older than military age, who were drafted into the armed forces of the DPR without the necessary training. These people have never refused to comply with the order of the military command. These guys fought on the front lines in Mariupol, where fierce street battles were taking place, withstanding counterattacks by Azov fighters and servicemen of other units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces trained by foreign instructors. They also conducted offensive actions to mop up the city. As a result, up to 40% of the battalion’s personnel were killed or wounded.

After the assault on Mariupol, they were immediately sent to another hot battlefield on the front in the Luhansk People’s Republic. At the same time, the battalion was not regrouped and did not have time to rest, as it was the case of the well-known battalion of the DPR Somalia for example. The 3rd battalion fulfilled its combat mission and carried out the order. Now the servicemen continues to hold their military positions in the LPR, despite heavy losses and lack of rest. The officers did not abandon their soldiers, but stay with them in the trenches.

Apparently, the situation has become complicated to the extent that an organized strike by superior enemy forces can lead to the complete destruction of the battalion due to the fact that only every second serviceman from the battalion’s roster is still in the ranks, and even those who remained on the frontline suffer massively from diseases and accumulated fatigue.

The servicemen of the 3rd battalion of the 105th regiment of the DPR, who can be fully called real but not media heroes, were forced to record the appeal to the high command of the republic, the translation of which follows:


“To the Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Vladimirovich Pushilin.

Dear Denis Vladimirovich!

The personnel of the 3rd Rifle Battalion of the 105th Rifle Regiment of the military unit 08818 addresses you with the following:

The servicemen of the 3rd Rifle Battalion of the 105th Rifle Regiment of the military unit 08818 were mobilized in the period from 02/23/2022 to the present. Contrary to your public statements that the mobilized reservists will not directly participate in hostilities, but will participate in the restoration and preservation of law and order in the liberated territories of the DPR, as well as hold the third line of defense.

The personnel of the 3rd rifle battalion of the 105th rifle regiment, being untrained and inexperienced in conducting combat operations, were studying in universities until the moment of mobilization, worked at various enterprises and in various industries unrelated to military service, as well as did not pass mandatory medical examination. Many of the mobilized have acute chronic diseases. They had been on the front line in the city of Mariupol since 13.03.2022.
Please note that in the period from 13.03.2022 to the present day, bearing combat and other losses, as of 23.05.2022 only 60% of the personnel remained.

The personnel of the 3rd Rifle Battalion of the 105th Rifle Regiment completed the assigned combat tasks, namely the defense of their positions in the city of Mariupol, conducting offensive combat operations. At the moment, the personnel is located on the territory of another state, namely the Luhansk People’s Republic, of which the mobilized are not citizens.
The servicemen of the 3rd Rifle Battalion of the 105th Rifle Regiment are mentally and physically exhausted, which complicates the performance of combat missions…”


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The troops of DNR and LNR should be the most treasured of all troops, since they are mostly of local stock.

Of course Pushilin is a Kremlin puppet. Zakharchenko was the real deal, but the Kremlin let him be killed. He was a very good leader and also good politician.

With friends like Pushilin and Putin, you don’t need enemies.


These are reservists not soldiers


Reservist are soldiers, but they are not as well trained as a full time soldier, they usually will have equipment that is one generation behind what full time soldiers have, and their physical conditioning is not as good as a full time soldiers. On the positive, they bring a non-militiary perspective to the battlefield that a commander would be foolish to not consider.


Anyone who is not a kindergarten kid will tell you this video is a fake. South Front, what has happened to you? This is Ukie propaganda through and through.

jens holm

You might be correct. Ukras say they just dont send in people like that.


You clearly see the grainy nature of the video with the voice over. That’s not the soldiers in the video speaking.

Muhammad your Prophet

They’re seeing exactly what everybody else is seeing. That Putin is a deranged military amateur with no clue about how to conduct warfare. And that he doesn’t give a shit about any Russian soldiers and their families. Even Ukranian forces have more sympathy for Russian soldiers than their terrorist Russian president.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Go into comedy, genius , you are a natural .

Ashok Varma

These Zionist troll farms have hired some real idiots.

Ashok Varma

You are dumb Jew hasbara troll and no Muslim as most of the Islamic world firmly backs like most of the world is 100% supportive of Russia against the racist Ukrainian Nazi trash., even your senile Kissinger wants a negotiated settlement and most of Ukraine reverted back to Russia.

Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory as there is no way Russia can be militarily defeated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
Outside Observer

Putin could care less. If the Russian people would get a VPN, they would see the true picture. The soldiers are just cannon fodder to Putin.

Peppe il Sicario

It’s a Langley affiliated site run by Russian 5th columnists like those over at Avia.pro. Subtle propaganda to discredit Russia.


I agree 100%. The majority of DPR ” soldiers” had no official military training. They are local men from the Donbass who left their jobs to protect their families and homes, 8 YEARS AGO! Their military training has been on the job training, from fighting the USG/ Israeli trained & armed swastika wearing Ukrainian military. There is no way in hell any of the brave men from the DPR would create such a video. If they have a problem, they ask their leadership. Shame on you Southfront and Veterans Today for posting this ridiculous propaganda !! If you listen carefully, you will hear the Italian accent of the speaker. Shameful !!

Karl Pomeroy

I’m sure Denis Pushilin will take appropriate measures to help these heroes, in keeping with DPR tradition.

Karl Pomeroy

Note on my comment above: I had not watched the video, but had trusted SF’s judgement. Maybe this was a mistake. Thanks to other commenters for clarifying this might be a fake.


I’ve seen video with ~30-35 year teacher of geography, which is now on the front line at, so even if the video was staged by ukros, the fact is real, reservists are in battle. Can’t find this video, but here is another one, RT’s. Title says about DPR reservists at Mariupol’s direction. ok.ru/video/3453519597956

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

The current US President’s policies are communistic and supportive of the Chinese leadership; you need to concentrate of the beam in your countries eye before worrying about the splinter in Russia’s. Though just your posts are evidence enough that you were / are a China Joe supporter.

The Saint

Due to the quality of the video (which is highly suspicious since even the most basic phone can take much better quality video than this), it is impossible to recognise anyone or even equipment and uniforms.

Whether it turns out to be genuine or not (I suspect not), it is ridiculous and somewhat incompetent of SF to base an article around this video, since it cannot be verified and could easily be fake, so therefore it should be treated as fake and propaganda.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Saint
jens holm

I agree. Things gets more blured then they already are.


Well said.

Slava Rossiya.

Karl Pomeroy

Thanks for clarifying. Why does SF do this? And what about the plea to Denish Pushilin? Is that fake?


Uniform is russian pixel camouflage, but it’s not a problem to get 20-30 or more. The problem is real, reservists on the front line, so the officer takes care about his men. There is the order of DPR’s head prohibiting to send reservists to battle, officer said about that. They are not against fighting ukros, but this is needless waste of men to send not enough trained people to battle. While hohols are against any combat, because they know, they are on the wrong side of nazis and will lose anyway, they wish to flee, but the clown of Kiev tell them to stay and die. Two different situations.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
jens holm

Thats most likely partly correct. We have seen so many Russian soldier havin left by telling or just leaving as well.

It is hard fighting. Its also true many of the killings are done by artillery and missiles. By that soldiers not even fight. They are just taken out by far distance bombardments.

So In do understand they feel like that.


Who is “we” and where did you see this? Give us links or sources. Otherwise is just more BS form you, like most of the time.


This news just in ….. Sadly the much needed arsehole transplant Zelensky received after his last gang bang at the AZOV HQ Christmas party has rejected him!


How’s azov the basement battalion s doing?

Arzt Injektion

I have watched at least a half dozen similar videos from Ukrainian units. Surely there is a better to go about this then making these type of videos which is absolutely platinum gold for the enemy (Which is why SF-CIA delights in publishing it). If you are absolutely at your end and refuse to follow orders, so be it. Disband, desert, retire, do what you will, but don’t make a video about it killing your own forces morale and raising the morale of your enemy.


I am sure they have tried to contact hq many times before doing this. The Russians should be very carefull. The LPR/ DPR conscripts are carrying the weight of this war since Putin refuses to mobilise the Russian reserve.

The difference between Russian losses mentioned by Russia and those mentioned by others may be those that LPR/ DPR Militia had. Without those conscripts who are just there cause they happened to live in these territories, russia would either have to mobilise their own forces or stop fighting.

And no matter how Russia may see it those Nations are not legal and deserters would not be send back if they just leave the country as long as they dont go to russia. I doubt even Belarus would send them back.


Russia sent 200 thousand men, LDPR both — 30 thousand + reserves, so losses of Lugansk and Donetsk forces proportional to these numbers. People from 2 regions can’t replace mobilization of 80 regions.


Lol polish sources are just as bad as. Ukranians


Ukrainian army in Donbas is almost defeated. Ukros cry rage in commend lol


I wish you were right but the US / UK are allready preparing other frontlines to weaken russia like Moldova, Karabach, Syria or do you really think that Erdogan will stop after destroying the Kurds?


As if they didn’t need to fight on the same fronts. Israel is itching for a war with Iran, in what case the muricans will be forced to send their army. They will be embroiled in a wider ME war, all the while being embroiled in Ukraine and in the South China sea. Three fronts at the same time. Sure defeat!

Their game works only if they stay away from the battlefield. To do that they must force their jewish masters to stop the bullshit against Iran. Something that is becoming harder every passing day.


Those are just bluffs. They have been bluffing for weeks. It’s pure desperation as Russia was able to disrupt most of the external supplies. So far Ukraine has gained nothing from that.


Moldavia will be part of Russia (again), if they will start attack. Romania after sending troops will be bombed to dust, there is nothing to regret. Erdogan takes too much gains from cooperation with Russia. Poland risks to be striked with tactical nuclear charges (5-20KT). I’m not denying mentioned risks, but there is the answer for any case. One half of troops operating the nazist cancer, another half + troops of Minsk is reserve for something else. Poland is not stronger than Kiev regime, Romania is even weaker. Add small 3-headed cerberus to the list, Pribaltica, barking at command from Washington. They could attack too. + Japan, but with lesser chance.


“Many of the mobilized have acute chronic diseases. They had been on the front line in the city of Mariupol since 13.03.2022.”…

Begs the question just like Russia’s lack of support after the Maidan coup in 2014…

Is Russia using the Eastern Donbas indigenous as “fodder” until they feel it necessary to get more “ensconced”?… And are these diseases the result of NATO biological weapons???…

It was bad enough when Russia screwed their own cousins by leaving patriots like “Motorola” to fend for themselves without Russia’s direct involvement. But now there are these disturbing revelations? Say it ain’t so!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Muhammad your Prophet

It’s been going on since the start of the invasion. Back when the moronic Russian convoy was stuck in traffic north of Kiev all the way to Chernobyl. It’s still going on today. If you don’t like the facts, you’re going to have to eat the facts wether you like them or not. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=5163908906966876&id=100000434530849&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
kogda mi byli na voinye

i think if putin knows the situation,some heads will fall…

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s good then because he doesn’t know shit about anything.


Bla, bla bla … and you know even less. You can’t even handle the truth. Pathetic.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

This video is most suspicious it could have been shot anywhere and at any time. The quality of this video is deliberately poor and one emeditntly questions its authentic nature. I would suggest that this is an attempt by Western intelligence services to cause discord within the ranks of the LDPR military units. It won’t work. If anything it shows the desperation of the Kiev regime and their Western backers. The LDPR are among the most fearsome and loyal units on active service. Don’t forget these people are fighting for their families their homes their farms their whole world and have been doing so since 2014.

Karl Pomeroy

Thanks for straightening this out. I had trusted SouthFront’s judgement on this. So why is SF posting misinformation, if that’s what this is?

The maharaja

Well at the very least they need a new camera! a new i phone 8 or above this VCR recording is telling!


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Last edited 2 years ago by AngelaGarcia
The Condor

Ukraine had three Brigades, 13th, 14th, and 115th, mutiny last week and post videos about it. If this is another fake, that is why you are seeing it.


This is a TOTALLY FAKE video and the DPR Armed Forces are made up of Brigades and Battalions. There is no such thing as the 105 Rifle Regiment. What is true is the fact that Southern Front is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.


Righteous words, conscripts and reservists shouldn’t come to front, if the authorities ordered to not send them, even though many reservists agree to be sent at the front, because people of Donbass are real russian patriots. But breaking a direct order of government is violation, if not a crime.

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