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MARCH 2025

Arab League To Hold Urgent Meeting On Iran As Saudis Reportedly Mobilize Fighter Jets

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The Arab League is set to hold an emergency meeting on Iran at Saudi Arabia’s request, this according to Reuters and various regional sources, at a moment when Saudi fighter jets may be mobilizing for war in an attempted show of force. Egypt-based Ahram Online also reports further that the meeting will discuss “Iranian interference” in the region at League headquarters in Cairo, and other early unconfirmed reports indicate the meeting could come as early as next Sunday.

News of the Arab League extraordinary session comes as tensions are at breaking point as regional powers – especially Saudi Arabia and Israel – talk war against perceived Iranian expansion and domination in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, The Daily Star, citing the Baghdad Post, claims that Saudi Arabia has scrambled its air force for strikes in Lebanon: “Reports now state the Royal Saudi Air Force has placed its warplanes on alert to launch strikes as the region sits on a knife edge.” The report accompanies undated footage of Saudi F-15’s in aerial maneuvers over what is presumably a Saudi airfield.

The Daily Star adds the following accompanying the video:

The kingdom has mobilized its F-15 fighter jet fleet to launch a military operation against the Iranian-backed terrorist militia of Hezbollah in Lebanon, regional news website The Baghdad Post reports.

Saudi Arabia previously accused both Lebanon and Iran of committing an act of wars against it after rebels fired a missile at the King Khalid International Airport in the kingdom’s capital of Riyadh.

Arab League To Hold Urgent Meeting On Iran As Saudis Reportedly Mobilize Fighter Jets
Saudi Arabia has reportedly placed its air force on alert

However unlikely it is that the Saudis would take direct military action against Lebanon, the report reveals the legitimate fears of Lebanese citizens who are increasingly aware that their country has fallen in the cross hairs of an unusual alliance between Saudi Arabia, Israel, and anti-Iranian interests which see Hezbollah and pro-Iranian proxies as the number one threat and scapegoat for all of the region’s problems.

Iran is currently being scapegoated for just about all tensions which have exploded in the gulf over the past week, including the following:

  • the civil war in Yemen,
  • the Qatar economic blockade and isolation over accusations that it is “Iran friendly”,
  • the latest civil unrest in Bahrain and the alleged bombing of a major oil pipeline there,
  • ratcheting up tensions with Israel in support of Hezbollah,
  • destabilizing Lebanon itself leading to PM Saad Hariri’s “resignation” – all of this precipitating the Saudi “night of the long knives”.

As many astute pundits have pointed out, it’s now “blame Iran time” according to the official Saudi (and allies) narrative of events in order to set the stage for public support for potential military action against Iran.

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Carol Davidek-Waller

All the US has to do to stop a potential conflagration is to refuse to supply the House of Saud with replacement parts for their fancy US made airplanes. DItto for pilot training and maintenance.


Um….. what makes you think the US wants to STOP it?


The Arab league, dominated by GCC oil money, is starting to look a little thread bare with Syria, Qater, and now Lebanon on the dirt list. Even Egypt isn’t fully on board with some of the GCC/Jew baby rappers international crime and terror agenda.

Rafik Chauhan

jn arab league is only Saudi/Bahrain/uae/sudan only this country want war . other arableague members like Qatar/Syria/Iraq/yemen/oman/Tunisia/Egypt/Kuwait/lebnon etc doent want war with iran and they take iran as partner country. so defenitly Saudi thugs will have to go alone . and Saudi doesn’t have that guts that’s why they are running to Zionist for help.


The Saudis are probably next on the Jew regime change hit list. So when the Jews say jump, the Saudis say how high. They’ve been playing this game and slaughtering Muslims for the Jews for a long time.


So have the Persians matter of fact there is hundreds of thousands of Persian Shias also Pakistani and Afghani that are currently fighting in Syria if they kept their noses out of Syria Iraq they would not have been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths so don’t just blame Saudi you have to be truthful to all guilty parties.


Iran has legal defense agreements with Syria and Iraq. The Saudis and the Jews are criminal terrorists.


“So have the Persians..”

Yep, someone had to help root out all of those Saudi, Israel funded and armed head choppers from Syria and Iraq. The only thing wrong is that the 2 major cancers in the region, SA and Israel are still standing.


Who started the war in Syria?

Solomon Krupacek

the climate change

Tommy Jensen

Putin was pouring gasoline all over the ME. After that Putin held secret meetings with the butcher Assad on where they should bomb civilians who wanted freedom.


You are persistent, however in 2017, as it’s the Syrian-Russian axis that are actually on the brink of military defeating ISIS, no one is buying your empty nonsense.

The actual concrete reality on the ground in Syria has even forced western MSM to shift away from further publishing such empty nonsense:




You’re basically saying Putin and Assad started the war in Syria.

Once again, I must ask you: are trolling or serious?

Richard M

Klingon undercover agents!


I won’t lie, I had to Google “Klingon”.


Where do you people come from? If the west, KSA, Israel kept their proxies out of Syria, none of those you name would have ever had to be there. But you already know that…apparently you’re like the rest of the hasbara parrots out there trying to make arguments from lies that no one believes. 100s of 1000s of Iranian Shia. Right. You don’t believe it either, but you’ve got to get to that paycheck.


This is totally madness. For how long Saudi government will defend terrorists Israel. How many countries Saudis will attack for Israel? Who will Support Saudis for each terrorist action? Enough is enough now whole world should stand up and protect nations of this world against Saudis madness.

First Saudis interfered in Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Syria, then Yemen and now they are going to attack Lebanies Hezbollah army forces in support of Zionist Israel.

Pave Way IV

‘Bad news’ like the massive Saudi royalty and cleric purge is often followed by some military action elsewhere as a distraction too keep the little people from rioting. Saudi vs. Lebanese Hezbollah seemed likely, but as more time goes on this might give way to a much larger US-instigated military crisis/action if there is a similar purge in the US when Trump returns (indictments, DNC/Saudi bribes and money laundering, etc.). Not entirely sure about that – it might turn out to be a nothing-burger. However, if it is really big, then the military crisis ‘distraction’ would have to be much larger. Maybe a false flag Iranian attack on the Saudis or Israel triggering a US response and war with Iran. That would sufficiently distract the well-conditioned US public.

While many here don’t care much for my government’s leaders (including me), you really don’t want the US to go full-retard during an internal purge, especially if the CIA is on the losing side. Dangerous and unpredictable, and every psychopathic oligarch will try to exploit the situation for their own ends.


$200+ oil would not be a good thing. So a war with Iran probably isn’t going to happen.

Pave Way IV

It wouldn’t be a good thing for the ‘little people’. Any oil-producing country and every oil oligarch would be ecstatic.


The US, EU, and China are all big energy importers and the planet’s largest economies. It would be bad for their economies. They would be non supportive, and they’re not little people.

Brother Ma

I thought us was now self- reliant due to their shale oil?



Brother Ma

Thanks Richard.


This is the most recent information that I could find:

“In 2016, the United States produced an average of about 8.9 million barrels per day (million b/d) of crude oil, about 3.5 million b/d of hydrocarbon gas liquids (natural gas plant liquids and liquefied refinery gases), and about 1.2 million b/d of biofuels, for a total petroleum production of about 13.5 million b/d.

Total petroleum consumption averaged about 19.7 million b/d in 2016. The difference between petroleum production and consumption is mainly made up of net imports (imports minus exports) of petroleum”

U.S. Energy Information Administration https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=268&t=6

Roger Roger

Be good for US producers the chart below is old the US can produce as much as we use. We don’t want 200 dollar oil but 90 or more would be fine. This isn’t the 1970s or 80s. oh and screw Iran.


Screw yourself.


He’s typical of the ‘all for me’ crowd and what disgusts most of us who use our brains. The scary part is that the psychopaths, worried about citizens receiving factual reporting from around the world, are strengthening their censorship and control of the Internet in the US; UK of course is following along, not sure if other EU states will (hope not. When the only ‘news’ is state sponsored news, all manner of criminal activity by the state is possible.


This is the most recent information that I could find:

“In 2016, the United States produced an average of about 8.9 million barrels per day (million b/d) of crude oil, about 3.5 million b/d of hydrocarbon gas liquids (natural gas plant liquids and liquefied refinery gases), and about 1.2 million b/d of biofuels, for a total petroleum production of about 13.5 million b/d.

Total petroleum consumption averaged about 19.7 million b/d in 2016. The difference between petroleum production and consumption is mainly made up of net imports (imports minus exports) of petroleum”

U.S. Energy Information Administration https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=268&t=6

“the US can produce as much as we use.”

Right now we produce about 65% of what we use. Can you provide links for feasibility studies from credible sources supporting your contention?

Iran hasn’t done anything to us, as compared to say Israel, who attacked the USS LIberty, the World Trade Center, and has gotten us into numerous highly illegal and criminally insane Jew wars in the middle east. And is severely interfering in and subverting US politics domestically to the detriment of the American people.


Good response. USS Liberty, collusion between Israel and US to blame Egypt and have it bombed. World Trade Center, inside job probably with Israel’s support as it opened the door for unlimited wars in the Middle East. If you look back, false flags have always been used by US psychopaths to launch wars, Gulf of Tonkin – Viet Nam, Trade Towers – Middle East. Of course Israel is also an avid user of false flags. Still, I just can’t wrap my head around blaming an entire religion for a sub-class of humans known as Zionists (or Muslims for that matter because of crazies following the Saudi version).

Oh and since RT and Sputnik has been forced to register under FARA in the US, I believe we should push for all citizens who possess citizenship other than US in government, stink tanks and lobbies, to register under FARA, and those individuals holding government offices to be evicted from them.


Not all Jews are bad people. However 95% of them are Zionists and 99.5% of them belong to pedophile rape cult rabbinical Talmud Judaism that rapes 1,000 cult babies a week and that is a primary cause of a lot of this planet’s problems and should be outlawed to create a Jew free world.

Solomon Krupacek

another fake blame:


such guys have cruel end


Yeah. I wonder why Saudis even didn’t let the French president to meet Hariri. Let alone [US State Department spokeswoman] Heather Nauer’s slip of tongue on US charge d’affaires in Riyadh meeting Hariri “in the place where he’s being kept”. :)

Jack Spade

What a joke Baghdad Post is- like its cousin NY Post. The mighty SA air force, navy and army have not been able to fight the Yemeni’s who have only WWII Kalashnikovs and other light weapons. The rumor is that SA has offered billions, which they do not have, to Israel to attack Hezbollah, but the Israelis are smarter than that. It seems like the days of the house of Saud are numbered.


One can hope. I just hope that if the Saudis attack, F-15s falling from the sky will be as raindrops until none are left and then, onto Saudi Arabia to remove that terrorist entity once and for all.


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hahaha its like 2 hyenas trying to get the other to attack a lion. israel already gets billions from america for free so thats not exactly an enticing deal lol


Someone needs to tell Saudis to not to take those swords into a fighter cockpit.

I think it’s all a distraction, both for internal and foreign consumption to divert attention from the real issues. While there are endless talks about the Saudi accusation of Iran because of the missile attack (I even heard they accuse Iran of directly launching the missile from Iran), nobody talks about the increase of Saudi pressure on Yemen. Saudis next move may be dispatch of troops to Bahrain (they just created an excuse by blowing an empty pipeline up) and crack the Bahraini protestors down. A coup attempt in Qatar also doesn’t seem so far-fetched. It’s highly unlikely that Saudis attack Lebanon. There’s no direct line between the two countries and in order to do that, Saudis need the cooperation of either Jordan (King of Jordan too smart to do that) or Egypt (Sisi opposed to such attack), or plainly ask Israel, which in that case allying with Israel against a Muslim country is a fatal error. Syria route is out of question for them (they should pass either Iraq or Jordan to do that anyway). Saudis won’t engage Iran in this conditions, being not sure about the US backing, Russia’s reaction and their own internal conflict.

If this is a distraction, we need to mind what they don’t want us to notice.


“Someone needs to tell Saudis to not to take those swords into a fighter cockpit.”

Hilarious, I cracked up. Always enjoy your well thought out posts.

Solomon Krupacek

Hariri´s harakiri is coming soon.



Closely followed by yours…………… we all hope numpty !


There has just been a devastating earthquake in Iran. The timing is perfect. Just don’t lose.


More blustering from bin-Saman junior, who is attempting to look aggressive to both the domestic and regional audiences. Any attempt at Saudi military action over Lebanon against Hezbollah would be perceived as a direct act of war against Lebanese state. But realistically, it’s not even possible. How would they even get there? Iraq and Syria would definitely decline use of air-space, and Egypt most probably as well, leaving only route via Israeli air-space. And that would be the end of Saudi regime in broader Arab and Muslim world – in an open and direct Israeli alliance.


Last time Yidrael attacked Lebanon it was crushed and humiliated and lost that one too…

James R

The “Baghdad Post” cited here is a Youtube channel with 11 subscribers! Whose entire output of around hlaf a dozen videos is comprised entirely of vicious, laughable pro Saudi propaganda. I suggest that such a source is less than meaningless and should not be used, although you did not support the specific claims they made. If you are willing to go with that, then you will give credence to absolutely any source without evidence and that is neither an intelligent nor responsible position.

Albert Polsau

Everybody on the Planet is aware of the FACT that Saudi-military is conducted by israelis. Therefore this action will be israeli-WAR against Hezbollah because saudis serve as BITCH for israeli PIMPS. Hezbollah will hit TelAviv soon.

Don Machiavelli

As Khamenei say, Saudis can’t win in Yemen, what makes them think they can win against Hezbollah or Iran?

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