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Arab League To Authorize Return Of Relations With Syria On Sunday – Report

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Arab League To Authorize Return Of Relations With Syria On Sunday – Report

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The Arab League will hold a session for the permanent representatives of its members on Sunday in order to authorize the restoration of relations with Syria including the reopening of all embassies in Damascus, the al-Ahram al-Arabi newspaper reported on Saturday citing Arab officials.

Syria’s membership in the Arab League was suspended in late 2011 after the failure of the Arab peace plan for Syria. Back then, the league also called on all Arab states to close their embassies in Damascus and impose sanctions on the Syrian government.

The officials told the Egyptian newspaper that there is a split inside the Arab League over restoring Syria’s membership. According to the source, a group of Arab states believe that the country’s membership should be restored during Sunday’s session in order to allow Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to attend the upcoming economic summit in Lebanon this month, and the general summit in Tunisia next April.

However, a second group of Arab states wants to restore Syria’s seat during general summit in Tunisia so that Arab leaders themselves make the decision.

Last month, Sudan’s President, Omar al-Bashir, became the first Arab leader to visit Syria and meet with Assad since the outbreak of the Syrian war. The meeting marked the restart of Syrian-Arab relations, as both the UAE and Bahrain reopened their embassies in Damascus days later.

Several reports claim that Saudi-Arabi and Egypt are leading the efforts to restore Syria’s seat in the Arab league in order to drive Assad’s government away from Iran and counter the growing influence of Turkey in the war-torn country.

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Smith Ricky

Syria is the arab league.


Basing your identity on the language you speak is the most retarded concept I have ever heard. Imagine if there were a “French League”, “Spanish League”, or “Portuguese League” where all French/Spanish/Portuguese speaking nations organized among themselves. You’d have an organization of completely random countries that share no history, ethnicity, culture, or interests other than they all happen to speak the same language. Syrians are not Arabs, they are mostly descendant of indigenous Aramaic speaking people of the Levant and share little to no ethnicity, culture, history, or interests with the real Arabs of Arabia.


“Organization of completely random countries” ?!? Random!!? And why is that?!

Aren’t they all in general Arab Muslims speaking Arab (not counting minorities of course)? How come they share no “history or culture, ethnicity” or “interests other than language”?! Also it is up to Syrians to decide if they are Arabs

“If I were a Syrian” ….but you are not. Arab League can help lot to Syria to get rid off Turkey. In my book that is something very positive.


How can Arab League help Syria to get rid of Turkey? I’m no expert on Arab League, but have they independently actually achieved anything?


I am not an expert on international politics but still it is more than obvious to me that unified voice of all Arab countries against Turkish presence in Syria could have impact on U.N. to vote resolution against such presence …easily. Also together they can help LOT financially by investing and rebuilding Syria…. And that is ESSENTIAL for full recovery of that country


” but have they independently actually achieved anything? ”

They have all been raped by FUKUS I suppose.


You didn’t understand my comment properly, I was talking about a hypothetical French/Spanish/Portuguese league. Imagine if there was such a thing as “Portuguese League”, you would have Portugal, Brazil, and Angola as members. What similarities and interests do those countries share other than language?

In regards to Syria, as I said before Syrians are not ethnic Arabs, they only speak Arabic. If they want to identity as Arabs that’s their choice but it doesn’t change reality. Genetically they are descendants of formerly Aramaic speaking Levantine people who got Arabized following the Islamic invasions.


I was quoting your own words… what is not to understand?

No need for “hypothetical” organisations based on language You have one in “La Francophonie” or you have “Commonwealth” which is something else. Both are not directly comparable to the Arab League despite language uniformity and common colonial past that “unites” them.

Arabs share not only language but the same religion, many of them share roots and many same history and geographic proximity.

As for Syrian’s I have nothing to add specially because I’m not knowledgeable on the subject. It is up to them to say who they are.


You were quoting my words out of context. You quoted the part where I used the words “random countries” and applied it to another unrelated part of my comment. If you still don’t understand then let’s just end the conversation here.


Well I can’t see parallel in your example of “hypothetical” “Portuguese League” An example of completely different African blacks from Angola and Portuguese… All your examples have colonial past story as common denominator and the heritage as product of that colonial past with the language (religion) that was transmitted, imposed to the local population. I can’t see how Portuguese & Angolans can be direct equivalent to Arabs?

I guess you are right no point in talking….


It can be a direct equivalence because as I said several times now Syrians ARE NOT Arabs. The relationship between Syrians and Arabs is identical to the relationship between Angolans and Portuguese. In both cases you have one group invading the other one and imposing its own language and religion on them. Before the invasion of Islam Syrians did not speak Arabic and were not Muslim. If you still don’t get it then I’m done with this conversation.


No you are changing now your point. Subject was “Arab League” ! I can’t talk about origin’s of Syrians and I never tried

Oh fuck it man…whatever…Think what ever you want.


Racially Syrians are both Arabs ( the Sunni ) and Aryans ( the Shia, Christians and some of the Kurds). Joining the Arab League does not mean Assad will forget who has waged war on Syria, but rather be a forum whereby war can be avoided by communication. The Aryans of Iran Russia and Lebanon are the reason Assad and Syria have beaten the Wahhabi Sunnis, this will not be forgotten.


Not all Sunnis are ethnic Arabs and not all Shias are indigenous Syrians. I’ve seen plenty of indigenous ethnic Syrians on the rebel side. It’s not straightforward like there, there’s a mix of people on both sides.


I am speaking in general terms of racial background not absolute. “Not all Sunnis are ethnic Arabs”, OK, the vast majority are,

Kurds being the general exception, being Sunni and Aryan by race.

“Not all Shias are indigenous Syrians”, that is not what I said, rather Syrian Shia and Christian are Aryan. “Based on what I’ve seen the majority of rebels seem to be indigenous Syrians”.

This is the US propaganda story, but the ‘moderate rebel’ jihadists were from Tunis and Saudi at 80 %. Where were you ?


I meant the actual Syrian rebels, not the foreign imported ones. Based on the pictures I’ve seen a significant percentage if not majority seem to be non-Arab indigenous Syrians very similar to the pro-government Syrians. Obviously I don’t have exact numbers, I’m just going based on pictures I’ve seen. I’m Iranian.


If you were Iranian you would know there are only very rare Syrian ‘rebels’, the vast majority of Al Qaeda and ISIS jihadists are 80 % Saudi and Tunisian the balance from all over, including Turkish and Chinese. If you were Iranian you would know that the Syrian Arab Army is a reflection of its population, 60 % Sunni , 20 % Shia and 20 % Christian. You would know that the so called ‘rebels’ are paid mercenaries or Wahhabi Sunnis. I doubt you are Iranian.


WTF, so you are saying there were zero Syrian rebels? All those pockets of rebels near Damascus, Lebanon, and other places inside Syria itself were foreign rebels? How did foreign rebels get to Damascus bypassing all other government controlled territories? A lot of the initial uprisings were Syrian people themselves. The foreign rebels came in after the initial instability.


I did not say there were zero Syrian rebels, I said “only very rare Syrian rebels”. In 2015 the US State Dept., de-classified a massive amount of State Dept emails, they became known as the “Bengazzi emails”. Foreign rebels caused the initial instability, shooting both students and SAA. Hillary Clinton had guns and Al Qaeda operatives placed in Darra and eastern Damascus, those snipers tricked the students into thinking Assad was “killing his own people”. Initially they fell for it, but Al Qaeda was in charge from the beginning, and stayed in charge. Read the book “WikiLeaks Files” by Jullian Assange, (2015), with State Dept documents alone the truth was revealed.


” you would have Portugal, Brazil, and Angola as members. What similarities and interests do those countries share other than language? ”

The slave owner and his slaves perhaps :)


Good point Florian. That’s exactly what I was trying to say (in very complicated way) that those countries are just examples of slavery and colonial past.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually Arabs are tribal people and full of petty jealousies that the Americunts, devious Brits and Zionist parasites exploit. Syria and Egypt with much fanfare created UAR in 1958-61, a short-lived political union consisting of Egypt (including the occupied Gaza Strip) and Syria. Then as usual they started bickering and in 1973, the pimp Sadat double crossed Hafez al Assad, and made a deal with the ugly retarded Jew pimp Kissinger, and left Syria alone to face the combined Zionist and NATO attack, that resulted in the loss of Golan as Americunts and NATO stooges ran a 24/7 airlift to Zionist scum. If it has not been for the two Iraqi armored brigades and the Moroccan special forces brigade. the Zionists would have rolled on to Damascus. Only at great sacrifice, the Iraqis combined with regrouped SAA blocked the Zionist scum at Sassa Ridge taking advantage of the rolling hills and good use of Malyutka 9M14 Sagger suitcase ATMG. Probably the most startling innovation introduced in the 1973 Ramadan war was the wire-guided anti-tank missile. The AT-3 suitcase Sagger missile was difficult to use with high failure rate , and required a lot of training to use properly.However, the Sagger was used quite effectively by Syrians in large quantities that many Israeli tanks were destroyed by them when coming down the slopes of Golan at Sassa. The Iraqis fought valiantly with their old T-55 even ramming Zionist tanks when outgunned.


Yes but my point was that Syrians, most Iraqis, Egyptians, northern africans, and the Arabic speaking countries of sub-saharan Africa are not tribally/ethnically/racially Arab. The reason it’s hard to form unity among them is because other than language and religion they don’t share much else. The Syrian nationalist party is not pan-Arab in anyway, rather it is Neo-Assyrian empire. That is how the educated elite views itself. This is my point.


Yes, I agree. After all, the Syrians are inheritors of one of the oldest civilizations such as the Assyrians. The others, on the other hand, are inheritors of a bunch of camel herders bedouins that had no civilization basically.


The Arab League is designed to allow the massaging of Arab opinion by Washington.


Yes and Washington would like President Assad to visit countries where his safety is in jeopardy .


the arab league should work on an issue to de-legitimize israel by supporting a movement to de-recognizing israel. any country that at one stage recognized israel is free to de-recognize it since israel in no way has met the basic understanding between a recognizor and the recognizee. thus take away israels legal foundation by de-recognizing it, close the embassy and order israel to close its embassy. no way will israel survive a whole sale attack on its legitimacy!

Zionism = EVIL

You have gotta be kidding, Arab leak is collection of pimps, murderers and Zionist slaves. The arseholes could not wipe their collective arse without permission from Americunt and Zionist masters. The Arab leak is the one sustaining the Zionist cancer in Palestine.


(Anti)Zio, but they are seeing the Turks trying to take the lead of the agression forces, against Syria…and Iraq, so, it’s logical their new positions about Syria, and here I would open an exception regarding your general principle about doing things without the permission of their masters. I think that the second group, that want to wait till April, are here the master’s foxes.


Think this is more about getting Assad into a kill zone than anything else. The AL was hollowed out a long time ago and dances to a Zionist tune. Do you really think all those Cockroaches like MBS really want the Syrian President at their table? They want him dead…


Russians and Syrians are not stupids, Assad will never go anywhere to be assassinated, he don’t needs any marriage papers (with the AL) as Khashoggi did. Rats will not assassinated him. But the return of Syria to the AL is a diplomatic victory, obviously only possible because of the victories on the battle ground.


you sure about that – saudi maybe having struck a relation with trump’s son in law, kusher or whatever, while say kuwait refuses to have anything to do with israel and the same goes for libya. the ones being against israel should use some of its wealth to convince other countries to revoke earler recognitions of israel and thus removing the legitimate foundation israel was given when a host of countries at one stage recognized israel.

a recognition is a two-sided agreement where one party receives the recognition by another state and in return agrees to be a country that respects laws and human values, and abstains from committing crimes against humanity. and it is in this israel has failed continuously since day one and that is precisely why any country today is free to revoke its earlier recognition – i.e. a continuous breach of agreement by israel.

it will be a long struggle but once under way, israel is doomed and a new diaspora awaits the occupiers! have faith.

S Melanson

And so it is official, Assad stays since all our efforts to get rid of him failed. Now plan B, let us co-opt him to side with the west. Good luck with that, as long as Assad has any memory cells…


Why is there such a rush by the hollowed out Arab League to get Syria back into its ranks? It is been driven by RSA, Egypt and all the other Arab Zionist cohorts to get the Syrian President, the only Arab leader still alive who stood up to the might of Washington, London, Paris and their fuckin Arab quislings who poured hundreds of € billions into the pockets of cut-throats to smash, murder and destroy a once peaceful, secular and pleasant land. Syria refused to accept a new world order where Golan would be subsumed into the illegal Zionist creation where Palestinians are murdered daily as IsraHelli scum ethnically cleanse a land they have no right to. President Bashir Al Assad must not go to any Arab League meeting because he would be going to meet the Cockroaches who have for these past 8 years being trying to murder him and hi family while also murdering 10s of thousands of the people who elected him. When Syria is again the master of its borders and all therein. Then they can come and pay homage to him.


Well spoken, they come to pay homage.

Xoli Xoli

Other puppet already predicted that Assad will stay for a while.So NATO and its Arab league puppets have already set up a trap.It is not worth being a member of puppet arab league. Look how their kill Yemeni people.Arab league expelled Sadam and NATO killed him.Arab league expelled Gaddafi and NATO killed him afterwards traitors said we see him we left and he died.Yemen and Syria were expelled and Arab league bosses USA, France, Britain and Germany failed to overthrow both countries.Being on Arab league and NATO USA side is =to hell.

Xoli Xoli

Russia is the only safe and peaceful country with civilians who care for one another.You go to Britain their will poison you and accused Russia.if you go to France, Germany or any puppet country of NATO their will arrest you and hand over to FBI just because you don’t like their oppresive rules.



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