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Archdiocese Of Russian Orthodox Churches In Western Europe Breaks Ties With Constantinople

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Archdiocese Of Russian Orthodox Churches In Western Europe Breaks Ties With Constantinople


On September 14, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church announced that it had approved a request of Archbishop Johann (Jean Renneteau) of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox churches in Western Europe to join the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to the decision of the Holy Synod, the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriachate) is accepting Archbishop Johann (Jean Renneteau) as well as all clerics and prayer congregations that would like to do so. Archbishop Johann will head the clercis and prayer congregations of the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox churches in Western Europe that would join the Russian Orthodox Church.

On September 9, the general assembly of European Russian Orthodox met in Paris to discuss the proposal of Archbishop Johann to change the jurisdiction from the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Moscow Patriarchate. The event involved 186 delegates from 10 nations. 104 of them (58%) voted in favor of the proposal. The positive voting did not collect the needed two thirds of voters to approve this decision. However, a majority of clerics and lay people in the Archdiocese is in favour of the Russian Orthodox Church. Therefore, the the juristdiction has been changed.

Experts link this situation with the neo-liberal globalist agenda promoted by the Ecumenical Patriarchate around the world. By this, Constantinople de-facto turned into a tool of supporters of the New World Order. The destructive position of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in such regions as Ukraine and the Balkans are a visible example of this.


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Xoli Xoli

Worldwide fight of church buildings with different human doctrine.The Holy spirit is the only Spiritual leader and Father and friend.Todays church building owners makes money out of fellowship, membership.

It is written in the bible if God sets you free you are free indeed.But new prophets calls you forth for deliverance their dont hook you up with the living God.Prosperity preaching has create prosperity believers.It is written in the bible we given free word and should deliver the gospel free of charch.Instead of asking money directly from members their used collection money to buy planes,jets,,Cars,mansions.Todays pastors and prophets depends heavily on congregants income.

When God attention falls on you and he locates you from his throne room in heaven.You becomes a born again and his grace falls on you.Automagically you name is written in Gods book.But then money maker pastors and prophets hijack and writes you name in their personal book for their income purposes.

It is written in the bible only the one who’s names are written in the book of the Lamb will be safe.The devil has also you book.Many congregants have in the pass convince prophets and pastors when their were led by the Holy Spirit but were chase out of the churches. Apparently their spoiled their business and members.

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