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Argentina For Sale, El Loco Milei Leaves BRICS

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Argentina For Sale, El Loco Milei Leaves BRICS

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Written by Piero Messina

It is no coincidence that Javier Milei is called El Loco, the madman. Yet the Argentines had no hesitation in entrusting him with the government of their country. Milei defines himself as an anarcho-ultracapitalist even though he has never explained how it is possible to combine the two philosophies. In his program he explained that he would destroy the country’s system because he believed it to be obsolete, demolishing welfare and rewriting the rules of the banking and financial system. He did it. But now the Argentines are afraid. Because it took Milei just two weeks to go from being acclaimed as the savior of the country to being considered a crazy and unscrupulous dictator. Thus, the celebrations for his recent election have been forgotten and the square is in uproar, from Buenos Aires to Rosario. But ultimately it’s the Argentinians’ fault: Milai is doing exactly what he promised.

His inauguration at the helm of Argentina has reserved some dramatic twists worthy of the vaudeville show. Because, it is good to keep in mind, today we know that his main advisors are five dogs: Conan, Murray, Milton, Robert and Lucas. Indeed, to be precise, his main advisors are the spirits of his five deceased dogs. It’s not a joke, it’s the dramatic reality that Argentines have to coexist with. Stuff that would make Emperor Caligula pale with envy.

If we really want to tell this whole crazy story, the five four-legged advisors received all presidential honors. In Argentina it is customary for the president-elect to wear a white and blue sash and hold a scepter. Milei wanted a scepter different from those held by other Argentine Presidents. El Loco had a personalized scepter made, decorated with the faces of his five dogs.

Nothing new for those who know the character. Son of a businessman and a housewife, with a past in a rock band and a passion for tantric sex, Javier El loco Milei is no stranger to politics. In the 1990s he was elected as a deputy for the first time, only to be expelled a year and a half later for crimes against humanity. In his first short period in the Argentine Congress he made headlines for his decision to make his salary available through a lottery, because “for me it’s dirty money”. He returns to the Lower House in 2021, but participates very little in the country’s political life until his rise to the position of “Argentine Trump”.

The entourage he surrounds himself with is as particular as he is. The curator of his image is a professional cosplayer, who compared him to the comic book hero Wolverine due to his hair and attitude. A rabbi is among his most trusted advisors, given Milei’s desire to convert to Judaism. Furthermore, the candidate of La Libertad Avanza also receives help from the afterlife. It seems, in fact, that El loco is an expert in telepathy and that he often communicates with the spirit of his beloved mastiff who died in 2017, to receive guidance on how to conduct his political activity.

Milei is a strong supporter of the closed borders policy and even advocates for the sale of human organs, arguing that no one can stop someone else from doing “what they want with their life”.

So it was logical to expect a dose of madness. And madness it was. On the economic level he promised shock. He had said “There is no money” and three days after the election, the first move arrived, announced by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo: the peso, the Argentine currency, was devalued by 50% compared to the dollar. The official exchange rate went from 400 to 800 pesos per dollar in an instant. Cuts will be made in public spending, the State will no longer call tenders for infrastructure works and contracts already awarded but whose works have not started will also be cancelled. Everything passes into private hands. The progressive reduction of energy and transport subsidies was also confirmed. At the same time, the government announced the suppression of the current import authorization system and its replacement with an open system based on statistical data. In short, the worst is yet to come. The weakest sections of Argentine society, already tried by decades of crisis, are already below the poverty line.

With a decree dated 20 December, President Milei announced “the public emergency in economic, financial, fiscal, administrative, social security, tariff, health and social matters until 31 December 2025”. The second is dedicated to deregulation and states that “the national state will promote the existence of an economic system based on free decisions, adopted in a context of free competence”. To achieve this aim, the text states, “the broadest deregulation of trade, services and industry will be implemented”. The third article instead concerns foreign commercial policy, and states the need to adopt international standards regarding trade in goods and services in particular compliance with the recommendations of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Organization for International Cooperation and economic development (OECD). But above all Milei links Argentina’s destiny to the American dollar. The street protest immediately exploded with shouts of “The homeland cannot be sold” and “Milei rubbish, you are the dictatorship”

There are those who applaud. The International Monetary Fund welcomed the measures announced by the new government. «These bold initial actions aim to significantly improve public finances so as to protect the most vulnerable in society and strengthen the exchange rate regime. Their decisive implementation will help stabilize the economy and lay the foundation for more sustainable, private sector-led growth.” The magic word is “private”. It is the golden rule of the IMF. Just ask Greece.

It was quite obvious that the new Argentine government announced its exit from the Brics. What is a little surprising is the vulgar way in which this move, much hoped for by Washington, was announced. The farewell to the Brics was announced with a message on X by the new economy minister, Diana Mondino. But Milei also wanted to have his say.

Javier Milei told: “I wouldn’t do business with China. We will make transactions with the civilized side of life – the West. I don’t transact with communists.” Perhaps President Milei has not yet come to terms with Argentina’s economic dependence on the yuan. We will see.

What was the reaction of the now former Brics partners? Putin called the logic behind Argentina’s new government’s decision to switch to the dollar understandable, “but it is a significant loss of sovereignty.” Putin warned Argentina that a strong attachment to a foreign currency carries serious socio-economic consequences.


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christian reinhard

already down after 5 hrs


that’s how modern “democracy” works in our “stunning and brave” west.


modern democracy???? no! this is plain ole democracy. democracy is a rejection of god.


javier milei is a western globalist psy op. i pity the argentinian people.

Last edited 1 year ago by Name

urmeaza romania la. anul!! de unde era o clasa de vârf ue devenit o mocirla cu taxe de mediu


“in the 1990s he was elected as a deputy for the first time, only to be expelled a year and a half later for crimes against humanity.”

does anyone have a source on that? i want to read more on it but couldn’t find anything.

Just The Facts

search “milei acted as an adviser to antonio bussi”.

Daniel Weatherman

thanks i thought he was new. he is in with that crazy freemason crypto facist thing that p2 italians were causing in latin america. makes sense he is a jewish stooge and into the occult….

Pongo Pongo

he’ll join the ‘desaparecidos’ soon enough.


interesting, thank you for the reply.


there is no cure for this insanity, some people never learn in that part of the world, it will probably end in violence and maybe a return to the military dictatorship of the past when thousands were disapeared and murdered, they asked for it now they will get it.

Daniel Weatherman

the government doesn’t have the funds. paramillitaries will rob banks when it gets that bad. real move on him is when he bring in foreign mercenaries……

Paul Citro

i expect that as the chaos proceeds a lot of people will be exiting the country.

Just The Facts

straight up north across the usa southern border, biden needs votes!


“we will make transactions with the civilized side of life – the west.”

says the talmudic jew as he waves the israeli flag whilst the israeli terrorist regime carries out ethnic cleansing.

do these people hear themselves?

this guy has bought into all the republican trumpanzee boomer propaganda. china has been free market for half a century now. nothing about modern china is “communist”.

And The World Remains Silent!

nothing about modern china is communist, dude you are a fucking idiot! modern day russia is no longer communist, but red china absolutely is! xi jinping is the most powerful and ruthless dictator in my lifetime!


since he is so enamored with jews, i wouldn’t put it past milei to start sending aid and weapons to the jewish states of ukraine and israel.

all to help out the jewish state of amereica.

Daniel Weatherman

already happened……..hezballah are there and blew some stuff up. more to do with lebanese drug dealers than politics i think…..

Pongo Pongo

aid and weapons? he’ll be hiring out his army as mercenaries in banderastan before the snows melt.

cosmic dwarf

i love milei, he represents a much needed reaction against a century of “the government will give us stuff” that turned argentina into a stagnant cesspool of cronyism.

with that said, milei’s greatest weakness seems to be his naive foreign policy views of “west good, rest bad”. part of me wonders if that’s a pragmatic strategy to avoid being color revolutioned, but probably not.


his positive is to dismantle the bureaucracy—a leninist principle….otherwise his bizarre hayek/friedman/bentham idiocy could turn arentina into zimbabwe

Pongo Pongo

a loaf of bread for $5, like in the states is his plan. biden likes him because it makes his own family look sane.

meanwhile all the brics members are wiping the sweat from their brows, ‘whew, looks like we dodged a bullet with that nut.’

Last edited 1 year ago by Pongo Pongo
Peter Jennings

milei is a us plant, and just as useful. he got into power the same way as toady blaaar by riding on the failure of the past and making promises that will never be kept. who knows, maybe milei will make war criminal like toady blaaar. milei has already bagged a charge of crimes against humanity.


well done usa another successfull strike against the nonwestern world. if the world is to stupid i guess it deserves to be ruled by you. i wish other countries more wisdom then the argentinian voters had.

christian reinhard

argentina and zionist israel flags are more or less the same, hotel eden was also jew-run

Peter Jennings

they also have a large german community who still hold their nationalism dear. correct me if i’m wrong.

Gneaus stapo

ur not wrong.

Gneaus stapo

my motherland of 🇦🇷would be perfect if argentina left the politics/ administration to us german immigrants, football and cuisine to the itaker/ italians and the rest to the spainyards .

anyway thx god my vaterland is 🇩🇪

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo

given past us financial imperialism and past corruption—kirchner, macri , miles cannot do worse—or maybe he can

Pongo Pongo

brics get the saudis and the sick man of earth gets argentina. there’s an exchange made in heaven.


furhest capitalism is a cry for socialism if people are ready.


another circus act.

Peter Jennings

javier milei is a cuckoo. soon the nest will be to small. there’s lots more room in america when he is finished carving up argentina.

Son of the Kingdom

another synagogue of satan takeover of a christian nation. take him down now while you still can. they need a second putin there to take back the country. devalued the money so that the synagogue can buy all the corporations for pennies.


plan andena.


a complete zionist shill and reminds me of just another wef leadership shill. it’s telling dropping out of bricks+ the most powerful and influential group changing the world.


argentontos, claro que si.


we see how ukraine is doing with a jewish president zelensky, a jewish prime minister shmygal and a jewish head of the president’s office yermak. i think the voting machines chose this ziopuppet to destroy argentina. the jewish mass media was going crazy that the argentinian soccer team that won the world cup was too white. give it a little time and the ziomafia parasites in charge of argentina will “fix” everything the way they like. argentina is finished.


this is what democracy is doing to the world.

democracy demands that we support antichrist israel. democracy is the beast of revelations. democracy is satan’s religion.

the end is near. halleluyah.

Edgar Zetar

come on! we all knew this will happen long time ago. milei is a crazy messianic, you can see him from a hundred meters away. also, the things javier milei said from the start was all about to oblationate the rich and wealthy people and worship ‘money’ (fiat currency) and to discredit and hate lower classes and poor people. messianic milei is alive and argentina will suffer

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