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MARCH 2025

Arleigh Burke-Class Guided Missile Destroyer (Infographics)

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Arleigh Burke-Class Guided Missile Destroyer (Infographics)

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The Arleigh Burke is a class of guided missile destroyers designed and built for the United States Navy.


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Zionism = EVIL

This rate rate rust bucketwith ill-trained murderous cowardly lardsass Americunt faggots shot down IR-655 airbus as supposedly the blind fuckers mistook it for an F-14. With such worthless murdering cunts on ships no wonder the cowardly Americunts lose every war and in desperation and frustration kill women and children like their Zionist parasitic masters.

Martin Petrovski

ummm you do realise that the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer entered service in in 1991 right? The ship witch shot down IR-655 was the USS Vincennes witch is a Ticonderoga-class cruiser also it was not the ship’s Ageis systems fault for the shoot down but the CO’s twitchy trigger finger. “Americunts lose every war and in desperation and frustration kill women and children like their Zionist parasitic masters.” i am sorry but can you plz name one war in witch the performance of US troops has caused a loss its always political presshure withc dose not performance on the ground even in vietnam the US still demolished NVA forces they littearly killed a millon NVA troops and vietcong while only loseing 50.000 troops adding the numbre of about 350-400.000 S.Vietnamise troops thats still a almost 3 to 1 kill ratio and that is in Vietnam lets not get to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lone Ranger

It has a weak point tho, Chinese container ships…

Martin Petrovski

considering that a Russian vessele was sunk by a smaller cargo ship its quite funny you say that almost as if you try to downplay the AB class destroyer even tho naval colisions happen particularly in cowded shipping lanes i mean the Russians and Venezuelans wuld know ;)

Lone Ranger

Nah… U.S. had at least 4 serious collisions involving Arleigh Burke class guided missile cruisers costing $billions in repairs and also dozens of lives. Russia lost one small intel ship when it collided with a ship 10 times its mass, no injuries, no fatalities. Better luck next time trollstoy ;)

Martin Petrovski

when you bullshit at least try and bullshit correctly their wheir only 2 incedents involving collisions not 4 out of those in total 17 ppl died…alot less then other Russian naval accidents (plz dont get me started on the submarine disasters i will have to write a S.A of a 100 pages) also m8 you do realise that the Ship witch the Liman (the recon vessele witch a gross tonnage of 1300 tons) hit the YOUZARSIF H (gross tonnage 2282) i am sorry did you say 10 times bigger? From you other comments i can tell you are not very bright but holy shit you cant even do 3rd grade math.

Lone Ranger

4incidents at least. ,:) U.S. guided missile cruisers have the worst trackrecord, right after WWII japanese cruisers ;) Dont be that insecure trollstoy ;) You can do better :)

Martin Petrovski

soooooo you linked me a artivle witch only has one guided missile cruisers incedent…holy shit you just keep diggint yourself deeper and deeper this is getting fun :D

Lone Ranger

Better luck next time ;)

Martin Petrovski

“Better luck next time” HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH XD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/193d96b75bfcb6c4cf54c9b19c08c4123d8defc3f7cdc9ea2a0d1bc1d91a007d.jpg

Lone Ranger

You are handsome ;)

Martin Petrovski

i know you are its ok you will eventually stop beeing delusional…or not XD

Lone Ranger

Eventually you will learn proper english…;)

Martin Petrovski

hey better to learn then not beeing able to learn at all like yourself since you are clearly mentally retarded ;)

Lone Ranger

Projection… Did your provider turn your internet service back? :)

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger


Martin Petrovski

uh oh your stupidity is showing again first you claimed 4 incedents with the DD AB now you link me to sources withs state only 2 incedents involveing the DD AB you are so stupid you littearly just proofed my point XD

Lone Ranger

Proofed? Try to invest in some English lessons…;) Wikipedia will list you the 4 incidents involving the Arleigh Burke class… As usual, better luck next time Trollstoy ;)

Martin Petrovski

then link them what are you waiting for i thought you had a argument XD i found only 3 instances of a AB DD colideing with other ships and 2 of them are in 2017 and one was half a decade befor in 2012 (with no casualties and minor damage) sooooo not only can you not do basic 3rd grade math but also you cant count…you know its better to make a few spelling mistakes then not knowing how to count ;)

Lone Ranger

Its ok Petrovski, you failed again ;)

Martin Petrovski

i know its difficult to talk to mentally challanged individuals sutch as yourself.

Lone Ranger

Such* Its ok…

Martin Petrovski

that littearly dosent make sence but then again the english spelling system rearly does. XD

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