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MARCH 2025

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Update (1918 ET): Heading into the overnight, in a show of force, hundreds of National Guard troops protecting the US Capitol are marching in the city streets amid threats of armed protests.

At least 25,000 Guardsmen are protecting the Capitol complex.


Armed protesters have arrived at multiple state capitol complexes across the country Sunday morning. This follows a special bulletin from the FBI last week that warned: “armed protests” were being planned at 50 state capitols and the US Capitol in Washington, DC, ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20.

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

While the protesters are being identified across various platforms as members of a so-called “boogaloo” movement, they largely appear to be generic anti-government anarchists – some of whom call themselves “liberty boys,” and others who oppose the conservative Proud Boys. Their sudden emergence surrounding the inauguration is curious, to say the least.

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

A field reporter at The Daily Caller, Jorge Ventura, reports from the Ohio Statehouse, where he notes that “580 National Guard members” were activated “to provide security around the Ohio Statehouse in downtown Columbus through Wednesday.”

“We are not a pro-Trump group,” said one of the armed protesters at the Ohio demonstration.

An armed protester in Ohio told the “Proud Boys do not come here.” 

In Michigan, a dozen or so armed protesters are now showing up at the State Capitol.

Daily Mirror’s Derek Momodu tweeted, “this is very worrying…” as armed protesters gather in front of the Michigan State Capitol as Guardsmen are on “standby.”

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

If you continue to oppress the American people, they will remain rational no longer,” said an armed protester in Michigan.

In New Hampshire, a handful of armed protesters showed up outside the Capitol.

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

While a similarly small group began to assemble outside the Oregon Capitol.

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

The group in Oregon refers to themselves as the “liberty boys.” 

At the Illinois State Capitol, Guardsmen and State Troopers are heavily armed, waiting for protesters.

There’s a large police presence at the Minnesota State Capitol building as threats of armed protesters could assemble today.

Armed protesters rally at the Texas Capitol.

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

More armed protesters at the Texas Capitol.

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

Bloomberg notes, “militia groups from both the left and right gathered outside the state capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky.”

Meanwhile, in Washington, DC, at least 25,000 Guardsmen and other law enforcement agencies have the US Capitol to White House area on lockdown.

Armed Protesters Begin To Arrive At State Capitols Around The Nation

On top of this all, civil flight observers have said, “amount of USAF cargo aircraft (C130s C17s KC135s KC46s) bringing National Guard troops to Washington DC/Capitol is truly impressive. Almost a constant air bridge for the past several days.”


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I see it as agood sign both sides started to arm themselves. Armed civilians = more responsible citizens.


Armed civilians = more responsible government.



Just Me

Arm the Palestinians then.





Tommy Jensen

When you started smashing shops, stealing and throwing bottles and stones in the head of the Police because Soros and Obama paid you to do so.



Arch Bungle

Comedy Gold!

Arch Bungle

This goes way back before that stuff was a thing. The fact is that the State has actively created a class of jackbooted gestapo thugs to keep the proletariat in line and thus ignited a cycle of violence and justification of violence that won’t stop anytime soon.

The use of paramilitary police units began in Los Angeles in the 1960s.

The militarization of local police forces got a big boost from Attorney General Ed Meese’s “war on drugs” during the Reagan administration.

A National Security Decision Directive was issued that declared drugs to be a threat to US national security. In 1988 Congress ordered the National Guard into the domestic drug war.

In 1994 the Department of Defense issued a memorandum authorizing the transfer of military equipment and technology to state and local police, and Congress created a program “to facilitate handing military gear over to civilian police agencies.

The mind-set of militarized SWAT teams is geared to “taking out” or killing the suspect– thus, the many deaths from SWAT team utilization.

Many innocent people are killed in night time SWAT team entries, because they don’t realize that it is the police who have broken into their homes. They believe they are confronted by dangerous criminals, and when they try to defend themselves they are shot down by the police.

Tommy Jensen

I know that. Reagan was the worst in this respect. He made economic incentives to the Police so ordinary people became economic profit targets to be pushed into almost any crime. But, many other disciplines have these stick and carrot rules upon them. Civil Air Companies are forced into police spying their passengers under the threat of big fines if any criminal, terrorist, or whatever travel with their airplanes. Banks officials are forced into spying on their customers intake and outtake with threats of big fines, and latest small shop owners are threatened with big fines if their customers arent wearing Covid masks. So instead of doing their original job of policing, air transporting, banking and shop selling, ther are now under Governmental threats of big fines forced into these schemes. Its Politicians and Central Bureaucrats (lawyers) who make these divide and conquer rules, in a “smart” way escaping their responsibility toward the misery it creates toward the civil population. Thats my point. You have to know the police man, the air steward, your bank man, your bakery are blackmailed and threatened into these schemes without their free will. In this light you will try to understand their situation also, and thus get a better attitude to not only police officers but also other professions. The real culprits are the rats in the ministries and at the political level.

Arch Bungle

I was about to agree but then I realize this is a fantasy and there has never been an example of this in the real world.

Civilians without guns are helpless peasants.

Civilians with guns are simply helpless peasants … with guns.

Fog of War

” I was about to agree but then I realize this is a fantasy and there has never been an example of this in the real world. ”

How did the US come about again ?

Ivan Freely

I don’t believe you can compare the two periods anymore. The gap of capabilities between the government and citizens are massive.

Fog of War

Tell that to the the Houthis and the Taliban. I’m sure they need a good laugh.

Ivan Freely

True to a point. The Houthis success is largely due to incompetence of the Saudis and their mercenaries. The Taliban and Viet Cong enjoyed foreign support and I’m sure the Houthis do as well. Let’s not discount the policy used. I don’t believe the Houthis would survive if someone is fully committed to genocide. Trump was right with respect to the fight against the Talibans. The US can easily wipe them off the face of the planet IF we fully commit to genocide. It’s the consequences from the World community that always hinder such plans; assuming full internal support.

Who will come to the aid of the rebellion? If we’re dealing with a protracted conflict, eventually you will need a steady flow of supplies. How will the military fracture? There’s a lot to think about.

Fog of War

Originally you said that it was an impossible task. However, your latest points imply that its possible after all. Therefore we now agree.

Dont discount arms flows from the Southern border, foreign help, a split in the military / security forces, huge number of gun owners, ” opportunistic groups ( i.e. religious, racial, drug gangs, ideological factions ) a huge landmass with many uninhabited areas . The US is more of a powder keg then you suspect.


Not the libby buttered boys(period)

cechas vodobenikov

the empire defeats itself in the military dictatorship inverted totalitarian cocaine pseudo nation, culture = playing checkers, happiness is covid masks– dimocracy is the choice between coke and Pepsi

Lone Ranger

CIA/Soros run Qtards+BLM+Antifa. False flags will probably happen, than they will take the guns from real Patriots whom werent even there.

Just Me

The model for totally crippling any freedoms in the braindead “west” is based on the brutal Zionist occupation of Palestine and earlier Nazi and Apartheid templates. In reality, the Hollywood mythology of the home of the cowards and land of the fat wimps is now on full display. Don’t even expect a whimper from these BB gun toting selfie trolls. The deep state will disarm these slobs in a few months. The process has begun.


Don’t allude to Apartheid unless you know something about South Africa. At the moment it is a Marxist state with a genocidal policy against its shrinking white population. From the perspective of anyone – rich or poor, black or white, South Africa was better under apartheid. Now it is a failed state.

Miri Nature

Hope will not happen, Amerika became real deictature regime.



Just Me

So-called Americans are cowards and as expected not even the armed rednecks showed up at any rally.

Heavily armed military and law enforcement officers far outnumbered protesters at state capitol grounds on Sunday, as few Trump supporters who believe the president’s false claim that he won the 2020 election turned out for what authorities feared could be violent demonstrations.

But by Sunday evening, only small gatherings of demonstrators had taken to the streets alongside much larger crowds of law-enforcement officers and media personnel.

Fog of War

” as few Trump supporters who believe the president’s false claim that he won the 2020 election turned out for what authorities feared could be violent demonstrations. ”

I dont support the orange buffoon, but the results of this election are clearly suspect.

Just Me

As I was saying LOL

‘It was a non-event’: Pro-Trump protests quiet amid massive police and military presence across U.S.

Furkan Sahin

bro Trump’s supporters are evil

He who laughs last laughs best

Patriots protest….

Media: That’s not OK they are terrorists

BLM and Antifa protest armed (it’s legal in the US, as long as you don’t shoot).

Media: That’s ok

Just Me

Let’s keep perspective here, the average 300 kilo so-called American is a historical subjugated thug, bully and coward and will do nothing beyond taking a million selfies. US has has history of political activism or revolution. They are just posing with Walmart bought military grade MADE IN CHINA carbines and pretending to be Hollywood heroes. Trump is gone and the deep fascist Zionist controlled police state WON! Get over it.



Meanwhile FBI started to verify the 25k national guard soldiers in Washington if they are not pro Teump :)))

Tommy Jensen

If you are not 100% in favour of chocolate Pelosi you cant have any pudding.


Frankly, every which way America is FUCKED!


Bobby Twoshoes

Saw this on MOA, gave me a chuckle: A Russian meets up with an American. “We have freedom of speech,” the Russian says. “I can post that Russian elections are falsified on social media.” “What’s the big deal?” asks the American. “I too can write that Russian elections are falsified on social media.”


The administration of US President-elect Joe Biden has informed Israeli officials that it has begun secret contacts with Iranian officials to return to the nuclear deal, according to Israeli Channel 12 correspondent Nir Dafouri reported on breaking news. US has also informed Israel, that through EU negotiators it has informed Iran that it does not want a military escalation and will seek diplomatic channels to scale down tensions after a massive Iranian display of missiles.

Tommy Jensen

Acc to rumours Israel already gave Iran nukes so they can defend themselves. Rouhani family already have Israeli and US passport. We won again!


Very good analysis Tommy. I am impressed at your global affairs knowledge. Rouhani is a corrupt asshole, no question. He is gone in May. He said he will move in with Trump at Mar a Lago and have a threesome with Melania.

Tommy Jensen

“If you can get a country’s citizens into a civil war where they shot and kill each other, you have won and control all the money”, (Rothschilds and Kissinger)……………………………………..LOL.



Fog of War

Hers one for you then. Cohencidence ?

– Bill Gates is now the largest farmland owner in America –



He teamed up with Monsanto (now= IG Farben) 30 years ago pushing his “drug of choice”, RoundUp and GMO seed technology. He has bought up 2500 seed companies world wide. https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/gates-foundation-monsanto

Potato Man


Fog of War

Dumb comparison.

Tommy Jensen

Home terrorists versus Moderate rebels alias Freedom Fighters.

Ashok Varma

What a anticlimax, Americans have confirmed their cowardly status and obedient slaves.

Ivan Freely

It’s prudent to not dance to Zion’s tune. The smart way is to pick your fights. Think of all the actions of insurgents in the past. Regardless if Biden was rightfully elected or not, you simply don’t do a frontal assault to fortified positions. This setup is rather expensive; just the threat alone will force the government to spend more than they have.

Arch Bungle

American Maidan. Who will be handing out cookies in the square this time ?


Blms,anfita,lgbtq buttered boys,trying in vain to claim usas their own,I’d be damed.

Fog of War

All Cointelpro operations. Dont fall for this soap opera.

Ivan Freely

It’s rather foolish to show up at all. This isn’t how insurgency works. If all those cargo is being moved into DC is any indication, then the “rebels” have got their first victory without firing a shot and or showing up to the fight.


Five gays-with-guns and you have a meaningful protest, while tens of thousands of conservatives don’t count


Looking to go collect my cookies from isrealhelli slave masters in Washington


Yeah they seem extremely fishy and ungenuine. Judging by their small numbers I’d say they’re probably just a group of leftists or even FBI twats trying to scare off right wing groups.

FBI have used such anti government groups (real or fake) as honeypots for decades.

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