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Armenia Claims It Shot Down Another Azerbaijani Su-25 Warplane

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Armenia Claims It Shot Down Another Azerbaijani Su-25 Warplane

Illustrative image. A Su-25SM3 attack aircraft is at the Khmeimim airbase, Syria, April 2018. Source: https://bmpd.livejournal.com/3179127.html

On October 15, Armenia claimed that its forces had shot down another Azerbaijani Su-25 warplane over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The claims were made by Garik Movsesyan, Deputy Commander of the Armenian Air Defense Force, who didn’t provide any further details.

In a statement, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan dismissed the Armenian claims, calling them “false information.” Armenia is yet to present an evidence to back its claims.

The Armenian military made similar claims on October 12 and 14. However, the Azerbaijani MoD denied losing any Su-25 warplane on both occasions.

Armenia claims that its Air Defense Force has downed 20 warplanes, 16 helicopters and 180 drones since the outbreak of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh on the 27th of September.

These claims are an example of the ongoing propaganda war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani MoD and senior officials in the country fabricated accusations against Armenia on several occasions.


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Free man



triggered mongoloids 100% 3….2….1 start

Fog of War

Thats awesome, if they accidentally hit any Turkish troops automatic NATO response. However, I doubt Iran is that stupid.


“automatic NATO response” Yeah right, Turks in a another country sent there to cause conflict. Tell me another fairy tale Frog. :/

Fog of War

” Turks in a another country sent there to cause conflict. ” Turks invited by the host nation. Look up ” good cop bad cop” you might then understand whats going on, and why the US is so quiet about NK.


You have no idea on how NATO works. Or any other alliance.

Fog of War

You obviously don’t understand whats really going on.


Tell me.

Free man

The guy is an Iranian living in Tehran.

Fog of War

Who is ?

Free man

This Habib guy who posted it, is based in Tehran, originally from the West Azerbaijan region of Iran. He seems a reliable source.

Random Dude

How many these su25s does Azerbaijan have? 2 million. Every day one is downed


https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1316729445877788674?s=20 https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1316726895438974977?s=20 https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1316717720856072194?s=20 https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1316709435298009088?s=20 https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1316666663098613761?s=20

Fog of War

Are you going to spam videos now too ? Let me clear it up for you. In war shit happens and people die, there’s no need to show every corpse and minor skirmish. Haven’t you learned anything from Syria, Libya, or the Donbas ?


I want to see.


I think Iran must to establish demilitarized buffer zone in Azabajan . Jihadi mongoloids are serious threat not only for human population but also for their hamsters population. Jihadi low iq mongoloid will rape not only goat but also rats and cute hamsters :(

Fog of War

” I think Iran must to establish demilitarized buffer zone in Azabajan . ” Why doesn’t Iran establish a demilitarized buffer zone in Syria, the Golan for instance ?

Icarus Tanović

You’re smart, you tell us.

Fog of War

Because Iran’s bluff would be called. Why doesn’t Russia do it in Syria ? You’re smart, you tell us.

Icarus Tanović

Iran’s bluff would be called? Wtf is that? Russia, did it already many times, but you’re too stupid bot and troll to acknowledge that.

Fog of War

When losing an argument resort to name calling and obfuscation . Classic technique of imbeciles and morons.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s right, thats you.


being invited by Syrian gov and having border with country with Jihadi mongoloids is two different things

Jens Holm

Yerrh, and Assads was invited into Lebanon too. What a great succes.

Now even Hesbollah is using dollars:)


Is the Golan Iranian land.. Are you that stupid?


No it’s an Israeli land by law (and by history). Even the Syrian Druze like it here more than Syria, I know I’ve talked to them many times during my service.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The only service you’ve ever given was in a gay club you muppet.





Vox Populi

This would be good analysis of this troll’s predicament.


Too early to tell.

Jens Holm

Thats untrue and very infected.


Oh it is true Jens, de facto it belongs to us.

Jens Holm

Its an creative created one, You make each other believe. The rest of the world see it as its a selfinfected zoo.

You are in closed circles and only Your hairy behinds see the rest of the worlds. Anything else is forbidden.

…..And we only see and smell whats comming out from You.

So I insist in telling the rest of the world is not like that.


A Dane will not tell us what belong to us or not, you can do whatever you want in Europe, but in the Middle East we call the shots. Never forget that.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure, when you tell Hezbollah to disarm, they jump, lol.

You muppet.

Vox Populi

You are the most obnoxious and discredited attention seeking teenage troll on this site. Your low IQ indicates confusion of abandonment and narcissism just to seek any attention.

Fog of War

Is Azerbaijan Iranian land ? Don’t talk anymore you’ll make yourself look even more idiotic then you already seem.

Jens Holm

Russians not even allow them to try and let Israel go as they please.

Very strange You dont know, what has been facts for decades

Icarus Tanović

I think that too.

Jessica Brown

Get $192 of an hour from Google!… Yes this is true as I just got my first payout that was awesome since it was biggest amount of $38451 in a week…qt58…It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it(Go to “Home” Option within it to get details):>:>:>:> http://www.beast4.com/google/get/$192/hour… ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::

Jens Holm

Maybee some landmines could do it :(

Vox Populi

Iran and Russia need to act in concert at creating a strong presence in the Caucasus that neutralizes NATO and Turkey. The starting step to checking Turkey’s overblown neo-Ottoman aspirations should be its expulsion from Syria and an end to the forced recruitment of hapless Sunni Arabs as cannon fodder.

Mustafa Mehmet

Molla cannon fodder puli ibne

Icarus Tanović

Those are brainwashed (mostly) Wahhabis, and many Zionistic spies. They are menace to the world, not just Arabs, or Muslims, but entire World no matter what religion or any other factor. They exploit vulnerable individuals to use them as cf. There are of course those who do that and have large payments in dollars and american citizenship guaranteed.

Антон С

There is no mongoloids in the region. And what’s wrong with them? Ordinary people. 2 billion people on the Earth are mongoloids (from China to Indonesia + native indians and Middle Asia). China is economical leader of the planet.

Mustafa Mehmet

And you

Servet Köseoğlu

Dear Armenian Mod,Cautious optimism is draining. That’s why you have to prefer the predictability of pessimism….Pessimists are never disappointed. They may be surprised, but not disappointed:)))

Icarus Tanović

So you are never dissapointed, you dirtbag.


That is why he is called Serviette.

Icarus Tanović

So what sf is suggesting is that Armenia didn’t downed that plane. Always “allegedly” “claim” “sources”. I think that they downed that plane.


You think alot of things, most of them are stupid. Slavic bitch.

Icarus Tanović

And you have big mouth only, you Zionistic whore.


So shame not all of us are blind believers like you

Khazarian II (merchant)

I think Pashinyan’s source is Kardashiyan’s ass since there is no evidence.

Jens Holm

It would be more fair, if they only shot at their own soldiers and civilians and friendly fire was in the same context as honor and respect is here.

Honor killing of men too would make equal rights as well. Thats not haram debating men – isnt it?

Assad must stay

i hope so


8 shells from the zone of the Karabakh conflict hit houses in Iran today, 1 person was injured

Icarus Tanović

What the fuck you are wanking about?


The governor of Khoda Afarin county in East Azarbaijan in the northwest of Iran reported that from 11:00 am till 4:00 pm of Thursday, 10 rockets from the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict-hit two villages of this county.

Ali Amiri Rad reported that these missiles hit “Kadkhodalou” and “Gholi Beiglou” villages and destroyed a house and injured one person in Gholi Beiglou village.

According to Amiri Rad, the victim was injured as a result of the destruction of the house and not a direct missile impact.

Previously, the governor of Khoda Afarin had reported six mortar shells hitting one of the villages of his county.

Mehr News, an official Islamic Republic news agency reported on October 2 that several mortar shells hit a village near Aras river, and also some more shells have hit near Mil Moghan dam.

On October 7, the spokesman for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the ministry has sent letters to Armenia and Azerbaijan expressing strong objection to their rockets and mortars hitting Iranian soil.

Fighting between the two counties over the Nagorno-Karabgh region started almost two week ago and Iran finds itself in a precarious situation, trying to exhibit neutrality between its two neighbors but some sympathy toward Azerbaijan, given its large Azari speaking population, which have a linguistic affinity with their keens in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It was the Azeri’s who fired into Iran.

Icarus Tanović

Keep on dreaming Whacked one. Save fake news for some other forum.





Антон С

“Armenia claims that its Air Defense Force has downed 20 warplanes, 16 helicopters and 180 drones”

Same hoax as AZ’s claims.

Rodney Loder

Armenia would have it’s S-300 batteries on station within striking distance.

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