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Armenia Claims It Shot Down Azerbaijani Helicopter With Fake Video

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On September 29th, Armenia released a video purportedly showing the downed, burning debris of an Azerbaijani military helicopter.

However, a closer look the debris strongly resembles a downed Antonov An-2 single-engine biplane utility/agricultural aircraft.

The An-2 was designed as a utility aircraft for use in forestry and agriculture. However, the basic airframe is highly adaptable and numerous variants of the type have been developed; these include hopper-equipped versions for crop-dusting, scientific versions for atmospheric sampling, water-bombers for fighting forest-fires, flying ambulances, float-equipped seaplane versions and lightly armed combat versions for dropping paratroops.

Regardless, it is likely that the aircraft had crashed a while ago, and Armenia simply bombed the debris to make it appear as it was recent and a result of defensive fire on an enemy aircraft.

Armenia Claims It Shot Down Azerbaijani Helicopter With Fake Video

An-2. Click to see full-size image

A screengrab of the video clearly shows that it isn’t even a helicopter that’s exploding in the footage.

Armenia Claims It Shot Down Azerbaijani Helicopter With Fake Video

Click to see full-size image

Armenia has reportedly several hundred killed Azerbaijani soldiers, as well as dozens of destroyed armored vehicles, dozens of UAVs and more. This raises questions of how many of the other videos purportedly providing evidence are also faked.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Armenian Ministry of Defence:


Concrete Mike

Shut up isis dick licker!

Servet Köseoğlu

let me take you to gulag…you can have a nice time there with your family…you are blocked!!!

Random Dude

use a lube, will hurt you less

Potato Man

You seem very professional, how long did those Wahhabi Sunnis fuked you kiddo, LMFAO. It is 2020 people like you are more open minded to talk about getting rape by Wahhabi Sunnis. I’m not gonna judge what you enjoy, but you can go to Israel and enjoy yourself with Zion and Wahhabi Sunnis.

Random Dude

I am enjoying myself fully, thank you very much

Potato Man

?Glad to hear, those poor donkeys and sheep need some break.

Random Dude

don’t call you mom that. she is a very nice lovely lady

Potato Man

Very poor come back 2/10 (  ̄^ ̄), “don’t call you mom that” muh LMFAO good old 2000’s. You sound like those salty kids, can’t have fun here. Good day 2 u gbye.

Random Dude

if you need my cum back, need to scrape from you mom’s teeth. Unless she swallowed like a hero

Potato Man

A young boi I see, haven’t grow up have you? Still mommy take care of you doesn’t she ? Awwww so cute.

Random Dude

your mommy takes a very good care of me. every single drop of me

Антон С

Be polite, press opponents with facts or ignore them.


Totally homophobic and sex-negative remark bro! Completely out of touch with (((current year))) values…

I personally know many dick-lickers, they want the same things as anyone else: to live on a golf course, own a fleet of Harley trikes and watch their wife get ram-rodded by guys from Craigslist.

Please cool it with the homophobic remarks bro!



Servet Köseoğlu

you dont need my confirmation..its war..no pain no gain…

James Adams

Context? I’m guessing its Armenian footage?

Антон С

Ha-ha, you can say so, if your own MoD or azeris could be trusted more. But yours officials are even less trusted. Southern people and their passion to exaggerate.

Servet Köseoğlu

Everyone exaggregates..Northern people are also not so honest and master at denying ‘facts” like there is no sex in the ussr.

Vox Populi

Apparently Baghdad Bob is moonlighting for both sides.


Azerbaijan has just been dealt a devastating blow. From Yerevan TV a few minutes ago:


Антон С

First shots of the video looks like hit to an arsenal.


Things are not going well for Turkey, the instigator of this conflict as their economy is in trouble as the offensive has failed to deliver its intended goals..

Turkey: Lira slides to new record lows on Caucasus clash fears

Escalating crisis between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh sparks fears of deeper Turkish involvement as Azerbaijan offensive flounders against determined Armenian resistance.

Random Dude

1915 Version 2.0


This Turkish adventure was planned months ago, I suspect, when Turkey took part in Azerbaijan’s military exercises. It appears that the Turkish weapons did not return to Turkey. What does Erdo have to gain from yet another military adventure? Is he sucking up to the US in order to get a ‘quid pro quo’ against Russia?


Armenian fake news at it again. Good job southfront, keep exposing their lies.

Random Dude

Got nothing real so gotta fake


All sides produce propaganda and fake media during war. In times of peace, it’s called CNN, BBC, NYT, WP and others.


Yes indeed, an example is the Retreat from Dunkirk at the start of WW2 that left ALL British weapons larger than a rifle abandoned in France as defeated British troops struggled to be rescued by the British navy.

Churchill then , as most do today, portrayed the defeat of the British forces in France as a victory :)

Icarus Tanović

Is that that speach We shall never surrender? After that.


Yes, :)

Icarus Tanović

MSNBC, FOX, ABC etc. Are full of shi…truth.

Антон С

Title of the video tells: “destruction of Azerbaijan’s air-forces”, No helicopter or plane, just all AF in common. Check it with online translator.

James Adams

why lie? It does nothing to help your cause. I support you Armenia but why don’t you actually destroy Azeri equipment?

Rhodium 10

I have seen a video in Twitter and clearly an AN 2 explode while was flying in “Karabakh Records” twitter page.


Those drone video of Nagorno-Karabakh appear to be real. Now Armenia is crying foul….

Armenia can’t just occupy 20% territory of another country. It is like Israel occupying Arab country.

No wonder Armenia enjoys excellent relationship with Israel.


Idiot, who sold UAVs to Azerbaijan? How do you think Orbiter 1K landed in Azer hands?


Well, to be fair, a prop plane is just a helicopter that flies sideways, and it was probably spotting Armenoid positions 18 months ago, they just hit it again to make sure nobody was left alive…

Tom Tom

Tense music, show the same explosion three times. LOL.

The air defense systems of Armenia shot down 4 military helicopters of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, which indicates the fact that the blitzkrieg of Baku in Armenia’s direction suffered a complete failure.


Turkey is using Idlib as a hub for jihadis they send all around the world to do its bidding. They need to clear Idlib immediately!


There is an reason I dont pay that much attention to this types of videos, war snuff videos, since its sometimes hard to be certain we are seeing and what they claim we are, this goes to both parts, and this one is just lame, some of them are for domestic use, since they are also to confirm hits, etc, and all thoe the drone images where nasty, I guess this comes because of the Armenians where sitting inside and surfing porn or something and didnt pay attention to what happened before it was to late, that is one of the benefits of surprice attack, that momentum you have just for an bref moment and now that moment have gone, but I also watched and payed more attention to the videos claiming they took out some bases, they looked real, and I am just anoyed by the use of nonsensical hits to claim something, plain childish, but then again, we cant be shure what both parts are showing, incl the Turds, is it from Libya, Syria, or NK, we simply dont know, but again, its way to early and both parts wants to be in the front when it comes to propaganda, not that this conflict is in any way special, its just the way it is.

Yeah, propaganda, I have read some sites just before I got here, and some of them surprices me a bit, and somehow, even MoA is somewhat serving drivel, to claim NK is Azeri, from when, and that claim could also go to the other sefl determent enclave in between Armenia and Iran, witch is Azeri, but somehow they claim that Azeri have the rights to claim the NK is theirs, I guess they dont know much history, most of this comes from the Sovjet era, and since it colapsed the region have resorted into infighting, but to just highlight NK is not playing fare, because we most not forget the way Armenians where treated by the Azeris them self, and why on earth after all this pogroms should the Armenians have anything to do with Azeris, some people skips that part all together, that was entirly the Muslim Azeris fault.


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