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Armenia Claims Success In Repelling Azerbaijan, As Shelling Of Stepanakert Continues

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Armenia Claims Success In Repelling Azerbaijan, As Shelling Of Stepanakert Continues

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Throughout October 3rd, Azerbaijan’s forces continued shelling Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Shelling continues on the morning of October 4th.

Throughout the day, the Armenian Army and those of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) reportedly managed to repel an Azerbaijani attack and even carry out a limited counteroffensive.

Heavy fighting continues in almost every direction.

There are videos published of Azerbaijani heavy equipment being destroyed while forces are withdrawing from some positions

The President of Artsakh Araik Harutyunyan continues to be on the frontline.

“I’m on the front line now. The heads of the national security services of Armenia and Artsakh are also with me. Our guys perform combat tasks brilliantly. I am inspired by the spirit of professionalism of our military, as well as the dedication of our volunteers. We are firmly on the front line and in the rear. Once again, I call on all Armenians to join the defense of their homeland.”

Azerbaijan’s forces appear to be massing near the Shamkhor area, and preparing an offensive.

Notably, almost immediately after hostilities began, Georgia reported that it had closed off its airspace to both Azerbaijan and Armenia, but it appears that it has only closed it off to Yerevan forces.

Armenia Claims Success In Repelling Azerbaijan, As Shelling Of Stepanakert Continues

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In a counteroffensive, Goradiz in Azerbaijan is burning, the Artsakh Defense Army is reportedly pushing ack in some directions.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan issued a video statement in which he said that the war wouldn’t end until the enemy was destroyed and that Yerevan’s forces would be victories in the end.

In a press briefing, Artsakh Republic Foreign Minister Masis Mayilyan said that Azerbaijan was simply a puppet in the hands of Turkey.

At the same briefing, Mayilyan said that there were several ways to establish peace, one of them was what Armenia’s forces were doing – namely defeating the enemy forces.

Armenia’s side released another video showing casualties and damages suffered by Azerbaijan’s side.

Interestingly, an “old acquaintance” has resurfaced with more activity – the airways implicated in illegal arms smuggling – Silk Way Airlines appears to have increased its activity in flying to Baku.

Armenia Claims Success In Repelling Azerbaijan, As Shelling Of Stepanakert Continues

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As evidence that Turkey is providing quite a bit of military support in addition to deploying jihadists, several videos were published purportedly showing Turkish vehicles delivering weapons to Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani side also claims success in dealing with the Armenian forces. There are several videos showing shelling and drone strikes.

So far, Azerbaijan’s biggest success is capturing the town of Magadiz, a video was published showing soldiers taking down the Armenian flag.


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cechas vodobenikov

turkis azeri mudaks can’t defeat enemies–they require ISIS mercenaries to fight for them

Lucia West

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catalin zt

Goat muslim lovers on the CIAMOSSAD payroll…

Arman Melkonyan

All our politicians in Europe, the US and Russia who do business with the evil Erdogan and his abominable Turks and genocidal Azeris, are TRAITORS to civilization and Christian culture.

Can you believe the fake Christian Georgians who lie and claim that they closed their airspace to both Armenia and Azerbaijan yet allow Turks and Azerbaijani planes and trucks to ship terror drones through Georgia?

Putin has no business pretending to be a Christian when he sells oil and gas to Erdogan and equips the Turkish army with Russian S-400s.

Throw out the bums and replace them with patriotic leaders.

Turks are the miasma and enemy of humanity. Turkey was created through the genocide of the entire Christian population of Asia Minor.

How can any normal human being accept Turkey or Azerbaijan (the Turks claim ‘One nation two states’) as legitimate nations when they are the product of the genocide of the Armenians, the Greeks and the Assyrians?


You saved Erdogan and rewarded him with oil, gas and sophisticated weapons even after he shot down Russian planes and killed Russian pilots.


You enable the Turks in Idlib and help them kill your Syrian and Persian allies with impunity.


You have forever disgraced yourself.

Victory to Armenia!


well said


Victory to Armenia!


In your small world you believe that politics aligned according to religions. Christians should make an alliance and kill the evil Turks… right? :) You are either so young or couldn’t grow up yet despite to your biological age! Because it seems that you have no clue how the politics work.

Oh btw. this sentence is completely wrong, “Turks are the miasma and enemy of humanity. Turkey was created through the genocide of the entire Christian population of Asia Minor.” Turkic nomads unlike the Mongols, were looking a place to settle down not to obliterate it… In fact our (I am a Turk) genes proves this. We have more genetic contribution from ancient Anatolians than Turkish nomads.

Angry Birds

What are you doing in Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan ? You poke your nose everywhere stirring conflicts, do not expect to be liked with such an attitude.


Who said I need to be liked or expected so to be liked?

Angry Birds

Do not whine then when there is a reaction following an unprovoked action and double standards to pursue expansionist goals.

Once again you are busted transporting islamic terrorism affiliated mercenaries and facilitating fundamentalism activities. There is no denying, direct military flights from Tripoli to Azerbaijan are recorded, US, Russia, France and the Syrian observatory for human rights all know what’s going on.

Do not care whether you are liked or not but do not say you had not been warned when the consequences hit back on you hard.


Hmmm I don’t remember whining at all. Maybe you should read my comment again in case you couldn’t grasp it well.

Angry Birds

I can hear you crying like a kucuk girl :))



Arman Melkonyan

What a stupid and half-developped thing to say.

It’s a fact that the Quran admonished Muslims to kill and enslave non-Muslims. It’s a fact that Muslims are cutting people’s heads off in Syria AND Azerbaijan. Didn’t you see those pictures of the Azeri soldiers cutting the Yazidi Armenian soldier’s head?

It’s a fact that Muslims HATE Christians. It’s not just a vacuous nebulous pointless religious thing.

It’s a CULTURAL, SOCIAL, POLITICAL, and MILITARY *reality* that non-Muslims (except for the Israelis aligned with them) have to contend with.

Whether creatures like you like it or not.


I don’t even care what Muslims think about Christians or vice versa. I realized, these are all Jewish myths and same kind of b.s. when I was 14. While masses (like you) think that world in a religious struggle, governments ripp off them. It is all about resources and money!

Simplekindof Man

congrats for your objectivity and no b.s speak. a Greek .


You are welcome neighbour!

Angry Birds

We greeks mop the church floor with those orthodox cross suckers but in turkey the islamists have taken over. Can you challenge the Diyanet ?


Fair enough :) I can’t challenge the Diyanet. Well, but, why would I? And challenge how exactly? Challenging them would not prove or achieve anything. Our (seculars) time will come, you will see, just not yet. You can not even believe how many people from my generation (I am 21 btw.) and from younger generations rejecting Islam. This rule of Islamists opened many eyes. To be honest, I always thought that Turkey is a lost cause in that respect. But I have a hope now. Though, everything must need to be according to the book. Current government have to go by elections, a riot or similar event would lead to a total chaos.

Angry Birds

I do not want problems or riots in Turkey because we will be flooded with millions of Turkish nationals / citizens trying to make their way to Europe. Already we struggle with the refugees coming from ME and Afganistan.

Regarding the religious authorities come back to me when you will be allowed to stage a concert like that by a band called ” rotting muhammad ”



Actually this band is one of my favorites! 666, Pir Threontai, Les litanies de Satan, Devadevam, Cine iubeste şi lasa, this song you sent, Ahura Mazda are my favorite songs.

I don’t know if such a band name will be allowed at all :d who knows…

Angry Birds

They would not be allowed to tour in TR if they were called rotting muhammad for example and this is stupid


Well, I know…

Ishyrion Av

You, greek… You are not greek!

Ishyrion Av

That’s why I said to @niBohr:disqus that islam is the devil’s worshiper religion. Because only devil hates humanity so much that it wants it destroyed.

Angry Birds

LOL cross sucker you are hilarious for your beliefs are so primitive as the islamic and jewish sects. Islam and christianity are almost identical BS, little difference there.

Ishyrion Av

Oh, I forgot about stupid people who hates themselves too.

Angry Birds

There is no afterlife, nothing will be left of your awareness of internal existence in a couple of decades, you will simple seize to exist and it will be exactly the same for you like before you were bornt

Now cry your eyes out :)))

Ishyrion Av

Good luck with that, monkey.

Arman Melkonyan


Angry Birds

Why does an armeni christcuck sports our sacred flag featuring the ancient isosceles cross ?

Arman Melkonyan

Because you are an angry bird?

Fog of War

” That’s why I said to Kohlhaas that islam is the devil’s worshiper religion. ”

What is Judaism then ?

Ishyrion Av

Judaism WAS the religion of the chosen people. Now, Judaism is dead. Instead is replaced with a weird kabbalah mysticism.

Arman Melkonyan


Look in the mirror and countenance the genes of the countless Christian women’s genes screaming back at you. That’s how you Turks lost your slanted Mongoloid eyes: by raping and enslaving Armenian, Greek and European women.

Even your own flesh is your enemy.


You are an abomination.


Again, you are wrong. I am quite convinced that you have very limited knowledge on the subject and therefore, you are making insults instead of arguments. Anatolia never had a ethnical and religious unity in the history. With the arrival of Roman Empire, a unity started to form, but that was not very successful. Anatolian people always assimilated so easily because of this disunity. For instance, even though Hittites were Indo European folk they adopted non-Indo European religion (Hurrian).

Ishyrion Av

Oh, I think he pointed correctly the otoman history across 800 years of destruction.

Arman Melkonyan

Big fat liar.

Everybody knows that Asia Minor was Armenian, Assyrian and Greek lands millennia before the word ‘Turk’ even existed.

Turks are a genocidal abomination, a pestilence infesting planet earth.


Fact1: Anatolia was not greek. Ancient Greeks colonized the west coasts of Anatolia and the islands in the Agean sea. As I stated before Anatolia had a disunited cultural and religious structure. Becuase of this some regions in the west Anatolia had been Hellenized, this made peak at the reign of Eastern Roman Empire. Fact2: Assyrians mainly inhabited Iraq and Syria, they were minorities in Anatolia from the beginning of history. Fact3:Armenians inhabited half of the Eastern Anatolia (I mean half of the lands not the population). Turks and Armenians almost had no disputes and lived in peace until WW1.

Again much insults and less arguments. You can’t keep up with me.

Arman Melkonyan


There were no major Turkish settlements in Anatolia before 1071.

Turks are abominable invaders who raped countless millions of Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, and Europeans.

You did so much raping that your eyes straightened.

Is there more damning proof of how monstrous you Turks are?

You cannot be a human being and call yourself Turkish.


You are AGAIN wrong. Not “no major”, but there were almost no Turkish settlements in Anatolia before 1071. But you don’t even have a clue what I am trying to tell do you? Waste of time…

Oh… btw… beware, if you truly a Greek, whom you call an abomination :) We are genetically so close to each other. I am quite sure that if you would see me on the street, you couldn’t be able to tell that I am from Turkey.

Arman Melkonyan


Because you carry the genes of Greek and Armenian women you Turks raped and enslaved by the millions.

No human being can call himself a Turk.

catalin zt

You are muslim goat lovers an disgrace of Earth! I’m romanian and i know how much pain and death u ottoman SCUM have brought to my ancestors but we did cut your dirty empty head many times under Vlad the Impaler,Stefan the Great and Michael the Brave! Ha ha soon Amighty Russia will finish u nest of islamic wasps FOREVER! Constantinople will go to Greece,south east to Kurdistan and u ottoman DIRT back to Mongolia FOREVER! HA HA Ha


Wrong! I am no muslim. I don’t believe in Jewish stories unlike you.

Ishyrion Av

Seriously? You say, we Christians, shouldn’t make alliances based on our Faith, but you, muslims, devil’s worshipers, have to attack another country because your brother in faith wants to obliterate its neighbor? Stupid turk.


I don’t remember saying you shouldn’t make alliances. For f. sake… what is wrong with you people? Can’t you read???? I have just pointed out the fact that politics are not related with religions as you think. You can make alliance with anyone you want…but… the thing is… you are irrelevant, as a person you have a no value (I don’t have either) in politics.

Oh and I AM NOT muslim. How many times I have to state that… and “devil’s worshipers”?? You made me laugh for real.

Ishyrion Av

You said “In your small world you believe that politics aligned according to religions.” So, what is Turkey politics doing in Azerbaijan (one nation – two states, brothers, etc), bombing a region full of Christian Armenians? It doesn’t matter if you believe or not in the pedophile’s teachings, if you didn’t formally removed yourself from his religion, this way you became an apostate. But if you did, you have all my sympathy and concern, since you are in a mortal danger (you know apostasy in islam is death punishable).


Do you even know what does the word nation means? We and Azeris speak the same language… oh and there are even some extremists who hate Azeris because they are from Shia sect. Turkey and Azerbaijan are allies because both states are simply Turkish.

“Bombing a region full of Christian Armenians” Well… those Armenians are not waiting Azeris with flowers I assume, and according to international law it is Azerbajian’s land. Well, if Armenians want to hold that land they have to fight and I respect that actually. But there will be consequences.

What do you mean by “formally removed”?

Angry Birds

Save your words, this ChristSucker would prefer living in medieval times when the authority of the church was not contested and believes in fairy tales put together by epileptic shamans high on shrooms :)))

Ishyrion Av

I have bad news for you, Shia sect says Sunni are a sect. In islam this is a very dangerous path, since sunni blow shia mosques in the same neighborhood, living in the same country. Where is the nation there? And I didn’t understood what you implied. If you speak the same language, you are allowed to attack a third country who doesn’t? Because you are a nation? You forgot how Azerbaijan ended up with Artsakh. Thanks to Stalin. Like Ukraine ended up with big chunks from Russia, Poland, Romania and Hungary. Artsakh was never yours. “formally removed”… well, you are still muslim on “paper”. You didn’t quit this religion. Otherwise, you would be probably dead. And, by the way, you are too young for this conversation. In 15 years you will rediscover God… or some sort of god. God knows.


I would be dead?? Hahah I don’t know how we are portrayed, but no we don’t kill irreligious people in here. Why would what you have said should be a bad news for me?? Don’t worry, I already know what Shias think about Sunnis. I made my research on these already,

I explained why Turkey and Azerbaijan are allies. And come on!! Stop playing the “poor Christians” card, for centuries Christians killed their own kin because they are pagans, stop your bs. Everybody knows that we such a conflict because of Pashinyan. I genuinely feel sorry for the Armenian youth who have to die on the front because of his wrong policies. They die while Pashinyan keeps warmongering and diaspora tweeting.

Ishyrion Av

Seriously, Turks are in Azerbaijan because Pashinyan? That is lame. And in Syria because of Assad. And in Irak because of God knows who. And in Libya because is green. And in Cyprus because of the brothers. It seems you find allies in need everywhere you want to invade. This is really the way is presented in your television? You actually help people? Can’t believe you can chew this shit.


I told why Azerbaijan and Armenia started to fight again… wtf are you even talking about? Are you high or smth?

Ishyrion Av

It seems you don’t even know yourself what are you talking about.


There a lot of unprovoked and unnecessary moves in the Area of mutual defence.. that the current Armenia Regime did to allienat and spite Russia… Lukashenko of belarus did a little of same.. Albeight politicaly and not militarily..until now he realised his mistakes and rush to Putin and do reconciliation. But this Armenia leader and his Soro bankrolled governments has been most stuborn. They are overating Amernia international political clout. They believe that after all they have done and are doing.. They could simply pick a phone and call putin.. And then putin will send russians to come and die for them for free!. In a place were Russian schools.. Tvs are banned!!. These is what is embolding Turkey and Azeri. And innocent soldiers and civilians alike will suffer for political myopism on the part of armenia leadership

Arman Melkonyan

It’s your fault, Russian.

You are in bed with the Turks. You never wholeheartedly embraced your Armenian Christian brothers, always preferring to betray Armenians and collaborating with the Turks.

You Russians gave arms and gold and logistical supplies to the Turks in the 1920s enabling them to massacre Armenians and stealing their lands.

You are only helping us a little to stop the Turks from direct linkage to Azerbaijan and the Turkic republics.

What Pashinyan or any other Armenian politician does is no reason to betray the Armenian PEOPLE, the Armenian nation.

If you Russians did not keep betraying Armenians; if you Russians did not insist on installing corrupt politicians as Armenian puppets of Russia working for your interests; then Armenians would not have reason to look elsewhere for friends and allies.

You Russians even allow the Turks to shoot your own planes and kill your own Russian pilots.

Erdogan said he’s proud to have killed that Russian pilot and gloated he’d do it again with pleasure.

What you Russians do?

You give Erdogan S-400s and sell him gas while you allow him and his Jihadi Turks rape, torture and behead Christians in Syria.

Ishyrion Av

You are missing many points. It was the Bolshevik regime who supported Turkey in 1920, hoping to drag them to communism too. Same Bolsheviks who killed tens of millions of Russians and other nations. Bolsheviks who came in power with Jewish Germany support. So, no Russians. It is Israel who sold advanced weapons to Baku, those weapons fired upon you today. Russia is not anytime friend of Turkey. Yes, Putin saved the turk dog, but that is because as stupid as he is, is a better choice for Russia than an American-Israeli puppet. With his lust for power, erDOG is much easily controllable than you think and he will stay in power until either Russia, either Zion Empire (Israel and US) will manage to impose a new face. You think Putin forgot the dog shut down his plane? You are so wrong. But Putin plays chess, not poker. The punishment will come and will be swift and turks, for their lack of honor will not even understand what hit them. Russia purpose is not to help the good people of the world (yeah, sorry, that’s the painful truth, and it might hurt me too if I would be more naive, since I’m not Russian). Russia purpose is to protect itself, by its military, economy and social strength and by forging alliances with respectful countries around and across the globe. I agree that today Armenian nation is bleeding, and my heart is bleeding too because of that. But Putin will not directly involve until the conditions for Russia’s security threat are met or until Armenia leadership asks for help. Like Syria did. Think at that. And, about S-400.. How much do you think it worth it after all the missiles will be fired?

Arman Melkonyan

Then why are Russians including Putin enamored and collaborating with Jewish oligarchs like Roman Abramovich?

Could it be because Abramovich himself said Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship on demand because Putin is an ethnic Jew?


Ishyrion Av

It doesn’t really matter what some people say. All that is important is what people do. Until now, Putin made Russia a world superpower. Besides of that, people always gossip, always make plans for themselves. Just see thru it.

Raptar Driver

Russia cannot simply sink back into it’s heartland and shuck all responsibilities as a great power. Hate to go all spiderman but with great power comes great responsibilities. The Putin government doesn’t seem to know what it’s doing when it comes to foreign policy. I don’t think that Russia is as free as it may seem. It would be obvious to any that the government makes decisions based on Zio-Anglo concerns.

Ishyrion Av

Russia is taking decisions for its own best interest, like I said. And its honoring its allies (unlike Zionist Empire). Otherwise than that, it doesn’t hold any world bigger responsibility. That is american crap. And frankly, I don’t want any superpower to tell me what to do. Neither american, neither Russian.

Raptar Driver

Russia is not honoring its allies, Armenia is a good example of this.

Ishyrion Av

Armenia did not asked for help.

Raptar Driver

Fair enough.


I wouldn’t blame Georgia, where was Armenia when Russia occupied them?

Arman Melkonyan

Georgians sided with the Turks right from the beginning of the war. Georgians for no good reason attacked minority populations who wanted some degree of autonomy and went to war with Russia. How stupid is that? And now they betray their Christian brothers again. To hell with them. They can keep sucking Muslim you-know-what.

catalin zt

My heart is with Armenia,as an romanian we love armenians they are many in my country, beautiful people and they enjoy all the rights there. But why Armenia after the color revolution accepted an mossadcia govt??? Basically the armenians played the Satan game and now are crying help from Almighty Russia…. Don’t wonder about Georgia,they sold their soul to Satan a while ago even covid-19 is made in one of the Satan laboratories there,they test on georgian guinea pigs for a long time different viruses and deadly bacteria… Instead of pointing at Putin maybe see how your armenian “friends” had betrayed you same like they do with anyone else!!!

Arman Melkonyan

No need to beat around the bush.

Either Russians stand firmly with Christian Armenian brothers or they don’t.

The Russians clearly don’t.

Are the Turks bullshitting and equivocating like the Russians? No. Turks say, One nation two states.

You can’t blame the Armenians when Russians keep betraying them. The Russians SAVED Turks in 1920 by giving them arms, ammunition and logistical supplies.

The Russians HELPED the Turks exterminate Christian Armenians.

You Russians are abominable traitors to your Christian confessionals.

Ishyrion Av

Romania has a zionist government also. If I remember correctly, the president is german, the prime minister is Hungarian (shit, that’s the Austria’s Empire reborn) and the orders come from the zion.

Tudor Miron

You blame Putin? You should thank yourself and western puppet Pashinian for spitting in Russian direction and weakening your own country. Lets see how your new western friends are rushing to help. Now you have to defend what you took from Azeri’s by yourself if you can (I do believe that you actually can do it – Armenians are better warriors than Azeri traders). If actual territory of Armenia (don’t forget that even you don’t recognise Nagorny Karabach) will be invaded than Russia will (again) save you. You guys never sease to amaze me. Russia always owe you something, but what did you do for Russia? Remember those demonstrations in Armenia with slogans “Stop Russian occupation of Armenia”, “Russia get out”? Do you even comprehend that without Russia, Armenia would not exist by now? Do you even comprehend that current Azeri’s offensive is a direct consequence of your little “color revolution” and Pashinian’s leadership? Azeri’s sensed that Armenia got weaker and here they are.

Arman Melkonyan

To hell with Pashinyan and all the spineless politicians.

Where you Russians are wrong is when you fail to side firmly with your fellow Christian Armenian brothers and sisters instead seeking to obtain pecuniary favors from the Muslim Turks and Azerbaijanis who hate you and wish they could chop off your head now, rape your wife and kill or enslave your children just because you are not a Muslim.

Do not equivocate between stupid little politicians like Pashinyan and the Christian Armenian people.

It’s not the same thing.

Don’t betray Armenians and Armenians will not seek friends and allies elsewhere, in the wrong places.


It appears you are one of those armenian youths according to RT Editor..who is an Armenia Russian.. that is being brainwashed in Soros training camp.. On how to overthrow Russian government. So if russia did not sell s-400 to turkey.. Who elso would they sell it.. Backstabing and spinneless Greece!??…that ceaselessly approved anti russian sanction year in year out. As Nato member they dont even have the spine to request s-400 for fear of American sanction.. But turkey show courage and dared the American despite also being in Nato..same with turkish stream pipe line. So much for brotherhood!

Arman Melkonyan

Could it be because both Erdogan and Putin are affiliated with Jewish interests?

In Turkey, it has been reported that Erdogan is a crypto Jew: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Musanin-Çocuklari-Tayyip-ve-Emine/dp/9944337072/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=musanin+cocuklari&qid=1601817720&sr=8-1

The richest man of Israel, the Russian-Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich is on record Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship whenever he wanted because Putin is ethnically a Jew? http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1

Azerbaijan buys most of its sophisticated weaponry from ISRAEL.


Putin Apologist

Wait, how is this Putin fault?

Is Putin stopping the Greeks from coming to the aid of their Christian bothers and sisters in Armenia and Artsakh during this most desperate of hours? Come to think of it, why didn’t the Greeks come to the aid of their Christian bothers and sisters when NATO was bombing the sh*t out of Serbia for 78 straight days? And why is it that Greece still remains in NATO with Erdogan’s Turkey? One more, where are the Greeks while the Russians are fighting and dying to save our Christian bothers and sisters in Syria?

But hey, let’s not dwell on the mistake of the past for now is the time for all Orthodox Christians to come together as one people under Christ.


Arman Melkonyan


It was a disgrace of the highest order that Greeks and Russians and even Armenians did not side with the Serbs and protect them from the depravity of NATO countries.

I hang my head in shame. Great shame.

You put your finger on a wound of mine that does not heal.


The ammunition video is taken in Syria, also the video about the flag cannot be geolocated to anywhere near Talish. Not to mention that red Talish sign is a fake, the real sign is 10 times the size and blue. Look it up for yourself.

alejandro casalegno

The big question…………when the turkish economy will collapse???…..they don´t have the money to three wars……….you can´t live on credit for ever.


Good point but from this war Turkey is making money selling military equipment and consultancy services to Azerbaijan in echange for O&G or chash.

In this war it a Azerbaijan’s people and economy who will get hammered; especially if their oil and gas installations start getting hit my missiles; these are big easy targets.


This is a very high risk attack launched by Azerbaijan for little reward. Two bombing or missile hits by Armenia on Azerbaijan’s two oil gas pipelines; one to Georgia and one to Russia; knocks out the entire Azerbaijan economy. In exchange for what? Barren rocky mountainous land occupied hostile people. This a very stupid offensive Azerbaijan launched.

Arman Melkonyan

Indeed my Deep State Russian friend…


Nah I’m for diversity and freedom of choice of people. If Azerbaijan wants to be independent from Russia they should be. If Nagorno Kharabakh people want to independent from Azerbaijan they also should be.

“…….. It is recognized as a right of all peoples in the first article common to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which both entered into force in 1976. 1 Paragraph 1 of this Article provides:

All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. ……….” https://unpo.org/article/4957

Arman Melkonyan

I have no problem with that.

Thanks for sharing.


Will this war end up like Shakesvili’s Georgia attach on Ossetia whic ended up with a Georgia defeat, and government change in Georgia?

Azerbaijan defeated with nasty economic consequences and so protests leading to change of government in Azerbaijan?

Arman Melkonyan

Looks like that’s in the offing.


Russia Today, Sputnik head accuses Armenian gov’t of being anti-Russian Share facebook twitter messenger vk-black email copy print

Margarita Simonyan, head of the Russia Today TV channel, which many call the mouthpiece of Russian propaganda, accused the Armenian authorities of anti-Russian sentiment on July 18. She reminded them of the “Janissary knives” used against them by the Ottoman Empire, and demanded they show gratitude to Russia.

In Armenia, this post caused a heated discussion, and to a large extent, people reacted with outrage and indignation.

On her Telegram channel, she said that she was responding to numerous requests that she “determine her position” on the events happening on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Armenia-Azerbaijan border relatively calm on 6th day of violence outbreak

8,500 Azerbaijani citizens applied for military service; Armenia discusses the threat of Azerbaijan bombing the Armenian nuclear power plant

Armenia-Azerbaijan border relatively calm on 6th day of violence outbreak

8,500 Azerbaijani citizens applied for military service; Armenia discusses the threat of Azerbaijan bombing the Armenian nuclear power plant

Simonyan did not mention a single name.

Presumably, residents of Armenia turned to her with such a request because Margarita Simonyan is an ethnic Armenian.

Simonyan, however, has never lived in Armenia. She was born in the Russian city of Krasnodar, grew up in Sochi, and studied in the United States. Then she moved to Moscow, where she made a career on a Russian state television station.

Simonyan is regularly at the center of various scandals.

Recently, the leader of the Russian opposition, Alexei Navalny, published an investigative report titled “Parasites,” in which he spoke about the large-scale embezzlement of budgetary funds that Margarita Simonyan and her relatives are engaged in, using, among other things, their leadership position on the Russia Today channel.

We will first address the accusations and arguments of Margarita Simonyan, then the reaction in Armenian society. Head of Russia Today: “After everything you’ve done, Russia has every moral right to spit on you and grind you into the ground.”

“I appeal to the Armenian authorities. It is the authorities, and not the people, of which I am a part.

I am appealing to you only because your internet troops have been bombarding my social media pages with (boorish and aggressive) demands to “express my position.”

You asked, I will tell you.

Look at yourself from the outside. See what you are doing. How you behave. What kind of Armenians are you? […]

In response to the many years of kindness and protection you received from Russia, you refused to recognize Crimea. Because this is a matter of Armenian internal affairs.

Purely out of political revenge, you imprisoned Robert Kocharian [ex-President of Armenia], a permanent ally of Russia. Imprisoned him specially, defiantly, spitting directly in the face of your ‘Russian friends.’ Because this is a matter of Armenian internal affairs.

You have flooded your country with anti-Russian NGOs that teach the youth how to overthrow power in Russia. You have become a springboard for anti-Russian forces in the Caucasus. Because this is a matter of Armenian internal affairs.

You kicked out Russian Armenian businessmen. You do not want anything to do with anything connected with Russia. Because this is a matter of Armenian internal affairs.

Round the clock, your media and social networks spit on Russia, Putin, and everyone who supports Putin, especially Russian Armenians (for example, me). You have divided the unfortunate, already disappearing Armenian people into enemies—the Russian Armenians, and the “real” ones who support your momentary power. Because this is a matter of Armenian internal affairs.

And now, when a war is breaking out on the border, when the very existence of your regime is in jeopardy, when Armenians worldwide are already seeing the living ghosts of the Janissaries with crooked knives that used to slice into your ancestors, you remember that Russia must save you again.

Isn’t this just a matter of Armenian internal affairs?

After all the evil and choking contempt that you have shown towards Russia in recent years, your troops and you yourself consider yourself entitled enough to wait for help from Russia?

In fact, after all that you have done, Russia has every moral right to spit on you and grind you into the ground.

But that’s not what will happen, I’m sure. Russia will come to your aid this time as well.

Because that’s how Russia is. Generous and noble, my beloved homeland.

And you are just a handful of screaming politicians who betrayed the interests of the great Armenian people for a moment of power and petty personal revenge.”

James Adams

I love it when I see dead Azeri soldiers and terrorists !!! It makes me so happy !!!

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