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Armenia Hopes For A Saviour As Azerbaijan Pushes Ever Further Into Nagorno-Karabakh

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Armenia Hopes For A Saviour As Azerbaijan Pushes Ever Further Into Nagorno-Karabakh

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Over the evening of October 29th, Armenia’s side claimed that several successful operations had been carried out against the Azerbaijani armed forces in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“During the night, units of the Artsakh defense Army continued to conduct reconnaissance and fire operations in the areas where opponent groups are located, as a result of which a large amount of ammunition and foemen personnel were destroyed. After midnight, the opponent forces tried to launch a new attack in the South-Eastern direction, which was stopped by the Artsakh army. Opponent forces tried to succeed, including in the Northern part of the front line, which was also stopped. Here the opponent troops suffered heavy losses. The opponent continued to attack peaceful settlements. Currently, operations are underway to search for and destroy opponent groups,” the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Artsakh said.

What this means is that the Azerbaijani forces are actually much further along the way than Armenia actually admits, and are, in fact, near Shusha.

“Today, the opponent launched an attack in the Northern direction earlier than usual, but was pushed back, leaving dozens of dead bodies on the battlefield. Artsrun Hovhannisyan.”

A video was also released:

At the same time, Armenian media are calling for global help, since the death toll keeps growing. There’s also a video:

The Azerbaijan side claimed that it also had success in its operations, and it is evident that it is likely true.

“The Azerbaijan Army continues to take measures against the enemy.”

Armenian attempts to attack in several directions of the front during the day on October 29 were reportedly prevented. The Armenian forces were forced to retreat, suffering heavy losses in combat vehicles and personnel.

“Due to the retaliatory actions, another high-ranking Armenian serviceman who committed a war crime was killed. Thus, the deputy commander of the 1st combined arms army, colonel Victor Arustamyan was killed as a result of firing at a convoy of vehicles in the defensive line of the 18th motorized rifle division of the Armenian armed forces.”

Notably, there were explosions in Barda, and Armenia’s side claimed that it was Syrian militants who carried it out.

Azerbaijan claimed that it was a Smerch MLRS, and that it was destroyed, with a video to go along with it.

Various Armenian equipment was also reportedly destroyed.


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putin has undermined the russian people and showed them to be weak. he is a ukranian prostitute that will suck turkish balls for gas.


You are insulting The President of the Country, withouts help you would already been wiped out. Dont be ungratefull and show some Respect for his office, as the President of Russians. Without their help and handouts of free Weapons, you would fight with Stones.


he was unable to impose no fly zone even in Syria..


He is the President of Russia, so his first Job is to look after the interests of Russia and not Syria or Armenia. Russia has important Relations with Turkey and Aserbaidschan. Armenia has not much to ofer Russia and is more a liability.


he prove to be weak period

catalin zt

Was he weak in Checenia???


Russia fought mighty Chechnya for 10 years and finally occupied it. It’s the second greatest victory after WW2.

Vox Populi

It only won by totally destroying Grozny. The Chechens beat the Russians in every combat. The whole Russian airforce and army was deployed to “win” and they only have nominal control by appeasing Kadyrov and building mosques.


Yeah, Kadrov gets the oil, Putin gets the glory.


Yea the Ruskies had to flatten every building to win. Grozny totally rebuilt in large open spaces easy to machine gun spray landscape.

John Brown


Russia won they are part of Russia.

To end hostilities Russia they had to pick a chechen leader or Russia would have had to exterminate the Chechin people which Russia did not want to do.


he looks after syria more than armenia he is a weak dog, he should become vice president of turkey

Vox Populi

So far Putin has only lined his pockets and that of the oligarchs. The average Russian has hardly prospered.


So, what would be a better plan? Shoot down “Israeli” aircraft, strike too hard and too soon against the “chosen people,” and let the mainstream media cement Putin as the “new Hitler”? Because that worked out so well for the old Hitler…?

Standing up against the the banker gangsters, the “international clique” is fine. But being ignorant or rash about it is not.


putina is president by fraud only, he is a weak bitch and he revealed it to the world. every time he bends over to erdogan he makes the muslims more excited to rape him and the russian people

Great Khan

Russia weak….Muslim brother STRONK,…..case closed hahahaha


no no muslim is weak dog supported by its brother the jew with suicide drones, jew+muslim=goat

Great Khan

hahaha Muslim+Jew very STRONK! no one help Armeni, even Hitler mamtu corporal attack Kavkaz..oil then Russian kick Alamania in the lljig and jigjig all frau…hahaha many Alamani frau have Russian Khuukhed..hahahah

catalin zt

Great Goat Lover of muhammad the paedophile,sort out your English…is crap, same your neuron!

Vox Populi

Russia has large Muslim population in the Caucasus who are sympathetic to their Azerbaijani kin and Putin is not in a position to start another war with Muslims in the Caucasus, after barely learning to live with a resurgent Chechnya and Dagistan. France backing Armenia verbally did a lot of damage and alienated all Muslims and the French are thoroughly disliked by all.


chechnya should be used for testing nuclear weapons nothing good ever came from checnya and nothing ever will


Ahh another comment about muslim brotherhood, ok if you wat to show how stupid muslis are just continue…

Vox Populi

You appear to live in some sort of outdated fantasy, the world is changing fast. Turkey is a key player among many others.


Did I say is it not? Or did Erdogan just invented the Muslim brothership which should be mentioned in each political comment?


yes a key player 9 turkish lira to 1 usd hahaha

The Objective

I still think Erdogan is trying to turn Turkey into an industrial hub just like China. devaluing your currency and make cost of production cheap is a credible way to attract foreign companies. Turkey just last week unveiled plans to build logistics hubs across Africa, Asia, and Europe, but mostly in Asia and Africa where sanctions aren’t likely to be effective against an established economy.


muslims are not good at building things they use jewtech

The Objective

Yeah, and that JewTech is slaughtering your Armenian brothers using RussianTech.


because putina only gives them old weapons soviet junk

The Objective

Was it also old weapons he gave the SAA and Haftar. How come Haftar could not topple the GNA and even lost ground to such an extent that it was only diplomatic pressure and the prospect of a war with Egypt that forced the GNA to pause in its advance. Had Haftar’s allies not intervened, he’d loss all of Libya. Again in Syria, your Modern Russian tech could not guarantee Assad victory against the rebels. If not for Russian air campaigns, the SAA wouldn’t stand a chance. The Russian forces are over-estimated. They are yet to come under attack by a sophisticated well-organized force in Syria. Rebels never had any formidable AA systems, planes, or drones. That’s why Russia could bomb them with impunity. That’s why a war between Russia and Turkey in Syria will an entirely different ballgame.


Yea one French political commentator said Macrone was mouthing off against Turkey but had forgotten to protect his own back in his country with 5.5m muslims.


Like Cameron and Sarkozy bombing Libya with shiny new US Tomahawk missiles; like little boys arn’t these fun; and letting strongman Gaddaffi get lynched by a mob. Then wondering why so much chaos in Libya and so many migrants flooding through. Western Europe really has dumb leaders at the moment.


And Turks aren’t?


save yourself time; just ‘block user’ that rubbish.


Now you’re spitting garbage. You’re Armenia who knows how to fight and whoop Azerbaijani ass..what really happened this time around? Now tell me what kind of help you want from Russia, soldiers or weapons? If it’s weapons you have them…su 30sm, Iskabder missiles, tos, Pansir and the rest…. The question is, why Armenia not using all the weapons at their disposal? Obviously it seems NK has been sold by Pashinyan as claimed by some of the Armenian fighters at frontline.


armenia needs more krashuka to kill jew drones and it needs S-300s. putina has joined iran turkey, azerfagijan to stop armenia attacking gas pipes because he has money in it, putina has also betrayed armenians for saying they need to “return” the land they own that stalina gave away to the dogs, putina sucks erdogans dick for a few lira while brave armenians die from jew suicide strikes

Great Khan

Putin Jew slave…Great Khan knows these things…

catalin zt

Great goat lover of muhammad the paedophile,you mean?

cechas vodobenikov

chu chu pizda knows what?


Got your point but Armenia already got the s300. What gives ordinary ppl some cash and livelihood must not be attacked during war. Imagine if Armenia bombs the pipeline and Azerbaijan also retaliated with missile attacks on the farmlands…it’s gonna be real ugly…


the pipeline should be destroyed to cut off the supplier of suicide bombs (jews) oil. armenia had the 40 year old S-300 its junk

Great Khan

hahahaha all Russian weapon mamtu, only good for cooking mamtu…hahhahahaa

cechas vodobenikov

azeris could bomb nuclear plant in Armenia that supplies about 40% of electricity in Armenia


Obviously all those weapons are useless since Putin gives Erdogan all the info about their movement. Business is everything in this world.


@disqus_lAlcEV6BKS:disqus is really a junk. A piece of shit. No one likes him. He talks all shit, no sense at all. I already blocked him and I do not see any of his shit.


everyone has you on ban (((sevenmoons))) i am the only onne who sees your spam

Rhodium 10

Putin is just a business manager of the Oligarchy who knows that AZ is unable to win this war…one month of war and only have retaken the south part because they entered along Iran border to avoid Armenian artillery!…a week ago I heard that they have reached to Lachin….I heard that they have reached to Susha…(Both failed)…only can move near there scout groups & special forces because vehicles are an easy target for many ATGM team deployed along the mountains( which also are provided with night vision and Cal 50 sniper rifles)…yesterday AZ infantery failed again in North part…..as a former military I say that without close support of air force airstrikes( heavy bombs) and attacks&transport helicopters is very difficult to win a war above all if the enemy are receiving constant supplies and funds from Armenia and others countries.


You keep denial… So laughable…..

cechas vodobenikov

false “Putin’s great innovation was that he did not like the patrimonial relation created by Yeltsin…he reduced the wealth and influence of the oligarchs by half and redistributed it to the population ….Ivan Szelyeni (New Left Review 2015)

Concrete Mike

If putin would listen to you idiots we would all glow in the dark!!!

Let the leaders lead, you are clearly not fit for it, its ok its not for everyone.

John Brown

Hitler was a zionist, hated europeans and is the father of Israel


How is helping arrange for willing “Jews” to move to the British colony in Palestine automatically make one a Zionist? It was either that, or manage the risk of another Bolshevik Revolution in Germany.

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity and racism is tiresome—too much meth in your Topeka trailer park


there wont be any saviour…the plan is working and susha is about to fall down:)) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/86dd84d54670b4d7448b5862b334194406afd82b6480a6f5af77c1e373da7004.jpg

Great Khan

Azeri brother win war and get NK back soon….Turkey STRONK, Iran and Turkey brotherhood..so no one help Armeni coward who kill women and children…..

John Brown



Another evil trio.

Mitt Mittins

Russia enjoys a mutual logistics and economic benefits with Azerbiajan and they don’t want to dampen their ties with Turkey.

Great Khan

Azeri brother rich and STRONK! Armeni donkey beggar and coward….hahahhaa no one help, Armeni mamtu kaputenheimer…..

catalin zt

Single neuron goat lover of muhammad the paedophile!

Great Khan

hahhaaha you mamtu loser… Great Khan enjoy Armeni coward get angry….kishmish!

Vox Populi

Do you think insulting religious figures makes you a man? or just a frustrated cowardly troll.


Bringing your religion into politics disputes will trract slurs on your prophet, so keep your BS for yourself if you are thin skinned.

Vox Populi

Russia really doesn’t have much to lose as it never recognized NK and is more interested in building bridges with the Muslim world and is hardly going to fight Turkey as it would bring in Iran and Pakistan on the Turkish side immediately. There are 20 million Iranians of Azeri background and they are already waving Azerbaijan flags even in Tabriz mosques and cheering for a Azerbaijan victory.


You overestimate the unity of Muslims :)

Vox Populi

These states are not Arabs so can not be underestimated. From their political statements are on the same page. Iran is offering Armenia a fig leaf and is much closer to Turkey.

Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan praised Iran’s role in safeguarding regional peace and stability.

In a meeting with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi, held in Yerevan on Friday, Mnatsakanyan said Armenia welcomes the role that Iran plays in maintaining regional peace and stability.

Armenia understands the sensitivity shown by the Islamic Republic to the new security threats to the region, the Armenian foreign minister noted, adding that his country is closely examiningIran’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Iranian Deputy FM is visiting Moscow and Ankara next.


I think Aliyevs is so afraid of an Iranian iterference in their tiny skirmish with Armenia, that he mimics Erdogan, emphasysing Muslim Brothership, trying to win Iranian benevolence. But Iranians are not that stupid, everybody knows that after the war, the Azeri Muslim fervour will chase to exist and they will continue to host Mossad, to gather info about the ‘Iranian Brothers’. Who do you think you’re fooling, other than yourself? :)

Rhodium 10

When Israel supply such amount of its all kind of modern weapons to AZ is because they will receive some gifts….a Mossad base in NK, info about S-300PMU of AZ Air defense, a base to spy Iran,recruitment of Irani Etnic AZ for Mossad…while the main goal of Turkey is to de facto deploy military assets ( Fighter jets and Drones) in AZ bases which it means the Caspian sea….now Iran troops are deployed along Iran-NK border and Russia have troops along Armenia-Iran border…the purpose of these troops is to wait events…..


Secret services like Mossad need offices in bigger cities like Baku not bases in the middle of nowhere like in Nagorno, cause they are not the Army. Israel has very warm ties with Azerbaijan and a long military cooperation for 10-15 years already so there is no secret for them about any military equipment Azerbaijan has. Half of the oil used by Israel is from Azerbaijan so they don’t need any special gifts. The goal of Erdogan is to extend his influence in central Asia, over turcic speaking nations or at least to look like he does that so he can keep Turks happy and patriotic at home despite of a falling Lira.


True evil.

cechas vodobenikov

finally correct—Muslim world divided among schisms, culture language: Indonesia, Pakistan, Persian/Tajik/Pashtun, Indians, Chechens, Turkic, arab, African, etc UAE sides w Syrian govt, Qatar, Turkey….Israel has relations w Egypt, UAE, de facto SA…some Muslim nations require haji, others not, some permit female mutilation, most not, etc

John Brown


If Armenians overthrew their anti Russian Soros government Russia would help them.

Armenia today is an enemy of Russia.

Why would Russia help an enemy?

Everybody knew that once Pashinyan came to power in a Soros coup and expressed his wish to Join EU and promoted anti Russian politics ( close of Russian schools banned Russian lenguage TV and radio channels)..etc.. the days of NK were done!

Azer saw their chance made a silk road railway deal with Russia and Iran and got the green light from Russia.

Armenia have betrayed Russia their only backer and protector who helped them win the first NK war and kept Azer from attacking for 30 years.

Now they are getting their reward for betraying Russia.

I am sure Azer and others get it and will think twice about ever betraying Russia.

John Brown

Azer got the green light from Iran as well which is why no reaction from Iran for bombing Iranian territory by mistake.

I am sure Azer will cut ties with Israel once the NK war is over as Azer wants to make money not die for satanic Jews, Soros and Satan as Armenians are doing now.

No doubt if Armenia tries to join ZATO Azer will get the green light and massive help from Russia and Iran to finish off what is left of Armenia.

Then maybe the entire population of Armenia can move to the USSA as refugees which it appears they want to do


Demented crap.

cechas vodobenikov

utter stupidity; Israel purchases most of their gas from Azeris

The Objective

Russia has nearly 5000 troops in Armenia. Russia and Armenia have a defense treaty. How can they be enemies?

John Brown

Everybody knew that once Pashinyan came to power in a Soros coup and expressed his wish to Join EU and promoted anti Russian politics ( close of Russian schools banned Russian lenguage TV and radio channels)..etc..

Are these the actions of a friend???

If not for this war right now in a few months those Russian troops would have been expelled and Armenia would have withdrawn from the CSTO treaty.

So yes now enemies.

The Objective

If what you say is true, then the CSTO has no future


Artsakh is not Armenia, state-wise. Russia helped create Artsakh, that makes it responsible to protect it. Also in its own interest. Turks-Azeris already betray Russia with thousands of jihadis and NATO allies.

The Objective

Iran will not side with a Sunni country in any war. Russia will not succeed in building bridges with the Muslim world due to its aggression on Muslims in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. The entire Muslim world hates Russia almost as much as it does America. Only shiite Iran (Shiism is not Islam) and the corrupt monarchies of the Middle East side with Russia. But majority of their population is with Turkey. And one day power will return to the people. Then Russia will know just how foolish it had been for supporting the murderers of the Muslim world.

Rhodium 10

Tell me..what are doing the partnership of muslim countries Turkey and AZ with Israel in NK war?…ask to muslim world how corrupt can be a muslim Goverment to make this kind of alliance which the main purpose is to target Iran!

The Objective

Turkey will not target Iran. It’ll most likely be the other way round.

cechas vodobenikov

dimwitted –Russia enjoys excellent relations w Syria, Lebanon, azeris, Indonesia, etc

The Objective

Russia labelled the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist. I can’t think of any Sunni Muslim who opposes the idea of uniting Muslim countries to protect each other both economically and militarily and be governed by the Shariah. Only a hypocrite Muslim would object to that. Unfortunately for Russia, countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and Pakistan are witnessing a strong pro-Muslim sentiment from ordinary citizens. It won’t be long before a MB president in all but name becomes president in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan.

cechas vodobenikov

drivel…Iran tends to favor Armenia and opposes Turkey in Syria Pakistan is irrelevant and will not challenge Russia or India cheerleading is also irrelevant


This is only part of it. Russia only cares about its own interest.


Armenian weapon/Rocket depot destroyed, many secondary explosions:


Vox Populi

Russian media is reporting that 4 Smerch MLRS batteries have been decimated by loitering munitons as the SF video clearly shows. The Armenians reporting to shelling Azeri civilians only stiffened Azerbaijan’s resolve to accelerate the pace of war. The window for Armenia to save face is closing and Iranian diplomacy is their own hope. The Turks are close to Iran and have allowed the Deputy Iranian FM to visit Ankara. Iran is proposing a return of NK and guarantees that Armenia itself will not be attacked. The Turks and Azerbaijan may agree to Iranian proposals as Aliyev has constantly referred to Iranians as brothers.

Great Khan

Irani+Turk brother STRONK! win war and want peace….Armeni loser stoopid hahhahah kishmish soon……

Random Dude

Every hundred years, Armenians get out of line and as a result get punished. Its like a tradition now:)))

Vox Populi

They have brought this war on themselves. They failed to understand changed regional and global power shifts and lived a fantasy military “superiority”.



John Brown

No, wrong, they made the mistake of betraying Russia

Danilo War




Vox Populi

There are reports that the rapidly advancing Azerbaijan forces have entered the outskirts of Shusha and the situation is dire for the small cut off Armenian force that has been battered by drones and have lost all their artillery and even Smerch MLRS systems. The road in the North of Kelbajar is under Azeri control and if Shusha is taken, the supply lines of Aghdam, Agdere, Hocavent will be cut off. Even worse for Armenia, “winter is coming” and Azerbaijan being oil rich has excellent quality NATO winter gear and the most logical move they can do is to surround Stepanakert and force it to surrender. Armenia is running out of time.


Some Artskin will die in their rat holes deep in the mountains. Most already fled and hide in abandoned Azeri houses.

John Brown

Armenia is running out of time.

They have already run out of time.

It is already over.

To save their own lives Armenia should unconditionally surrender and withdraw from NK immediately.


Turk troll.



Samuel Vanguard

sorry Armenia Russia is not coming to the party.

Vox Populi

Russia was not happy with Armenia anyway. You can only blame Armenian arrogance for their isolation and ignorance. They built a myth about their military prowess after wrestling NK from a weak and politically comatose Azerbaijan in the 1990’s as Haider Aliyev was an old Soviet and dying. His son however, is a different breed and made the liberation of NK his top priority and invested in building a top notch military with Turkish and Pakistani help and also bought a billion dollars worth of Israeli drones and EW systems. The Armenians simply proved that you can’t fight a modern high tech war with last century tactics and weapons. Armenia needs to withdraw and learn to live with a powerful and rich Azerbaijani neighbor or it will be destroyed.


Also, Russians military played dirty hands with the 1990-1994 war on the side of Armenia.

John Brown

The billion dollars worth of Israeli drones and EW systems.

have been pretty much useless.

it is the Turksh drones making the the biggest difference in the drone area.

The Armenians simply proved that you can’t fight a modern high tech war with last century tactics

NO! Wrong. Armenians have proven how valuable modern Russian air defense systems are for shooting down drones.

None of the drones would be able to do anything if Armenia had obtained more TOR systems from Russia.

As we see in Syria at this time, only Russian air defense systems

can effectively eliminate drones


Russia will need to learn to live with an Ottoman Islamist Caliphate on its Caucasian Muslim border – and beyond.


No. Russia wants a more peaceful solution acceptable to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran.

So Armenia must give up its claim of the 7 Azeri districts and comes to some semi self-rule within N-K region.

Independence is out of the question now. That window has been shut. Armenians had the opportunity, but they squandered it with their wild wet dreams of holding onto the 7 Azeri districts and even a “Grand Armenia” with Armenia proper, N-K and 7 Azeri territory. Artskins are so greedy.

John Brown

So Armenia must give up its claim of the 7 Azeri districts and comes to some semi self-rule within N-K region.

The time for that deal has passed. its over for Armenia


So, what? Just let Erdogan and cronies turn NK into another Palestine…? Armenian officials mismanaging the situation does not justify a win for Zionists.


Or Genocidal Turks.


The Erdogan admin. has basically turned much of Northern Syria into its own Golan Heights, so the line between “genocidal Turks” and Zionists can get pretty blurred.


Half of modern Turkey was Armenian land until the Genocide. Artsakh was Armenian land for over 2000 years.


,,great Khan” feeding time. Great Khan see banana , Great Khan eat banana


Great Khan

hahhahaa stoopid NAZI mamtu….eat carrot not banana idiot! hahhahahah fool


we looking for new ape in our animal zoo . Our old ape died not long time ago so you are invited Great Khan. Kids will feed you with carrot and banana

Great Khan

AmeriKa human zoo hahhahaha

Concrete Mike

at least in north america we dont kill people over stupid drawings.

You backwards wahhabis are a cancer to the rest of the honourable muslims out there.

Just like zionists are a cancer to judaism and christianity.

You cry babies need to grow the fuck up. Stupid cry babies!!

Great Khan

hahahah you lose head soon…..kishmish…..


Bad people take turns to gang bang great khan arse today. He’s neck so short can’t look back over the sholder to see whos turn is right now.

Vox Populi

But you kill people on Walmart Black Friday sales, not to mention killing Blacks and Minorities by a fascist police state. So what’s the difference between Wahhabis and Rednecks?


Unlike the gorilla, I don’t think someone called great on the internets, is also great in real life. Also by second name, khan is a midget


Reuters News

Armenia, Azerbaijan meet in Geneva for Nagorno-Karabakh peace talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Turkey, which has demanded a bigger role, should be among the countries involved in talks to end the fighting.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, speaking to journalists on Friday, said peacekeeping troops would enter the conflict zone only with the agreement of both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan rejects any solution that would leave Armenians in control of the enclave.

Rights group Amnesty International and New York-based Human Rights Watch said they had independently confirmed the use of cluster munitions by Armenian forces in an attack on Barda on Wednesday. Azerbaijan has said 21 people were killed.Rights group Amnesty International and New York-based Human Rights Watch said they had independently confirmed the use of cluster munitions by Armenian forces in an attack on Barda on Wednesday. Azerbaijan has said 21 people were killed.


Arman Melkonyan

America, Russia, Israel, and Europe.

Together with their Turkish brothers.

Killing Armenians.

Perpetrating the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world.

And the universe smiles upon you.

Vox Populi

That is a pretty extreme statement. There is no genocide but Armenia has to leave NK. The world will not save Armenia. Accept the Iranian peace initiative and live in peace.


Yes it’s genocide, Artsakh is Armenian land and people, now being exterminated bit by bit.


Another with a shitty mouth…. LOL.


No one cares about 1st Christian country.


Last line not so true – all are ailing, and it can get a lot worse yet.

Arman Melkonyan

This is the best of all possible worlds.


This is two sided. Russia never favors Azerbaijan or Turkey. Russia does all what it does for its own benefits.

On the Armenia side, Russia wants to play the role of savior of the existence of Armenian race. It has deep tie on the Christian religion front. Russia also wants to keep Armenia within its former USSR sphere and prevents Armenia from joining the West block. Armenia has realized that its own existence depends on its strong master. It is surrounded by hostile Azerbaijan and Turkey, and the neutral Iran and questionable Georgia.

On the Azerbaijan front, Russia wants the stability and does not want to stir any trouble with its own Muslim population. Also, Azerbaijan does not pose a threat to Russia and Azerbaijan is unlikely going to join the West block. After N-K conflict is resolved, Azerbaijan will be a peaceful neighbor on the Russian South front.

So all Russia should, or is doing right now, is to going to help both sides reach a political solution. Russia has to force Armenia to give up the occupied Azeri districts permanently. This is what Parshinyan said Armenia has to make a “painful sacrifice”. That is certain.

But the main question is again the status of N-K. With Azerbaijan offensive on the upper hand, Azerbaijan wants to control N-K. But since Artskins and Azeris can’t live together and there is no trust at all, there has to be some mechanism to separate those two people together within the same region. You can have some peace keepers to guard both Lachin and Kalbajar corridors, but you can’t have 10,000 military police to guard each town in N-K. So this is the same situation like occupied Palestinian West Bank. There is no good solution. If you give Artskin security (police) guns, they are going to kill, kill Azeris of course.

A permanent solution is some land swap between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But that would be opposed by both countries and international community. As long as the two people live together, they will continue to fight each other.


Azerbaijan is part of NAZIO Turkey’s sphere, and employing foreign jihadis. Some ‘peaceful neighbor’.

‘Some land swap’ – it’s all historically ancient Armenian land, along with a lot more. Artsakh WAS the ‘land swap’, with far more for the Turks overall. If you want a ‘land swap’ of any justice, then Turkey should have to give some to Armenia also, like Ararat. And, Armenia should get NK minus only outlying pockets plus the connecting land to Armenia. Azerbaijan already got Nachikhevan for example. Half of modern Turkey was Armenian land historically, and ethnically until the Genocide.


Russia ‘Open’ to Return of Armenia-Held Land to Azerbaijan – Putin

This is certain.



Ataturk-Hitler-Stalin – Who remembers the Armenians?

Erdogan-NAZIO-RuSSia – Who remembers Artsakh?

God-Justice-Truth – We do, and we won’t forget those who betrayed, crucified, and genocided the Armenians, ever, the First Christian Nation.

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