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Armenia Provides More Details On Participation Of Turkish Air Force in Karabakh War

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Armenia Provides More Details On Participation Of Turkish Air Force in Karabakh War

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On October 15th, the Deputy Commander of the Armenian Air Defense Forces Garik Movsesyan said at a press conference in Yerevan that two F-16 fighters of the Turkish Air Force invaded Armenian airspace and advanced 6 kilometers on September 27th.

“Turkish F-16s have been involved in the conflict from the first day. So, on September 27, two F-16s violated the air border of Armenia and advanced 6 kilometers inland,” Movsesyan said.

He recalled that on September 29, the F-16 shot down an Armenian Su-25 attack aircraft located in the territory of Armenia.

He noted that after the Turkish planes began to hide their actions.

According to him, the scheme is as follows: two or four F-16s are lifted into the air in Azerbaijan, at the same time planes and drones for early warning, reconnaissance and correction take off over Turkey’s territory, and then Azerbaijani SU-25 attack aircraft.

Movsesian stated that Azerbaijani and Turkish military aircraft meet at the Mingechaur reservoir, make several circles, then attack aircraft occupy the F-16 zone, and they fly to strike at the Martakert region.

“In general, the F-16 planes of the Turkish Air Force coordinate the actions of the Azerbaijani air forces, assist in bombing and rocket attacks on the territories of Armenia, and cover the Azerbaijani military aircraft,” Movsesyan said.

The fighting on the line of contact in Nagorno-Karabakh began on September 27th.

Armenia and Azerbaijan accuse each other of unleashing hostilities, in Karabakh they report about shelling of peaceful settlements of the unrecognized republic, including its capital, Stepanakert. Armenia has declared martial law and – for the first time – general mobilization, claiming that Ankara is actively supporting Baku. Partial mobilization was introduced in Azerbaijan and in some places – martial law.

On October 9th, the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia arrived in Moscow at the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation, together with their Russian counterpart they held talks for more than 10 hours.

As a result, Yerevan and Baku agreed to cease fire in Karabakh from noon on October 10th, to exchange prisoners and bodies of the dead, and also to additionally agree on specific details of the truce. However, the parties began to accuse each other of violations of the ceasefire almost immediately.


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Vox Populi

Armenia has SU-30 which on paper is a capable aircraft, so what is keeping Armenia from challenging the Turkish F-16?

Arman Melkonyan



They didn’t look worried about Putin when they were going around chanting anti-russian slogans.

Why don’t they ask their best friend Soros for the permission to use Su-30?

Arman Melkonyan

What have you got to sell NATO (Turkey), Putin?

Traitor to civilization and Christianity,

Putin is a crypto-Zionist and a Jew: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1


Then we can stay safe. Because, as one dissident soviet philosopher said, the jews unite to go to power. Then they will start in-fighting and, in the end, they will destroy everything.

We are in phase 2. Putin the jew is fighting against the neocon western jews, to rule the world.


Wackos …. Jewz … Joos … lol

Arman Melkonyan

What else have you got to sell NATO (Turkey), Putin? Traitor to civilization and Christianity. Putin is a crypto-Zionist and a Jew: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1


Ya f/kn greek anti-Judaism Hater

Arman Melkonyan



Why because he doesn’t come to waste his soldiers for you. You took other land now defend that land. No one attacks Armenia, if so, Putin will come to play, but for Nagorno you fight for it, you want it fight for it, it is Azeri land.

Great Khan

Armeni coward hahahhaa

Fleecing Rabbi

You sound like a man of wisdom. Shalom.

Fleecing Rabbi

Russian aircraft are not called flying coffins without a reason. Only if Russia could sell its trash aircraft to its enemies, then it has a chance. No wonder little Putin wanted Turkey to buy Russian SU-57.


It’s a Turkish plane fighting an Armenian plane?

Why is Turkey FLYING AGAINST Armenia?

Did Turkey declare War on Armenia?

THAT’S the point …


Yes but Su-30 are bombers.

Khazarian II (merchant)

F-16 is very capable aircraft. Both S-300s, S-400s couldnt shot down a single Israeli F-16 viper.

Vox Populi

Also Turkish and Pakistani airforces are far superior have shot down several Russian aircraft in Syria and Afghanistan and Armenia would be foolish to go against them. It is now confirmed that Pakistani special forces are fighting alongside the Jihadis in Karabakh, it is old ISI formula of using Jihadis in extra-territorial conflicts. It is one of the reasons Russia has stayed out of the conflict as it fears an Afghanistan like quagmire developing.

London : Pakistani soldiers are allegedly fighting alongside the Azerbaijan troops in Agdam, according to videos and photos posted by Free News.AM.

Rhodium 10

A israeli F-16 was shot down by old S-200 ..another one was damage and crashed in Ramon airbase the pilot Major Ohan Cohen-Nov was killed…since then Israel launch its missile away from Syrian airspace using cruise missile and flying low…


It’s part true, the reason it was shot down was because of a human error, the pilot didn’t activate the EW system against the S200 which every F16I has. Mistakes happen.


Shalom. Are you going out tomorrow?


Hey Garga, yes I am. The biggest protest will be in Jerusalem, but I personally will be in Tel Aviv. I plan to be there around 8PM, but I don’t bring signs and all these BS because it has no effect. I’ll march at Rotshild avenue with thousands of people, probably till 10 or 10:30 PM. I hope the Police won’t cause us problem, I’ll go with my military boots just in case.


Is it too much to ask you to use common sense? First of all, better not to go at all (screw Bibi, this is for your own family) but you won’t listen so I’ll advise the next best thing. Make sure you use mask AND somehow cover your eye region too with glasses (if you normally wear glasses change them, wear something new and large) and do not, I emphasis do not take your phone or any phone with you at all. Having no sign is good, it makes you less visible. If you have a 2-sided jacket wear it and after you finished turn it inside out and wear the other side, do it somewhere away from cameras (don’t do it in a car, it’s useless). It makes the tracking harder. And do not engage your police, you’ll regret it and remember me when they are working you. I have from good authority that Shin-Bet is all over you. For once listen. I need to keep you free and alive at least until you post a standing/walking picture of Luna!


Garga, I feel like you’ve done it before a few times. Am i wrong? it takes alot of courage to protest in Iran, so if you have then my respect. I for one protest so my beloved wife, my future kids and Luna won’t live in a dictatorship. Bibi cares for himself, not for the benefit of all Israelis. Even some of the Likud supporters now go to the protests, saying they have had enough of him and that he is a threat to our democracy. I respect the law and I know our police is doing the best they can to keep it, but I will not tolerate them beating up innocent protesters and I hope it won’t escalate. I do it because I love my country, more than the shitty Likud politcians would ever love. I drew blood to protect my country, when they were sitting on their seats and acting like it’s a game. The Likud fuckers will go down the toilet I promise you.


I had to warn you about Shin Bet, it’s really f-ed up that now they work work Bibi and they seriously can ruin your life. I told you the ways you can avoid detection. That was all the help I could offer and I hope you have enough brain cells to listen to someone with s bit more experience in these matters. You do not live in a democracy so you cannot count on law to be on your side when the $#hit hit your fan.

I repeat again, avoid detection and do not take your phone with you. Remember to have a pack of cigarettes, a wind-proof lighter and two small bottle of vinegar and high fat milk plus some tissues and napkin. These 3 are best remedies for tear gas. Pour vinegar on your mask and use milk to sooth your burnt out eyes in case of contact with tear gas or pepper spray. Cigarette smoke also helps with eyes but under no circumstances wash your face with water, it worsens the burns.

Likud is not a party, it’s a front for international organized crime. Let me know when you returned home. Be safe.

PS. If despite all my warnings you took your phone with you, be a doll and at least do something useful. Take a few pictures of some pretty girls you could find for me, this way at least your crazy acts have some positive results!


Thanks for the advices Garga I hope we won’t come to that, also check Kan 11 News site at 8PM my time, they will broadcast it and you can see how many people are taking to the streets. Bibi will resign or will end up in jail, the only question is what comes first.


Well, it’s safe to assume if he steps down, another ar$#hole from the majority should step on your heads and shoulders on the way to the PM seat. Guess who is the majority? The Russian mob butt boys. Be careful, don’t get carried away. It’s so easy to do stupid things in the middle of the crowd and their cheering.


I agree Garga, I have been trying to avoid the police as for the most part they let the protest go as planned. However it is not the only police, on the last few protests some of Bibi’s hardcore hooligans started attacking protesters with tear gas, knives and batons. If I see one of them coming to me, then you can be sure I’m sending that guy to the nearest hospital and his friends too. In that case, I might get arrested but it will be pure self-defense.


Then I advise to have a couple of brass knuckles as well. Specially Iranian ones with pins on the sides. Does wonders! 


Thanks but I don’t intend to cause them so much damage, knocking them out would be just fine. I’m going with my military boots, and if you know something about our boots then you know that one kick ot the head and the man falls down. I’ll also bring eye protection glasses, just in case. If I confront a knife guy, then I know how to neutralize him but it would be even worse for him. I’ll let you know how it went tomorrow, 7 hours to the protest as of now. P.S, I hope now you believe me I am a true Israeli and not some bot, afterall it’s Saturday. Take care Garga, I hope I wn’t get arrested but I must go there.


What’s the fun in that if you don’t soften them up a little bit? Anyway I’m sure your police is more concerned with their safety than yours, so be careful who you pick to kick, but I’m wondering how do you plan to kick them in the head in the middle of a dense crowd?

I never took you for a bot, otherwise I wouldn’t talk to you. I block most of the bots and I think I’ll block every single account created after September 27th, 2020. Just got tired of all the bull$#it they want to cram in our throat.

I too hope you don’t get arrested or detected, this time is different, I don’t know the detail of the deal Bibi reached with Argaman. I’m sure it wasn’t hard because Argaman is a Bibi creature.


Bibi has put in power many of his clowns, but they won’t be here forever. The police minister is one of the most hated people here and his time in office is running out, this is the Likud guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amir_Ohana

And the thing is Bibi’s hooligans don’t pick to the protesters where the police is, they search for the 2 to 4 people outside Rotshild avenue to attack usually after the protest ends. My boots has Iron in them, so you can imagine what will happen to their faces if a 83K guy like me gives them a kick with all of my heart. If it comes to close combat, this is where my Krav Maga skills enter the fight. But usually from what I’ve seen, they go for the older people like the cowards they are.


Yeah, but intel was usually independent. It’s bad news for everybody when internal security does his bidding. I read in Ma’ariv that about %54 want him gone, about %30 want him and the rest undecided.

Too bad if he’s gone, I can’t take it if both he and Trump gone. Ruins my evil plans. Happy kicking those Ashkenazi goons. Then let me know you’re safe at home. Maybe Luna becomes so happy seeing you that she moves his ass and walks a few steps?


Hey! Whatever happened to you? Don’t even think about going to jail, you still owe me a walking/standing pic of Luna…


russian aircraft are superior but are exported to third world forces who cannot use them to their designed potential

Fleecing Rabbi

Russia can win a war against Bhutan maybe!


you couldn’t even win a brawl https://www.rt.com/news/503298-idf-troops-brawl-training-israel/

low morale, highly depressed, scum draftees

Rhodium 10

During Desert Storm operation 1991..Iraq shot down 5 F-16 with old Soviet S-125 air defense missile….the only truth is that months ago Russian Mig 29M with KH-31 missile destroyed a Turkish AD system, Radar and Koral EWS in Al Wattiya base…also months ago SU 24M destroyed an hangar with Turkish drones in Misrata airbase… a Russian SU 34 wipe off a Turkish outpost killing 35 soldiers and wounded 60…Russian did the same in 2015 in Al Bad destroying a Turkish outpost killing 4 Turkish officers…where was the Turkish F-16? when SU 30/35 was escorting that planes during these attacks?…


the be fair the turkish only shoot in your back when you are unarmed they learned the art of war from their jewish brethren

Khazarian II (merchant)


Great Khan

Turkey STRONK!


turks have stronk smell of poop


it is “strong” not “stronk” you idiot

Alekai Mordechai

Well apparently one S-200 did back in March of 2018.


you are joking? the viper is a third world light fighter. the problem is appeasement

Fleecing Rabbi

We have destroyed all Russian junk with F-16I Sufa and F-15 Baz and now we have the best F-35 Adir. Russia is still flying kites.

Arman Melkonyan

Jews are supplying HAROP terror drones and LORA ballistic missiles to the Azeri Turks AND Israeli Jews themselves are operating these weapons to genocide the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians AGAIN.

Christ killers killing Christians arm in arm with the Muslim Turks: any problem?

It’s not the first time.

Donmeh Jews committed the genocide of the first Christian nation of history, the Armenians, in 1915:



Great Khan

Jew kill everyone hahaha make money from stupid people….hahhaha


So Hitler was right after all.

People should read books instead of burning them. And in the Mein Kampf, Hitler exposesd several reasons, in a very lucid and logical manner, why he thought the jews were the problem.

Someone can disagree, but some things he was saying about them, are showing in front of our eyes. We cannot simply dismiss his thesis on the basis of madness, demonic possession and are occultist mambo-jumbo.

Khazarian II (merchant)

:( thats very anti-semite and racist statement. White, europeans are very racist. they need more diverstry for reducing their racism… very sad, our ppls eternal suffering will ever end God :(

Great Khan

Great Khan want all Arap people and camel move to Europa, fat white man racist and stupid, white women become man..hahahahhaa

Khazarian II (merchant)

white women become men, white men become women and Arap men bongu bongu white men-women and Khazaria rises BIG TIME hahahaha

Great Khan

stupid white man mostly bongu bongu other white man, so white women grow balls and lick each other….Arup man don’t care, bongu anything….hahahhaa


“And in the Mein Kampf, Hitler exposesd several reasons, in a very lucid and logical manner,”

You seriously found that sappy egotistical naval gazing rant “lucid and logical”?

You are correct saying Hitler ‘exposed’ something …. it exposed that he can’t write worth a fuck and should have paid for a better English translation.

His ideas are basically an ignorant fever dream of conspiracies and fantasy’s about an “Aryan race” that doesn’t exist.

The only part I really found interesting was his views on the conquest of North America and how it gave him the inspiration for the conquest and depopulation of Eastern Europe.

While his racial theories in mein kamfph are often discussed, western sources rarely mention just where he got the inspiration for the holocaust.


there is a nice movie called hitler the greatest story never told. hitler was a great man, he used turks, jews and other low races as cannon fodder

Khazarian II (merchant)

Goyim are stupid Great Khan, great sons of stepps makes boom, boom and makes big money on them too ahahahah



the forskin chewing goat raping turkisraelis will pay. the world is growing tired of them and all of the dominos are lining up for a massive world war

Fleecing Rabbi

You foreskin issues affecting all men with very small penises.

Khazarian II (merchant)

I condemn that racist and anti-semite statement very sad, whites and europeans needs more diversty and refugees for their classic racist behaviour.

Great Khan

Poland, Hungry, Armenia, Georgia, Balarus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania belong to Khazarian brotherhood. We take it back.

Khazarian II (merchant)

Yes my Khan yes make Khazaria great again https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0a704f39bba4296f99ac21b808bc7c8d2861cb1e3be631554fa038bb4792cce.png

Great Khan

Great Khan forget Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, please add to reconquest map.

Fleecing Rabbi

Israel to maintain Azeri edge in Karabakh war due to Jewish ancient hostility towards Orthodox Christians who are blasphemous. Jews are ethnically related to our Khazarian Turkish brothers. Armenia must be crushed. Mazal Tov.


In fact zios are khazarians and not jewish semites at all.The fun fact is that palestinians are more semites than the israelis.

Fleecing Rabbi

What is Palestinian?


the native people living on the land your friends illegally occupied in 1948

Fleecing Rabbi

Good lord provided the land to his chosen people, come and take it if you can sharmoota.


what lord? your fake lord? you are adult now, you shouldn’t believe in fairy tales


Possession of the land is conditional: Where is your king? Where are the animal sacrifices? Where is the Law of Moses followed? Etc.

Leviticus 18, for example

Be careful.

Great Khan

Pakistanian fight against Armeni coward.

Khazarian II (merchant)

Hush goy hush dont let goyim know the truth !!


Semites? It’s a language group … hello?

Simplekindof Man

Make up your mind. Are you going to use religion or ethnicity as a pretext to kill? Oh I get it. Anything goes,at long as the true reason (business-money) is hidden. Oh and orthodox are blasphemous? Let Jesus decide on that! Lol! This is a fucked up world you’re here to prove it.

Khazarian II (merchant)

Shalom brother, Armenia will be crushed and sons of Great Khozari will be victorious bezrat hashem.


FANFARΟNE ? Year of the Pig ??

Delusional and lazy orthodox jews leeching IL by pretending to study religious texts to avoid serving their country will eventually get crushed by the wise secular jews who will ally with their natural allies the atheist Europeans and together put an end to the obsolete abrahamic sects

Arman Melkonyan

Azeri troll pretending to be Jewish.


Stop crying.


what are u doing?!! helping genocidal people like the turk do u think they are different than the arabs who are trying if they have the means to annihilate u i used to have a sympathy and feel sad when i see a terrorist attach in Israeli

Arman Melkonyan

Stop murdering Christians.


Azeris are doing the killing … hello?

Khazarian II (merchant)


Arman Melkonyan

They look just like the dancing Muslims of Turkey.


Khazarian II (merchant)

Cherkessia-Russia, u numnut.

Arman Melkonyan

In Turkish for you:


Arman Melkonyan


In Turkish for you.


May they continue to kill these Christians … as payback for your despicable HATE towards the Jewish People

Arman Melkonyan


Great Khan

Turk-Pakistani brother very STRONK! shootdown more Russian khog plane hahaha

Turkish F-16 shot down second Su-25 aircraft of the Armenian Air Force: https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2…ond-su-25-aircraft-of-the-armenian-air-force/


my cock is stronk for your mother and sister

Great Khan

your mother and sister have cock? you from Frants?


in turkey they all have cocks


Yeah thanks. Su-25 is a bomber, F-16 is a jet fighter. Put the F-16 against against the Su-27 and you will see what happens.

Khazarian II (merchant)

Sons of Khazarian stepps are very strong and goyim are so weak hahaha

Great Khan

Great Khan like Khazarian brother, we very STRONK!


if true why did armenia not shoot these goat rapers down?

Khazarian II (merchant)

cuz goyim are stupid LMAO

Great Khan

They eat pig and brain become mamtu..hahahhaaa

Khazarian II (merchant)

Yes they were teneg but they become more teneg with that behaviour hahahaha


It’s been 3 weeks still talking the SU-25 that was shot down by F-16.


Good to know if those F-16s are in action!

This will speed up the war considerably.

Florin Boar

so much hate here and in the end we all are brothers….

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