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Armenia Released Photos Of Su-25 Allegedly Downed By Turkish F-16

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Armenia Released Photos Of Su-25 Allegedly Downed By Turkish F-16

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On September 30, the Armenian military released photos of its Su-25 warplane, which, according to the Armenian side, was shot down by a Turkish F-16 fighter jet on September 29. The incident happened as a part of the ongoing Armenian-Azerbaijani war, in which Turkey supports the Azerbaijani push to capture the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

According to the Armenian Defense Ministry, the pilot of the Su-25, Major Valery Danelin, was killed.

Armenia Released Photos Of Su-25 Allegedly Downed By Turkish F-16

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Armenia Released Photos Of Su-25 Allegedly Downed By Turkish F-16

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Turkey and Azerbaijan denied Armenian claims insisting that no Turkish F-16s participate in the conflict.

According to Fahrettin Altun, the head of the communications department of the Turkish presidential administration, Armenian claims are “another fantasy of the Armenian military propaganda machine.” The Azerbaijani side, in turn, said that two Armenian Su-25 warplanes crashed into the mountain and exploded, the rest is absurd and disinformation.


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“Nagorny Karabakh authorities named 23 more KIA soldiers”

They are dying really quickly. How many fighters do they have?

Sure they can get more men from Armenia to die in N-K.


Bull Shit. The truck blew up with at least 15soldiers, then all the videos of the Grads and tanks blowing up, all happened today. 23 is just their dreams.

Rhodium 10

How many Azeri soldiers have been killed?…I have seen many tanks, Apc, Trucks burning…they dont use drones but use massive ATGM


Any evidence? I do not see any. I only saw Armenians send artillery to civilian area.


Very hard to tell to be honest. I wasn’t able to see for sure who those tanks belonged to or if any crew could get away. But I would say give or take 20-30 maybe. Could be less too to be frank, Armenian videos are quiet low in quality, so very hard to say for sure.


Double or triple??

They are very men short now. Can’t send 12 year old to fight now. Too dangerous.


by the looks of it double. but again video doesn’t capture all hits

Assad must stay

armenia needs to use its su-30s


Do they have any? All crashed. Blame that on Turkey. Turkey is just too strong. The F-16 is too powerful.

Vox Populi

Blame it on Russia and Armenian arrogance. They illegally annexed Nogorno-Karabakh and had plenty of opportunity to withdraw and live in peace, but now have to be kicked out. It has also exposed the third rate Russian weaponry and weakness with fatal consequences to Russia and Turkey and NATO will now target Russia itself.

Assad must stay

wishful thinking kid, prepare to be blasted by su-30s lol

Vox Populi


Vox Populi

The SU-30 is no match for Turkish US built F-16 as the Pakistanis demonstrated to India by downing a SU30 MKI using an older F-16. The Turkish F-16 are better upgraded models.



STFU you bastards asshole

Great Khan

Truth is not your forte?


That’s why there was a major media riff going about f16 hit su30,more fkn well like it! pff


Its Azerbaijani territory, they can invite whoever they want to shoot whatever they want. None of anybody’s business


my country? i don’t think Iran can ever get anywhere near it:))))

Random Dude

Iran take Azerbaijan? LOOOOLS. You will lose all of northern Iran. Trump is looking for an excuse to cut Iran in pieces. Give him an excuse I dare you

Rhodium 10

Iran have shot down 2 drones near its border..”Trump is looking for excuse”…Iran have destroyed 2 US bases, have shot down many US drones..have captured marines..have captured many petrol vessels…have damage another pack of petrol vessels, fly drones over US warships…what excuse want Trump?..

Random Dude

surely Suleymani is very proud in his grave. uuuuups multiple graves

Random Dude

Join sanctions? no one is so insane to agree to that. maybe some will decide to leave sanctions and join a democratic county.:))))) where for knocking off a mulla hat you don’t get executed. Bunch of Shia fanatics, go hit yourself with chains, dumb uncivilized morons

Random Dude

i am genuinely scared. you go in 1000s give a blow job to some sacred stone in Qom and share covid-19 then walk around spreading. dumb people are always scary.

Blue In Green

He’s just acting like a petulant child Ali-jan, leave him be, ishun yeki az oon bi padaro madar hast. Behesh mahal nazar, roohesh ziadtar misheh.

Faghat bedoun omgheh magzesh kam eh xD Fakrmikoonam bacheh kooni hast lol.

Blue In Green

Basheh Ali, man behpoorsam ya toh xD

Blue In Green

Areh ghabool daram keh een gharibeh tarside. Commalan dareh neshoon mideh.


Trump ? hahahahahaah Putins pet Trump ? That Trump?

You poor deluted azeroturkojew!

Yes Putin’s pet Trump that flushed Seville maps into toilet:)))))) That must have hurt, but its ok. you can always beg for more money from Frankfurt to maintain the useless army. Is that true that some widen their assholes so that the army doesn’t take them?:))))


We dont need no maps. We got frigates and stealth submarines. Those that were ready to sink half the turgay fleet a few days ago when Merkel rung erdogay and eventually stopped it all. Germany saves turgay once again! Just like in WW1 at Galipoli. Now you keep fantasising of Trump, dont let me keep you.


Yes, kick those aggressors out of N-K.

What does this has anything to do with France and Russia? What did they do when N-K and 25% of Azerbaijan was taken by Armenians??

They should not stop until the Armenians are out of N-K. Give back the land to its rightful owners.


Technically France and Russia are mediators and would be held responsible for not being able to maintain peace. US is also a mediator but Trump is too busy with elections. But none of those countries seem to have leverage to stop it at he moment.


today 30/09/2020 an F-35 fighter jet crashed in southern california …they fall by themselves



ahahhahhahahahahah it fell like a f*cking rock !

I am really really guttered that turkey wont be buying those pieces of trush !




Don’t matter how good anyone can bild them,logistics absolutely sucks BIG TIME! Too complex,too finicky,too much reliance on failed experimentalist creeds,kinda like ‘yawwn,yep!

Random Dude

Iran can suck it up like it always does. Azerbaijan will take their lands and build a massive Mossad base just next to Iran. Just out of spite. Lets see your mulla hats flying off then

Rhodium 10

Iran destroy Azerbajan and Turkey both in the same packs…have more drones and above all ballistic and cruise missile which turn the Azerbajan gas- petrol industry in scum!

Random Dude

But can’t stop a truck loaded with its nuclear secrets? Iran is not a country Iran is a joke. Can’t stop a truck but will take over Turkey and Azerbaijan? What drugs are you taking, where can I get those?:)))))

Rhodium 10

what truck stupid?

Random Dude

google it, i ain’t got no time for dumbasses


How come u here then ?

aahahahahaha thats true. lots of dumbasses here


You laughing cause you realise I was refering to you ? … or you laughing cause you didnt realise I was refering to you being the dumbass… Either way…keep laughing dumbass!


Random Dude

still works though. you want to talk about stuxnet?:))))

Random Dude

you won’t be laughing with explosions on your nuke facilities. maybe you will, probably got used to it

Random Dude

cuz you won’t know is it a sabotage or accident. scratching you head all the time.

Random Dude

from planet Vegeta

Random Dude

cuz you are dumb

Random Dude

from planet Vegeta, Random Saiyajin dude from Vegeta

Blue In Green

Dragon Ball Z, really man? What is this some godforsaken anime convention?

We’re all adults here except for you I guess lol. You can’t sincerely expect us to view ANY of what it is you are saying seriously when you just said you’re from planet fucking Vegeta….

I just….this is the first time someone on Disqus has said they’re from a planet from a Japanese anime….

Random Dude

there always are some firsts. firsts are nice. makes you feel young

Blue In Green

You’ve just torpedoed any and all legitimacy you could have garnered by acting like a literal child. All your assertions and ramblings now carry the same weight as a feather floating in the wind.

No one will take your posts seriously now….Planet Vegeta… Cool I guess I’m Saitama from One Punch Man.

Random Dude

depends if you judge the legitimacy based on the author or the statement

Random Dude

Omae otaku janai. omae unko dewanai. matane

Blue In Green

lol, what’s next…. Are you going to say you have to leave the discussion to go train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goku, Trunks and Gotenks?

Man this is exceptionally weird…

Random Dude

not really. its avoidance of bias. ill explain to you in a logical way: If a someone who lies a lot tells you that 2+2=4, will you dismiss his claim because he lies a lot or, will you look at his statement instead of his identity? It is the same like asking on disqus, where someone is from. judge the statement, not the author. yes, I admit, i made a little fun, instead of saying that “its non of your business where i am from”, but well, i love having fun. no offense to you dude.

Servet Köseoğlu

its unacceptable showing disrespect to other peoples cultures and heroes…there are lots of options making fun…but not this way..

Random Dude

what hero are you talking about?

Servet Köseoğlu

Kasım Suleimani..Türkmüsün?

Random Dude

I didn’t make fun of him. I just said his body is in multiple places. That is not an opinion its a fact. If anyone gets offended by facts, they are dumbasses. If its still unacceptable, then go ahead and don’t accept it.

Servet Köseoğlu

its your life sugar but dont get offended when someone owns you with ”facts”..kafana göre takıl benden sana tavsiye sadece..

Random Dude

im always prepared for facts, thanks for advise dude

Blue In Green

Iran isn’t perfect and has incurred damage from Israeli and American espionage operations as well as sabotage attacks in the past but that hardly would be enough to say Iran as a country is outright weak, inept or cowardly. Like many others nations, Iran is well aware of what it can and can’t do.

Other more holistic factors are at play when countries take into account what they want to do in response to transgressions against them. This basic line of logic is one Iran also uses when making regional as well as geo-strategic decisions.

If you want to bash Iran all day, fine go ahead you’ve made up your mind I won’t try to change you. But that doesn’t change the fact that Iranian goals in the region have been accomplished one by one.

As we say in boxing (practiced for over 10 years myself). You throw punches but also take them and learn to roll with the hits as you go.

Random Dude

Exactly my point. if someone is ready to bash other countries they should be prepared to receive same bashing. I don’t like double standards thats why went on to bash that other dude Ali. Do you still think that was unfair?

Random Dude

jibunto hanashishiteruno:))) ahoka omae wa


Are you ok? In 3 days and losing dozens of vehicles and hundreds of soldiers Azerbaijan with support of turkey and Syrian jihadists still has not taken any territory.

Random Dude

yes yes of course


There is just young men being killed all for nothing. Your people should just go back home.

Random Dude

sure, no problems


No problems with what

Random Dude

with anything:)))


Yeah sure

Random Dude



Armenia was released this afternoon, evidence that Turkey shot down Su-25 aircraft on Tuesday (September 29th).

Armenian Defense Minister Spokeswoman Susan Stefanian released the flight radar detail from September 29, which shows the movement of the Turkish F-16 before the downing of the Armenian Su-25.



That is good for the Turks to shoot down your Su-25. You happy with the release of the video?


That means you created an international war now genius.

Random Dude

yes yes international war it started. 2 countries wasn’t international enough:)))))


its not ”mine’ the su25 dumboturk! I am Greek. And if you think it is good for the turks the proof that they got involved in a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan when Armenia is under the protection of Russia…then …good luck with that… Putin still has that cold plate of revenge from when his bomber jet was shut down in Syria to serve…do you think he has forgotten about it… Lets see what happens the next few days … As we speak 1000nds of Armenians from the diaspora are returning home to volunteer… Who is going to win…those Armenians defending their homes …or the mercenary turkisis thugs that are there for the 1500 euros / month …


Do not drag Iran into this mess….

Doom Sternz

The enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh held a referendum in 1991 where the people chose independence from Azerbaijan and self-declared the Republic of Artsakh. Artsakh includes Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts which accounted for about 30% of Azerbaijan.

Joseph Stalin decided to make the Nagorno-Karabakh region an autonomous oblast of Soviet Azerbaijan. After the dissolution of the USSR the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh held a referendum where the people chose independence from Azerbaijan and self-declared the Republic of Artsakh.

Armenia has supported Artsakh both militarily and economically because it is populated by an Armenian majority and because of the UN principle of self-determination. The only interest for the Azerbaijanis is the integrity of their territory hence the need to ethnically cleanse the area of its Armenian population.

The attacks by Azerbaijan/Turkey are war crimes. Will the perpetrators go before the ICC?

Doom Sternz

Thousands of Turkish-backed militants from Syria’s Idlib province have been recruited as mercenaries to support Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia. The Syrian fighters were already dispatched to Azerbaijan before the latest flare-up in hostilities.

The deployment of Turkish-backed mercenaries from Syria to Azerbaijan before the weekend’s clashes indicates a level of planning between Ankara and its Azeri allies to instigate the latest round in violence. This act of aggression is what the ICC the Supreme International Crime.

Random Dude

ECHR declines Armenian claim to stop Azerbaijani advance with court order. Same thing will happen with ICC. In their eyes Azerbaijan is doing a lawful thing liberating its own lands.

Doom Sternz

Who the hell is the ECHR? Do they have any standing at all? International Law is very clear on aggression. Or are we now talking about the Rules Based Order, ie lawlessness.

Random Dude

European Court of Human Rights. They have a jurisdiction there.

Doom Sternz

Any court that wont rule against the supreme international crime has no standing.

Random Dude

is there any verdict by ICC, or maybe any case in progress?

Doom Sternz

There are so many cases pending in the ICC against the rules based order that its only a matter of time till we see pretty much every world leader convicted of crimes against humanity.

Random Dude

If Armenia or anybody didn’t raise any case, it means there is no case in this matter.


You again with a copy paste? I explained to you previously. International law recognizes Nagorno Karabakh as Azerbaijani land, and recognized its right to eliminate any illegal military formations in its own territory. No international law is broken here. If you don’t agree, go raise a case in ICC. They will gladly show you the precedent of Chechnya.

Doom Sternz

The Supreme International Crime……the act of aggression is a war crime.


Its not aggression since it is happening within the territory of Azerbaijan. To see it as illegal, first Nagorno Karabakh should be recognized as a separate body. But it is not, currently no international organization or UN member state recognizes Nagorno Karabakh as anything more than Azerbaijani territory, hence not an aggression just internal matter.

Doom Sternz

You may support mass murder and ethnic cleansing, i do not. Any court that rules in support of the supreme international crime has no standing.


Its not about what I or you support. Its about what the international law says.

Doom Sternz

International law is very clear……its the supreme international crime.


ok, let talk law. give me the case and point that you think would apply here as a precedent

Lazy Gamer

Under modern international law, you seem to be correct. The Soviet Union as one of the victors of ww2 and a security council member controlled both territories for more than six decades and placed NK under Azerbaijan jurisdiction. For more than six decades, that was the situation. It is only natural that jurisdiction exercised before should continue unless there has been a legal way of divesting it. Personally, i am disinclined to attack this point on the principle of the people’s right to self determination. Said principle was formulated against colonies and imperialists. To expand it further to cause break aways of the very institutions that made it is merely a product of the corruption of the existing jurists. Anyhow, while said point is unassailable under modern intl. law, Armenians can choose to contest it by hinging it on the invalidity of the soviet conquest. Acts made under soviet control cannot be recognized and the status of NK should revert to its original status which is CONTESTED. Modern intl law cannot build upon Turkish genocide. Modern intl. law cannot also permit the use of force when a mechanism under OSCE? has been established. And, i am very much against the Turkish hands that move the Azerbaijan puppet even if the situation is a lost cause legally and militarily. lol


That would be an option. But create inconsistency between post WW1 treaties that have been signed by all present parties voluntarely or involuntarely. Also one party getting out of a treaty will not make the international community change their position. So that is a lost cause as well legally. For me reading all these news, it seems like both need to fight it over and get it done with. This conflict will not get solved peacefully.


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