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Armenia Repelled Azerbaijani Ground Attack In Northern Nagorno-Karabakh (Videos)

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On October 16, Armenian forces repelled another Azerbaijani ground attack in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Azerbaijani Armed Forces launched the attack in the northern part of the region in the early morning. The attack violates the humanitarian ceasefire that was announced by both Azerbaijan and Armenia from the Russian capital, Moscow, last week.

Videos released by the local Artsakh Defense Army and the Ministry of Defense of Armenia show precision artillery strikes on Azerbaijani troops attempting to advance in Nagorno-Karabakh in the morning.

Over the last two days, Azerbaijani forces captured 14 villages and towns in Nagorno-Karabakh in a blatant defiance of the ceasefire agreement.

Azerbaijani operations in Nagorno-Karabakh have claimed the lives of more than 600 Armenian service members since September 27. Azerbaijan’s human losses, which are yet to be announced, are likely comparable.

Syrian militants and allegedly Turkish troops are backing Azerbaijan’s repeated attacks in Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian forces, on the other side, are fighting on their own.


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Liberal guy

More misery for the invaders


Not at all. Who are the invaders? Armenians occupy Azeri territory.

Erase all the Artkins…. Drive them back to Armenia….

Porc Halal

You mean ethnic cleanliness that turks will do?? … nothing new under the sun! …

Bobby Twoshoes

As is South, East and West Azerbaijan. So is Eastern Turkey.

Alex Cabrera



The drone video are far more accurate and precise. We can see the corps scattered all around….

Also those air defense system, armors, artillery pieces, rat holes and Artskin rats….


SF has become the mouthpiece of Russian government!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Erdogan is another mouthpiece of the Russian government, he kisses ass in the Kremlin like the good vassal he is.


SM has become the mouthpiece of the Turkish government!


So, do you hate Russia? And you disapprove the annexation of Crimea. Am I right?

But you want to annex an historically armenian land ( NK ) to Azerbaijan. At least crimeans were, are and will be ethnic russians. But the people of NK are armenians, not azeris.

Yes yes, NK is legally Azerbaijan. And Crimea was legally Russia, before Krushev ( a soviet dictator and the americans say that everything a dictator does is, by definition, invalid ) annexed it to Ukraine.

Oh and Kosovo is Serbia!! And Al Tanf is Syria. And Golan is Syria.

Porc Halal

Regardless of how many aerial strikes the redneck turds aka azeris will do on armenian AA asests, NO turdish fucktard soldier will put the step in the armenian soil, that is N-K, unless he will bite the dust!…


I already said it. The longer the war goes, the worst it will become for the turks and their vassals in AZ.


If this site is your only source, you will be disappointed at the end, just saying…

Porc Halal

Yeah?…how come?


In general, I follow 3 sources. 1 of them is pro-Turk/Azeri but it is not one of those propaganda spreaders. The other is neutral as I consider. The last one is this site, which is not pro-Turk obviously. I try to balance the news so that I can get the truth. For instance, pro-Turk and that neutral source report that a settlement has captured, then, I consider it is true, but finally this site reports the same news too, it satisfies me.

This site represents this war as if Azeris losing hundreds to capture only one settlement. Azeris moving slow, that is correct, but don’t forget that two states are litreally in war now, that is not a joke, it is not like rebels vs. government forces. Moreover, in the conventional war, you cannot just blitzkrieg, especially if you are moving in a mountaneous terrain. First, attacker has to soften the enemy with intensive air strikes and artillery, that’s what happened in the last 2 weeks in my opinion. Only then, you can start to move your infantry, otherwise it will be just a slaughter. Currently, Azeri army moving more faster according to those sources I mentioned.

To clarify, I am not saying that what I said is 100% true, of course Azeris having a hard time too, I am just trying to approach objectively. But I can guarantee you that this site does not represent this war objectively. That’s why I said you will be disappointed.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol “neutral”. The mere fact you think such a thing exists undermines anything else you say.


Read carefully. I said “as I consider”, don’t make me explain this….

Bobby Twoshoes

Let me rephrase then to better cater to your pedantic deflection: Lol “neutral”. The mere fact you consider such a thing exists undermines anything else you say.


Nothing is neutral completely. With using my judgement I follow a source which I consider close to neutral. Done? Understand?

Bobby Twoshoes

Surely that’s why you stated “The other is neutral as I consider” and “…that neutral source…” I’m glad that you have accepted my advice and modified your opinion, no need to admit it or thank me.


You have problems, I mean it.

Bobby Twoshoes

Mainly in the form of self-righteous midwits spouting pseudo-intellectual nonsense which I have to correct while enduring their puerile attempts to defend an untenable position with arcane mental gymnastics. Thanks for the acknowledgement of your net impact on my life though.


You are welcome.

Alex Cabrera

better use mortars hundreds ofthem and rain hell in thosw muslim pigs


Since Aliyev regime is too chicken$#it to announce their losses (Armenian side regularly announce their own losses) for the fear of their own people, others made a list using publicly available data. This list is not conclusive and doesn’t contain any foreign mercenaries (moving in from Syria, Afghanistan and possibly other places like Pakistan, regular flights from Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Bagram and even Minsk to Baku). These are just Azerbaijani service member who lost their lives for Aliyev/Erdogan plans (I hope these tweets don’t get deleted, anyway I downloaded them and if needed I can upload them somewhere else and edit the links. Sorry I put all pics in one comment since it’s a single list in 5 parts so far. The 6th part will be published in a day or two):

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjXFeruWkAUzqN8?format=jpg&name=4096×4096 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjfyV8hXgAEB20d?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ejur2UTWoAAE_b4?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkJ9bPBXYAMVoIO?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkNpZBAU8AUqCpL?format=jpg&name=large


Not important


You are right. I’m sure none of those names has any importance for Aliyev regime and his ally. They are no more than cannon fodder for the megalomaniacs.


I think both Armenia and Georgia should be part of the EU ASAP. However, I do not think that this is possible before these countries solve their respective problems with neighbouring countries. For Armenia this means leaving Karabakh to Azerbaijan. The best that can be expected is some kind of presence of peacekeepers preventing the ethnic cleansing of Karabakh Armenians. I know this hurts, but history is sometimes cruel. And it is certainly cruel for Armenians.


azerbaycan will announce the list after the war…you say 619 azerbaycani mathyred so far…and some imaginary mercenaries…what is your source and did you make a similar research for armenians or you presume their numbers true?

Simon Ndiritu

The Armenians are showing capability to inflict prohibitive costs to Azeris using cheap weapons such as Artillery and Mortar shells, and not the million dollar loitering munitions used by Azeris. Therefore, Azerbaijan’s cost of waging this war is several times more that Armenians costs of defending themselves. If this persists, Arzabaijan cannot win unless at very high material and human cost.

Servet Köseoğlu

According to my binoculars if you can’t prevent rape,you enjoy it. Anyway we’ll play air-concertina at N-K mountains xD



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