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Armenia Reportedly Bombed Azerbaijani Airbase Hosting Turkish F-16 Fighter Jets (Updated)

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Armenia Reportedly Bombed Azerbaijani Airbase Hosting Turkish F-16 Fighter Jets (Updated)

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On October 4, the government of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (a self-proclaimed Armenia-affiliated state located in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region) announced that Armenian forces had destroyed the military air base near Azerbaijan’s Ganja. This air base reportedly hosted F-16 fighter jets of Turkey.

The claim was made by the Press Secretary of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh) President Vahram Poghosyan.

Ganja is the airport serving Azerbaijan’s second largest city, it is also used by the Azerbaijani Air and Air Defence Force and was previously used by the Soviet Air Force.

It is also commonly used by Silk Way Airlines, which are quite known for their weapons deliveries to conflict zones in the Middle East.

Azerbaijan claimed that the Armenian strike targeted the city of Ganja itself, while the Armenian side insists that the strike hit the military air base only.

A day earlier, on October 3, Armenian media claimed that the Armenian military attacked another Azerbaijani military airbase hosting Turkish F-16 fighters.

Armenian media reported striking the largest Azerbaijani airbase.

the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan published unique footage of striking certain objects near the Azerbaijani settlement of Sabirkend.

One of the largest air bases of the Air Force of Azerbaijan, located just a few kilometers from the settlement of Sabirkend, was hit. According to earlier reports, it is at this airbase that Turkish F-16 fighters are located.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, at least 10 tactical missiles “Tochka-U” were fired at the territory of the village of Sabirkend, but no disclosing information that there’s an important military base located there.

According to analysts, Sabirkend itself is of no interest to the military forces of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, however, the destruction of the air base can become a very serious problem for Baku, especially if Turkish F-16 fighters are indeed based here, as previously reported

The forces of Armenia are very much inferior in their power to the Air Force of Azerbaijan, so Armenia could really be trying to target such capabilities to even the field. According to open sources, MiG-25 interceptor fighters are located at Dallar airbase.


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Zionism = EVIL

As I had suggested in my last update a week ago, the Armenian resistance is stiffening now and they have absorbed the worst blows the Turks and Jewcunt drones could deliver. Armenian regular forces are now joining the battle and the results will be very messy and Russia will be drawn in, the Azerbijani morons have deliberately targeted Iranian Khoda Afrin county with 35 shells landing today and Iran has given a stern warning as there is a large dam on the Aras river. BTW, this is the most beautiful part of Iran and sparsely populated. An Iranian special forces brigade has now been deployed and people told to stay indoors and not watch the raging battles on the north side of Aras as Armenians are now counter-attacking. A few windows on the Iranian side have been blown out and child injured.



Nice country!

Zionism = EVIL

Iran is really heaven on earth, a large beautiful country with all kinds of climates and zones.



Is was called Eden by the gods. They came the zios with their fake god…

Zionism = EVIL

Zoroastrianism has a lot of wisdom and even today Iranians celebrate many customs and traditions, including Nowruz and Chaharshanbe Suri (fire festival).


Since ancient times this part of Iran and Armenia was known as heaven or the garden of Eden. The Arax river between Armenia and Iran today is one of the 4 rivers that border the garden of eden in the bible. Also Pharaoh Tutmoses said the 4 pillars that hold up heaven are in Armenia. (Armenia used to include this area in ancient times, just look up any map) Babylonians, Mesopotamians and Sumerians had the same beliefs. It is a beautiful area.


I would love to visit Iran. I’m aware they have quite nice skiing there and it is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than Europe or Russia.

Zionism = EVIL

and much safer too.

Ashok Varma

I can vouch for that.

Great Khan

India have bathroom?


not safer when one evil bloodthirsty regime seeks to murder there contantly

Zionism = EVIL

The ZionistCUNTS know what will happen if they even dare fire a shot. Just wait and see how all this unfolds.

Potato Man

They also got 4 seasons which is nice.

Zionism = EVIL

This photo just came in, Iranian house damaged by Azerbaijani dumbasscunts indiscriminate firing.


Potato Man

Yup, also I read report where a 6 years kid got injured by Mortar shells from the military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. (that was 2-3 days ago) “Iranian child injured by mortar shells of Karabakh conflict” http://www.irandaily.ir/News/274967.html#:~:text=Mortar%20shells%20from%20the%20military,6%2Dyear%2Dold%20child.&text=He%20said%20that%20a%206,the%20hospital%20and%20received%20treatment.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran has sent an official warning that its patience is not unlimited. The Azerbaijani losers know the consequences. In the meantime, enjoy a great song by one of the greatest Iranian singers of my generation, Hooshmand Aghili, Darya/Sea. BBC is running a concert of all great Iranian singers.


Great Khan

Great Khan like, translate Mongolian.

Zionism = EVIL

The Iranian Khoda-Afarin (literally God’s Creation county) is also known for ancient bridges some dating back to the Persian Empire a millennium ago.



That bridge is gorgeous. I used to work with a Persian girl here in Oz. She was quite smart, very educated, quietly spoken, loved her dog, and was more fanatical about soccer than I was. She was from Tehran. Used to go back once a year until all the ‘crap with Washington blew up.’ Now she can only call her grandparents and all her nanna asks is ‘are you married yet?’ Funny… Yes, I have to visit Iran.


Iran is the best of the whole lot.

Blue In Green

The food, scenery, history and people are what does it for me.

Never had better tasting cuisine than the food I had in Iran :)

Lazy Gamer

Ooh, a first row seat! lol

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly some people are irresponsible and were taking their kids and families to the mountains to watch the battles, there is being discouraged now as Iranian special forces have moved in.


Bro, more to come. Those tanks and artillery pieces will be picked up piece by piece. Now with the civilian casualties, Azeris will attack the military personnels. The rat holes won’t protect you….


hope they killed all of the israeli advisors

Zionism = EVIL

The Jewcunts hide behind the Turks and the headchoppers. The evil bastards have been sending more drones overnight.


Links please.

Zionism = EVIL

You guys should know better than that, I am not a links guy but state facts. However, the Zionistcunts support is all over the regional media. Their own media is gloating.



i hope iran unleashes large amounts of suicide drones on tel aviv. the murderers must pay

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h85)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★:::::

Zionism = EVIL

Get lost stupidCUNT, Mercedes is a crappy car now.

Great Khan

Great Khan want syeks with you in yurt, bring sister and mother.

James Adams


Zionism = EVIL

The whole offensive has petered out as I explained. To hold ground you need men with balls of steel like Hezbollah and Ansarallah, the Azerbijanis are corrupt Jew ownedCUNTS and had no chance. Armenians like Persians are tough fighters by nature and took the blows and now are on the offensive, that is why the Azeri stupidCUNTS lobbed 35 shells at Iran while fleeing as the Iranian spectators from the hills were cheering the Armenians and even brought in Armenian casualties for treatment.

Graham Steinberg

Maybe drones on Tel Aviv will cure the covid there……? Why not drop a few on Dimona to ?

Dimona in the Negev ?

Nuke warheads galore WMD !


Dimona? The thing under which 200 nukes are hidden?


The Zionists will pay for their backstabbing evil.

Great Khan

Great Khan like. Jew Bitch no good.


So it is

civilians -> headchoppers -> turks -> zios

holy fuck, how mighty these warriors are.

Zionism = EVIL

The JewCunts and Turkeys are both manipulating the Arabs and the Azeris for their ends, but they will fail as Armenians have woken up to the NATO and Zionist plan. The Turks have brought in 5,000 headchoppers now and Ziocunts are running the total drone war, but Armenians have absorbed the worst as I said on day one. If there was no breakthrough by the Turkeys in 48 hours initially, then the initiative ends up in the defenders favor as Hezbollah lions have shown repeatedly. You can’t win a war without motivated ground troops, it has been the case since the advent of warfare. Try and fuckwith Iran and find out too what a nightmare really means.

Vox Populi

It would appear that Iran has interceded on Armenia’s behalf as the tide of battle shifted dramatically after Iranian territory was shelled.


Hey, Trump has Iranian genes!

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah, hopefully Pimpeo too. Trump is on a ventilator and an old fat geezer. The other idiot Pence and Kushner are fighting over who is in charge.

Assad must stay


Blue In Green

You think Israel/Azerbaijan or other elements fighting in N-K will try and get Iran to openly retaliate in response to continued shelling on Iranian soil?

Zionism = EVIL

The AzeriCUNTS suffered a defeat near Aras bend and in frustration lobbed shells on Iranian territory, a little girl was injured and Iranian special forces moved in and vacated the civilians. Iran have given a serious warning, but Armenians have taken back the positions and pushed the AzeriCUNTS 5 kms north.

Blue In Green

That’s good to hear, the last thing Azerbaijan needs is Iran raining down precision heavy munitions fire obliterating their military overnight…

Granted, it would be a hell of a sight to see.

Zionism = EVIL

Armenia overnight got thousands of ATGM and manpads and reversed the situation with very determined attacks with good leadership ;) the border with Iran is porous and many Armenian casualties were taken in for treatment. The AzeriCUNTS have left behind a lot of equipment, some in Iranian territory while fleeing.

Great Khan

Great Khan say, visit Iran before it visits you to Azerbaijan.

Indian Army & Israel

Fantastic, Victory to Armenia


Armenian regular forces are now fully mobilized and gone into action. The next few days are crucial for Armenia, but it will defeat the cursed Turks.

Zionism = EVIL

As I explained a week ago, AzeriCUNTS have fled:

Armenian forces destroy military vehicles as Azerbaijani troops flee battlefield: video


Great Khan

Great Khan not like.

Vox Populi

It would appear that the shelling of Iranian territory proved fatal for Azerbaijan.


No. Iran knows so well that those bombs are from N-K. Azeris have better weapons than those Armenian ancient weapons.

Vox Populi

It certainly appears that Armenian forces have regrouped and are receiving assistance from seasoned Russian and Iranian allies. They have just launched a heavy attack on Ganja where many buildings are aflame. It seems Mr. Aliyev miscalculated Armenian capability and the quiet resolve of Russia and Iran against reckless Turkish and Israeli behaviour.

Azerbaijan’s second-largest city, Ganja, has been shelled by Armenian forces, as heavy clashes continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region where Armenian forces appear to have taken initiative.


Not really. Armenians are so desperate. They started to bomb large civilian cities.


Then get more body bags ready. You send your own soldiers to graves….

Lone Ranger

I hoped for some roasted CIA pimps too…

Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Americunt losers have gone to ground as their plans have fuckedup as always and Pimpeo is probably dying of the Pimpeovirus like his old fat orange dotard boss.


Why do you expect Americans to save you??

Great Khan

Not make mamtu of fat American, too much pig fat.

Porc Halal

I think we talk about turkish advisors here…

Zionism = EVIL

Hezbollah has openly voiced its support for Armenia along with the large Lebanese Armenian community. It is the JewCUNTS that are providing the Harop suicide drones.

alejandro casalegno

Hezbollah, Iran, Syria……….the true saviors of the Middle East christians!!!

James Adams

Turkish advisors


Do not think Israelis are even there.



Zionism = EVIL

SU-30 will be used soon. The Iranian airbase at Bandar Anzali has very heavy Russian and Iranian traffic for the past 48 hours and Armenia has just stated that all weapons will be used. All of sudden the Armenians have a lot of manpads and ATGM ;)

alejandro casalegno

Send the Su-30 against the turkish F-16/AMRAAM is not a wise idea…………


Why not? SU-30s can be used as kamikaze drones…. They can take out some civilian buildings and kill some Azeris.


You only got 4 of those precise SU-30. You’ll lose them as soon as they take off…..


It is also commonly used by Silk Way Airlines, which are quite known for their weapons deliveries.

Ah the CIA jihadist supplier for Air Amerika..

Zionism = EVIL

This operation against Armenia is basically a well planned NATO and Jew plan. It will not work out though.

Porc Halal

It is not planned by NATO but by turkey and their azeri puppets, period…NATO is a globalist structure therefore in favor of everything jews and muslims desire…

Porc Halal

PS … USA is controlled by deep state subdued to globalist jewish elite …


Big news if true, although I fear if Turk aircraft are destroyed it may give Sultan Erdogan an excuse to get more openly involved. Then again, according to the Armenians, the Turks are already involved so what do they have to lose?

Right now the Azeri drones are the biggest threat, so it makes sense to bomb them on the ground.

Zionism = EVIL

The Armenians have adopted to the drones and are now operating Hezbollah style with small dispersed units with ATGM and manpads and the Turks (it is really the Turks conducting this operation with Jewcunts and Azeris are in name only) have failed to advance even near the Iranian border. Iran has wisely moved special forces for mountain warfare if needed.

Simplekindof Man

“…small dispersed units with ATGM and manpads….” I always thought from the begining this was the way to go,and with logistic (and information)coming super fast from radar stations and ,observasion posts maybe the Armenians stand a chnce.,and keep big guns for when they really get cornered.

Zionism = EVIL

Unfortunately, Armenia did not listen to Iranian advice and got overconfident and did not mobilize or disperse its assets and thought that somehow cosying up to Europe will save it. They are learning the hard way, but their military is quite capable and just trained with Iran and Russia in Kavkaz2020 and will do fine.

Great Khan

You speak truth, Great Khan like.

alejandro casalegno

The armenian EU/NATO edition was a failure………..try the russian mode!!!!


No external powers will intervene in N-K….


Why you so confident? More and more Azeri flags are rising inside N-K cities.

Very soon, Armenian PM will sue for real peace. So it can get whatever he can salvage…. Some pieces of left-over bones perhaps.


Radar? where is it? All destroyed….

Try to shoot the drones with your ancient ATGM.

Great Khan

If Hezbollah ride horse, they become more brave like Mongol.

alejandro casalegno

Hezbollah………..the best infantry in the World!!!!


Why Hezbollah wants to shed blood for the Christians??

alejandro casalegno

If you make this question…………you know nothing………..


You keep dragging Iran into this. Iran does not buy it. It stays safe and sound. Iran is just watching. It shares a border with Turkey and it knows so well that Iran does not want probe Turkey.

Iran does not support either Armenia or N-K in any way.


Who said that any Turkish airplanes are destroyed. All propaganda. No evidence of any thread….


Turk trolls will rage and cry. Sorry Lone Ranger, I just had to use that one. :)

Zionism = EVIL

I have not been around for a few days, they are not that active today as things are not going as well. Even the headchoppers are pissed off at the Turkeys.

Great Khan

You welcome back. Great Khan like.

Zionism = EVIL

Thank you :)


Phew I thought they caught you again sabotaging things for the Mossad

Zionism = EVIL

No closely monitoring the Turkeys get their arsekicked. The whole offensive has petered out and near Aras crossing the Armenians have pushed 5 kms into Azerbaijan, so the arsewipes may lose even Azerbaijan.

Lone Ranger

Its ok ?, its not trademarked, yet…?


Who is crying for peace???

If in deed Turkey has any F-16s, they can station them far deeper. They know so well that they can’t station military air planes near the front line. Assad knew that so well. All his good airplanes are safe and sound.


Wher is video?


There is complete censorship in the Azerbaijan dictatorship and they are also hiding their increasing casualties. Not even a single Armenian village has been captured.


Yes I heard that. But ther was also video fo reasing flag in on of the Armenian citys in N.K. So they achived som gains.

Lone Ranger

Better late than never, they should have done this on day 2-3.

Антон С

Prevention of escalation. This airbase is distant object, so it can be reached by heavy weapon, which is in arsenal of Yerevan (not Artsah). Such action can lead to open intervention of Turkey. But frontline is stable, peaceful negotiations can be started very soon – time to send last goodbye to the opponent.


Someone is trying to provoke an open attack on Armenian territories, so that later CSTO could be invited. Lets see if the bait will be taken, or the conflict will continue in Karabakh only.

Random Dude

they think Azerbaijan will just get scared and stop the advance. not gonna happen, all the way

Zionism = EVIL

Well the “advance” has not gone well as they have imposed total ban on any news. If they had “advanced” the stupidcunts would be dancing in Baku, but instead the hospitals are filling up with casualties and nothing to show for. Stay tuned.

Random Dude

Keep reading Armenian news. It will help your confirmation bias. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/19dc35c4c0a1ccb3162891bce843487cef44faf0c1949afdd3799762ad92b3ca.jpg

alejandro casalegno

They take a few villages in the low lands………..after a week and heavy losses. At strategic level…….they lost the gamble


About 1 MM Azeris were driven away from their homes. They are so eager to return to their homes. There are only about 150,000 Armenians in N-K. That is so absurd. It is just like another Palestine.

cechas vodobenikov

forgot your psych meds again?

Random Dude

Still in denial stage of 5grief?

Lazy Gamer

Turkey, judging from recent history will double down. It might even be open intervention. They’ll probably say, some of their assets were hit. Armenia and Artsakh better be ready for escalation.

big lebowski

Open intervention by Turkey will force Russia to intervene also. They are not that stupid.

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey is not that stupid, it will be destroyed, people have been ranting about Russia, it is a nuclear power and Iran will not let Armenia go down. The stakes are too high.


You know nothing. Russians do not want to shed own blood for your own aggression.

Lazy Gamer

And yet Turkey has moved everywhere. Even challenging Russian troops and PMCs in several theaters. Even displacing the US army in N. Syria. Never underestimate them.

big lebowski

I’m not underestimating them, I merely stated the obvious: their next move will be calculated and reasonable.

They challenged Russian troops in Syria and Russian mercenaries in Libya, both are civil war regions. And in both cases, they stopped when facing significant backlash (Russian airforce in Syria, Egypt/UAE/France in Libya).

This conflict is between two states, so quite different.

In the case of the east med crisis with Cyprus/Greece they also turned around when faced with resistance, after 1 month of threats and posturing.

Just to reiterate they have now open the following fronts: – Iraq (vs. Kurds and, increasingly, the central government) – Syria (vs. YPG and SAA supported by Russia) – Libya (vs. LNA supported by Egypt/UAE/Russia/France) – Karabakh/Artsakh

Plus stationing troops in Somalia and Qatar.

Plus the standoff with Cyprus/Greece which could erupt at any minute (Greece accepted the deescalation in order to better prepare for the inevitable coming clash).

Shuffling Syrian mercenaries around and using drones can only get you so far.

big lebowski

They didn’t displace the US army from anywhere. Instead, it left on Trump’s orders as a personal favour to the sultan.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that all these moves have been happening since Trump took office?


You are correct this time.


what ? Turkey can’t force Usa to do anything. You have no idea about geopolitics stop with this cheap TRT tv propaganda .Turkey with their poor economy must just fallow orders from USA and Isreael ….. In Syria and in Azerbejdjan.


You are about right. Too much super powers. Turkey is powerful too.


Russia has no problem with Turkey or Azerbaijan taking over N-K….


I think it will be ignored. Less noise and continuation of what they have been doing for the last week. They will probably view this situation as the saying “if they hate you, means you are doing something right”


This is correct. So Russia won’t get involved unless attacked. We sell well from Idlib. Russia cares more about its own interest.


Turkey sure can pinpoint strike the missile launch base inside Armenia. Nothing Russia can do…

Turkey has all the military might at the Armenian West border. Russians will fear for their own safety.

Also Turkey is a NATO member. Any attack on Turkish soil can be trouble.

Alberto Garza

i really doubt that nato will move a finger to defend turkey most of its members hate the turkish regime .

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h85)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::::

Samuel Vanguard

tit for tat…sooner or later i foresee Russians supporting the beleaguered Armenians


Dreaming. N-K is not Armenia..

Me&Myself None

Only if they agree to join Putin’s long held dream of a new union of states

Assad must stay

ahahhahahaha that is great!!!!!

Assad must stay

where is dallar airbase? is it armenian or?

Антон С

Seems like it’s the name of airbase near Sabirkend in Az.

Assad must stay

so the mig-25 there are azeri?


Apparently, nobody is getting off scotfree here.

James Adams



Why you so mad? Because you are losing and losing big??

So desperate.

Arman Melkonyan

I noticed my posts are being deliberately deleted by SOUTHFRONT moderators.

I wonder why “Russians” would act this way?…


It looks zhat atack was sucesful. If they wou faill then azeris woud provide videos abouth how nothing is damaged.

cechas vodobenikov

Reporting is unreliable; in several weeks perhaps we will know more

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