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Armenian-Azerbaijani War. How Global Powerbrokers Play Fates Of Nations

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Armenian-Azerbaijani War. How Global Powerbrokers Play Fates Of Nations

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The Armenian-Azerbaijani war has been raging in the South Caucasus. Clashes between the sides erupted in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh Region (de-facto controlled by Armenia) on September 27 and since they have significantly intensified causing thousands of casualties. Azerbaijan, supported by Turkey, clearly aims to capture the entire area of Karabakh and settle the Karabakh question by dismantling the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. And as of October 2, there are no indications that the hostilities will be ceased anytime soon.

The Azerbaijani leadership instigated by the Turkish ‘Neo-Ottoman Empire’ demonstrates the determination to deliver a devastating blow to Armenian forces. Additionally to military targets, Azerbaijani forces have been pounding cities and objects of the infrastructure in the contested region.

The Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan’s recent numbers:

The total enemy losses from September 27 to 08:00 pm on October 2 are as follows:

up to 230 tanks and other armored vehicles;

250 artillery pieces, multiple launch rocket systems, and mortars;

38 Air Defense means;

10 command-control and command-observation posts;

7 ammunition depots;

more than 130 vehicles;

1 S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.

Claims of Armenia during the past 24 hours only:

Armenian Troops retake some position on the frontline:

Advancing Azerbaijani forces:

The full-scale advance of Azerbaijan(Turkey) on the Nagorno-Karabakh region became possible due to actions of the current Armenian government led by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Pashinyan and so-called ‘younglings of Soros’ that seized power as a result of the 2018 coup in Armenia provided an extensive anti-Russian campaign undermining relations with the only real guarantor of the Armenian security and sovereignty and thus shaky stability in Karabakh. This campaign led to the expected result. Azerbaijan and Turkey used the unwillingness of Armenia to keep the real (not formal) alliance with Russia to achieve their own military and political goals.

Armenian-Azerbaijani War. How Global Powerbrokers Play Fates Of Nations

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Turkey, which is being turned into the Neo-Ottoman Empire by Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been for a long time seeking to secure its position in the South Caucasus additionally to the recent gains in the Middle East. Its current goal is the secure own role as the biggest energy transport hub from the West to the East in the region, and strengthen the position of the leader of the Turkic world. In the event of the success of the Turkish-backed push to capture Karabakh, these goals will be achieved and the popularity of Erdogan will increase even further.

The impact of Azerbaijani strikes on the city of Stepankert, the capital of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic:

In these conditions, the ongoing Armenian-Azerbaijani(Turkish) war was not some ‘unexpected aggression’ as the Pashinyan government pretends. In fact, it seems that the pro-US government of Armenia is about to achieve the result that it wants – to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh question by losing this territory, break relations with Russia, including the removal of the military base in Gumri, and move towards the joining of NATO (or at least becoming a NATO associate partner).

On October 3, the Armenian Defense Ministry announced that the Armed Forces of Armenia are now on full combat readiness. Such a declaration on the sixth day of the war seems to be at least a bit strange. This becomes even more strange if one takes into account that Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic insist that they are in the war with both Azerbaijan and Turkey, and Turkey even uses its air force to attack Armenia (shooting down its warplanes). If this is true, why is Armenia not using all of its means and measures to repond to these attacks? For example, Iskander missile systems. Iskanders obtained by Armenia do not have nuclear warheads, but even conventional missile strike on the military infrastructure of the ‘enemy’ could cause a notable impact.

Armenian-Azerbaijani War. How Global Powerbrokers Play Fates Of Nations

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Contrary to direct actions, the Panshinyan government focused on the propaganda, including attempts to discredit Armenia’s remaining allies in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), including Russia. Erevan simultaneously does no active steps to provide a real response to the aggressor that allegedly attacked Armenia and blames own allies for inaction. From this point of view, Armenian claims about Turkish F-16s participating in the conflict look like a blatant propaganda to discredit the CSTO.

The new best friends of Armenia in the Washington establishment are interested in this scenario also. Their goal is to destabilize the region, undermine Russian positions there and create a crescent instability that later will be used in attempts to attack and destroy the Russian statehood. After a potential success of Azerbaijan in Karabakh, the area of instability will likely expand towards the Northern Caucasus, including efforts to return Abkhazia and South Ossetia into the orbit of NATO. Turkey already has a pretty high influence in Abkhazia, including business and special ties with the local elites and services.

This will also contribute to the Washington-led campaign to pressure the Russian energy sector. The campaign in the Nagorno-Karabakh will allow to boost the capacity of the TANAP and thus will lead to a further decrease of Russian gas exports through Turkey and further.

Meanwhile, Russia is in a stalemate. The Armenian-Azerbaijani war has been developing in such a way that could lead a military victory of Azerbaijan within 7-14 days. During such a short period, it is practically impossible to organize on the part of Russia even an unofficial supply of weapons and the deployment of PMCs to the conflict zone in a way that would not publicly violate the international law and not make Russia a party to the conflict.

The real roots of the crisis are not a secret for the Armenian society. According to local sources, the idea of changing Pashinyan to Robert Kocharyan or some another strong leader is becoming increasingly popular. However, even if such a scenario occurs in the coming days, what is unlikely, Armenia will get a direct military assistance from the CSTO only if it is able to provide irrefutable facts of foreign aggression on its sovereign territory.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

The problem for Armenia is twofold, firstly their govt is completely distrusted by their traditional protectors (Russia) and secondly the traditional protectors (Russia) don’t truly recognize the disputed territory as Armenian soil. Armenia had better think twice now, as double-crossing does not play well in Kremlin circles.


Exactly, and that’s why I never trusted this new government.


Then over-throw it.

Rhodium 10

Thas why Turkish and his cousins have launched this offensive to retake NK…if a pro Russian president was ruling Armenia…no single drone would be flying over NK!..this is the same case with Lukashenko..he tried to close ties with USA/EU..and they promoted a colour revolution!


It does not matter who sits in Armenia. Russia won’t help anyone in N-K….. It is not part of Armenia.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I think either the Armenians within Karabakh get out now, (while they still can) or it is going to end up in ethnic cleansing. (by a Nato member state)

Vox Populi

That would be a prudent course or all ethnic Armenians will be cleaned like ex-Yugoslavia’s fate. Armenia itself is in the danger of disintegration with far reaching effects. The Turks have destroyed all land routes into NK and it may capitulate in the next few days. There is no chance of any foreign support for Armenia.


Not even close it has been under a blockade for 30 years bro lol

Great Khan

No bridge, learn to ride horse like Mongol warrior. Also buy Yurt, you will need it.


Lol are you Mongol Mongol or Mongol Chinese?

Great Khan

Mongol warrior.


When you get electricity we can talk

Great Khan

No need, we drink Yak milk and wash hair with horse piss, you lose because you become soft, live in city and use shampoo and buy Russian mamtu weapon, use bow and arrow and win.


The Armenians dug themselves a large hole by cleansing all Azeris out of N-K. And they occupied even more land beyond N-K. That is very disturbing. If they play victim, play to the end. Do not create new victim and Armenians became new criminals.

Vox Populi

Armenian arrogance was based on the fallacy of their supposed influence in western nations and a non-existent Russian military umbrella. In the fog of post USSR collapse, they illegally annexed NK and now rue the day.


No Armenian cares what you think your such an entitled millennial

Vox Populi

Russia is over-rated as a military power. It has severe domestic issues and Putin is not competent to lead Russia with rising opposition at home. Russian journalists are setting themselves on fire outside the Kremlin to voice their opposition to Putin’s corruption and repression. The French will once again lead the charge against Russia aided by Germany. Russian humiliation and impotence has not gone unnoticed in Europe. Expect more sanctions and political pressure via Ukraine and Belarus.

John Brown

The USA is over-rated as a military power. It has severe domestic issues. They have no competent leaders with rising opposition at home. Soon to be 150 million plus on food stamps.

The USSA economy is in free fall as is its GDP, same for the EU. Look at the debt and balance of payments its deficit. The USA and the EU are bankrupt.

The USSA and thr EU are now entering total and complete economic, social and military collapse. China’s economy will be 3 to 5 times the size of the USSA by 2030

Great Khan

You speak wise words, Great Khan enjoy.

Great Khan

Great Khan agree, you good man.


If you set yourself on fire, you are sick and stupid.

Rhodium 10

Meanwhile Denmark again allow ND 2……

John Brown

Russia can use its contacts there to stage a counter revoultions in Armenia as well as in Georgia and Ukraine. Russia was weak before. Now Russia has built up its strength and Russia will help the locals to overthrow the coup leaders soon. I expect Russia and China to rapidly increase the military pressure on the Zio USSA and drive them out of all these regions soon. Get the USSA to increase its military budget to 3 or 5 triliions or more so the Zio dollar collapse rapidly and with it the zio empire.


Warmonger wants a WW III…. No…

John Brown

World war 3 was started by Obama and his Zio slave masters years ago. Its just heating up now.


You need to stop. Your brain is not working.

Great Khan

Obama half breed, no good.

Fog of War

Actually, WW3 started with 9/11 .


I wouldn’t hold my breathe for it))

John Brown

Its already happening. The zio USSA already lost in Syria, its economy is in free fall as Russia and China kick their Zio asses everywhere economically.


Western media would be on them like the Armageddon is here


What is amazing is how QUICKLY THE WEST LOST INFLUENCE IN LIBYA, right on the EU’s Southern doorstep.

Post Gaddafi fall, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, UAE etc, dominate both sides of the Libya Civil. NATO / EU, apart from mouthing off on the Mainstream media, hardly have any influence.

John Brown

The Turksih economy is not self sufficient and is on the verge of total collapse without Russian and Chinese help. This author builds them up like they are a superpower. Wrong!!!


What are you talking about? Turkey has some business with Russia. But China is not helping Turkey. Turkey is strong on its own. I would not say Turkey is super power. But Turkey is a very super regional power. And Turkey behaves like a mad dog. No one likes to fight him.

John Brown

Are you drunk or on drugs? Look at the value of Turkey’s currency, it’s in free fall as is its GDP. Look at Turkey’s debt and balance of payments its deficit. Turkey is bankrupt. Without Russian and Chinese trade and investment and emergency financial help form Qatar, Turkey and it’s economy would have already collapsed.

This is why Turkey has been aggressive as Erdogan needs to distract his people from the imminent collapse due to these massive critical problems.

Turkey is to be soon destroyed and broken up by Israel and the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship in the Yinon plan. Central Turkey goes to the Kurds Western Turkey to Israel and Eastern Turkey to Armenia.

Do you want to see the map? A tiny conquered slave Turkey will be left. Slaves if Israel. Life in this new slave Turkey will make life in hell seem like a vacation in comparison. https://muslimvillage.com/2014/08/13/56742/the-yinon-plan-greater-israel-syria-iraq-and-isis/

Vox Populi

It is evident that a clash of neo-Ottomans and Zionists is inevitable. The Arabs posed no challenge to the Zionist regime, however Turkey with its capable military and rising ambitions certainly does. The region is in for long term conflicts and shifting alliances.

John Brown

If Turkey does not ally itself with Russia, China and Iran against the Zio satanic empire, Turkey and the Turkish people will be destroyed forever by the Zio satanic empire as it is written in the Yinon plan.

Great Khan

Jew mostly bitch people, too small to matter.

John Brown

Yes but they have a vast army of brain washed slave Goyims to attack with. They are happy to fight as Henry Kissenger says to the last stupid dumb animal beast American slave Goyim soldier

Great Khan

American too stupid and fat to fight anyone, big mouth chief Trump look like monkey and dying. American soldier diddle each other and too fat to fit in tank or ride horse.



Can you stop the BS?

John Brown

So you have no response because I am right and there is no response, you lose.

John Brown

You will recall my posts when it costs millions of lira to buy a loaf of bread.

John Brown

Then why is the Turkish currency in free fall as its is GDP shrinking, massive debts and on the verge of bankruptcy?? There were people like you on the Titanic when it was sinking who thought it was all good. You are very amusing.

Vox Populi

Turkey needs to tone it down after the liberation of NK as it is creating enemies all over. It’s economy is largely dependent on trade with Europe and is quite vulnerable. The French are in competition with Turkey in trying to woo regional influence, so Turkey needs to be careful.


The main business partner of Turkey is EU, not Russia or China.

John Brown

in 2018, Turkeys major trading partner countries for exports were Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Iraq and United States and for imports they were Russian Federation, China, Germany, United States.

Turkish trade with and investments from both Russia and China are rapidly increasing. Soon they wll be Turkeys 2 largest trading partners. Go and look it up. The Zio USSA and EU are also in economic and social free fall for total collapse.

Vox Populi

Valid points.

Vox Populi

That is the current situation indeed. However, Turkey is looking east to expand its economic links. It is not that enamored with China vis a vis the mistreatment of Uighur. Turkey has been the only vocal critic of China in the Muslim world and has supported Uighur opposition with political support.

Vox Populi

The real issue is that weakness begets aggression, and Russia is perceived as a weak corrupt state with vacillating policies as amply demonstrated in Syria and Libya. The Armenians were on borrowed time in NK and their illegal occupation simply could not stand against a rearmed Azerbaijan and unbridled Turkish ambitions. This Armenian imminent capitulation spells a disaster for Russia and Turkish influence has now been consolidated in the heart of Caucasus and Russia’s troubled southern flank. Erdogan has played his cards with great dexterity and Turkish successful low cost model of high tech and proxy warfare has not gone unnoticed in the region and wider resurgent Muslim world. These are the budding shoots of a new Ottoman Empire as the article suggests.

John Brown

Turkey is bankrupt. If Turkey does not ally itself with Russia, China and Iran against the Zio satanic empire, Turkey and the Turkish people will be destroyed forever by the Zio satanic empire as it is written in the Yinon plan.

Turkey is to be soon destroyed and broken up by Israel and the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship in the Yinon plan. Central Turkey goes to the Kurds Western Turkey to Israel and Eastern Turkey to Armenia.

Turkey is to be bombed to bits by NATO with millions dead and the survivors sent to Germany as refugees.

Do you want to see the map? A tiny conquered slave Turkey will be left. Slaves if Israel. Life in this new slave Turkey will make life in hell seem like a vacation in comparison.


Great Khan

You speak half truth and give too much importance to Jew bitch. Now Mongoloid race #1 again and Christian be our slaves and Jew be bitch.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Someone escaped the asylum.


Yep, Russia sacrifices NG-Kh to keep pally pally with Turkey on its Southern flank and hope Turkey breaks away from NATO completely. But Turkey still in NATO which desperately wants Turkey strategic location. Clever balancing game Turkey is playing, so increasing its own influence.

Great Khan

Great respect Mongol Warrior Turkic people, no respect for Christian female people no mustache no beard and play fiddler and diddler on the the roof with other men.


Codenamed 'Gordon'

If Ukraine supports Azerbaijan then I am with Armenia. Without hesitation.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well Ukraine and Russia could find themselves in bed together (in agreement) over a territorial dispute regarding former Soviet republics.


On the map you show 3 colors in NK, one is the Republic of Artsakh, other is areas CLAIMED by it, and 3rd is Azerbaijani control. So my question is who controls the area marked as “claimed”?


Here is the updated map due to Turkish sources: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1VLeMtHpBEHvU7L_Xh5MlofSfbOhFJZ8N&hl=tr&ll=39.71762227638889%2C46.06405562486928&z=8

Furkan Sahin

do not look at turkish media Erdogan owns 90% of them and they are very lies

Furkan Sahin

Turkey media makes you laugh I’m not lying I’m telling you honestly


These are military sources in parallel with Azeris. Not related to mainstream media. Check it out for all war regions around Turkiye. It’s clear and detailed.

Furkan Sahin

Yes I know it well I warn you do not look at Erdogan’s media he makes you stupid because he destroyed even Turkey and he has become bad after 2011 time and many people do not understand it and they have not controlled the political in Turkey because Erdogan is fucking them


I’m not pro-erdogan. I’m a secular kemalist lol

Furkan Sahin

yes be careful :) I am also myself supporting Ekrem Imamoglu

Vox Populi

Turkish media has been quite toned down considering their remarkable success in Armenia and the region in general.


If you look on google earth, those green areas are mostly flat lands in the no mans land between the 2 lines setup by each side. It is basically a kill zone, and that is why there is such high casualties. It is not so much under control as the Azeris keep going there to die. The one near Mardakert today was where Armenians captured the T-90 and APC. So they are definitely not conquered. Those are the main battle grounds.


Yes, greens are mostly flat lands but some mountainous regions were captured by Azeri forces too. Here is a video about it: https://oxu.az/war/426656 Casualties are inevitable for both sides, a few tanks does not matter. The second day was definitely harsh for Azeris since they tried to break the Armenian lines by a sudden attack and they failed. Some of the goals are achieved, however, there is still a long way to go. The capital Stepanakert is being bombarded and M11-Highway is cut at one point. Since then drones and UAVs are taking the leading role which resulted in heavy damage on Armenian SAMs, artillery and motorized infantry. I expect a big ground offensive soon.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Wish full thinking and Nonsense. On the north, on one side it’s just mountain forests and two dirt roads through extremely steep gorges. Any attempts to push forward through those roads would have led to countless massacres of Azeri soldiers, even by simple irregular units ambushing them..On the south the gains are nonsensical. The road is up the mountains along the heavy and fortified Armenian lines, with now real roads to move in wards from the east. The road ends up on a river bed where it starts. On the right of the road down hill there are some deserted settlements in the low lands. There, azeri might have stormed some empty villages and over run some isolate garrisons. The thin lengthy incursion in the north seems more plausible. The road is relatively exposed to low lands.

I don’t claim that Azeris have seized too many critical points but the map i’ve shared seems true. They’ve decreased the level of ground assaults since day 2 and they’ve waited for the destruction of heavy assets of Armenians by using aerial superiority. It’s just a prepation for a second push. I suspect Armenians still have sufficient number of armored vehicles left after all those drone attacks.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

https://twitter.com/i/status/1312098457637711872 This video video is from the Iranian borders from yesterday Those are iranian people watching the Armenian artillery shells falling in or close the Azeri lines. The photos https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d67834edcbbc737c5173970aadb13050b15c3dfbdb6998d0f6c80a5b709f8cd0.png bellow could indicate that is near this region. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0f03489633a29f2c746883497ee921cefa4ab30091413dc5c856b9eefe1fc828.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/673568a02c879d9630d5c95056b0bb03d90ba276c5c543ba9a085f70c450f08e.jpg

John Brown

Armenia does


Brown + Blue = N-K

Yellow is controlled by Artsakh, but it is not part of N-K. And it is claimed by Artsakh as part of the N-K. So Artsakh wants to hold onto both N-K and the yellow Azeri land that not even part of N-K.

Very greedy….


They took it because Azeris laid siege on Artsakh and tried to bomb the civilians into the ground.


That is bad excuse. This is what Armenia PM is stating now. He wants to make sure that the Armenians inside N-K are safe and secure. What about the Armenians in Georgia, even in Iran. So he wants to annex any part of the country where there is sizeable Armenian population?

Pakistan could say the same thing and invade Indian controlled Kashmir….


They do, man your uneducated

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

In the late 80s Azeris started a pogrom again the Armenian people living in Azerbaijan. At the time there were 500 000 Armenians living in the country. That accelerate the independence declaration of NK from ASSR.Azeris before even Soviet union dissolved started a war against NK. Armenians took over the areas between Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh in the following months and refuges resettled in the areas. Blue areas is from where Azeris have been trying for a week now to made an incursion into NK.

Dick Von Dast'Ard


Tommy Jensen


Tommy Jensen


Tommy Jensen

Russia nuking half of England just because we tried to make peace for Crimea and its innocent civilians who are hostages to Hitler.

John Brown

Good videos please post the link where you get them from.

Tommy Jensen

Clearly shows Russia’s aggression against peaceful US Apache helicopters trying to make peace in Syria and protect the innocent Syrian population who just want a little freedom.

Vox Populi

Russia will do nothing as always.


too much alarmism in this piece. If armenians want to keep NK they will. There are players that can provide this service but it will cost very dearly. If armenians do not care about NK they will approach NATO and all those strange creatures and find a ”relationship” the same way Greece gound that ”relationship” within NATO..


Who wants to go to that corner to take on your mess? NATO already gets too large and is not working well. It can’t afford taking in new members who would want to fight each other to death. Day dreaming.


I think you’re painting an unnecessarily bleak outlook on Armenia’s situation.

Firstly the whilst the Azeri’s can boast about their little drone strikes, they clearly are not able to succeed on the ground, as evidenced by their almost complete lack of progress and numerous destroyed Azeri armoured columns.

Secondly, Azeri drones have been going down in large numbers too, so eventually they be low enough on air power that they’ll have to stop. Especially since the Armenians seem to be getting better at destroying them as the war has progressed. A similar situation happened in Idlib earlier this year, where after initial success, they were soon forced to dial-back drone activities due to mounting losses (TB2’s cost $5 mil each, so it’s not sustainable to lose so many).

Thirdly, the Armenians still have trump cards up their sleeves with their Iskander ballistic missiles and Su-30SM’s.

Fourthly, it is mostly NK militiamen fighting, not the Armenian army. So Armenia has plenty of forces to keep fighting long-term.

Fifthly, the Azeri’s lack enough full-time troops to properly invade and occupy NK. Even if they did (and they likely can’t) they would face an ongoing insurgency until they were forced to either leave or commit a second Armenian genocide. Doing such a thing would make both Turkey and Azerbaijan international pariahs akin to the North Koreans.


Agreed with your points, and to elaborate on them this is only Artsakh and the Armenian army members stationed there vs Turkey and Azeris. Even if Artsakh army is taken out, the next wave is the much larger, better equipped Armenian army. Then they are supported by the next wave of ex-reservists, followed by the final wave of fedayis. The fedayis are an Armenian freedom fighter, that has many different groups but my family is part of the Dashnags. Fedayis have traditional and nontraditional military training and are used as shock troops, mop up operations and rear support. They are instrumental in every conflict from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, to Artsakh, they go to war 100% ready to die. My family is a 4th generation, and have taken part from Turkey to Jordan, to Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Artsakh, all over. The fedayis were the sole reason Armenia won in the first war with Azerbaijan, because Armenia didnt have an army. Wherever the Armenian people need protecting. This is why you are seeing 80,000 Armenians sign up around the world in the past few days. The fedayis have begun to mobilize. As the war continues Armenians will get stronger.

Great Khan

hahaha Armenians now Mongolian bitch.


Your retarded never go full retard

Great Khan

Mongoloid.huh. Armenia become Turkic bitch.


Are you the latest retarded troll on this site ? It seems that way. :)

Great Khan

If I see you, I behead you and use your mamtu skull for polo.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Those are good points. Sixth Armenians will put into combat their own drones soon. At least a dozen of different types.

Seventh Nagorno Karabakh is one steep continuous mountain range with narrow dirt rows. Small units can cause great casualties in army columns. Azeri troops have already a hard time moving into the flat lands near the Iranian borders(river bed) yet alone start an incursion inside the mountains.

Eighth, Armenia holds all the higher grounds. And you see how much that means in Yemen. 5 years on and Saudi in spite of hundreds of thousands troops, 3000 airplanes drones and helicopters still hasnt manage to make inroads into the mountainous north Yemen. Yemeni army and houthis adapted and change their methods making it hard for the air force to hit them

Ninth the geo-strategic interests of Iran and Russia favorites them.

Tenth any prolonged conflict especially if oil infrastructure is hit, will severely undermine the Aliev regime that is already struggling economically(being over-depended on oil and gas)

Pave Way IV

OK – I get this is about the oil and natural gas. Thing is that one Armenian Tochka can stop ALL the oil and gas exported from Azerbaijan (60% of Azerbaijan’s state revenue). This would also cut 90% of the gas supply to Georgia, and I’m guessing Russia isn’t in a mood to start selling to Georgia again.

This whole war is some kind of weird-ass scheme. For what, I have no idea, but it can’t be to provoke a Russian response. Russia doesn’t need to get involved in this shit-show at all. If Yerevan hasn’t taken the pipelines out by now, then they have no intention of doing so. Why would Putin waste the life of even a single Russian soldier on Armenia if those fuckers don’t want to piss anyone off and take out the pipeline? This was always the threat for years. Sorry, Armenia. You let your guys get slaughtered to keep BP profits flowing? You’re just as bad as Azerbaijan. Fuck all of you

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cf34591c57fd095b1cd0bb575e7759fbb9aab1bb35aced5781d74548753319dd.png .

Source/article: https://www.naturalgasworld.com/clashes-on-azerbaijan-armenia-border-threaten-regional-transport-and-energy-routes-ggp-81033


There def is some strange things going on, but then again we aren’t privy to certain details. So far Armenia proper hasn’t been involved, they need the pretext. I think that what they are trying to get now, if they can get the support they will go all in. However, Armenia 100% wont blow those pipelines up regardless because Armenians are not terrorists. Even in the last war, they helped evacuate Azeri civilians who were deserted by their own troops, and helped take their injured back to their side. There is videos of this on Youtube. If it was the other way around Turks and Azeris would 100% do anything to kill any Armenians. Just look how they target civilians now, the bridge, electrical station, and look what they did in 2016 during the 4 day war to the 2 90 year old couple in their house on the border. This is the difference between us and them, we die because we don’t behave like them.

Pave Way IV

“So far Armenia proper hasn’t been involved…” Huh? Then what are the Azeri drones blowing up? Are those Armenian army units or not? And NO Armenians besides A-K and RoA militias have been killed? Really? I honestly don’t know, Andranik, but it would have been easy for Armenia to throw RoA under the bus and simply announce the conflict does NOT involve Armenia (yet). Seems simple enough if this was really jost rogue actors in N-K and RoA. In fact, I would argue it’s irresponsible NOT to state that very plainly. Why would Armenia want the world to think it IS at war with Azerbaijan right now if that’s not the case? State secrets? This absolutely beggars belief. I’m not calling you a liar, but you have to understand how this looks to everyone else on earth. What am I not getting?

“Armenia 100% wont blow those pipelines up regardless because Armenians are not terrorists.”

It’s a FUCKING OIL/GAS PIPELINE, not a human being. Are you suggesting the Houthi are terrorists because they blew up Saudi oil infrastructure? Fuck that. The U.S. and Israel have hawked the idea that attacks on oil/gas infrastructure and power grids are acts of terrorism – yet they CONSTANTLY use those tactics. Syria? Iran? Iraq? FFS, don’t peddle that fake ‘terrorist’ bullshit if your people are dying. Who the fuck made that rule? Hint: your enemies.


Artsakh is technically an independent state, with all it’s own mechanism. No those are not, but there is a contingent of Armenian troops stationed at all times there to beef them up. The 2 armies are fully integrated.

Second point uhhh…..international law! By the way, blowing up the oil and gas cartels supplies is a great way to make friends in the west. What happened to everyone who went against those mafias?

Pave Way IV

Artsakh is technically an independent state, with all it’s own mechanism

Technically? FFS, did your dead soldiers know that they were supposed to sacrifice their lives for nothing? Did they volunteer for this worthless assignment or were they ordered to it by treasonous, mouth-breathing politicians that convinced them it was part of their service to the Armenian people? What the fuck are you going to tell their widows and children? “Sorry, but technically they didn’t die for Armenia…but thanks, anyways. He was a good guy. RIP”

And why the fuck would ANY Armenian ever again join your army in a country led by traitors? What’s next, die for Tuvalu and Tobago? I chose to believe Armenian soldiers are not masochistic punching bags and have REAL families and villages to protect. There has to be at least one Armenian soldier with a dead brother or relative in nowhere land that still has some sense of decency and morality. I would only hope he makes sure the streets of Yerevan ran red with the blood of traitors who were willing to throw his and his buddies lives away, Then everyone connected to them – wives, children, bosses, people they owed money to. Go full-Kaiser Soze. Nobody that can really fix the fucked-up government, but it should be a decisive, graphic message etched into the brain of anyone remaining in the government that they are serve your people’s interests above all others under penalty of death.

“By the way, blowing up the oil and gas cartels supplies is a great way to make friends in the west.”

Nobody needs back-stabbing psychopathic oil thieves like that as ‘friends’. You would be better off with their respect. “We will smoke your foreign oil/gas sales pipeline if you piss us off, and we’re not bluffing. We don’t want to and don’t care if it operates or not, but don’t piss us off because you will cry like a baby.


You obviously have no idea about our culture, history or current situation. Please read much more. Your not even worth the response. I’m actually Armenian, what do you know?

Pave Way IV

“You obviously have no idea about our culture, history or current situation”

…I agree for the most part, except YOUR current situation is MY current situation. Perhaps you’ve heard of MY country’s occasional Color Revolutions for Oil/Gas Control, the Soviet… er, Russian Encirclement Campaign and Capitalist Free Markets Everywhere (except for Russian and Iranian Oil/Gas because we hate them)” policy. MY country is also responsible for supporting and funding a psychopathic despot in Azerbaijan and supplying them with expensive arms while most of their population remains in poverty. MY country has developed Azerbaijan into a launching point for an eventual war with Iran – a country that has never threatened me. MY country already tried to bribe YOUR country for an oil transport route (for non-Russian oil/gas), failed, and color-revolutionized Georgia for the pipeline instead. MY country continues to tolerate Turkey’s megalomaniac dictator – Erdogan – and guarantees his family’s fortune from the massive skim on TANAP oil/gas transport. You talk about war crimes for blowing up some oligarch’s pipeline? MY country has killed millions and destroyed entire cities in fake wars to assure our dominance in energy. Ever hear of our Blood for Oil Pipeline? And maybe you noticed the US declaring itself (and our evil buddy Israel) IMMUNE from prosecution by the ICC for our war crimes.

There is nothing in MY constitution about any U.S. citizen’s right to global oil/gas dominance. Armenians still have the power to punch the bully in the face. Nobody will blame you if you don’t. But sooner or later, one of the many sides in this conflict is going to have Armenia in shackles. it will be too late to cry about your sovereignty or rights then, and Americans won’t bat an eyelash at another Armenian genocide in a country they couldn’t possibly find on a map.

If you can justify inaction or indifference in face of such a huge threat to Armenia, then I guess it would be a crime and waste of oil to blow up the pipeline. Most of the time when you punch a bully in the face, they punch you back. I can’t blame anyone for curling up in a fetal position and whining until the next blow comes from the bully. Hey – what could you possibly do, right? To obey is to survive.


Yes of course I am exceptionally familiar with everything you have said and agree with the majority of it. You sound like a patriot and we would probably get along well. I am well aware of the propaganda, fake narratives, abuse of international laws, and neo-globalist policies. However, I am telling you Armenians don’t commit war crimes, blame their devout faith or what, but they would not attack civilians or infrastructure, unless it was 100% necessary.

I am well aware we are facing an enemy who has taken every and any chance to slaughter my people. They paid corrupt Egyptians to destroy records of Armenian genocide, they “donate” $140 million to countries to not discuss Armenian genocide in their schools, they paid $5000 a head for any Armenians killed in Syria, they used Isis to destroy evidence of Armenian genocide in Syria, they have blockaded our country for 30 years, not afraid to use any and all means to wage war in the dirtiest methods. Such as giving American senators and congressmen paid vacations to Turkey, prostitutes and bribes. I know for a fact if any Azeris get their hands on Armenian civilians it will be a slaughter, just like what they did 4 years ago to the old couple in their house, they slaughtered them like Isis.

At the end of the day, as much as I hate them I am not them. However, we are not curling up to survive, we have been preparing for this war for 30 years, hoping it wont come but also preparing. Armenia went from having ZERO military at the collapse of the Soviet Union, to being the 3rd most militarized country in the world. Armenians are one of the oldest civilizations in the world, we know a thing or two about how to survive.

Pave Way IV

OK, we’ll just have to disagree on the legitimacy of a target that essentially finances the genocidal freaks looking for Armenian blood (again) either intentionally or by accident of geography. I’m unfamiliar with the current Armenian government (they seem shady), but I trust the Fedayis to do what’s right for Armenia. I’m unequivocally on your side there, Andranik.

And sad truth is I didn’t think the Fedayis were a factor anymore because there hasn’t been any sign that Western MSM and the Social Media Shekel Army are launching their usual demonization campaign. That’s confusing – there’s certain propaganda that we just expect nowadays to prepare the public for some treasonous land/oil theft scheme. In fact, they haven’t said much about the conflict there at all, not even to take the usual cheap shots at ‘Russian Imperialism’ and its existential threat to humanity.

I’m not sure if the MSM is just trying to preserve the west’s tenuous foothold in Armenia by not amplifying tensions, or if our MSM really has no clue about the Fedayis. I can assure you, however, that the second any ZATO ‘interests’ see the Fedayis as a threat, we (the US) will be inundated with pre-manufactured news about ‘rabid terroristic anti-Semitic Fedayis and their wholesale butchering of Azeri civilians’. I can almost see some CNN cuck showing the smoking Sarin canisters in downtown Baku. And – yes – that’s how degenerate my government has become. Never underestimate their evil – we don’t.

I understand the reluctance of the Khazar Mafia-owned press to bring up the subject at all in the west. Israel is still debating the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and their enablement (if not outright support) for Talaat at the time. Makes Israel’s support for Turkey and Azerbaijan even more amorally egregious, but I suppose it helps nobody to drag that into the situation on top of everything else.

Sorry for all the pain this will cause everyone there. Once again, the US (via its support of the psychopathic sultan of Turkey and the Azeri playboy) bears some responsibility for enabling this.


Thank you for your support my friend don’t be concerned.

Here is a video of the first fedayi volunteers from a few days ago. https://twitter.com/geviskajyan/status/1310833112377565184?s=20

Since then, 80,000 Armenians have enlisted worldwide to join them. Keep in mind, there are more Armenians in California than in Armenia. There are more Armenians in Moscow than in Armenia. We are in 140 countries.

https://twitter.com/_arween__/status/1312304163112529921?s=20 In this video published yesterday you can see the ambush operation that took place by these Fedayis. They are some older men, ex service members and veterans.

https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1312368327944273920?s=20 If you pay attention here, the scenery is the same and the bodies in the background are shown in full here of their exploits.

Armenians invented guerrilla warfare when we converted to Christianity 1700 years ago, and the Persians invaded. After our king Vartan Mamikonian was killed in the Battle of Avarayr , but the Armenians continued the fight off the battle field. After several decades the Armenian Fedayis won the war, and have been at peace with Persians ever since.

A fedayi or Dashnak in my case : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Revolutionary_Federation

A fedayi’s only purpose is in war, in peace they return to normal life, but are expected to make donations and be active in charitable organizations. So war has come, and so do the fedayis.

Pave Way IV

Oh hell… after all that ranting, I read that you’re aligned with the Fedayis. In that case, I retract all my lecturing. In spirit, the Fedayis and Houthis are one in the same. I didn’t think the Fedayis even existed anymore.

The bully is getting punched, period.

If Turkey and the Azeris keep fucking with Armenia, then there will be no oil/natural gas flowing through the South Caucasus Pipeline. But it won’t be the Armenians (wink wink) because that would be a war crime. Probably just inferior pipe or poor welds because those kind of things just happen. Now I understand why the homicidal maniacs in the EU and US are ‘against the violence’. British Petroleum (or whatever random oily oligarch’s) profits must be protected at all costs.

Great Khan

Turkey liberate Akhazia and Ossetia soon. Then Moscow.


Go bbq a horse and be quiet

Pave Way IV

Oh, YES. I’m begging you here… Please, PLEASE piss of Russia again. Glassing Ankara with a few nukes would solve so many problems in the Middle East at the same time that it would be a damn miracle.


What you say seems to mesh well with the above article–that the “Soros kids” enjoying their 15 minutes in Yerevan are completely beholden to their Anglo paymasters. Mess with the profits of BP and those invitations to Chatham House and Brussels might not be coming for a long while. They mostly want Nagorno-Karabakh resolved; since their ascent to power never was about the Armenian interest, a decisive loss might be just as well as far as they’re concerned?

Pave Way IV

Agree, Ma_Laoshi. As far as I can tell from ‘the newz’ here, the US seems indifferent for now to the outcome as long as the oil/gas keeps flowing (and it’s not from Iran or Russia).

Doom Sternz

These acts of aggression is what the ICC calls the Supreme International Crime. These are war crimes but again the guilty will not be held to account.


What is it with leaders wanting to cozy up to Pompeo and the West? Let Armenians get what they get. And learn.

Fog of War

Russia is caught in a trap, or are Putin’s actions intentional ? The real ” dinner ” is Iran however. NATO on every border ? Did Azerbaijan pay for all its fancy drones , or were they gifts ? Is the Armenian leader playing his part ? Its showtime.


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Random Dude

Check this out: https://twitter.com/BabakTaghvaee1/status/1311974610477428736 Basically Azerbaijan has modified their An-2 (designed during ww2) into drones. Fly them in the conflict to bate Armenian SAMs, and after SAMs hit them TB2 flies to where missile was launched from and destroys it. No wonder why Armenian air defense was eliminated so fast. Full article here: https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2020/10/02/azerbaydzhan-nahodit-pozicii-pvo-nagornogo-karabaha-kukuruznikami

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Doubt it. They bought them from Pakistan which bought them from china. China builds cargo drones based on that exactly model. Now why they are using them or how are they using them, i dont know. Probably as decoys to flash out A/A systems. They are big enough to be recognize as cargo or other planes on S-300 radars.


“The Armenian-Azerbaijani war has been developing in such a way that could lead a military victory of Azerbaijan within 7-14 days. During such a short period, it is practically impossible to organize on the part of Russia” Ehmm does Russia still have, you know, intelligence services? Since we’re talking about a full-scale attack apparently, Azerbaijan’s mobilization couldn’t have happened undetected for those who know where to look? As Russia’s position in its near-abroad gets eroded further, the Kremlin doesn’t know better than to rush and offer to help with Trump’s “flu”–begging for partnership as usual.

Then again, Russia’s inability/unwillingness to stand up to Turkey has been amply documented in Syria, and is known to all sides–particularly Turkey. So it’s not even clear that adequate warning would’ve made any difference. Meanwhile, by all means keep reciting “time is on Russia’s side”, as if doing nothing will eventually make the troubles go away.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Russia can pulverize All Azerbaijan aerial infrastructure with in an hour .Russia has stationed in Syria 1.5 squadrons and that mostly bombers. Unless it went for a generalized war, there is nothing that Russian infrastructure in Syria could do more. Azerbaijan is another case all together. it’s on the first line of defense of the former USSR. Wars arent made with declarations and by pushing buttons. That said, some sort fo conflict with Turkey is inevitable and there is no reason for Russia to waste man power on that country. No one is going to go to nuclear war over turkey if things come to that, but it wont ever come to that. In a scenario of war skirmishes with Turkey Russia will go for the infrastructure the first day. Take out all power stations, refineries, fuel deposits..and let Turks boil in their stew for the next 5 years in Darkness. Needless to say Turkish economy will collapse overnight.


“there is nothing that Russian infrastructure in Syria could do more” — Being wise is not always about doing more. Hey it could even be doing less, for instance, as in not inviting everybody and their dog into Syria and telling them “Here, have a slice, they taste sweet.” After this, who still wants to be a Russian ally?

The Russian task force in Syria seems competent enough, but they’ve been endlessly reined in with withdrawals and ceasefires. This way, the loyalists mysteriously never got round to giving the East some thought until the Americans had already claimed it as their own.

And how to explain that ISIS is still operating in the Homs Desert after six years, or at least did until very recently. As a result, US-SDF did clear ISIS from “their” part of Syria before SAA+Russia managed to do the same in the West–Trump’s boast about this was more true than he probably expected. Ideas and perceptions matter in such a conflict.

Παραπολιτικός Τηλέτυπος

Anyone notice that Southfront now delete comments. Sing that someone long hand has reached their pockets. Doing what i wonder?

what did you write?


The “invisible hand” of International Zionism is driving the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh: https://toranja-mecanica.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-mao-invisivel-do-sionismo.html

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