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Armenian Deputy Prime Minister And Staff Get “Job Well Done” Bonuses, As Azerbaijan Celebrates Entering Kalbajar

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Armenian Deputy Prime Minister And Staff Get "Job Well Done" Bonuses, As Azerbaijan Celebrates Entering Kalbajar

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On November 25th, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense released videos and photographs showing the entry of its Armed Forces in the Kalbajar region.


In Armenia, the Parliament, at the request of the opposition, began discussing the issue of lifting martial law in the country.

Meanwhile, employees of the office of Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan will receive cash bonuses for conscientious work during October.

Mismanaging the situation and losing the war is hard work, and both Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his entire entourage need a reward.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry released statement on the resolution adopted by the French Senate:

  • The resolution adopted by the French Senate is an important step towards the recognition of the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination and a fair solution to the Artsakh issue. With this decision, the people of France and the French Senate that represents them reaffirm their unwavering commitment to the universal civilizational values of human rights.
  • The decision, confirming the need to resume negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship, outlines the ways to eliminate the grave consequences of Azerbaijan’s aggression against the people of Artsakh with the assistance of Turkey and mercenaries. We consider it especially important that the decision clearly fixes violations of international law and human rights by the armed forces of Azerbaijan, as well as Turkey’s expansionist policy.
  • The impartial assessment of French legislators and their condemnation of the criminal aggression against the people of Artsakh and the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict open the way to long-term peace in the region.

This is all very well, but it comes too late and from a body that doesn’t have enough executive power.

There will be no disbandment of the Artsakh Defense Army, David Babayan, an adviser on foreign affairs to the Artsakh President said.

According to the trilateral statement, Artsakh will have two types of borders: the first are the fronts left after the end of hostilities, the second are the former borders of the NKAO.

According to him, the units on which the front did not change during the war will correspond to the borders of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, and the changed units will be in the places of the Azerbaijani army.

“Concerning the withdrawal of Armenian troops from Artsakh, Babayan expressed the opinion that the republic will have forces to ensure its security, without which it is impossible.

In all likelihood, there will be no disbandment of the Defense Army.”

The Russian peacekeeping deployment is continuing its active work. A video was released showing Russian rescuers who finished unloading humanitarian cargo delivered to Karabakh.

Russian peacekeepers ensure control over the implementation of the trilateral agreement during the transfer of control over the Kelbajar region.

The servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, while fulfilling the conditions of the trilateral agreement during the transfer of the Kelbajar region, ensured the safety of the civilian population and the organized transfer of the region.

The situation appears stable.


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Gotta spend diaspora donation somewhere


Armenians have proven very shameless, cowardly and corrupt losers. Absolutely disgraceful.


Armenian “leaders” – lets be precise..


Elected by who ??


By media and voting programs – have a look what is going on in the USA. If they can cheat in USA, they can cheat almost everywhere – Armenia included.. And whoever controls media can program people as he wont – all he needs is money and time..

Rhodium 10

All of them want to be cheap labour and they look for social-Pay benefits and cares in some EU rich countries like Ex Soviet Baltics, Ukraine, Belarus,Georgia,Moldova…If I open my house and serve free food and beer…I´ll have no less than 100 people knocking on the door!..

John Brown

Armenians realized, far too late, that by taking them away from Russia for the USA, Nikol Pachinian had bet on the wrong horse. They understand in retrospect that however corrupt the former team that led them was, it was patriotic, while Soros’ men are opposed to the very concept of nationhood for Armenia, and therefore to the independence of their country..

Mission partially accomplished by the Soros coup leaders so they get the raises for a job well done.

Now to destroy the rest of Armenia ASAP and get more Zio Soros bonuses, mansions in an empire conquered country, hookers, sports cars, drugs etc., F__ck those stupid Armenian Goyims

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