0 $
2,500 $
5,000 $
100 $

Profitable Business: Syrian Mercenary Unveiled Details Of Recruitment To Nagorno-Karabakh (Video)

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Armenian forces have captured another Syrian mercenary who was supporting the ongoing Azerbaijani attack on the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

On November 1, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia shared the confessions of the mercenary, who identified himself as Yusuf Alaabed al-Haji, a father of five from the town of al-Zyadiyah in the northwestern Syrian governorate of Idlib.

Al-Haji said he was promised a monthly salary of $2,000 for fighting as a mercenary in the ranks of Azerbaijani forces against Armenian troops in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“We came here to behead the infidels,” the mercenary said answering a question on why they came to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh.

According to al-Haji, Syrians who came to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh were also promised a reward of $100 for every “infidel” they behead.

Al-Haji is the second mercenary to be captured by Armenian forces since the outbreak of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. The first mercenary, who was captured earlier this week, was identified as Mehred Muhammad Alshkher from Syria’s Hama.

More than 2,000 Syrian mercenaries were reportedly deployed by Turkey in Nagorno-Karabakh in order to support the Azerbaijani attack on the region. The deployed of militants is still ongoing, according to some sources.


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Arman Melkonyan

All of you must understand this.

You cannot negotiate or cooperate with Muslims and Frankist Talmudic Jews.

Both will only stop when you are either killed or enslaved.

Terminate with extreme prejudice or die.


Cut the sh1t!

Tens of people dying on the front each day and you are spamming 24/7. If you are really eager to “terminate” keep your words and go to the front. You are actually being disrespectul to the Armenian soldiers who died in the front.

Random Dude

I am not sure who he is addressing, who he wants to exterminate who? But it is obvious that will all this effort to post here, he doesn’t have balls to go fight himself:)))


He wants to exterminate “Muslims and Frankist Talmudic Jews” :D

Last night he was cursing to Armenians too though, he completely lost it.

Random Dude

Losses on the battlefield is not an easy thing to grasp. maybe this is his coping mechanism


why aren’t you there on the front line? because jews don’t fight their own battles right


Why would he? Does he say “those need to die”, “we must kill those” etc. ?

One need to shut his mouth about the things he won’t or can’t do.

Random Dude

not enough Armenians to target. so they didn’t let me in

catalin zt

When Amighty Iran will unleash their missiles plenty of khazarian SCUM to go swim

Random Dude


Porc Halal

Btw, I remember when you asked me for evidence w/regards to sirian jihadis presence in this conflict…are you?!


I asked and you couldn’t give one. Then I found a geolocation evidence and noticed you about it. Check your previous comments and I am sure you will find it. I would rather believe my eyes than gossips.

Oh and…. how is this related with my comment?

Porc Halal

Nope…wrong answer…i gave you the proof but you are to proud to recognise…no wonder I would say

Porc Halal

PS…it wasn’t related to your comment but related to the subject…


I have reread the comments and only “evidence” you had was Macrons’s speech … sigh…. Other than this, nothing at all. Nice evidence.

Porc Halal

So you finally admit … Was he right about it??…yes he was


You are insisting to not to understand… I don’t care what he says. I only believe when I see a satisfactory evidence. Erdogan tells the truth time to time, would you be satsfied when ı show his words as evidence?

Porc Halal

I think you are the one who does not understand … I did not say that I put any basis or I believe in what macron says as a politician but his statement regarding the subject of the involvement of islamist turkey through its jihadist mercenaries was as head of state implicitly of the french security forces, who convinced me that what he says is true …

Arman Melkonyan

Why do I need to do anything just because you’re telling me to do it?

Go jump off a tall minaret yourself and discover the effects of gravity.


Do it or don’t do it… I really don’t care, but you shouldn’t cry in here about the things are not happening then. And you are the one came up with terminating, all I am saying if you really want it to happen stop your keyboard and do it. But no, you are a clown.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont understand the religion issue…I’m certain that if Lord of the Rings were written 2000 years ago they would all worship Frodo instead of Jesus/god/allah whatever xD


Lotr has more complicated story than Abrahamic religions :D

Servet Köseoğlu

Religion has nothing to do with faith. It’s a concept created by man and it has done nothing but cause fear, hate and delusions of grandeur.

Tommy Jensen

All our Justice Departments are build on the 10 Commandments as universal basic principles. Thus religion is a condition for civilisation, a life without a spiritual side is a life as animal. But……organised religion rightfully disapoint people because they see the hypocrisy and misuse of it by man.

Servet Köseoğlu

I honestly think evolution is real even though it may be more complex than we think. remember evolution and natural selection happens at many different levels and is partly the reason why each living organism is different. ..saying Christianity,islam etc is evil or bad is the same as saying money is the root of all evil. ok, are the bark of a tree which is made into paper or the minerals that is used to make the metals evil? to be honest its the person that will do anything for money that is evil. for example if you give someone power, over an extended time you will be able to test the limits of which they can be corrupted. there is evidence that there are priests in Rome and throughout the world that have raped children, but should we blame Christianity or should we blame these men. our prisons are full of men and women who are and are not religious, but when something bad happens and the perpetrator claims it is for religious value, the blame goes to his religious view rather than the fact that he is a living breathing human being capable of making his own decisions. wars are not always religious but religion is often used as an excuse. once religion can no longer be used as an excuse these people will think of something else..

Tommy Jensen

Agree. Its down to our individual free will of choice. Knife on the throat, do we choose evil or good, satan or god, death or life. Just, your evolution theory cant have happen if you know a little about how the universe, math and physics and nature acts. The Creation is too intelligent, balanced and complex for an ape or big bang theory. Try just this picture here and know the earth circulate around the sun with 107000 km/hr while it circulate around itself. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/74423b104a35cbb1e9876cff95ca4af02254f5dc5124e911e315f171edcc793d.jpg The Thermosphere goes from lower orbit 500C to 2000C high orbit. “Developed by itself and mutation in a billion years”?? Give me a break.

Servet Köseoğlu

I think its because if god dose exist the chances are it is a pure energy. and as you know an energy cannot be created or destroyed only redirected. for example: vibrations create heat, heat creates light and so on. so if god is real it will be in the form of pure energy of some sort maybe resemble a flame or bright light. but the fact that energy cannot be created sparks the question, how did the big bang happen? the thing is supposedly there was nothing before, so nothing could of triggered the big bang. honestly if there was an explosion so big that it can create new Worlds and whole galaxies something huge must of sparked it. if you ask many biologist what is consciousness they will simply say they don’t know for the simple fact that we don’t understand what it is. why do dogs show affection to there owner even if their owner abuses them? what makes a cat feel fear or a human feel love? these are things we don’t know as average individuals and even scientists, but science is in itself another form of faith. faith in the human mind. my aim from this post was not to debunk any claim, but just to let you know that having an open mind is a good thing. Not everything is how it looks at first glance. “

Tommy Jensen

Its ok. Its just the discussion is interesting. They found out the universe is too big for one big bang. Then they assumed many big bangs happened. You see the theory dont hold water.

Einstein reached the step you describe. He concluded some God MUST have designed it all, and then he started like you to imagine what and how this God is and never reached a final conclusion.

Servet Köseoğlu

These are questions that will dwell on the earth forever…

Tommy Jensen

I found the universal key after several years of search, but its too chocking for 99% of people to get their illusions completely broken, so I leave it only to those who by their free will get close.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

“Creation is too intelligent, balanced and complex for a monkey or big bang theory. ” And then you mean that there must be a god who created everything that exists?

Tommy Jensen


Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

And this god made himself out of nothing!

Tommy Jensen

Eternity is not within our ability, yet. We only know the earth is a sandcorn compared to the universe.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Now you did not answer my question. Did your god make himself like the big bang theory.

Tommy Jensen

Why is the colour of grass not blue? I think you should try to get hold of basic knowledge within gramma and math here on earth, before you begin to fly around with questions in the galaxies.

Servet Köseoğlu

Religion is not about provable facts – At least the Big Bang theory,evolution has observable evidence nuff said…

Tommy Jensen

Opposite. Big bang and monkey theory have 0 evidence. The Bible as an example, is full of universal wisdom. The Bible scrolls are the only place where you can find the secret about the water cycle, written 3000 years ago.

The water cycle came first to Europe, France in start of the year 1700 AC. Until then the stupid savages in Europe didnt have a clue about where their water came from………………..LOL

Servet Köseoğlu

Much of the Bible is allergorical ( not to be taken literal ) also you cannot use the term perfect objectively when referring to the universe because you have no basis of comparison and no criteria to define perfection.

Tommy Jensen

We have. Its precisely here God arrive. God is 1. 2 potatoes + 2 potatoes = 4 potatoes. This is the divine perfection of 1.

cechas vodobenikov

true–bible is riven w contradictions —perfection is normative…the possibility of the impossible?

cechas vodobenikov

empirical evidence? even evolution is only partially demonstrated as Gould has shown….some physicists deny big bang, prefer string theory, super string theory

catalin zt

So the anglo-saxons live “spiritual lifes” by the capitalist-fascistfeudalist “justice department” ??? Ha ha ha

Tommy Jensen

At least its more civilised than the ancient headchoppers in mexico or the salafis.

cechas vodobenikov

disagree–all religions, including atheism, can regard struggle for truth or be interpreted rigidly and employed as an artifact for conflict

Nenad Vojinovic

And manipulation of masses, keeping them in poverty while highest ranking clergy piling up their wealth.

catalin zt

Indeed but at the core of this PLAGUE are 2 races: the anglo-saxons and jewkhazarians! They need to be EXTERMINATED first and then the “jihadism” will disappear like magic! Amen!

Arman Melkonyan

Muslims were the scourge of the earth before Anglo-Saxons became a world problem.

The English also gave us the Magna Carta and David Hume. So it’s not all the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Islam only gave us rape, torture and genocide.

There is a difference.

Porc Halal

That’s very true

Tommy Jensen

Who gave us algebra, the bone saw and the ban against usury and smelly armpits? Islam! Islamic architecture who gave us that? Islam! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a7586e7d439d19ecfba21bd0508abf6d8af850cb6804ed0706b987272300dc1.jpg

Porc Halal

Lol…who gives as the algebra and matematics????…islam??!!…hahahahaha!!!! where did you read that nonsense?!…ban against usury and smelly armpits?!…are considering these as worlds wonders or big achievments for the man kind?!…OMG!!!…hahahahahaha!!!!…and….and…hahahahaha!!!…oh, my…and, what else…ah, islamic architecture…buoahhahahahajahjajaj!!!!..

catalin zt

Islamic architecture is playing with mud,then let it dry then you have adobe mud house…

Arman Melkonyan

The Muslims quickly turned against their few intellectuals and banned and persecuted them.

Go defend science and modern ideas in a Muslim country today and see where it gets you.

Sure, terror drones and killing machines, they love that.

Tommy Jensen

Pentagon and Silicon Valley invented the terror drones and killing lists. Then you blame muslims for this too?

Arman Melkonyan

You are disgusting.

Muslim Turkey is a major drone power. Turkish President Erdogan’s son-in-law Bayraktar’s company makes them: https://digit.site36.net/2019/12/21/drone-power-turkey/

Tommy Jensen

I know Turkey is a sewage hole. No compare. But it still not contradict that killer drones were invented and used first on a major scale from on US soil. Unmanned killer drones are one of the most disgusting and ugly creations in my opinion.

Arman Melkonyan

I’m not defending them either.

Porc Halal

16 Famous and Greatest Mathematician…

Who are the greatest and most famous mathematicians ever lived? Well, its answer is not easy as mathematics was known to humanity since the prehistoric times, long before the birth of Christ…

16. Srinivasa Ramanujan 15. Joseph-Louis Lagrange 14. Andrew Wiles 13. Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi 12. Alan Turing 11. G.F. Bernhard Riemann 10. Henri Poincaré 9. David Hilbert 8. Fibonacci 7. Bernoulli Family 6. Pythagoras 5. Carl Friedrich Gauss 4. Issac Newton 3. Leonhard Euler 2. Archimedes 1. Euclid

Only muslims…you was right…

Tommy Jensen

I did not say “only muslims”. Said Islam contributed to civilisation within medics and math and architecture.

Porc Halal

But there is no muslim in that list or any other list!…Name at least one muslim mathematician or medic who contributed to “civilisation” , of course, if you can…

Tommy Jensen

Already did. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/37a43f400c152bcf20041b1b8ab819f73d161c7444e74a1f85ab50a9d445d6ab.jpg

Tommy Jensen

Avicienna, Medic. Diabete. Father of early modern medicine. Famous Scientist. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da9151b69ff5f1aab34a27022db0d2d4e2a5e1955b22f32357733fb221658fa1.jpg

Me&Myself None

Interesting that you mention Isaac Newton. yet most of his ideas were stolen from great french mathematician Abraham de Moivre

cechas vodobenikov

no ptolemy, lakatos, liebnitz?

Porc Halal

This is taken from www as an example … there are many more other geniuses out there, but the idea is that there are zero muslims geniuses…

catalin zt

Algebra came from the Arabs way long before islam…islam came with the paedo “profet”

Tommy Jensen

Again, I see more paedos in NYC and Washington and London than in ME. Western mirror again again.

Ida Acobian

Inner path followers, Sufis were different but there were murdered by the same murderous pseudo muslim scum.



SHUT UP…YOU ARE NOT ARMENIAN … you use the Greek flag, and you have the audacity to talk about us ??? BY WHAT RIGHT ?? NEITHER WE OR THE ARMENIANS GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT US …. AND TELL US WHAT TO DO !!! take out the Greek flag ..and do not talk about us. Put the flag from your shit country … why don’t you put it ?? Do not see what hole you are from ??

Random Dude

100$ for beheading?:)))))) I almost believed it until the beheading story:))))). Here is a tip for Armenian propaganda. Make the story in line with the claims of opponent, not own. Its is Armenian cries that “Turks are coming for genocide”, not Azerbaijani. So in the next POW, just say that 100$ for 100sqm territory. That would be more believable. Unless this is done for the internal consumption, then all good smart message.

catalin zt

Shut up muslim, jihadi monkey,you are all backward and basic !

Random Dude

I can shut up, but that will not stop Armenians from flying off a drone attack. We can debate here all day long, that will not change the territorial changes in Karabakh. You can call me whatever you want, that will not stop the Armenian positions from drifting Slowly drifting, drifting away, day after day, day after day.


as new armenian drones come online it is your dogs and pigs that will be frying. it will be a long winter

Random Dude

I knew it!!!! I knew the ancient Armenian innovators were up to something. I bet they are undetectable, bird size, nuclear armed, all weather, invisible, invincible super-pooper ancient Armenian drones. Armenasaur 2.0.

catalin zt

Muslim jihadi monkey of muhammad the PAEDOPHILE armed and trained by anglo-saxonskhazarian genocidal MAFIA on Earth at the orders of Erdogan sultan of Gypsyland!

Random Dude

And I thought you can’t make a sentence only from adjectives. Anglo-saxons need your innovation to their language.


anglo/saxon/slav all belong to europe, jews/khazar/arab shit belong in a big hole in the ground fucking dog


turkey committing war crimes again while putin sits back and allows it. remember when chechen rats were beheading russians? remember when afghan dogs were beheading russians? putin must enjoy it

Random Dude

Hello from the other side:))) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c051dfa8cfdb5a5c0ba9230d5dce16f8cedf415e5786f27d472f70084595d50e.jpg


if putin keeps going like this he will end up like Nicolae Ceaușescu

Random Dude

Yes, ancient Armenian people will overthrow him. We all know that Russia cannot survive without Armenia and no Russian leader can survive without Armenian blessing


give that random person $200 and then he will start talking about beheading azerbaycanis…what a bs propaganda by armenia…


muslims would cut their own mothers throat for $1 usd. they have no spine, that is why the pigs eat them in armenia

Random Dude

Why random? pick Lebanese Armenians that recently moved. They will write a novel on Azerbaijanis sending Avengers to fight their war.


lebanese armenians?…thats also possible…

Random Dude

Here is one. And no one asks what are you doing in Azerbaijani territory:))) 0:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NluOeUdwTZ8

Tommy Jensen

We are keeping an eye on the parties who are not keeping the International human rights for civilians, on those who are using chemical attacks on children, who are bombing hospitals and weddings with phospher bombs, and who are jeopardizing the freedom for peaceful people from the free and civilised world. When THEY break these rules we have the right to bomb them to make them behave in accordance with the International usury rules.

Random Dude

Sounds like a quote from early days of Syrian civil war

Porc Halal

“We came here to behead the infidels” … this statement explains in few words the essence of islam as (a criminal) ideology…

Tommy Jensen

This infamious salafist ideology is purely on your side. Radical Islam was invented in London, printed in schoolbooks to Afghanistan primary schools in NYC and funded by Saudi on demand from Washington and London.

Porc Halal

You accuse me of something dude?!…you must be mentally retarded…big time!

Tommy Jensen

Just providing facts little boy. https://news.cgtn.com/news/34456a4d316b7a6333566d54/share_p.html

Porc Halal

your shitty arguments don’t stand … come up with arguments that might prove I’m wrong … until then, shut up and save words

Tommy Jensen

Acquant yourself with reality. Its on any search machine, Amazon, in literature. Media reference to Saudi Prince Salman open statement. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e58313ff80adf503f1c337b60a4085aa1abacad38410f1e712ddd4a13553ac17.jpg

Porc Halal

So you take for granded amazon and the a saudi prince?!…sorry but these are not “arguments” to me…and what “literature” are you refering to??…

Tommy Jensen

Arent you able to use a search machine yourself? Do you think I am a servant to your foolishness? You can pull a Camel down to the river by force, but you cant force the Camel to drink. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/31aeea7add2c5a48f63c89f9256a8c6960452f8c3e3c6fe7a398b38aee1d31c0.jpg

Porc Halal

Well, I’m done here … it’s clear to me … the first clue when a mindless individual has no arguments is that he will change the subject of discussion or become violent (in language or even physically) …

Porc Halal

PS…speaking of searching machine you dumb…

You may start searching for this book first to introduce you with what islam realy means…

Muslim – What You Need To Know About The World’s Fastest Growing Religion by Hank Hanegraaff

A little fragment from this book…

“ But is Islam really a peaceful and tolerant religion? This question does not lend itself to a simplistic answer. To begin with, we should note that the word Islam, derived from the root s-l-m, means “submission (to the will of Allah).” As the venerable Muslim scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali rightly conveys in his widely respected translation of the Qur’an, “The Religion before Allah is Islam [l-is’lāmu] (submission to His Will)” (3:19).10 Thus, when Muhammad instructed devotees to fight “the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves sub- dued” (Q 9:29),11 he was clearly communicating that submission to Allah meant fighting Christians and Jews to the point of surrender or death. And as Allah makes plain in the very next ayah (verse), waging war against “People of the Book” was not necessitated by self-defense but by what he perceived as the falsity of their Judeo-Christian traditions” …and there is a lot more to read and LEARN, if you really want too, you ignorant…

Tommy Jensen

I have heard it all before. The same phrases been used about the Jews, the Christians, the blacks, the coloured, the commies, the Alawites, m.m.

Tommy Jensen

Articles and books.

catalin zt

The perverse Albion ….what I’m talking about


Not really! But this is what British Islam taught them… Wahabism since its inauguration by colonial Britain make takhfir on Muslims… Who ever is not one of them fits death, just look at the SAA, 70% Sunnis but the Wahabis calls them infidels, because the support the government.

Porc Halal

British islam?!… seriously?!…

Tommy Jensen

Absolutely seriously!

Porc Halal

Absolutely seriously what?!…

Porc Halal

don’t come up with nonsense and fairy tales like “arguments for convincing useful idiots”, come up with arguments to prove I’m wrong



Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have been saying. Its nothing personal against anybody from our American side, only a matter of business.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Cut off his facial skin and ball stones so he can not multiply.

Ida Acobian

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”


is stupid and idotic..HIDE behinds the WORD ..RE/LIGION..and committed all kinds of crime in the name of …god or .whatever..and is more STUPID BELIVED such thing..how could be posible that in 21 century people is doing ..and sayings ..repiting SAME HISTORY ALL OVER THE WORLD and ..yes because aholly book say so…when YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN THAT THE REAL IS NOT AGAINST ANYBODY OR ANYONE>>>outside is INSIDE AGAINST YOU YOURSELVE..the BATTLE IS AGAINST YOU …

cechas vodobenikov

the difference between these primitives and amerikans is that they behead for money and the amerikans torture and kill for enjoyment

Potato Man

he was promised 2000$ montly for the fight against “infidels”

“montly” she sure didn’t read it, before posting (like me)…she was that happy? Beside it would be funny if Turkey steal PKK and make a video about it, saying he/she is from Kurds Syria and was “promised” 2000$ to fight people who want their land back… You know what Kurds doing in Iraq-Syria (like Armenian) with help of Zion and Americans. LMFAO

We know there are “Freedom fighters” in N-K…what did Armenian thought gonna happen by making a video? Russia made a whole statement about…so did Iran..the monkey British as well. They sent picture being in N-K…what Armenia gonna achieve by that?


It is fake. The dude is a pkk




Not fake. https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1323315471601569792?s=20

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