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Armenian Forces Use Their Last Chance To Turn Tide Of War With Azerbaijan

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The Azerbaijani Armed Forces have been developing their advance on Armenian positions in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. On October 19, they captured 13 more villages in the Jabrayil district. The capturing of Soltanli, Amirvarli, Mashanli, Hasanli, Alikeykhanli, Gumlag, Hajili, Goyarchinveysalli, Niyazgullar, Kechal Mammadli, Shahvalli, Haji Ismayilli and Isagli was personally announced by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Early on October 20, Azerbaijani forces also reached the town of Tumas and engaged Armenian units deployed there. Pro-Azerbaijani sources insist that the town already fell into the hands of Baku.

The country’s defense ministry claims that in the recent clashes Azerbaijani forces destroyed a number of enemy troops, at least 2 T-72 tanks, 2 BM-21 “Grad” MLRS, 1 D-30, 1 D-20 gun-howitzers, and 11 auto vehicles.

On October 19, pro-Armenian sources for the first time provided video evidence that they had shot down at least one of the Bayraktar TB2 combat drones operated by the Azerbaijani military and Turkish specialists.  Meanwhile, the Armenian Defense Ministry claimed that 5 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down during the evening of that day only.

According to the Armenian side, the total number of Azerbaijani casualties in the war reached 6,259. 195 UAVs, 16 helicopters, 22 military planes, 566 armoured vehicles and 4 multiple rocket launchers of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan were allegedly destroyed. Yerevan claims that the Armenian forces have repelled two powerful attacks in the northern part of Karabakh, while intense fighting has been ongoing in the south. Nonetheless, Armenian military officials avoid confirming the recent Azerbaijani advances and insist that the recent developments are just a part of modern maneuver warfare. By these claims, the political leadership of Armenia tries to hide that the Azerbaijani advance along the Iranian border faced little resistance.

The Azerbaijani progress was mostly complicated by a limited number of mobile Armenian units, which were avoiding a direct confrontation and focusing on ambushes and mine warfare. According to reports, the Armenian side is now reinforcing its positions in the area of the Akari River seeking to prevent the further Azerbaijani advance towards the Armenian state border and the Lachin corridor.

On the other hand, the goal of the Azerbaijani-Turkish bloc is to overcome this resistance and to develop the current momentum to reach the Lachin mountain pass thus threatening to cut off the shortest route between Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh. In the event of success, this would predetermine the Azerbaijani victory in the war. Military hostilities are ongoing amid another round of international diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation and return the sides to the negotiating table.President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan declared that they are ready to meet in Moscow. The Azerbaijani leader even said that his country is ready to halt the operation if Armenia demonstrates a constructive approach. Nonetheless, the ‘constructive approach of Armenia’ in the view of Azerbaijan is the full and public surrender of Karabakh. Such an agreement will mark the collapse of the current political leadership of Armenia and is unlikely to be accepted.Therefore, the war will likely continue until the military victory of one of the sides and that side would likely be Azerbaijan.

Baku has already achieved an impressive breakthrough on the frontline if one compares the current situation with local military escalations in the previous years. As to Armenia, it will not likely be able to turn the tide of the conflict if it continues limiting its response to indirect support of forces of the Republic of Artsakh instead of a direct military action to repel the Azerbaijani-Turkish bloc. Clashes of the previous weeks already demonstrated that Baku has an upper hand in the current format of the military standoff in Karabakh. Therefore, if Yerevan really wants to change something, it should change the rules of the game even if this would create additional risks for Armenia itself.

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The Objective

They managed to shoot down one TB2 drone despite heavy losses in equipment and lives. If they had shot down more, the videos would be circulating online right now.


You understand a lot of them fell in Azeri side? How do you want them to give you proof? Walk across the lines and snap a few pictures for your pleasure?

Azeri government lies all the time. Armenian government is telling the truth. Credibility is badly needed on the Azeri side not the Armenian one.


With all the lies circulating nowadays I can’t stop being amazed how some still believe this kind of claims without any vids or pics


You understand and understand very well my dear. Do not paint Armenia with the stupid Azeri propaganda that is notorious and stupid all at the same time. Do not paint us with the same brush as theirs! They have tonnes of dead period! They are using cluster munitions in residential areas, not only is this banned it’s a fucking war crime. They keep saying this is a lie but there are videos proof on youtube. i suggest before countering you go look yourself.


From what I know, YT removes videos with explicit/violent content.


Russian troops in Armenia over looking the border of Nagorno-Karabakh. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/615659d8fbf0b1cc31d36d781a83fe50b26366f7d720d9436da9eda5cd407a7f.jpg


This proves that everything is already discussed and agreed. Russian troops will guard Armenia Azerbaijan border, like it does Armenia Turkey and Armenia Iran border. That way when Azerbaijani army reaches the direct border, the clashes don’t move into Armenian territory.

Jihadi Colin

If the Pashinyan regime had had the slightest interest in defending Artsakh it would have recognised the territory as independent, or annexed it. Not having done either, it is not going to go to war to defend what even it recognises to be occupied Azerbaijan territory.


pashinyan is a traitor, Russia and armenian people are conned, that is well earned for accepting soros color revolution

Jihadi Colin

I agree he’s a traitor. But he’s in power and so far I don’t see any real non colour uprising against him.


Secret playground for adults, where you can meet different people – https://cutt.ly/CgxcpLw


If Armenian forces attack Azerbaijan forces from Armenia, Azerbaijan has every right to attack them where they are, and if Armenia attacks Azerbaijani targets further inside Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan has every right to retaliate deep inside Armenia too. And there’s nothing Russia can, should or will do about it. Hopefully the Armenians are not so stupid as to bury themselves in a deeper hole than they can crawl out of.


They are not Russian troops. They are Armenian troops posing as Russians.

Europe hates America

Armenians in karabakh still lacking with social distancing. I thought they’re smarter than the isis turks…

Death to Turks

It’s only beginning. Ganja will be reduced to a pile of rubble and we will kill everybody living there. Your bodies pile up in karabakh. Every single day I get videos from the frontline showing dozens of Azeri corpses. All the while you have empty nothing land that took you 3 weeks to take while having a bigger army with drones. Pathetic is putting you people mildly.


I bet you are very popular over on Liveuamap.:)

Europe hates America

Armenians lost 90% cause of the drone hits. I still think azeris lost much more manpower but they have also a bigger population.

Death to Turks

Of course. In the 90s they had no drones and we took control of everything. Now they cry about Ganja being hit. We have to keep hitting it until they submit to us.

Europe hates America

I don’t think it helps you if u try to hit ganja

Death to Turks

We aren’t trying we are hitting it. 2 or 3 times already. We will continue as long as azeris keep attacking. We will kill all of them.




Very bad strategy and rhetoric, plays straight into the hands of the enemy.

Death to Turks

We’re not worried


You ought to be, it does not look good for Artsakh, and suicide-tactics won’t improve it.

Death to Turks

When your enemy does insanely idiotic things like sending a small group of troops up toward lachin thinking they will take it as opposed to be being blown to pieces we don’t worry.

Jihadi Colin

I still have the screenshots, you don’t have to worry either.

Pashinyan is already begging for compromise. Far too late for that now.

Death to Turks

Beg hard enough and maybe we’ll let you take your dead bodies back but you’re gonna lift them because there’s many many many of them.

Jihadi Colin

In two weeks Pashinyan will be negotiating surrender terms. With Lachin gone Artsakh is finished. At least you’ll be finished with it. That’s the only good thing.

Death to Turks

Lachin gone. Bwahahahah. Sad little people believe the badly directed propaganda fed to them. If only you really understood the level of lose azeris have incurred, such advanced technology and large numbers and look at you, littering our lands with your corpses and destroyed armor. You’re in impotent and you’re failing

Jihadi Colin

Oh yes, Armenia is about to capture Baku.

By this time next month you’ll have deleted your account to avoid the mockery from everyone coming your way.

Death to Turks

You don’t get it. We will never stop. Azeris and Turks around the world as well are going to face repercussions. The war doesn’t end when Artsakh is secured. We will eliminate you totally.

Jihadi Colin

Your will eliminate *who*?

Delusional propaganda won’t get you far even on Disqus. The facts won’t stop for you. All you are doing is losing support for the Armenian cause among uncommitted people. Are you a black propaganda Azeri troll?


We also get every single day videos…. And they are many, many, many sons of mothers who die for the stubburness of Armenian Governement. Just one of many from Today: Counter of Counter Attack of Armenian Troops. Location: Qubadli, 39.379498, 46.620514 https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1318589733879033856

Hotzones are always watched by Drones who coordinate and guide also MLRS and Artillery fire.

Death to Turks

Blah blah your car away drone footage is not impressive. Armenians fighting for their land with thousands volunteering from other countries is not Armenian government stubbornness it’s you being ignorant to the fact that it isn’t your land. You lost and were humiliated in the 90s because you are sub-human dogs. The same is happening now.

Last time the war was 6 years, there’s no problem having a war the same amount of time now. But will your people still want to invade after Ganja is destroyed and Mingachevir dam is destroyed?

Europe hates America

Why u think it helps you to destroy ganja? U a little bit delusional… maybe too young to understand all that


Yes delusional is the right word, when I read your comments :)

Europe hates America

Man u won’t find more delusional ppl than u dirty turks. U the #1 social media warrior u would win any kind enemie in one day. But still cleaning our shit here and working at mc donald. Retarded folk as I always say


Hip hop queen , Can you still visit Mc Donalds with that immigrant allowance you are receiving from the Swiss state ?

Lazy Gamer

He is directly suffering in the war… Of course he will have ideas like this.


6 years? A couple of Months and there will be no Armenian soldiers left to resist with this daily balance.

Death to Turks

No problem. If it comes to death every missile we have will be sent throughout azerbaijan and destroy it all. That’s how far we will go. You’re messing with the wrong people. We will kill all of ourselves if that’s what it takes. But we WILL take you all with us. It’s not worth it for you. Go back to baku and enjoy your corrupt oil city. You don’t need this mountainous ancient Armenian land.

You will not even be able to cross our mountains to get to Stepanakert or Shushi or kelbajar anyways it’s not possible.


Oh dont worry, Turks are always ready to die for their country. If you step up the death of civilians, so will Aserbaidschan step up their Advance. Aserbaidschan has more firepower in Rockets and missiles then Armenia, but it doesnt shoot in purpose into Towns the way Armenia does it. Most of civils in Stepankert have already left. The only reason why Azeris are not fully moving in with all they have, is to minimize their casualities by neutralizing resistance first with Drones etc. You cant take down Aserbaidschan…you are too weak. The Drones take care of your Tanks and Rockets before and they will took out more till you are left with your AK‘s.

Death to Turks

Haha well they’re not doing very well at minimizing their casualties. You’re not dying for your country you’re dying for your corrupt dictator for a land that’s populated 100% by Armenians who will never ever give up under any circumstance.


Don’t waste your time with him. He is sick.


same for the goat fuckers if the Greeks, Kurds, Syrians and Iranians recognize the opportunity to rid the world of these cursed nations.. of course, the Christians get raised to eternal life when Christ returns while the martyred goat fuckers end up in a lake of fire …sans virgins …and their families stiffed on the $1500 promised by the king of goat fuckers Erdogan his donmeh highness sitting on the seat at the synogogue of satan in central Turkey


” of course, the Christians get raised to eternal life when Christ returns ” ” highness sitting on the seat at the synogogue of satan in central Turkey”

that sums it up.. LOL.

Why dont you go back and help yr armenian brothers dying in frontline instead of of getting yr butt sun tanned in Glendale ?

Death to Turks



Yes they are casualities of Azerbajcan. No one denies this. But the casualities of Armenia in Material and Person is much much higher. These videos of Armenian site, dont come even close to the videos of Azeris. Armenian loses/wounded are already in the Thousands probably.

Death to Turks

I have several more videos. Azeris hide this from their people. They hide the fact that they are losing. Have you seen the amount of mountainous terrain surrounding Stepanakert shsuhi and lachin? You would never be able to move into these areas it’s physically impossible.

Europe hates America

Winter is coming and the mountains are in front of the azeris. Will be hard for them but armenians can’t finish that without help

Death to Turks

No matter. Even if it means our total destruction we will take them down with us. We will launch every iskander on baku and ganja and mingachevir


In the end Aserbaidschan will prevail. You have not close the Firepower of them. Didnt you see the Videos how Armenian Missile and Rocket System got knocked out before they even could shoot? This will happen more and more till you have nothing left….

Death to Turks


Watch, every day you lose a lot. Equipment men tanks drones everything. We are well entrenched in the mountains with winter coming. This land is an azeri meat grinder. It will keep getting uglier for you.

Europe hates America

I don’t think so. I would also claim this war was prepared in the background by turkey, russia and aliyev

Death to Turks

What you think isn’t relevant.

Europe hates America

Why that agressiv dude? I also hate the retarded isis turks but try to be a little bit realistic


Did he bite you while you were trying to pet him ? Thats usually what happens when you try to pet a snake.


and Israel so they can attack Iran from the north.. Iran is foolish to let Azeris advance there.. they will rue the day they let it happen, of course they have 15 million of the goat fuckers in their own country, so it is a tightrope walk, but as I said this is all about the coming war on Iran, Trump gave Erdo the green light on orders from tel aviv’s man in the white house.. the real president.. Jared 666


why are the oil pipelines intact? these are feeding the jews and the jews are feeding the turks some drones

Death to Turks

I don’t know, probably the other countries that could benefit from the pipeline in Europe. Eventually it will become a viable target through. With some time.

Lazy Gamer

December cant come fast enough. lol

Rhodium 10

Armenia dont have drones to post video of attacks….but using Smerch MRLS with surely new Rocket 9M542 300mm Thermobaric head which have Glonass guide I am pretty sure that have caused huge damage in Azerbajan army..above all if Russia give them position and place of deployments of AZ army…


Maybe…. but to my knowledge Aserbaidschan has also Smerch in more numbers then Armenia. Aserbaidschan has also Israeli Lora and Turkish Kasirga K+ with 10m CEP. So the Azeris have much firepower as Backup which they havent used much of yet. Azeri firepower outways….

Rhodium 10

Armenia also have Toschka, Elbrus and Iskander ( 5m CEP) and 500kg of warhead….and are receiving constant supply from Russia accord Aliyev and Erdogan…it is not an easy task..the proof is the advance is limited to south and close to Iran where the terrain is flat land and without vegetation…another thing would be the mountains with fog, Rocks caves and trees…only infantery vs infantery without drones in close combat which can lead friendly fire casualties.


hoping Armenia can capture undetonated Lora reverse engineer and return to sender. the genocidal fake jews living on the stolen Palestinian lands.. center of Tel Aviv, gay capital of the world would be an appropriate target


Doubtful, it is likely Azeri loses are actually higher as they have been struggling during their ground attacks. Most Armenian loses are probably just from air attacks.

I have seen numerous examples of heavy Azeri casualties from ambushes, whereas the Azeris are usually just destroying unoccupied vehicles or towed artillery pieces.

Not sure about the Azeri jihadist mercs, but we can guess at least 200 or so.


When someone use the words ‘just’ or ‘only’ to minimize something, perfect example :)

John Brown

Lots of chicken hawk Armenians here who don’t care about their brothers dying in a hopeless war. These chicken hawks should go to the front line to fight to the death themselves.


we care deeply and btw who the fuck are you?

Jihadi Colin

And why is it that anytime has to die? Do you seriously imagine that this could not be solved by negotiations and territorial exchange?

Death to Turks

There were negotiations until Azerbaijan decided to try and invade and bomb us.

Jihadi Colin

When we’re these negotiations? They say you didn’t negotiate honestly. By “us” in any case who are you talking about, the Artsakhian government or the government of Armenia? If the latter, what right does it have to negotiate on Artsakh’s behalf? If the former, what right does Artsakh have to negotiate when even by Armenia’s account is occupied Azeri territory and does not have any right to negotiate at all?

You see the basic problem. Why has Armenia not recognised Artsakh? Artsakh isn’t even in a grey area, like South Ossetia or Abkhazia. Even the only protection it has considers it nonexistent, so who negotiates and for what?

Death to Turks

Armenia and Artsakh are one. Armenians are one people. Artsakh has had its own government and military for 30 years and even has diplomats in other nations. Armenia does not acknowledge it as part of Azerbaijan. In fact karabakh or Artsakh has never been apart of independent Azerbaijan. The people voted twice for independence in 1988 and 1991.

In any event Azeris suddenly bobbing civilians and sending in their military as well as drone strikes as well as Syrian terrorists all orchestrated by turkey are all extreme human rights violations. The people of Artsakh have a right to self determination and a right to not have bombs dropped on them.

Jihadi Colin

If Armenia and Artsakh are one why has the Pashinyan regime

1. Not recognised Artsakh? 2. Not sent the Armenian armed forces to defend Artsakh? Why is it up to Armenian volunteers, who are outnumbered and outgunned? 3. Not activated CSTO to call in Russian aid?

It seems to me perfectly obvious that the Pashinyan regime has decided to sacrifice Artsakh. Saying “they’re one” is pointless talk. They are as much “one” as Serbia and the Republic of Serb Krajina and I assume you are aware what happened to that.

Death to Turks

They don’t need to recognize them they are all Armenians and provide so much to them already, they need to satisfy you with recognizing it officially.

You must be joking if you don’t think most of the defense of Artsakh is by Republic of Armenia, their military is always in Artsakh and they are the ones there defending in addition to the Artsakh army and volunteers. You know nothing about this conflict.

Jihadi Colin

If I don’t know anything about this conflict, how come all my predictions so far have come true?

Death to Turks

I don’t care about you or your predictions. If you support terrorists go support them I don’t care. Go to the frontline with them if you are so confident in them.


Thats what you also have to do , hip hop queen. Why dont you go and help yr armenian brothers in NK instead of giving them some hollow advices from here ?

Death to Turks

I’m helping them, are you helping the azeris? How many Turks and Azeris from abroad have went to help them fight? 0. And they need all the help they can get from the videos I am seeing.


Azeris do not seem to be in need of help for the time being, dont you think ?

Death to Turks

Their burned blown up and torn up corpses of which I’ve seen a few hundred of myself, say otherwise.


I have seen more armenian bodies flying in the air, boy You are losing lands as you try to convince us how successful yr army is. Does it hurt ? Yeap it surely does . LOL

Death to Turks

Remember, Azeris outnumber Armenians over 3-1 with Turkish military directly involved as well and also Syrian jihadists for 3 weeks you’ve been at it nonstop and look what you have to show for it.

Some empty abandoned villages and fields that are not even listed by name on maps, pathetic. You should have had the whole place conquered by now, especially with Armenians fighting all on their own. Incompetent Turks.


Thats the story goes .. We were defeated , but….( fill in the blanks with various excuses )

May be next time you wont bite more then you can chew , no ?

Death to Turks

Apparently you’re unaware that Armenians currently control karabakh. You’re unaware Turks and Azeris and Syrian jihadists have tried for 3 weeks but failed at capturing anything more than abandoned rubble. You’re unaware that we fought for 6 years and killed you all and drove you all out not only from karabakh but your own regions surrounding it haha, now you are trying so hard but failing. Oh well.


Lol . Keep dreaming . keep fooling bourself . Thats the reason even people who shud be on yr side are trying to open your eyes but you are blindly refusing to see.

Hope this war continues a bit longer – Nice to see that yr youngsters at the age of marriage are being wasted on some fronts under some drones. You are finishing yrselves with yr own stupidity.

Death to Turks

I enjoy my meals every day watching videos and pictures of the Azeri corpses. They’re even being eaten by wild boars out in the fields. They will fertilize Armenian crops from now on instead of their future children. I would love to eat from vegetables grown from buried azeri corpses but I would probably get food poisoning from the creature.


Good for you , LOL.


You are one vile, disgusting, nasty, sub-human, genocidal barbarian. The best thing to happen is for an Azerbajanian bomb to drop on your head.

Death to Turks

If you knew what we were facing you would understand our need to be brutal. They are terrorist barbarian invaders backed by Israel and turkey. You’ve never had to fight for anything your whole life.


I know what avile, disgusting, nasty, sub-human, genocidal barbarian like you claims you are facing, in order to justify your barbaric hate and behavior. I certainly have had to fight for something, but I am not so hateful, or stupid, that I would fight against my own government and then wish death upon virtually all of my countrymen, whether or not they support the government, and similar people not even in my country. I don’t take issue with your refusal to recognize what country you live in, it might be dumb but that is your right, but everything else makes me wish more than anything that you will lose, and decidedly lose. FWIW I really hate my government to, but I am not wishing death onto everyone that supports it, or is of the same ethnic groups, because I am not fundamentally evil like you.

Death to Turks

Are you crazy or what? I wish death to Azerbaijan and their people violating my peoples right to existence in Artsakh. When have I said any hatred for my own countrymen? What are you talking about? You must do drugs.


Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azeribaijan, and you wish death to them, so I hope they manage to kill you soon. It will be for the best. And nobody is violating anyone’s right to existence, except for you, you lying terrorist genocidal barbaric idiot.

Death to Turks

I don’t have time to explain common sense and reality to ignorant terrorists like you. If you want go to the frontline and end up in one of your videos as a burned shot up corpse, it would be a pleasure.


Nah, I am waiting here, so I can see your burned up corpse being skull-f*cked by some of the millions of Syrians idiot evil genocidal liars like you say are running around there. That would be awesome! Now quick, go, attack some of those Syrians, stop wasting time typing on Southfront, go fight, coward, go fight!

Death to Turks

You are supporting the side of Israel zionists and Syrian terrorists you fool. Come to the front so I can eat your burnt corpse for dinner.


I do believe that you a cannibal too, you sub-human terrorist genocidal cowardly liar. Hopefully a bomb drops on your house tonight. Amen!

Death to Turks

Come here let me cook you.

Death to Turks

We have churches and fortresses on karabakh that predate the name Azerbaijan by thousands of years. We have been the controlling force of the region since we won the war in 1994 and we have always been the majority population throughout history as well as the native indigenous people to that land you genocidal imperialist colonizer.


Go fight already you sub-human barbaric coward. I’m tired of your pathetic evil, nobody cares about you, except we all want to see your burned-out corpse with some of your imaginary Syrian jihadists pissing on your skull.

Death to Turks

You’re a terrorist. You’re the spawn of satan and support genocide and Islamic extremism.


You f*ing cruel satanic cannibal, I clearly do not, and you clearly do, you sub-human, worthless, genocidal terrorist. Hope Azerbaijan crushes you.

Death to Turks

You hope an innocent nation of Christians that already won the war gets crushed because I hurt your feelings with me brutality? Little girl.


I hope you get crushed you evil cannibalistic genocidal satanic barbaric sub-human cowardly pussy.

Death to Turks

Get mental help. Azeri soldiers bring Syrian terrorists there and execute Armenians on camera they even murdered a disabled man. I guess you support that. You can hope and hope all you want little pathetic girl, go to the frontline and see for yourself how the azeri invaders get slaughtered.


Whatever they do, they can’t possibly be as evil as you. But, where’s the link to these alleged executions, hmmmm? I think your criminally insane mind just fabricates them so you feel good being a hateful genocidal cannibal.

Death to Turks

You’re a naive little girl. That is two civilians with their Armenian and Artsakh flags draped over them as Azerbaijani soldiers speaking Azerbaijani shoot them dead on camera. https://twitter.com/gaz_kalash/status/1316721905412517888?s=20


I have no idea who these two are, who executed them, and why, and neither do you. It is rather obvious the poster is a savage liar, just like you, as this was has nothing whatsoever to do with Jihad or anything against Christians. Azerbaijan is Shi’a, it is the Sunni Muslims who are the jihadists. But you like to lie, I get it, you are profoundly evil and a liar.

Even if it is Azerbaijanis executing their countrymen in a civil war, that’s what happens in civil war, esp. to combatants. There is no evidence that civilians are being executed and if anything this looks like revenge against two combatants. The number of civilians casualties in this war are actually astoundingly low.

Death to Turks

You are 100000% biased somehow. Most likely a turk Azeri or Pakistani or some other sympathetic ethnic if group. I wish for you and your mother to be burned alive. We’re all liars every proof I have is a lie but Azerbaijan are only truthful. Now Armenians are countrymen in a civil war.

I wish you were in front of me I’d rip the eyes out of your head.


You pathetic, sub-human cannibal, you couldn’t rip the wings off a fly, you are more cowardly than a little girl, go to Hell, soon I hope, you disgusting, vile, subhuman satanic monster.

Death to Turks

Turkish Azeri Pakistani or a Bosnian maybe which are you? Or a Ukrainian pile of garbage.

Death to Turks

Disabled Armenian man beaten to death by Azeri troops. He was also shot in the palm of his hand. https://twitter.com/margztogo/status/1318424952824004608?s=20


So you claim. I don’t know how he died or what he did before or where he was killed, it’s just some picture on Twitter. Neither do you. Maybe Armenians killed him because he wanted peace and to stop the fighting.

Death to Turks

You are garbage. Pure human garbage. Turks at least are a brainwashed through the years you’re not even a turk, just an anti Armenian anti Christian disgusting rat. You deserve the worst of the worst that could happen to a human being. This was a disabled man murdered and God willing you will end suffering 100x worse.


Yup, you have no evidence, just hate. You are a hateful sub-human genocidal cannibal. I hope you die soon, but not until suffering greatly, you POS rat garbage. Die, bitch, die you fucking POS, DIE!

Death to Turks

Maybe you require some this treatment to understand me better? https://twitter.com/Nijat43026144/status/1316844676046094344?s=20

Jihadi Colin

Pretty funny. Let’s see if you find it so funny when under Pashinyan’s eyes the Azeri-Ottoman-headchopper alliance cuts off Nagorno Karabakh and annihilates whoever is left. It’s inevitable from what is happening.

When that happens I’ll remind you of this moment.

Death to Turks

Under Pashinyan? You think he’s forcing Armenians to stay there or forcing them to go? Armenians have gotten so many volunteers they don’t have enough room for them. You’re extremely mistaken. There is zero chance for a loss for us, zero, when God is on your side you won’t lose, go back to your father Satan and cry.

Jihadi Colin

There is no god and there is no Satan, but since you brought them up, will you admit that god does not exist when Azeri flags fly over Stepanakert?

Death to Turks

Not even in your wildest imaginations would such a thing happen. There will sooner be an intelligent turk born before that happens.

Jihadi Colin

Yes, you’re too dishonest to admit that your own claim means that god does not exist if Nagorno Karabakh falls. It will never happen that you’ll admit it.


You have been dominated by those ‘unintelligent turks’ for almost 1000 years. What this makes you then ?

Death to Turks

No country called turkey was even on a map while Armenia was. You are a mongol.


people come and go , weaker people replaced by the stronger onesa dn sent to dustbins of history. Thats what happened to US Indians , Mauris and Aborigenes.

Death to Turks

Except we are still here with our own nation defeating two larger nations. In Azerbaijan 99% of the population could not even read or write before 1920, and around 50% of all Turkish people are born from incest. It’s not really hard to figure out who is sub-human and who isn’t.


Now , here we go with cheap insults coming directly out of armenian education system. Those azarbaijani people who could read and write a century ago are now are way over you , they are more populated than you , rricher than you and have more allies that you do . keep living in a dreamland though.

Since your betrayal and deportation in 1915 , you are kicked to some deserts or a landlocked country behind some mountains , where you can only watch Ararat from a distance. You are going down since last 100 years , loosing lands , population.

But keep wanking with that ‘sub-human’ argument while 100.000 of you flee to Turkey to work illegally. A sad fact, only plain truths . LOL.

Death to Turks

Listen to me. We will kill every single azeri turk barn animal throughout Azerbaijan no matter what the consequences are if they continue their terrorist invasion. We’re not playing a game with you. Missiles will keep launching to ganja until it will be a memory for you.


Sure. Good luck.

Jihadi Colin

I kept a screenshot of your comment. I will be using it when Nagorno Karabakh falls to mock you.

Death to Turks

When all of Artsakh borders are secured and azeris are forced to withdraw and admit defeat leaving thousands of their soldiers on our land I will send you that.

Jihadi Colin

I’ll be waiting. Just like I’m still waiting for one of your tribe, a Syrian headchopper lover, who in 2012 told me that when Assad fell he would send me a photo of Assad’s severed head. I’m still waiting for that too.

Death to Turks

Assad supports Armenians and is currently fighting against the turks. Your beliefs are all contradicting each other.

Jihadi Colin

You don’t know any of my beliefs. I support Armenia, but I’m not an insane hypocritical idiot like you.

Death to Turks

You are a terrorist, that’s what you are. You aren’t fooling anybody.

Jihadi Colin

You’re already a fool, who would want to fool you?

Death to Turks

You’re a terrorist and supporter of Turks. Go join them on the battlefield and see what is really happening.

Jihadi Colin

Another one for the screenshot collection! Thanks!


Assad lost almost half of Syrian lands due to his own greed as he clinged to his post like a reptile at the expense of Syria. What a victory for Syria . LOL.

Jihadi Colin

Missed the part where he’s taken back everything not protected by Erdogan and the Amerikastani Empire, did you?


Did you look a the map ? what percntgee of syria still stays under assads control ?

Jihadi Colin

All the cities bar Idlib.

All the Mediterranean coast.

All the part east of and including Dei az Zor.

What do you think this is, 2015?


We both know that you will close yr account and disappear in the end.

You have 2 choices .

1/ Get annihilated and leave NK for good

2/ Become a russian puppet again and live another 100 years in a landlocked land under embargo while armenia becomes a deserted land where people immigrate elsewhere for food.

Chose from left to right , LOL.

Death to Turks

Blah blah learn to fight when you outnumber your opponent AND using drone technology your opponent doesn’t have, then I may take you people seriously.


If you dont have such tech and still depending on 20th century warfare , then know yr position and place on the negotiation table. Otherwise you will lose what you have , your youth weill be killed and you will lose 25 years under embargo gaining nothing in the end.

Excuses are for losers.

Death to Turks

I’m not hearing the reason you haven’t been able to capture more than a small amount of grass and rubble. Why have you not taken over anything more than a few patches of grass and rubble instead of Stepanakert and Shushi? Why have I seen so many dead Azeris?

What’s the reason for this failure?


Fuzuli ? Keep fooling yrself , boy Refuse the obvious. You have only one chance of survival and that Putin . If no Putin , no NK anymore. Without him you are dead meat.

Death to Turks

We have had zero Russian help so far. Fuzuli, which is by the way an abandoned ghost town with nothing in it for the past 30 years, is not even captured by you, you just went in briefly for some video and then were shelled.

Let me see you move some people to Fuzhou then if it’s under control and captured. Should be safe right?


You are losing lands , towns but you are still trying to trivialize it. Of course people will come there when the war is over.

Death to Turks

Why is there a war I thought we are nothing and you could run right over us and capture Yerevan even in 2 hours if you want haha. Your drones are being shot to pieces. You can’t keep it up much longer. The southern attacking azeris were just pushed back in the last 24 hours leaving 300 corpses behind as they fled. You get some quick initial success here and there then run when we counter attack. You will not even reach our mountains to even attempt to advance through.

And it will be impossible to advance through those mountains.


I dont remember telling such a thing . May be you shud quit writing imaginery stories from yr ass , dont you think ?

You are hopeless, evenb if all NK falls you will still refuse the realities.


As far as I remember, 30 years ago Armenia stated that they would not unilaterally recognize Artsakh, in order to keep the door open to negotiations. Obviously, that stance has not changed until now. Of course, when the other side is not ready to negotiate about anything else than full surrender, Armenia will be forced to recognize Artsakh. That is exactly what Pashinian says. The only solution can be that the “original” Automonous Region of Nagorny Karabakh, plus the one Armenian-inhabited region that joined it at the beginning of the war 30 years ago, get their independence according to their right of self-determination, while they will have to give up all uncontestedly Azeri lands. Free travel between Armenia and Artsakh on the two main corridor roads must be internationally guaranteed. If both sides only could accept that slavery has been abolished long time ago, and that the right of self-determination, being a natural right, stands above the principle of “territorial integrity” (which, in cases like this, is just a pretext for modern slavery), a solution could be so easy!

Jihadi Colin

It’s kind of late to talk of that now since Aliyev is now winning on the battlefield and started talking about Shusha, which is just south of Stepanakert. And it doesn’t look like Armenia can hold out much longer with the front collapsing in the south and the Azeris moving on Qobadli. After that they’ll go for the Lachin corridor and once that goes Nagorno Karabakh is finished. If the Armenians try to focus on defending Lachin they’ll have to strip other fronts. The Azeris and their Ottoman masters can pick and choose where to strike.

Nenad Vojinovic

I have a question. Your profile is titled as Death to Turks but you directed your hatred toward Azeris. Is it connected with not being able to make Turkey pay for the genocide of Armenians in 1915 so you turned your rage against Azerbaijan and retaliate them?

Death to Turks

Turks and Azeris are one in the same. Azeris were called Turks prior to 1920. They even say they are the same people, so there is no difference.


Ladies and gents I introduce you the king gypsy


Europe hates America

Biggest gypsys here in Switzerland are u turks


You should have posted a video of your mother. You lied as usual.


Statement by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries

L’AQUILA, Italy, 10 July 2009 – The countries of the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group released the following today:

Joint Statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict by U.S. President Obama, Russian President Medvedev, and French President Sarkozy at the L’Aquila Summit of the Eight, July 10, 2009.

We, the Presidents of the OSCE Minsk Group’s Co-Chair countries France, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America affirm our commitment to support the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan as they finalize the Basic Principles for settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

We are instructing our mediators to present to the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan an updated version of the Madrid Document of November 2007, the Co-Chairs last articulation of the Basic Principles. We urge the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolve the few differences remaining between them and finalize their agreement on these Basic Principles, which will outline a comprehensive settlement.

Fact sheet The ministers of the US, France, and Russia presented a preliminary version of the Basic Principles for a settlement to Armenia and Azerbaijan in November 2007 in Madrid.

The Basic Principles reflect a reasonable compromise based on the Helsinki Final Act principles of Non-Use of Force, Territorial Integrity, and the Equal Rights and Self-Determination of Peoples.

The Basic Principles call for inter alia:

1. return of the territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijani control; 2. an interim status for Nagorno-Karabakh providing guarantees for security and self-governance; 3. a corridor linking Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh; 4. future determination of the final legal status of Nagorno-Karabakh through a legally binding expression of will; 5. the right of all internally displaced persons and refugees to return to their former places of residence; and 6. international security guarantees that would include a peacekeeping operation.

The endorsement of these Basic Principles by Armenia and Azerbaijan will allow the drafting of a comprehensive settlement to ensure a future of peace, stability, and prosperity for Armenia and Azerbaijan and the broader region.


fuck you, fuck your so called principles and fuck your bonds to the ashkenazi khazars. all people have the right to self determination and live in peace and prosperity.. if you think Armenians will ever live under genocidal turk goat fuckers again you are delusional. the treaty of Sevres gives Artaksh ,Nahichevan and Western Armenia to Republic of Armenia.. nothing that a bunch of fucking jew bolsheviks or donmeh goat fucker attaturd can change that. If Putin wasn’t chabbad puppet like Trump, you goat fuckers would be finished already by Christendom that wants constantiople back.. that’s the battle.. Christendom verse seed of satan, turk, khazar, jew donmeh.. all the same shit…nothing new under the sun. But satan HAS BEEN defeated and if the Lord tarries, so will you.


LOL. Another peaceful christian.

Proud Hindu

If Armenians are able to implement guerilla warfare they win otherwise they will lose NK

Free man

Armenians have no chance (sorry I sound like a broken record from the first day of the war). Only diplomatic negotiations leading to a withdrawal and exchange of territories would stop the unnecessary killing.

Death to Turks

No chance just like in the 90s right? Your drones will only take you so far cowards. https://twitter.com/SlavaIntel/status/1318539805152616449?s=20

Servet Köseoğlu

Last chance Armenians:))))It’s a perfect time to relax with a tall glass of low sodium V8 and listening Abba:))


Death to Turks


Servet Köseoğlu

wow….its war honey…no pain no gain…

Death to Turks


Servet Köseoğlu

publishing dead corpses dont give you upper-hand in the war..:)))

You’ll be the hero of the neighbourhood Nobody knows that you’ve left for good You’re in the army now Oh, oh, you’re in the army now Smiling faces as you wait to land But once you get there no one gives a damn You’re in the army now Oh, oh, you’re in the army now:)))))

Death to Turks


Servet Köseoğlu

and whats your point bro?You gonna do somethin for your country or just stand there and bleed xD

Death to Turks


Servet Köseoğlu

all-right..you are satisfying your ego and dignity..ı got that:)))

Death to Turks



More filthy dead toorks, fuck them all!


Europe hates America

To be honest, it’s nice to see all this dead isis turks ??

Servet Köseoğlu

no bro..ı didnt throw you bone…dont bark…you cant provocate me ı am setting the rules here…you are kid..no arguments only af uf ısıs turk..go play with your mommy..ı aint time for your species anymore..blocked…

Servet Köseoğlu

hahahahah..what did you think?..ı will start long discussions again with your species again?..noooo….see ı dont feel anything with the losses of the soldiers and this makes you mad..how about that? ı am setting the rules here not you ı am the one to decide to block any user and you are obviously kid..ı really dont have for your stupidity and this makes you mad xd xdxd xd xd….armenians losses are waaaayyy bigger than azerbaijans…ahahahahah pathetic..

Servet Köseoğlu

ahahaha..what did you think ı will answer to your species again?you have to reveal your natonality first then you will get my permisssion to discuss with me…hahahaah…ı am the ruler of here not you… ı am the one who can block the other users not you …you dont have any arguments so its better to block you…hahah..pathetic..he thinks ı will be sorry to dead soldiers ..this makes him sad..lol..heyyyy orthodogs if anyone wants to be blocked come here..ı dont have time and intention for your lunacity…


why don’t you turks post your real love… human trafficking and child pornography.. you filthy animals don’t deserve breath.

Servet Köseoğlu

better to block you.. ı aint time for your species.

Death to Turks

Every azeri soldier sent to karabakhs future. https://youtu.be/5WGMmEWNgQo

Europe hates America

I hope u will whoop their isis asses like the serbs did it 30years ago in bosnia

Death to Turks

The terrorist Clinton bombed the Serbs for defending their homeland. We’re facing the same type of thing from turkey now.


Pigs eating at dead Azeri scum!

Stay tuned will post more as we pile them up!



the only good turk is a dead one


cechas vodobenikov

a lamentable conflict for both, whatever the outcome


The bodies of Armenian soldiers were scattered around.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB1oiCPpdz8&bpctr=1603262828

Nenad Vojinovic

It seems like Armenia betrayed Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh and signed some agreement but it cannot reveal it in publicity due to fear of a reaction of its own people. In thirty years Armenians were not capable to develop its own state unlike Azeris. What your diaspora serves for?

James Adams

Armenia has to go to ALL OUT WAR !!! FUCK THE AZERI SCUM !!! Get rid of the PM if he wants to be a bitch

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