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Armenian Forces Shot Down Another Turkish-Made Bayraktar TB2 Combat Drone Over Nagorno-Karabakh

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On November 8, Armenian forces shot down another Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drone over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Shushan Stepanyan, Press Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, shared photos of the drone’s wreckage, which was retrieved by local forces. The drone was apparently armed with at least one MAM-L small-diameter, laser-guided munition.

Armenian forces claim that they have shot down more than ten Bayraktar TB2 drones since the outbreak of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. However, today was only the second confirmed loss of a drone of this type. The first drone was downed on October 19.

In June, Azerbaijan purchased an unspecified number of Bayraktar TB2 drones from Turkey. The drones were used against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh with great success.

Azerbaijan used Bayraktar TB2 drones to destroy Armenian artillery, infantry positions, military vehicles and short-range air-defense systems.

Armenian Forces Shot Down Another Turkish-Made Bayraktar TB2 Combat Drone Over Nagorno-Karabakh

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Armenian forces are yet to adopt a tactic to counter the threat of Bayraktar TB2 combat drones, which are still active over Nagorno-Karabakh. Yerevan claims that some of the drones are being operated by the Turkish Air Force, not the Azerbaijani military.


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Random Dude

Smart move. With informational tsunami on Shusha, Armenian leadership has to present some wins. True or not doesn’t matter, as long as it occupies the informational vacuum.


Even if it is from Today/yesterday…. It would have made a difference when they would had shot 10 per day. But too late, too little…

Jihadi Colin

Big deal “victory”, even Armenia must be aware that one drone shot down isn’t exactly the Battle of Berlin.

Servet Köseoğlu

We captured south-n-k.. We shot-down Tb-2 We captured Susha But we shot-down tb-2 We are advancing to Hankendi and liberate it too.. But we shot -down Tb-2 Victory..whole n-k is liberated..May the soul of all the martyrs rest in peace.. But but but we shot-down Tb-2 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28daf11fa1b5ad74626369d7816bb28eb641cd2e4123f6847aa5b9cad51255da.gif


Where do you want to end up ??? What do you mean;;

Servet Köseoğlu

What ı want doesn’t matter in this case..ı am just mocking with the Armenian mod who is pretending in childish,stupid way as if nothing happened,no area is captured..


Erdogan’s son-in-law resigned !! What about them?


Servet Köseoğlu

Time for your insulin…Tell me how resignation remotely close to N-k war and stupidity of Armenian mod…


INSULIN is taken by someone who is ill. Seriously..I asked you a question, do you know why Erdogan’s son-in-law resigned ?? I can easily become rude like the others would you like that ?? For this you will speak to me politely as I speak to you.

Servet Köseoğlu

okey..np if you are asking honestly…he is puppet..Erdogan is controlling the economy along with Central Bank..His son in law should resign decades ago since dollar/euro sky-rocketed..Erdogan has to sacrifice scapegoat and will probably replace with another scapegoat e.g ı bought second-hand Hyundai i20 for 70.000 tl last june but it costs 145.000 tl atm…Can you imagine the damage?


Yes, I can imagine the damage, and the people who will be hungry. but … Information states that it is true that he resigned, however Erdogan intervened to cancel it. Something very “strange” is being played in Turkey … something is happening and we will find out in the near future.

Servet Köseoğlu

Erdogan intervened to cancel it..well ı dont buy that..ı cant believe that his son in law can resign without his confirmation/permission…Fyi:Money markets already reacted positively to this resignation news and euro/dollar slightly fall..


Sooner or later we will have Historical developments. I also combine it with the change of leadership in the USA and Russia … Putin has Parkinson’s, and in a few months he will retire … so let’s wait … for big events.


If the Turkish pound continues to fall … I will buy an apartment in Istanbul.

Servet Köseoğlu

lol thats true…


With 80,000 euros I will get the best house …. in the best area.

Servet Köseoğlu

not best but a good one…


I am waiting for the prices to fall again … today I learned that Kamala Harris is not a woman but a man, ha ha ha ha and Michelle Obama is Michael.


Servet Köseoğlu

Usa is not deserving its title anymore..a country with full of liars and corrupted politicians beyond imagination and not trustworthy ally..


I agree …. and I always tell others that the US always betrays its allies.




Servet Köseoğlu

sorry impossible..



Servet Köseoğlu

no way house with sea view especially at bosphorus ..if its sarcasm about city-wall referring to Constantinople.well keep dreaming:)))


https://www.propertyturkey.com/real_estate/1322-limited-offer-on-central-sisli-5-star-luxury-apartments I am waiting for the prices to fall again … because they will fall again.


This has a balcony overlooking the Bosphorus!


Servet Köseoğlu

180.000usd and sisli a province which is very far to bosphorus..


The prices will fall even more, I told you. I will buy 3 apartments thanks to the excellent work of Berat.

Servet Köseoğlu

we’ll see..


No TV station or major media outlet in Turkey dares to mention Albayrak’s resignation, which has been dragging on for 2 hours. Everyone is waiting for the regime to give a line.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı think it will be revealed in this week or next…


Buy food to have at home.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont have financial problem..


If the resignation / decapitation of Albayrak is confirmed, Erdogan’s successor, Soylu (who suffers from COVID) and T / YPAM Akar, who (loosely without a tie) met today with Aliyev, together with Cavusoglu, remain .

Servet Köseoğlu

it is already confirmed..



Jihadi Colin

Bayraktar drones are probably the best combat drones in the world at this moment. I’m sure a lot of countries’ UAV designers are watching the TB 2’s performance with close interest.


What about US Heavy Stealth Drones? These are the real Game Changers probably….

Jihadi Colin

They haven’t been used in war, and stealth is an overrated concept against modern electronic air defence systems.


Unhappy Armenia and pro-Armenians … enough, you couldn’t live like a man, at least be able to die like a man! More than 300 tanks, 6-S300 missile systems, more than 200 OSA anti-aircraft missile systems, 7-SU25 aircraft, more than 300 military vehicles, hundreds of military equipment, more than 6,000 soldiers were destroyed … More than 10,000 The soldier was wounded and maimed …. you retreated a lot, you still comfort yourself with cheap provocations. As if you hit Bayraktar-TB2 ????? No more Armenian soldiers or bullets left to shoot Bayraktar-TB2!

Porc Halal

must admit that turdish flag looks pretty good fallen down in the dust …

Arman Melkonyan

And tomorrow we shoot down the TURKISH LIRA (TL) and destroy the Turkish economy which only produces terror drones and nothing else of consequence.

You Muslim Turkish dogs even buy your cotton from Greece(!), your lentils from Canada and your (diseased) meat from Serbia.

What a bunch of morons Muslims and Turks are: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/erdogan-fires-turkish-central-bank-governor-launching-full-blown-currency-crisis

The Objective

They are COMBAT drones, not TERROR drones.

Arman Melkonyan

Machines that kill helpless people for the pleasure of terrorists like the Muslim Turks are TERROR DRONES.

The Objective

Then all the Russian jets that have killed and maimed many Syrian civilians are terror planes.

Arman Melkonyan

ISIS family members are not civilians. They are monsters.

Russians, just like the Americans, aren’t seriously attacking the Jihadi settlements in Idlib. It’s all for show.

If the Russians were serious, a few fuel-air bombs would have killed or disabled most of the Muslim terrorists and their equally terrorist wives and children.

Those ISIS children chop peoples’ heads off, for God’s sake.

We’ve all seen the videos.

The Objective

Never mind. The same Muslims just got victorious with Putin’s surrender in Syria. Read the news on SF.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9842022cdde556bb4838b62a568f3194d4d9ed04b7677e4b10d9107afc548cdf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c5ad64844c91d03436441f36f4832e73bc1f07e179c80aae38ba57732b2ef598.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a318066c45be90c30698487d91a5ce9114e4c4af0b68ac18574fb19e7bea7c8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0b7c2a72f361fb000b166362092443fa742ee10018b5489510c04c2d4dbd4f46.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0027f0592a6c09891e746fc8d9b3b02148285ce7e4e6732cb42e17db75e1b835.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d534e67464cbe066693ef8e3d4fd10b7ea2f1096ffb1e9453818f3534c73cd9c.jpg Don’t tear your ass, it’s too late !! Why didn’t you act like that when the Armenians committed the Khojaly genocide against the civilian population in 1992-93 with the help of the Russian army ??? Why didn’t you speak out when you fired from the territory of Armenia, fired banned missiles at Ganja and Barda, which are not war zones, and terrorized the civilian population ??? What you are living now is the answer to the atrocities you committed in time !!!

Arman Melkonyan

Those Armenian soldiers who took revenge had witnessed this


And this


The Armenians watched you Azeri monsters gang rape young girls and old women then burn them alive in garbage containers.

Muslim filth.


We do not have a leader like your monkey-Pashinyan …. Turks have always been savior leaders … Today, the whole world sees your traitor, liar, traitor, immoral, savage, fascist face very well !!! You are not a Christian at all !! Because you do not respect any religion, nor religious places …. Your priests engage in immorality in such churches … That is why God is pouring stones on you …

Arman Melkonyan

Your sultans killed all their brothers and all their wives —except for one Turkish whore– were Christian women.

You Turks can’t even stand yourselves and you want the world you destroyed to love you.

There is only one kind of good Turk and we all know what that is.

It is currently serving as pig food in NK.


You can’t find a place to hide your 15,000 dead and more than 10,000 wounded … Today is the holiday of jackals in the forest, let them have Armenian corpses! If you can, admit your defeat as a man … Anahit, Kardashian, Pashinyan could not help you, maybe Arangutans can help you …

Arman Melkonyan

Now it appears Erdogan the Turkish Muslim dog has fired his own son-in-law, Albayrak the Turkish minister of the Treasury!

These scumbags have been raiding Turkey itself for 2 decades yet the Turks love them!

Turks = MORONS


You prostitutes, perverts, non-religious jackals …. Your men fuck their daughters, brothers look at their sisters … You have no honor, no zeal … You are hiding in the face of the prostitute Anahit, the depraved Kardashian, the immoral Anna. Who are you ??? Dogs looking at the hands of the Russians …

Arman Melkonyan

Muslim, Turk,

You are an abomination.

You must be wiped off the face of the earth for the good of the human race.

Arman Melkonyan

The moron claims he resigned. Nobody “resigns” in Turkey without Erdogan’s permission.

Erdogan was a gift to civilization. He rubbed our faces in what Islam and Turks really are.

Islam and Judaism must be eradicated for the human race to survive.


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