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Armenian Forces Shot Down Azerbaijani Loitering Munition (Photos)

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On October 25, Armenian air defense units shot down an Azerbaijani loitering munition over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Armenian Unified Infocenter shared photos of the munition, which was identified as an advanced version of the Israeli-made SkyStriker.

According to the manufacturer, Elbit Systems, website, SkyStriker is a fully autonomous loitering munitions that can locate, acquire and strike operator-designated targets with a 5 or 10 Kg warhead.

The munition, which is propelled by an electric engine, can stay in the air for 1 hour with a 5 kg warhead and 2 hours with a 10 kg warhead. Detection and target accusation is done through a gambled CCD-IR seeker.

Azerbaijani forces have been using Israeli-made loitering munitions like SkyStriker and IAI Harpo to strike high-value Armenian military equipment, such as air-defense systems, since the outbreak of the battle in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27.

Armenian air defense forces are finally adopting to the threat posed by Azerbaijan’s loitering munitions and combat drones. An Azerbaijani Aerostar tactical drone and three Bayraktar TB2 combat drones were reportedly shot down in the last few days.


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So Artskins will reverse engineer the drone and try to make their own.

But first Artskins need to hire some engineers first. Get some Armenians back from US, Russia and France. Not those uneducated Armenians in Lebanon…..


Following footage brand new made in Armenia suicide drone. :-)




Still unable to destroy Azeri military equipment.

Random Dude

they are not Iran or China. ain’t happening.


first you are really an idiot and funny to, so its fair in your opinion for the USA France and Russia NOT helping Armenia and a 100 million Turks with all the of their resources fight 3 million of Armenians and that would be fair heh, anyway let me tell you something maybe you dont know we the christian west really I mean REALLY we feel pity and thank God every day that we weren’t born Muslims, you are indeed pathetic you really think that you can win this war, west and russia are looking for a solution without humiliating the Muslims


Russia has been humiliated by the Armenians. West doesn’t care about Nagorno Karabakh. And now Armenia begged and kissed Pompeo’s butt for help.

Lone Ranger

Correction… Armenians have humiliated themselves giving up an ally for Pimpeo, now they can enjoy the fruits of their autistic betrayal. Make deal with Russia and prosper or make deal with the West and die.


“Artskin”… what a bloody imbecile you are. Is that supposed to be funny or clever? Because that’s really weak and only shows what a low-IQ moron you are. Seriously, just get lost you fucking Azeri troll / waste of air. Your whole shitty country is a fake, invented entity. Aliyev is nothing but a Turkish cock-holster.

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