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MARCH 2025

Armenia Shot Down Drone Suffering Heavy Losses In Azerbijaniani Strikes (Videos, Photos)

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On October 23, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan released videos of recent strikes on Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The videos show strikes on the following targets:

  • 3 M-46 130 mm howitzer;
  • 2 D-30 122 mm howitzer;
  • 12 fortified posts;
  • 2 BM-21 122 mm multiple rocket launcher;
  • 4 military trucks;
  • 2 ammunition depots;
  • 3 gatherings of troops.

Most of the strikes seen in the videos were carried out by Azerbaijani combat drones, while the rest were conducted with rocket launchers and other weapons.

Despite sustaining heavy losses in drones strikes in the early days of the battle, Armenian forces are finally adopting new tactics to counter this threat.

The Armenian Air Defense Force shot down on October 23 an Israeli-designed Aerostar tactical drone. The downed drone was made locally in Azerbaijan by Azad Systems. Drones of this type can operate at an altitude of 5,4 km and have an endurance of 12 hours.

In the last three days, at least three Turkish-mad Bayraktar TB2 combat drones were allegedly shot down by Armenian forces. These losses may force the Azerbaijani military to restrict the use of its drones.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Drones of this type can operate at an altitude of 5,4 km!!!!! Do not use it again..Even 9k33 Osa can detect and shoot it…

opet ja

Hmm it is not problem in altitude, but in detection of them; small, quiet, low RCS…

Servet Köseoğlu

Under 6 km altitude you are target for Osa..

Death to Turks

You’re scared and worried? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/652cba61ede5fea849faee41df24287d732a7855fa86157241961c2e5a67d597.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu

if i am to be worried and scared i must first value your opinion and afraid of your country:))

Death to Turks

Do you think this piece of garbage was scared before we killed him? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/100c44674c3bf42697e8ce44a51490e19875e0a0def471e1a1e94778ef47933f.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu

By publishing crap you are not winning the war:)))you had plenty of time to apply diplomacy..you failed at diplomacy and you are experiencing another epic fail at war-zone..and if you ever publish any crap to me again,ı will block you..

Death to Turks

So you call Azeri soldiers crap? Hahahaha I agree!

Servet Köseoğlu

cut the shit..ı can also publish hundreds of Dead Armenian soldiers here..Whats the point?

Death to Turks

You should see what you idiots are doing. Sending your own people to become barbecue to try and steal Armenian land. So far you got some empty land good job haha.

Rhodium 10

Allah will not allow AZ soldiers to enter in the 72 Virgin paradise after being eating by Pigs…

Servet Köseoğlu

Rhodium 10…ı am non-believer..72 virgin,holy nails et cetera means nothing to me…You chosed a wrong address to mock through religion…

Rhodium 10

Ask to Turkish backed terrorist what they think about being eating by Pigs..

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont have any terrorist friends..its time for you to grow up:)))


just block it friend…i already did…waste of time…useless spamming account…

Death to Turks

Run scared from the Armenian. You will join your brothers soon.

Fog of War

That’s a stupid statement.

Death to Turks

It makes me hungry for some barbecue.

Fog of War

All you’re doing is making your people look like imbeciles. I’m sure most Armenians aren’t like you. Start acting like a Christian or are you not one ?

Death to Turks

Listen to me little boy. When you’re outnumbered and being invaded by terrorists that will behead you and skin you alive you have no room to try and be civilized. We will be ruthless.

Fog of War

The UN, including Russia, already ruled that NK is Azerbaijani land, go complain to them. Not only will you lose NK, but your military and economy will be shattered beyond repair. At that point, there will be mass migration out of Armenian and its population will dwindle . Your traitorous president walked your nation into a trap and your falling for the charade. Its over for Armenia even if you were to win, which you wont.

Death to Turks

Turk? Azeri? Pakistani? Maybe a Ukrainian since those little sheep hate Russia and are now close with the Turks huh? Which is it? Tell me.

Fog of War

None of the above, I’m a neutral party that’s telling you that your nation is committing suicide. Your economy and military will never recover from this and whatever is left of your country will be bought out by multi national vultures. I would hope you would understand that.

Death to Turks

Does it really look like they are doing anything significant? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/08b0a21421291e901fbbf70ceb4724750d34c6c6a2ee258320594697ab0ee16e.jpg

Fog of War

Obviously you’re not intelligent enough to have a meaningful exchange with. This is wasting my time.

Death to Turks

Let me know, I can get you wallet size. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc463609edb583ee86420041d49dae6ede461e5b865abd4a15275558cf3ee10e.jpg


Obviously you are a but hurt Turk that can’t take it when the truth comes out. You are pig food!

Anana Sikim


Perhaps you want to try to converse with his brother Smedly next? LOL

Rhodium 10

I wonder if some of the 72 Virgin will want sex with that Ugly soldier…

Death to Turks

He will be haram after he is turned into pig food.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, Azerbaijanis are not Muslims and much closer to ZionistCUNTS. That is the reason the Iranian Azeris even don’t support them. They are the most corrupt arseholes.

Death to Turks

Look azeris, how much aliev cares about you. He leaves your bodies to rot in Artsakh and leave them for Armenians to dump in a mass grave. We are waiting for you. https://youtu.be/5zkn4j2Ys8w

Fog of War

You’re not helping your cause at all. What happened to all the dead Armenian troops ? Did your side retrieve all the bodies ? Stop acting like a moron.

Death to Turks

10 of them for every one of us. More burned to a crisp well done barbecued Azeris will be coming up soon. Some from Ganja too!

Fog of War

You’re a stupid teenager, why don’t you go fight on the front instead of wasting time here you brave hero ?

Death to Turks

I’m not a teenager and what I do or don’t do is none of your concern. Why are you so concerned with that I do? Which intelligence agency do you work for? Why are you sympathetic to azeri terrorists.

Fog of War

Go help your comrades on the front instead of posting here like a compulsive masturbator.

Death to Turks

I’m masturbating to the images of dead Azeris sorry.


Pig food!

Death to Turks

The most useful thing those pieces of garbage ever did was be pig food.

Zionism = EVIL

Over 1100 Azerbaijani cannon fodder and over 250 Syrian and assorted mercenaries have been killed. Keep in mind that the conflict so far has not involved proper Armenian army, but most irregulars from NK forces. Iran has has given the sternest warning today to all all parties not to shell Iranian territory or face a strong response. The constant flight by attack choppers is a good reminder. The Azerbaijani advance is very slow and meeting strong resistance from all reports.

Death to Turks

It is slow and and very costly for them in terms of lives and equipment. But yes I know firsthand that Republic of Armenia forces are in the war, much of the defense of karabakh is done by Republic of Armenia forces anyway.

Zionism = EVIL

In that type of terrain based on my experience, Armenia can do a lot of damage by using small specialized teams like Hezbollah and negate the Turkish air superiority. The Kurds have outfought the Turks for 60 years now, so they are not that good. It is a shame that Armenia is fighting alone so far.

Death to Turks

The terrain is impossible for Azerbaijan to penetrate effectively. The only thing they’ve taken is what Armenia allowed them to take, flatlands with mostly abandoned settlements. Other than that they send troops quickly with some armor to a town for photo op then retreat.

The last war was six years so Armenians are not interested in being bombed and having our land taken again,we will fight to the end.


And finally you post with some intelligence. Is there more than one person at your keyboard?

Zionism = EVIL

It is hard to tell these days, the Turks have outsourced their propaganda to Pakistanis who post their videos in Urdu lol.

Death to Turks

Responding in kind to turk and azeris dogs has nothing to do with my knowledge of the conflict or warfare in general.

Jihadi Colin

Probably the full time propagandist ran out of racist vocabulary and is urgently conning the dictionary and thesaurus now.


Most of the troll farms are in South Asia and they post in Hindlish.

Jihadi Colin

No we don’t. I’m routinely accused of being a troll and I speak better English than most native English speakers I’ve come across.

Liberal guy

World first drone war

Great Khan

hahahaa Orthodox pigs…hahahhaha

Pave Way IV

Death to Turks account is a perfect example of a demonization technique called smearing the enemy by association. Turks (and our Israeli friends) are both pretty fond of this one for use on western audiences. Create a repulsive on-line persona (or steal one) of your enemy and keep hammering the narrative that – in this case – Armenians are cruel heartless bastards because, “…just look at how they treat enemy KIA!” accompanied by (presumably Armenian) Death to Turks giddy delight at all the gratuitous death porn. No idea if these vids are even from N-K or if they’re Armenian or Azeri (or mercs). It doesn’t matter, as long as you leave with the impression that Armenians are animals and Azeri/Turks must not be so bad after all.

Well look at that… it’s just a Turkish troll. Hope you’re not getting paid in Turkish Lira, bitch. Remove kebab from premises. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ce798611fe70df3439f6de8977b326f3a8782bd51ce8d712ecfdae6df6d637e1.jpg

Death to Turks

I’m Armenian and showing what the Turks and Azeris are, which are failing dogs that get slaughtered. I posted azeri atrocities like the shooting of two Armenian civilians on camera as well, just because I am brutal and careless of their dead doesn’t make me a fake account.

Mustafa Mehmet

death to your mama

Death to Turks

Cry turk look at your dead


“Death to Turks account is a perfect example of a demonization technique called smearing the enemy by association.” Well stated Pave Way.

Death to Turks

If you idiots think I’m a turk you’re dumber than they are.

Pave Way IV

Just what a Turk would say!

Death to Turks

Yev tun oves? Hayeren es khosum? Du chi gites inch es asum.

Lazy Gamer

You can look at it in a number of ways. 1. It is psychological propaganda. Break the jihadists will to participate by ensuring that there is no heaven for them. 2. He is armenian, he will naturally relish the losses of the enemy 3. To fight a monster, one mayhap have to be a monster

I see the same thing from the Turks, both distasteful actions relishing the death of armenians but no one is complaining in the forums.

Pave Way IV

The problem with that logic, Lazy Gamer, is:

1. Jihadists don’t read South Front; they’re busy mis-interpreting their holy books – on Captagon. Smells more like a Saul Alinsky technique to (quite futilly) suggest to SF readers or other audiences that the jihadists wills are broken. See? Why complain that Azeris used head-choppers? They’re dead. Problem solved. (I have less and less conviction that these guys are actual radical jihadists. Just unemployed FSA leftovers that are not finding work in Idlib or Turkey any time soon).

2. My guess: Most Armenians would be horrified by another war of attrition no matter how balanced in their favor (and it’s not). ‘They’ didn’t get to vote on this and the Armenian government was blind to the inevitability. Poor leadership. “We’re just a tiny country” is no excuse for laying on the railroad tracks and expecting different treatment from a locomotive.

3. The saying was more like. To fight a monster, you may also have to fight like a monster (not actually become a monster). That’s usually the plan, anyway. In reality, it’s never as temporary of a condition as good people hope it will be. The transformation to ‘monster’ is almost guaranteed. Even acting like or turning into a monster doesn’t help you win anything you want, it only helps win whatever the monster wanted. Any commander embracing this strategy is they guy that copied someone else’s answers in school. They got nothing, and mimic the actions of anyone or anything that appears to be fighting. Which is just the Underpants Gnome plan all over again:


Lazy Gamer

Regarding 1. The poster is merely posting facts that transpired and relishing on it. The fact remains that Azeri bodies are being fed to pigs. The video released is the psy op not the forum post. Regarding appropriateness of post, there is value in knowing that these things are happening

Pave Way IV

The fact remains that Azeri bodies are being fed to pigs.

Maybe. But I’ll hazard my own guess for the background on that video (based on nothing but my own, tiny simian brain): Some small N-K farmer had a few pigs and chickens. The farmer and his family either fled ahead of the fighting weeks ago, got killed in the shelling or was droned by the Azeris.In any case, no longer there.

After a few days, the pigs start getting really hungry because nobody is feeding them twice a day anymore. They do what hungry pigs do: bust out and look for some food. That means rooting around in the forest scavenging for something to eat, because (like goats and dogs) a pig in the wild will eat damn near anything.

Being omnivores, the pigs are happy to eat meat/carcases, etc.they happen to find, just like all wild hogs and boars. The hungry pigs sniff out a rotting corpse of either an Armenian or Azeri/merc soldier and start eating. Someone happens upon the grisly scene and tries to video the hogs without scaring them off.

Nobody is feeding dead soldiers to pigs in N-K. This is another unfortunate but not unexpected consequence of war. It’s usually hungry dogs.


Perfectly fits the profile. Account created 4 days ago, only engages in Azeri-Armenian matters with all kinds of insults, personal and to intelligence and has a fetish for dead bodies. Doesn’t matter which side it is on.

I’m going to block it, don’t bother reasoning with them.

Pave Way IV

Superb idea. I think I only have one other person blocked – not sure. I loath to block anyone, but persistent psychopaths wallowing blissfully inside their own deep pit of feces are… well, tiresome. Create another account when you have something useful to say, Death to Turks.


Look what they did to the discussion boards. Of course I’m also to blame because I had no intention of reading their nonesense: https://ibb.co/yYykJk9

(Will auto delete after a month) This is just a part of “discussion under the article “Azerbaijani Forces Rush To Capture Lachin Cororidor From Retreating Armenians” (for some reason, I can’t publish SF links)

Zionism = EVIL

Iran reinforces its units and anti-armor helicopters on the Aras frontier, Azerbaijan-Armenian contested border. These are the latest Super Toofan 2 attack choppers with SACLOS anti-tank guided missiles that can knock out any tank at 6 kms. A large convoy moved through Kelaybar yesterday to the Aras. Many specialized units deployed now.



Death to Turks

And your point is what?

Zionism = EVIL

If the Azerbaijani or any arseholes keep shelling Iranian border, then they will be hit. President Rouhani has called Erdogan today too. It is quite baffling that Armenia has not mobilized its military.

Death to Turks

Armenia has mobilized its military. Republic of Armenia armed forces are in Karabakh but of course not every single soldier and piece of equipment can be moved there. Azerbaijan could then move in on other parts of the border with Armenia or Turkey or even Georgia could launch an attack.

Zionism = EVIL

Armenia has national conscription like Iran and can mobilize 1 million men. The Iranians have trained with Armenians in Kavkaz exercises and consider them to be a pretty good military. It is time to take the war to Azerbaijan. Both the Turkeys and their Azerbaijan stooges are casualty averse and have been using JewCUNTS Harop, but if they suffer casualties, they will think twice.

Death to Turks

Unfortunately Armenia is limited in what it can do totally. We value every one of our young men as if they’re our own family we’re not like Azerbaijan just sending their own to be slaughtered, we care deeply for every life we lose, so it must be done intelligently.

Zionism = EVIL

I agree. Like I wrote on September 27, Armenian military is good but is limited by demographics. It will not be a pushover as the Turkey trolls have been boasting.

Death to Turks

It’s interesting how little they care when I show them their dead. They are truly below average IQ. And then play victim when we bomb Ganja after they’ve been bombing our civilians for weeks.

Zionism = EVIL

I have watched all available videos from both sides and am not too surprised at the sparse gains so far at immense cost to the Azerbaijanis so far. All they have done is to use the JewCUNTS Harop to show some propaganda shots. They have used over 700 HAROP and other UAV strikes to capture some rocks so far. It has been an intelligence bonanza for Iran as it has been shooting down both Zionist and Turkey UAV.

Death to Turks

Iran and Russia should both be more involved with all three Armenia Russia and Iran being allies and with the Azeris initiating a conflict in the region including bringing in jihadists from Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

I think they are supporting Armenia and will see how it unfolds. I have noticed that Armenian military is using quite a few ATGM, which means a supply chain. Turkey is also sending weapons and terrorists to Ukraine and that is alarming Russia. So don’t despair, Armenia will hold out. Russia also has at least a dozen MIG-29 and SU-30 in Armenia, and that is reason the Turks have not used their F-16. For a month of fighting a small isolated country of 3 million, the Azerbaijanis should be ashamed of their pathetic military.

Death to Turks

The Azerbaijanis should definitely be ashamed and really should understand how pathetic they look outnumbering us and using sophisticated drone technology and still can’t defeat us or capture anything of significance while incurring more than double our losses.

Zionism = EVIL

Think about it, 85 million Turks, 10 million Azerbaijanis, 7 million ZionistCUNTS, 230 million Pakistanis all supporting the Azerbaijani arseholes, this has to be the most uneven fight in history. Armenia needs to make sure its narrow border with Iran stays open, and that is the reason Iran is reinforcing its units and will not let that happen.


Something GREAT is being prepared ….. all the embassies in Turkey are closing … the US Embassy located at 110 Ataturk Avenue in Kavaklρέndere, Ankara is not just closing, but also all the consulates! It closes the Consulate General in the Mahalesi Polygon of Istanbul, as well as the Consulate in Adana and the US Consular Office in Izmir. And the suspension of all US diplomatic infrastructure services in Turkey is indefinite!Obviously, this time the Americans are invoking something much more serious than in 2018 (when they were talking about 4 Iraqi terrorists) and clearly their demands are going to be tenfold against Erdogan!

And clearly because Erdogan knows that he is “playing” the deep US state, either he will gather immediately, or he will experience another catastrophic pressure on his economy! And because all this is happening a few days before the US elections, if nothing else, Trump seems to have realized slowly that Erdogan can cost him his re-election!

Pave Way IV

Well, I’ll be damned… This is true!

The State Department issued an unusually sharp warning Friday about new threats to U.S. citizens in Istanbul, saying that the U.S. Mission in Turkey has received “credible reports of potential terrorist attacks and kidnappings” targeting Americans and other foreign nationals.

A brief statement also referred to unspecified threats against the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul and said services there and at other U.S. missions around Turkey would be suspended.

It advised U.S. citizens to “exercise heightened caution in locations where Americans or foreigners may gather, including large buildings or shopping malls.” The exact nature of the threat was unclear. A spokesman for the United States’ Embassy in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, said the notice was issued “as a result of our ongoing assessment of security conditions.”

Sounds more like something directed at Americans in Turkey rather than something happening to the Turks. But the U.S. would do the same thing if we were going to attack Turkey or knew that some other country was. Maybe another color revolution? Turks are pretty pissed off at their government in general. Or maybe we know something crazy like the Turks are about to invade Armenia. Russia and Iran would jump in and promptly kick Turkey’s ass. Then the U.S. false flag would be triggered making it look like Russia or Iran attacked Turkey on Turkish soil. ZATO, WWIII, etc.


Do not forget the American elections. Everything will be played in California and Florida! My opinion on what will happen in Turkey is sanctions for the S-400. The nuclear power from Incirlik is already gone. The Turkish lira 1/10.

Pave Way IV

Wow. Baku, too…

The U.S. Embassy in Baku has received credible reports of potential terrorist attacks and kidnappings against U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in Baku, including against hotels such as the J.W. Marriott Absheron, as well as potentially other locations in Baku. U.S. citizens are advised to exercise heightened caution in locations where Americans or foreigners may gather.


Recognition of Artsakh?


And the Russian Foreign Minister is coming to Greece right now. !!!! Everything is connected. Russia, for its part, also needs Greece, and it needs a Greece that will act as a counterweight to Turkey. At this moment, the creation of a large anti-Turkish group is being born.

Pave Way IV

Reminder, Greece: I will fly any of your Phantom IIs – for free, for as long as you want, against any enemy of Greece (providing the U.S. isn’t your enemy – it’s hard to keep track of all our Assholian Empire shenanigans).

Greece must provide JP-4 and bombs – I can’t afford my own. And it would be difficult to conserve fuel with my monkey paw on 17,900 foot pounds of single spool compressor goodness. I can probably round up several hundred other much more experienced U.S. F4 volunteer pilots willing to work for free if you need them. SnapChat me if interested. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c5158478d5239eb2e7a5f8fc86e6be52e0659d42bc1c76ac5b4ea1a1bc0301d1.png


Thanks dude. America now knows that Turkey is now an economic colony of China. And that so China reached the Eastern Mediterranean without war. !! Turkey is the Trojan Horse of China.

After its economic collapse and unconditional surrender of Turkey due to the 2016 embargo on Russia, China comes, apparently in consultation with Russia and Iran, and it conquers Turkey both economically and in the future and territorially in exchange for financial support through investments. . This means that in the future many different Chinese factories will be launched in Turkey and there will certainly be an influx of Chinese population to the west.

China has bought Turkey’s toxic bonds and will enslave it on the one hand and blackmail the West on the other with the toxic nuclear economic bomb and threaten to detonate it, which is called the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The US threat so far that they will leave the Incirlik base – which means Turkey’s curtain on NATO – is likely to become a reality in the near future..



Greek pilots are the best in NATO … they always come first in the exercises. Only the hawks of our Greek Air Force have the ability and the balls to go down to the Negev desert and put up with the Israelis, that’s why the Israelis call us. https://greekherald.com.au/news/greek-pilot-given-honour-of-best-pilot-of-nato-for-third-year-running/

Greek pilot given honour of ‘best pilot of NATO’ for third year running

Mustafa Mehmet

Death to your mama. Iran can do Jack s*** western Power will divide Iran very soon looking for any excuse to fuck the stupid molla bastardo

Ashok Varma

Iran is far more respected than the terrorist Turkey and their Paki stooges.

Mustafa Mehmet

You live Kashmir alone then talk askoj

Mustafa Mehmet

99p boy I don’t think anyone respect molla regime. Except you maybe India getting cheap gas and oil from Iran.. first you live Kashmir alone India is the worst terrorist country in the world


” It has been an intelligence bonanza for Iran as it has been shooting down both Zionist and Turkey UAV.” .. And for us too …

Great Khan

hahahhaa Armeni loser…kishmish…soon….

Azerbaijan gives Armenia ‘last chance’ to withdraw forces from Karabakh…or die

Death to Turks

I guess you’re blind to your dead countrymen

Liberal guy

World’s first drone war

Liberal guy

It’s a complete rout for them and the syrian terrorists

Death to Turks

Aliyev cares so much for Azeri soldiers he lets Armenians dump them in the ground like garbage haha. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f113f476cda58fb9cb3c412554cfc40f8996adc1cae3beacc4c50ee272d23c1.jpg


Keep posting garbage like this and SF might block you, Then you will be back at Liveuamap. :/

Death to Turks

By garbage you refer to the azeris. I agree they are garbage.


We all report this bad guy to SF. He will be blocked….

Death to Turks

Why little baran? You’re scared of me?


Some of your hateful material is not that much better than his. :/ This is why I enjoy trolling you Seven Moons. :)

Rhodium 10

I have seen videos of pigs and wild pigs eating corpses of AZ soldiers…you hear an Armenian soldier say..” They dont like eat pigs…but pigs like to eat them!..

Death to Turks

I know it’s hilarious


The link is the economic implications. Armenia will lose billions. They will continue to live in stone age. hahaha


Death to Turks

Azeri yoga https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/529c46d1dadbbd682688a38def47a8d09ef0c3d14a964f2ab21e0c9d2542ffb9.jpg

Fog of War

The Lebanese circus continues . — Hariri returns as Lebanon’s prime minister, pledges to stop country’s economic collapse – https://www.rt.com/news/504282-hariri-forms-government-again-lebanon/


Another idiot. He comes back to grab more relief money. Lebanon does not have anyone else? He is such a divider.


Wonderful videos to watch. Those Artskins pigs are roasted…..

They should go back to Armenia to get to Parshinyan for lying to them.

Death to Turks

But this happened just today, what happened to this piggy here? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a86a20d9acbe1223036ae4a26419bf3886211e1defec05ab8e4479461b712a10.jpg


Man stop for the love pigs! With all this food they are going to get fat! Crispy Azeri, Turk, Jihadi scum.

Note we are taking headshots!



Death to Turks

Thank you Azeri donkeys. You’ve done such a great job. https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1319784515968114689?s=20


Deadly Ambush on Armenian soldiers! https://youtu.be/x7jPDWdDVNc


What scum spammer…. Complain to SF and get him blocked.

Death to Turks

Why are you so scared? Have you never seen dead bodies?


These trolls think that war is a video game.


From your troll farm in South Asia you have been posting crap for a month now, war is awful and it is not a one sided affair. People unfortunately die on all sides.


Nagorno-Karabakh: The next Syria in the Caucasus?


Excellent article. Parshinyan wants to drag in US, Russia and Iran into this N-K conflict. But none of them are interested. It is just alarming to all of them that they do not want to be involved with another Syria. It is just senseless.

All of them want to put on pressure on Parshinyan to settle. They want Parshinyan to give back the seven Azerbaijan districts outside N-K. Also negotiate with Azerbaijan on N-K situation. None of the parties want US get involved in this region.

To the end, it is Russia and Turkey to negotiate something. But it won’t be pretty for Armenia.


Death to Turks

Why aliyev? Why did you send us here to be slaughtered in the middle of nowhere? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fcabd2a9820998727b2291ae7ec0b68ef686b185377357d53aaaccd1d8ec415a.jpg

Mustafa Mehmet

clueless idiot they Wearing Armenian uniform.

Death to Turks

Yeah of course it must be haha pathetic turk

Mustafa Mehmet

Death to your mama piss off


Sevenmoons you are a cocksucker and i hope you get shot in the face

Samuel Vanguard

i foresee Turkish direct intervention in this conflict.


It is already is, they have 500 officers running this war with Zionists, mercenaries, terrorists and their own special forces and are now getting frustrated as the inept Azerbaijanis are still pounding rocks and suffering heavy casualties.

cechas vodobenikov

the azeris continue to justify the loss of 7000 azeri soldiers only to ethnically cleanse some armenian villages. will they be able to retain control? they were unable in 1994

Bruno Gama

The mighty Bayraktar…falling from the skies again… “western tech superiority”? The Turks may need to learn to produce Drone with the Israelis…

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