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Armenian Government ‘Accidentally’ Forgot To Put Russian Flag During Meetings With Russian Delegation

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The government of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan continues demonstrating its brilliant diplomatic skills in undermining the Armenian regional position and destroying the already weakened partnership with Russia.

On November 21, the Russian delegation, including Prime Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, held a series of meetings with the top Armenian leadership regarding the current situation in the region and the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Accepting the high-ranking Russian delegation, the Armenian side ‘accidentally’ forgot to put the Russian flag. This could be clearly seen on the pictures.

Armenian Government 'Accidentally' Forgot To Put Russian Flag During Meetings With Russian Delegation

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Armenian Government 'Accidentally' Forgot To Put Russian Flag During Meetings With Russian Delegation

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Armenian Government 'Accidentally' Forgot To Put Russian Flag During Meetings With Russian Delegation

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Such a position of Armenia towards its only real ally in the region that has just rescued Armenian forces from the total annihilation in the war with Azerbaijan for Nagorno-Karabakh is at least surprising. In the worst case scenario for Armenia, it just demonstrates that the government led by the Western puppet continues its anti-Armenian policy could easily lead to the full destruction of the country’s statehood.

It is interesting to note that the Armenian Foreign Ministry claimed that the absence of Russian flags is completely fine and this is an ordinary practice for Yerevan. However, the fact that the Russian flag appeared on photos after media drew attention to the incident demonstrates that the original situation was not so okay because it revealed the real aim of the current Armenian government.

Armenian Government 'Accidentally' Forgot To Put Russian Flag During Meetings With Russian Delegation

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Blue In Green

Not going to read too much into this personally but does anyone know if Armenian-Russian relations have been strained as of recently more than just the obvious (Nagarno-Karabakh war)?


Yes, of course it has. No offence, but have you been living under a rock??? This scumbag Armenian Prime Minister worked for a Soros funded NGO before he launched his anti-Russian, anti-Armenian political program of overthrowing the lawfully elected Armenian government in an illegal coup in 2018 and replacing it with a US & EU friendly government.

Blue In Green

No offense taken, I just haven’t been following internal Armenian politics, hence why I asked in the first place lol.


All good then hehehe. For what it’s worth, it’s not only been the usual Sorros funded NGO’s such as Open Society Founfation which have been seeding chaos in the country.

There are also some of the other ‘usual suspects’ too, such as: National Endowment for Democracy (USA), US Agency for International Development (USA), National Democratic Institute (EU), European Union (EU) and the U.S. Embassy in Armenia (Which at 2500+ personnel is the second largest US embassy in the world. Mission elements include the U.S. State Department, the United States Agency for International Development and the Department of Defense).

It goes without saying that all these entities collectively worked in concert to bring about the overthrow of the lawfully elected Armenian government and to place the Soros NGO employee Nikol Pashinyan in power. It goes further again without saying, that they are obviously rabidly anti-Russian in their disposition, the American Ziombies (Zionist infected zombies) especially, and have done much to derail relations between Armenia and Russia which, ever since their 2018 coup, has fallen to all time lows (Many of the banners and placards carried by protesters during the 2018 coup literally said thing like; ‘Fuck off Russia’, ‘Fuck you Putin – Hands off Armenia’, ‘Russia get out of Armenia’ and so on). In the time since many of the government personnel perceived to have been pro Russia have been dismissed from their positions, especially in the military and security services.

God alone knows why the Russians would care enough to have helped them out now???? My opinion is that the Russian leadership and security structures are pragmatic enough to understand that they need to have some sort of presence in that part of the region for their own eventual security needs closer to Russia proper. After all, isn’t it obvious what the American Ziombies are doing?….

Potato Man

Pashinyan is Soros bitch and EU want to be….yeah he is butt-hurt about it. SF: You guys put a t in his name -> Pashinytan Good video tho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DVD-rYh0Zk


i am sure that Armenia is in a secret agreement under discussion to join NATO, good luck Russian trying to secure its borders and the its “motherland” form MUSLIMS who are everywhere surrounding the Russian imperial empire


Are you gai dumb or both,get a brain transplant libtard,Armenia is part of the cis,not gayto, get off the frgn sexchange tabs idiot,no future in fascism nor your lgbtq,nor incest,nor bidens:


The same NATO whom didn’t do nothing to help them against Turkey? Heck, they have fought a war against NATO, in the form of the Turkey/AZ.


Russia had made a big mistake for not helping a real allies Armenia like turkey helped its real allies Azrb


How does a “real allied” policy and partnership of Armenia manifest?


Armenia wanted to have Russia as an allies and the same time get rid of the oligarchic corrupt system as Russia has is this too much to ask, do you want 10 people have the wealth of 3 million


I dont care what Armenia wanted Russia to do – i am asking, how “real allied policy and partnership towards Russia from Armenia and by Armenia manifest?!


partnership?! there wasn’t partnership Russia wanted Armenia as subject, i am telling you where is the problem if Armenia had a democratic regime at the same time a friend to Russia


:) You refuse to understand.. If Armenia is a “real ally” to Russia- what did they do , or offer, or they doing or offering to Russia for its protection??? If you are always on the receiving part – you are not an ally, you are scumbag…


what can Armenian offer to Russia? maybe full subject status


If they have nothing to offer – then they are not a “real allies” at all…


let us stop the bullshit Armenian is Russia, Russia has a forward base for its southern borders in Armenian, and Armenia is ok with that

Kenny Jones ™

Good, as it should be, the Soviet Reunion is coming


hmm. But Armenian leadership and Armenian policy does not agree with you.. In fact, they are doing exactly opposite to what you wrote.. They are making problems for Russian language in the country, they are blocking Russian TV channels, they are even blaming Russia for Kharabach disaster… And sole benefactor from that forward base – is Armenia..


Even the honest gratitude would be nice – but as seen on this intentional insult with the flag – Armenia is not capable even that..

Kenny Jones ™

What oligarchic? Oligarchs don’t exist, spare us the lies. Now they’re put up with a Soros agent who’s only goal is to destroy the country, his last name contains the word “Pasha”, I assume you already know who that was..


Oligharchs are legit,fake billionares of the wests are the true parasites along with their fake election policys,kweer lgbtq certainly don’t help either,not one:


Humm ok, but do you know that just 62 people around the world are as rich as the rest of the world’s population?

This oligarchs thing is a problem worldwide, not only in Russia or Armenia.

Albert Pike

And to get rid of oligarchs one uses a Super-Oligarch like George Soros – clever thinking…

J Ramirez

That was not Russia’s war. They want to be so pro West, why did the Americans not help them?



Albert Pike

Putin can’t help an Armenian goverment ruled by his enemy George Soros. Anyway there where no Armenian regular forces in the fight. Armenia hadn’t ever recognized their Armenian brother state – that’s all not Putin’s fault…

cechas vodobenikov

nothing more than Armenian incompetence and bad manners learned from amerikans


That is a real, intentional insult towards Russia from Armenian government… There is no way it was done by mistake – you would simply not start the meeting if one flag would be missing…

Pave Way IV

Maybe the Russian flag was removed at the request of the Russian delegation?

Russians: “We would prefer our flag not be associated with Armenia. I’m sure you’ll understand. Could you please remove it and replace with something like a nice potted plant?” Armenia: “See? Now Russian invader is demanding where Armenians display potted plants! We will not bend a knee to obey Russia! NO potted plant for you.” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a7ca551cc51a754f96abc9d3ff88c3760e7cf19b239f09bb0797d58277be1ce4.jpg


they are daft.

Kenny Jones ™

This sums up the whole war, Russia already does more than it should because it is loyal, kick out those Soros dogs and their whole government

Colleen Crouse

You think so?



I think that Rep. Schiff and his predilections, including past-dues on pieces of legislation about Armenia that apparently were subordinated to his deals for the Gold Line, were acknowledged in their own way.

There is obviously a different flag that is not there…

johnny rotten

The aim of the Armenian traitors was to make things degenerate and then be able to ask for Western intervention, Russia was forced to intervene to prevent Westerners from setting foot in the Caucasus, now Soros’ asshole friend will probably be abandoned, or they will make him a martyr

Now Russia should be supporting the anti-Western Armenian rioters, a cleanup in Armenia must be done, the rude flag makes it necessary and unstoppable, the message is much more than symbolic, it clearly states which side it stands the current government, which was able to sacrifice the NK and its inhabitants.

Lazy Gamer


Lol. Jokes aside, when the only substantial move your “ally” makes is to ask u to surrender, (and constructively pushing u out of CSTO)then of course, Armenia has “some” right to treat Russia in kind. However, they are not appreciating the positive side of this arrangement.

Rhodium 10

Turkey through AZ launched the military op to retake NK..because as a NATO member knew that Pashinyan( pro western colour revolution president) would not use Armenian armed forces included the SU 30SM to shot down Turkish drones…he only sent one Tor system to Martuni which was the only system that shot down 2 TB2 and many Harop…thats why NK refused to fight when they felt betrayed!…and fled from Fizuli and Hadrut. which means that the facto that they would lose the war…Commanders are not stupid and they know that an Army ( not a terrorist group which fight guerrillas wars)..without air support and reliable air defense is nothing in battlefields

Icarus Tanović

You yhink they have fooled Ru? Nope. They exactly waited for this to happen.

Icarus Tanović

You are looser, Pashinyan, you ziowahhabi turkish pig. Now Russia have about half of NK. And thanks.


Notice how half of the little ones in pink are p00fs in todays dumbocratic system: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/669fa58d0f0f9d16db6f0a60a65650e051c06b7ce7cc48cf9b40dbd624ab5b28.jpg

Fog of War

Are you a ” person of color” ?

Ryan Glantz

just block them.

Fog of War

I dont to that, otherwise this place would just become an echo chamber of my own opinions.


I am starting to think that Poshinyan is purposefully attempting to destroy Armenia, and then be spirited away on the last plane from Yerevan with a suitcase full of ZOGbux and a ticket to Jew York City. Can anyone dispel this notion? Thx in advance.

Servet Köseoğlu

Probably he argues for positions that he doesn’t believe in…imo he can’t accept that Armenia and himself is cog in the wheel..His goal is to get the last word so he can give credit to himself regardless of whether he spoiled everything; Russians should just mirror that dumbass to block him from getting it.

Harry Smith

Your explanation is too complicated, at my point. Pashinyan is Soros bitch and do whatever his master says. Look at the USA policy for Iran, Russia and Turkey. All Pashinyan actions is just a projection of these policies in the particular region.

Lazy Gamer

Well there’s stupidity. lol

But you see, Armenia has been politically handicapped. 1. It failed decades ago, to muster opposition in the UN. The result was of course its enemies had the just war. Armenia, its allies and friends could not be seen as going against the UN as this will erode their already growing isolated positions. 2. It also sought to strategically rebalance itself from Russian sphere considering Russia supports both Armenia and Azerbaijan. To recognize NK, as part of Armenia effectively removes any plans to partner with Nato. 3. Moreover, to recognize NK as part of Armenia effectively gives Erdogan and Aliyev the casus belli to hit and occupy Armenia directly. Hence, we are left with the political formula of “people’s right to self determination” and NK was effectively detached from Armenia with resulting possibilities to be sacrificed or thrown away to save Armenia proper. Armenia itself may not be ready to go to war. 4. Russian policies are pragmatic. It doesnt refuse to help just because it does not like a certain leader.

The only thing i take against Pashinyan, and contrary to our Russian apologists in this forum is his role in the 2018 coup. He danced as a perfect puppet there without regard to the country’s security and putting his own interests first. Armenia should have known that Turkey was positioned for war then, but it chose to have a coup.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russian strategic partnership with Azerbaijan hinted at here… 600 Russian companies and $1.5 billion investments. https://tass.com/politics/893092

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Azerbaijan, Armenia have the right to choose foreign policy partners, Lavrov says BAKU, November 22. /TASS/. Azerbaijan and Armenia are sovereign states that have the right to choose their foreign policy partners, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said following a visit by a Russian inter-agency delegation to Baku on Saturday.

“Turkey is a real factor in the region, and not only in this particular region. Turkey is our partner in many fields,” he pointed out. “As a sovereign state, Azerbaijan clearly has the right to choose its foreign policy partners, as well as Armenia,” Lavrov added.

According to the Russian top diplomat, “the art of politics is to take all factors that impact the situation in a region into account when promoting various initiatives.” https://tass.com/politics/1226403

Lone Ranger

Zioarmenian trolls.

Albert Pike


thomas malthaus


Should Armenia’s Pashinyan be overthrown or remain in power?

Three Armenian ministers were recently fired or asked to resign. One was the former foreign minister. I’ll assume they were Soros’ friends.


Fog of War

This is a ZioAmerican tactic, I think its save to assume who’s really pulling Pashinyan’s strings.


Head of state + head of state = both flags Minister + Minister = both flags Head of state (receiving) + Minister (visiting) = one flag (receiving) Simple protocol: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3cc9a4d32fbfe7c4789be460580d0c7fdf1a60e6366736dfa89d357f29953d5c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea85934d43fe4ce3c8e768d9f458704606aa5f0d1a1da2ecfe3d881ee45d6569.jpg

Jihadi Colin

Saving part of Armenia’s arse didn’t get Russia any favours from Pashinyanistan. Nor did it endear Russia to Azerbaijanistan. So Russia should have stood aside and let the Azeris eradicate the remainder of Nagorno Karabakh. At least one side would have been happy. Now nobody is.

Rafik Chauhan

it was intentinol


For what it’s worth, it’s not only been the usual Sorros funded NGO’s such as Open Society Founfation which have been seeding chaos in the country.

There are also some of the other ‘usual suspects’ too, such as: National Endowment for Democracy (USA), US Agency for International Development (USA), National Democratic Institute (EU), European Union (EU) and the U.S. Embassy in Armenia (Which at 2500+ personnel is the second largest US embassy in the world. Mission elements include the U.S. State Department, the United States Agency for International Development and the Department of Defense).

It goes without saying that all these entities collectively worked in concert to bring about the overthrow of the lawfully elected Armenian government and to place the Soros NGO employee Nikol Pashinyan in power. It goes further again without saying, that they are obviously rabidly anti-Russian in their disposition, the American Ziombies (Zionist infected zombies) especially, and have done much to derail relations between Armenia and Russia which, ever since their 2018 coup, has fallen to all time lows (Many of the banners and placards carried by protesters during the 2018 coup literally said thing like; ‘Fuck off Russia’, ‘Fuck you Putin – Hands off Armenia’, ‘Russia get out of Armenia’ and so on). In the time since many of the government personnel perceived to have been pro Russia have been dismissed from their positions, especially in the military and security services.

God alone knows why the Russians would care enough to have helped them out now???? My opinion is that the Russian leadership and security structures are pragmatic enough to understand that they need to have some sort of presence in that part of the region for their own eventual security needs closer to Russia proper.

After all, isn’t it obvious what the American Ziombies are doing?….

https://transparency.am/en/projects/view/113 https://tonyseed.wordpress.com/2018/11/01/certain-us-embassies-are-large-military-intelligence-centres/ https://am.usembassy.gov/embassy/yerevan/ https://www.ned.org/region/eurasia/armenia-2018

Ryan Glantz

That must have been awkward.

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