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Armenian MoD: Three Azerbaijani Fighter Jets, Two Helicopters Shot Down Over Nagorno-Karabakh (Video, Photos)

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The Ministry Of Defense of Armenian announced on October 1 that three Azerbaijani fighter jets and two helicopters had been shot down over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The ministry said on Twitter the warplanes were shot down by the air-defense units of the Artsakh Defense Army in the southeastern part of Nagorno-Karabakh, where a fierce battle with the Azerbaijan Armed Forces is taking place. One of the downed helicopters allegedly fell within Iran’s territory.

In a statement, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan dismissed the Armenian claims, calling them “complete nonsense and fake news.”

The Armenian Unified Infocenter shared photos of an Israel-made IAI Harop that was shot down near a residential area in the outskirt of Askeran city. Over the last two days, IAI Harop loitering munitions were heavily used against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Later, Shushan Stepanyan, Press-Secretary of the Armenian MoD, shared a video showing the downing of what appears to be an Azerbaijani An-2 aircraft. According to some observers, the Azerbaijani military turned a number of An-2s into drones.

The Armenian claims of shooting down three Azerbaijani fighter jets and two helicopters appear to be untrue. However, air defense units in Nagorno-Karabakh are without a doubt still active.

The Azerbaijani military is still operating with much freedom in Nagorno-Karabakh airspace. Turkey is allegedly playing an active role in aerial operations over the region.


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Three fighter jets? That’s quite a claim. :/

Pave Way IV

They probably claimed to have shot down three ‘fighter aircraft’. No idea if the Azeri ever used an An-2 as a ‘fighter aircraft’, but whatever. I confess, i had to look up the An-2 to remember what it looked like. ‘World’s largest single-engine biplane’. Odd choice for a drone.

The An-2 looks like typical no-bullshit simple Soviet design. Hundreds still flying today as bush planes and crop dusters. Pilots are advised to disable the An-2’s Soviet version of MCAS: a marginally sober co-pilot, sometimes a bear, with a balalaika. Not sure how either the copilot or bear would augment the An-2s maneuvering controls, but I can picture certain scenarios… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0a9e1631f00fdaa3cd17371f27668285fa2c755754e4cd18ba1ccc10801c7b65.jpg


The bear should be used in case the balalaika wants to drink the vodka

Lone Ranger



First flight in 1947 ! Must be a very sound design.

alejandro casalegno

North Korea have hundreds………..for Special Forces deployment.


Azeri protesting in northern Iran. Ehm it is all crystal clear now.

Do you people remember, a week ago, when Netanyahu talked about a first strike against Iran? And we know that Israel is giving weapons ( and who knows what ) to Azerbaijan. And strangely, shells have started falling on iranian soil, injuring civilians. And now the azeris in Iran start protesting.

You have it, under the sun for all to be seen. Israel is helping in causing hundreds of deaths, just to create turmoil in Iran!!

And we should respect people like these?


When you try to destroy us, don’t expect we won’t to do the same to you. Cry bitch.


Except it is always your lot starting trouble. Your words let me think that Hitler was right!


Hitler is rotting in hell, the same place the mullahs are going and they will join him too.


keep dreaming

do you think that Erdogan will not pose his sight on your little patch of land?


Erdogan can only bark, he might use threats against Greece but not against us. Israelis and Turks are not enemies, so I don’t expect hostilities between us.


yeah yeah

you don’t expect…then he will surprise you big time…cover your asses, otherwise the sultan will rape you


Sooner or later the political relations between Israel and Turkey will work out, Erdogan and Bibi hate each other but that doesn’t mean the people feel the same. Our target is Iran, I expect a regional war to come in the coming months.


you love turkish delight in your anus you dirty jww

catalin zt

The whole World will smash u SOON maggots from hell u are all this cursed race along with the anglo-saxons!


Oh I’m so scared, back to your hole rat.


Arrogance is the mother of ruin.

At least you people have learned the lesson Sharon gave Putin, when he said: “trust no one in the Middle East”.

catalin zt

Your turn to Hell is just right now u genocidal, paedophile khazarian SCUM!

Great Khan

Hitler great warrior, only failure gas shortage.


Hitler was an Angel next to most of the Israeli leaders.


Ofcourse he was, since you were working with him you knew him best. Greekos have no shame, working wit hthe Nazis then blaming others for their crimes. A disgusting nation.


nazis are fantastic. greeks are heroes


hahhahaha You are the idiot of this blog jewsnake!

Keep rediculing your self with al lthe crap you post.




In your face again turkisis lover, jewsnake!

catalin zt

You khazarians and ur tool the anglo-saxons you will perish in fire like the hell u all come from… Amen!

Great Khan

Great Khan thinks you are a boy Jew bitch who barks.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Simply don’t see Russia placing as great as importance over an even more promiscuous regime than the Belarus one, the territory is disputed but Azerbaijan has good root-title in their claim.

Pave Way IV

My meager understanding was that U.S. neocon psychopathic leaders always has a hard-on about Azerbaijan. Russian/Iranian oil pipelines, surrounding the evil Soviet/Russian ’empire’, minerals, CIA terrorist recruiting – as well as a slew of ‘other’ U.S. imperial interests. Israel equally obsessed with it because… Iran. All, and I mean ALL crooked-assed Azeri politicians, businessmen and big shots running the place are in our pocket. Something the ‘proud’ Azeris would fiercely deny (but please keep those bags of shekels coming). It’s like the U.S. trying to own Georgia, except with the additional Israeli/Iran spice thrown in. The U.S. wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about Azerbaijan or Armenia if they were in South America or Africa.

I may be oversimplifying this, but I always saw Russia’s interests in Armenia as a reaction to the usual U.S. clownfuckery of our imperialism by proxy. I doubt the Russians would care much about Armenia if the U.S. hadn’t cucked Azerbaijan so hard in the last decade. But then Armenia and Azerbaijan probably wouldn’t even be at war if the U.S. had kept our ass out of there. Armenia and Azerbaijan are never going to be best buddies ever, but all the foreign interest is like throwing gasoline on a fire.

catalin zt

I keeep telling…DELETE from the face of Earth the two maggot races of the anglo-saxons and jew-khazarians and everything will be fine ! If not we will all perish!

Tudor Miron

Lots of boasting from both sides as expected. But if we look at actual situation than it is clear that Azeri blitzkrieg plan didn’t work. No real gains in territory after 3 days of fighting. Too bad that common folks from both sides have to die for stupidity of Aliev and groundless ambitions of Erdogan. Erdogan thought that he will gain weight in Caucasus but instead he’s loosing face. Some hoped that Russia will get dragged into this war – didn’t happen. Erdogan is really stretching himself way too wide. Syria, Libia now Karabach while his resources are limited at best. Is he ready to reap what he’s sowing? I doubt it. Let’s see how it unfolds.

Assad must stay

i read on halturnerradioshow.com that the azeri general they captured said the blitzkrieg didnt work cuz russia warned armenia about it like 4 months ago or something, and i think russia will only get involved if armenia starts losing badly and its existence is at stake

Porc Halal

That is also what I think…

Romeo Pesiao

And maybe Erdo was behind of that blitzkrieg.

Great Khan

Great Khan believes this is now a stalemate war of attrition. Ceasefire coming soon, back to the future.

Romeo Pesiao

Later on Turkey cannot even defend itself from any invasion because their logistics were empty.

Assad must stay

hahaahhaha nice job armenia

cechas vodobenikov

it appears that both Armenia and Azeris are publishing fake claims….azeris are incompetent soldiers—they scurried back to Baku …entirely defeated in Artesehk if the turkeys send in their flightless birds, Russia will intervene. this barbarism is instigated by USA, turkey, Israel azeris purchase 60% of their weapons from Israel

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