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MARCH 2025

Armenian National Security Service Released Audio Tapes Allegedly Confirming Participation Of Turkish Military In Karabakh War

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The National Security Service of Armenia released a video allegedly confirming the participation of the Turkish Air Force and Arab mercenaries in the Azerbaijani advance in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region (the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic).

The video includes conversations between Turkish and Azerbaijani service members. In one of the conversations, the remarks include details regarding the flight conditions and coordinates (in particular, the city of Yevlakh). Then alleged Turkish pilots request permission to return to the base in Ganja.


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“Azerbaijan now has heavy losses in manpower and military equipment amid an attack on Artsakh.

The Minister of Defense of the Autonomous Armenian Province, Lieutenant General Suren Sarumyan stated:

“The Azerbaijanies uses its entire arsenal, UAVs, aviation, armored combat vehicles, special units, artillery and tactical missiles. “Our men show a heroic resistance and repel the attacks of the enemy and stand firm in their positions.”

Sarumyan also informed that the Turkish-Azeris suffered heavy losses especially in a motorized phalanx, but the exact number of dead and wounded is not specified at present.

“For Turkey, a NATO country, this will be the third active intervention in the affairs of other countries in recent years. “Therefore, the Armenians feel a real danger and will oppose the Turks, because they simply have no other choice,” writes an American expert.

A Russian expert says that “it should be noted that, due to certain circumstances, the modernization of the Turkish Air Force did not take place and that the Turkish F-16Cs are equipped with very outdated missiles.”

Turkey may be targeted by Armenian Iskander-M and Turkish bases destroyed

According to the American Military Watch, Yerevan threatens to use Iskander-M “supersonic” ballistic missiles to prevent Turkish F-16 attacks, so it is clear that Ankara is “playing with fire” by intervening in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

How amazing it will be when the Armenians use the Iskander (Alexander the Great) to destroy these turko-jihadi scum !!!


Lazy Gamer

How did Turkey get admitted to Nato with all these territorial disputes?


1955 …middle of the cold war… Nuclear missiles near the Soviet Union for NATO. Today things are changing though… the USA is about to move its nucs from the incirlic base in turkey to most likely Greece.

I hope not, I dont want no nucs in Greece.

Apart maybe from like a douzen of our own, just enough to anihilate turkgay when the wind blows from west to east …?


The real action will start in less than 6 months between Israel and Iran, all the past wars in the ME would be small compared to what’s about to come.


You will not have time to deal with Iran …. something HUGE will happen..which will scare you all.


We are not scared that easily, Iran’s nuclear program will be stopped with the U.S or without them. I hope everyone know what it means.


There are WORSE things that can happen than nuclear.


There is nothing worse than a nuclear war.


Nuclear weapons also fell in Sodom and Gomorrah … but the area still exists … the Dead Sea. There is technology that eliminates radioactivity.


I don’t know about that, but they are 6 months from a bomb. If the world thinks we will sit back and do nothing, then the world is wrong. Call it WW3, we are getting there.


We are already in the first phase of the third world war or the Modern Trojan War for us Greeks.


You have your war, we have ours. Different regions, same mentality.


We know about ZioNazi wars. We know about your evil, savage “Bible” and your demonic god Yaeweh, death be upon it.

We know that your demonic god, the filthy beast Yahweh, death be upon it, ordered you Jews to annihilate all non-Jews in “Greater Israel” (a/k/a Zionism) (20 Deut. 16-18) and to enslave the rest of the world, annihilating all nations who refuse to submit to Jewish totalitarian tyranny (a/k/a Communism) (20 Deut. 10-15)).

We know that your savage, barbaric religion is pure evil, and that thus you are pure evil. Hence we know what you are capable of. And we are prepared.


And your little ZioNazi state will be utterly destroyed, so you are saying there IS hope.


Sure there is. Your existence is much worse.

Concrete Mike

iran’s nuclear weapons program is non existent.

I hope everyone knows what THAT MEANS!

Stop pushing iran in a corner, stop asking for ww3 wtf is wrong with you idiots?


That you are a violent, savage ZioNazi, but we knew that already.

S Melanson

Can you elaborate? Interested in what you have to say.


Shouldn’t you be murdering little Palestinian kids holding slingshots with your rifle at this time jewsnake ?

Or did u got the weekend off for being overzealous and highly efficient with your task during the week?



I thought you would be happy Smoking Man, you can finally get your wish to see us destroyed as your mullah friends want. Will it happen? I guess we will find out soon.


You wont dare to go to war against Iran. You are too scared! Iran is not Palestinian kids. Iran is got more than slingshots and rocks. But you are however counting on turkey to go to war with them. This is why you v been selling them all these drones and other sh1t. Same thing that you do with the east turks the azeroturks. There is a chance that plan might work for you actually.


There is no point to debate it here, when the critical moment comes, we will act. First block: U.S, Israel, KSA, Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain. Second block: Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen. Make your bets.


Wherever you put Russia you need to also put China.

You think Jordan and Egypt will be on the side of Israel in any war ? hahahahahah


Yes they will, both of them are under the U.S sphere and have close relations with us. China won’t enter the war in the ME, they have their own problems in the China Sea against Taiwan.


China wants to go to the Mediterranean … and to the Mediterranean oil reserves … because it has no energy reserves as a country at all. It has already set foot in the port of Haifa in Israel.


And we will end their presence there, sooner or later a new PM will cancel all the dirty deals Bibi has made with China.


Personally, I prefer Netanyahu ..because he is NOT pro-Turkish. The other is pro-Turkish.


Gantz is also not a friend of Erdogan, and he is not corrupted like Bibi. As the Covid crises continues here, more Israelis say in the polls they will vote for Gantz and not Bibi.


Gantz is a friend of the Turks, of Turkey … and not of Erdogan. Erdogan is over, he will have the end of Gaddafi and Saddam. And then Israel will restore the good relations it had with Turkey.


Yeah, probably. We have never had wars with Turkey, even Erdogan knows it is best to leave us alone.

S Melanson

This will have to happen as Israel will be part of a new US led containment of China Kennan style. The CCP will collapse in time like the Soviet Union so strategic patience.

Do not let China achieve unipolar hegemony, if you think the CCP are bad now, imagine if they become supreme. God forbid.


You delivered the keys from the largest port in Israel to China !!!!



Bibi did, but they will be kicked out from that port. The Israeli public already hates China for helping Iran, we just need to pass a law here to forbid them from having any Israeli property.


China is not an easy opponent … even Iran, which is a strong opponent … will not scare you as much as China. Still the people … do not know what China intends to do …. the Chinese have been preparing for decades … to play their part.


Exactly, which is why they can never be trusted.

S Melanson

Correct, the plan is China will be the adversary to the US in a new Cold War, Russia was a placeholder until China properly groomed. US is disengaging from ME


I disagree… China has not been preparing… The Western Elite has been preparing China… Don’t you think?

Concrete Mike

us has been circling the drain for a while…are you sure you can count on them?

I think israeli plans are lunacy!

Your going to get us all.killed you selfish bastards!!!


” First block: U.S, Israel, KSA, Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain.”

Do not count on America … America’s attention is focused on China.


The world has been controlled by two powerful centers of power for thousands of years. Both you and the mullahs belong to one of them. Both centers of power want control of the planet … they do not care about anything … the only thing they have different, is the way they want to fulfill their goal. But in essence they want the SAME THING. At the moment, the two factions are being attacked in Zion … the word ZION is ancient and GREEK and has to do with Solar Mysteries.


Same power for thousands of years…. yes…. but who are they? I thought they had consolidate their power under one center [City of London]…. Didn’t think there still were two centers…

Anyway… it’s a question I long tried to find answer for…. The Canaanites known as Phoenicians ruled the Eastern Med Sea for a thousand years before 1200 BC and the whole Med Sea for another thousand years after 1200 BC … They were the Central Bankers of the time…. Always secretive …. Never had an army…. Always allied with all…. Never had a defined identity…. Hence why maybe they left no trace [art, cultural signature, etc]…. After the fall of Cartage, they adopted Judaism…. They became the Sephardic Jews…. Venice was ruled by powerful Jews…. They infiltrated Europe …. lend money to all monarchies… House of Mendez & Beneviste operated like the Phoenicians…. huge commercial empire, usurious loans, slavery, etc…. Are they one or the power?

You wrote ‘the two factions re being attacked in Zion… Did you mean… the two factions are fighting each other in Zion?…. or that someone else is attacking the two factions….

Ancient Mysteries… what you call ‘Solar Mysteries’… yes …. but Zion is not Greek… it’s Canaanite [ what is bullshitly known as ‘Hebrew’ ] …. neither are the ancient mysteries Greek…. that goes back to Sumer, Egypt…. the worship of God was taught to the Greeks by the ancient Egyptians… ancient Greek writes confirm this…. Greek mythology is also based on the Canaanite pantheon [ which itself has its roots in Sumer/Mesopotamia]….


” Did you mean… the two factions are fighting each other in Zion? ”

Yes, that’s what I meant … many times I write fast and I make a mistake in my expression.


We also saw this conflict in Beirut. For what reasons was the ancient building of Saturn, Beirut, so brutally beaten? Because Beirut is Saturn’s favorite city … just as Libya is Atlanta’s oldest home. What is happening in Libya and happened in Beirut … is related to this ancient conflict between Saturn and Atlanta … do you think that they have disappeared and do not exist ??? hahahaha they are all here …. but with other names.


Are you referring to the civil war in Lebanon and what NATO did to Lybia?…. I don’t know enough on the ancient mysteries to understand this in the way you put it… but from a more modern point of view, it was Kissinger’s policies that waged the war in Lebanon… the goal was to split Lebanon between Israel [for Lebanon’s fresh water] and Syria [to make up for the stolen Golan Heights]… If you can add more info based on solar mysteries, I’d like to hear..


The Phoenicians, according to Herodotus and Strabo, …. they came from the Red Sea . (What the Greeks called the Atlantic Sea) and settled in Phenicia.


I didn’t know this… best of my information I read that Herodotus said Sumer and other parts of the Mid East were civilized by a ‘black head’ people [not black people per say though] who came from the Indus Valley… The Canaanites known as ‘Phoenicians’ would have originated from Mesopotamia… I also read an association between the Phoenicians and Atlantis … so maybe it related to what you said… Atlantic.. Otherwise I know that ancient Greeks writers wrote of Phoenician voyages beyond the pillars of Melquart [rewritten by the greeks as ‘Hercules’]…. meaning beyond the Gibraltar and across the Atlantic in the Americas… a land rich in fauna and flora… likely Brazil since they found Phoenician inscriptions there..


after kazars /israhell/ past as a bad history..world br be diffrerent and comun kazars SPREAD all over the world hide like what they are RATS,,..ou world CHANGE…….we will NEVER ..acepeted that BS of choosen ones ..and everywere will be teach KAZARS HISTORY ..like the worst being in this planet..andthr CRIME WILL BE EXPOSED for the will of mankindbe ready PI/RATS…yes you.

Concrete Mike

Its not the mullahs , what a stupid derogatory and racist way to adress a nation by the way, that want you dead!

Its your leadership that wants you dead, in order to fulfil your idiotic zionist prophecy!

Putin Apologist

Our world is defintely building towards some form of globalwide confrontation but within “6 months”? Okay, it could be.


Jul 10, 2020 “Iran is six months away from its first nuclear bomb, the intelligence said” https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2020/07/10/iran-is-six-months-away-from-its-first-nuclear-bomb-the-intelligence-said/


Yes, but they’ve been saying the very exact same thing (“within 6 months”) like a broken record since 1985.


This time it’s real.


Yes, just like the fairy dust I carry in my backpack to spread cheer and joy wherever I wander.




DId you read the article? they have enough enriched uranium for it now, something they didn’t have before.

Concrete Mike

dude you have no.idea how it works do you?

Just stop.

Putin Apologist

“Iran has become just a few months away from producing its first nuclear bomb, thanks to its relatively enriched uranium, an intelligence officer told the online publication Elaph, learned BulgarianMilitary.com citing AMN.”

Let’s decipher, or try too anyway.

BulgarianMilitary.com (your source) somehow “learned” from AMN (whoever or whatever that is) that an unnamed intelligence officer “told” yet another website called “Elaph” that Iran is “just a few months away”?

I don’t know about you, but I’m convinced.


U.S intel claimed the same too few weeks ago.


it will be israels last war


Stoldeberg is the whore of Turkey..They are preparing a new genocide! Only 3 million Armenians against 90 million Turks and Azeris! The new disgrace of the West. For years now, the Armenian military has been trained in the Greek Military Schools, and in fact, when Armenia offered 35 of its soldiers to a NATO mission, the Armenians joined under the command of the Greeks who participated in it!


Turkey is the army of demilitarized Germany!


What happens if Armenia is accepted into NATO. That will be such a happy family….


Lieutenant General Suren Sarumyan

Baghdad Bob, is that you?




More of SevenMoons friends end up as fertilizer: https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1312532692886384640?s=20

Fog of War

Thats very disrespectful. You dont make a pile of human beings like that to show iff your ” kills ” for the camera. The SAA never did that. I’m losing respect for the Armenians .


What do you suggest then? Personally, id run them through a meat grinder and use them for fertilizer. Or maybe throw them in the landfill like the US military did with their own soldiers, oh was I not supposed to bring that up?

Fog of War

” What do you suggest then? Personally, id run them through a meat grinder and use them for fertilizer. ”

Really ? For what being soldiers ? You call yourselves Christians and act like ISIS.

” Or maybe throw them in the landfill like the US military did with their own soldiers, oh was I not supposed to bring that up? ”

Present evidence or I call BS .


Wow how do you not know about this… https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-16081240

Fog of War

You’re correct, I totally forgot about that ” incident “. However, I expect Christian Armenians not to stoop to the level of the depraved, immoral, blood thirsty ZioAmericans.

catalin zt

Well the anglo-saxon genocidalpaedophiles use the mercenaries (same like they use the slave for profit) and then use the ashes for another capitalist Fascist as fertilizer for the GMO crop! In the anglo-saxon criminal world this is called “progress” ! Heil,yawohl

catalin zt

The anglo-saxon disgrace on their own mercenaries…bleahhhh capitalist mentality….


Such low life. Even lower than the HTS in Syria. Same level as ISIS.

You Christian are trained like that?

That video is fake….

What a low life Armenian…. They deserve all they received from Turkey…


Not so easy to rape, pillage and steal when it isnt defenseless civilians is it cousin-lover? Your just confused from all the generations of marrying your cousin.

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h85)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::

catalin zt

Capitalist anglo-saxon scammer bi**h!

Assad must stay

yes armenia please use iskanders and take out the torki bases


If you are winning big, then why your PM is seeing peace talk?


Μy PM is Kyriakos Mitsotakis dumbass!


I like to watch those drone videos. Keep those rats dead inside the rat holes….


your day will come jew


” confirming participation of turkish military in Karabakh war”.and the rain is wet lel



Potato Man

Money is money….BTW “target civilians, in violation of human rights & Israel law” LMFAO that is gold. Change Armenian to Palestinian. US house recognizes Armenian genocide just like 2 years ago and that came after Turkey killing Kurds btw with Israeli weapons and tanks :/ they recognize it to piss Turkey, they don’t care about Armenia. “Israel, safe refuge to jews” ahh yes it sure as hell is safe. I still don’t know why would anyone would think Israel would take Armenia side… Azer being a Shia country work very well with Israel and I said this before, I remember reading report how Israel and Azer made a “deal” which give IAF to launch an attack on Iran.


Wow, the Armenians have published evidence that Turkish planes fly in Azerbaijan! Wow! Oh my God! Wow! Oh my God!

lmfao. By the way this Southfront propaganda about “Arab mercenaries” really ruins your credibility. Even if there are Arabs fighting there, what proof have you they are “mercenaries”? Have you ever heard of Pan-Arabism or Islam? Both ideologies justify kicking Armenian invaders out of Azerbaijan, just like both Russian nationalism and Orthodox Christianity “justified” Russia crushing the independence hopes of Chechnya. Or maybe all the Russian fighters in Chechnya were also “mercenaries”, hmm?




Obviously you have no facts or logic to counter me, I presume you think some insulting video will prove you right. Actually it proves what an idiotic low-life know-nothing “attempted cyberbully” (as your weak, pathetic efforts are entirely unsuccessful) you are. You pathetic little worm, be careful before I step on you and squish you into the ground, lol.


You ll fart on my balls and on my big fat Greek c0ck like the rest of your turkojew friends you c0ck sucking f@g jihadi scum . I post only facts here and call out your and your friend’s sh1t and fake news.



Well your 3yo insults are the best you can do, as you are, like I wrote, a pathetic liar and moron who thinks your pathetic, lame attempts at cyberbullying will yield you some success, proving ever more what an evil idiot and loser you are.


hahahha ”evil idiot” !

What cyberbullying ? My comments you think are cyberbullying ? Are you scared ? Are you afraid ? Do you keep the lights on at night ? Do you look under your bed for the sandman ? hahahaha pathetic little boy!

And your comment by the way isnt exactly something they d be reading in a poetry convection! Dumbass!


You don’t scare me, you pathetic little scat-eating maggot. That’s why I wrote “attempts at cyberbullying”, but a retarded maggot like you can’t read basic English. I blame your mother’s job as a crack-ho and her guzzling of alcohol during her pregnancy for your severe mental retardation.


Stop cyberbullying me stop it STOP IT !





you dumbass!

John Wallace

How come you are so obnoxious too everyone. I wonder if perhaps you are the obnoxious one.. Me thinks so.


Who cares what you think? I treat people how they deserve to be treated. Every board has its band of resident cowardly “bullies” who try to shut anyone up who thinks differently from their retarded, partisan idiocy. I tell them to fuck off in no unclear terms. Obviously that bothers you, maybe you are the bitch of these cyberbullies? Either way, I don’t give a damn. Now go mind your own business and stop carrying water for your masters, slave.

John Wallace

No one tells me what I can or can not do. Who the fuck do you think you are. You have no idea whatsoever of who I am , what I have done or where I have been. So GFY idiot. Suck your own dick What does NWOD stand for .. New World Order Director .. I bend over for no one.. that includes you shit head.. I don’t give a fuck who you are or who you Think you are..


Poor little water boy got triggered, lol!

“I bend over for no one.” – but there you are, bent over naked with cheeks spread, waiting for igare’s deep deposit. How shameful.

John Wallace

Thank you for your reply which I could see wasn’t worth reading so I didn’t bother dipshit./ Pleased to see you are having a nice day and if you put some crème on your arsehole it should be ready too ream sooner without the pain. I know you don’t like to cry.. Big kiss bye bye for now.

Fog of War

Whats with the homosexual refrences, are the Greek rumours true ?

Romeo Pesiao

Pathetic jihadist mercenaries, they used by the Azerbaijans to clear the mine fields using their warm bodies.


Sure, and the Armenians captured little Azerbaijani girls to make their stew for their dinner.


The Azeris now seem to have become full-fledged “puppets” of Erdogan.

According to social media sources, the Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijan, Najmeddin Sadykov, was arrested by his compatriots.

The accusations are serious, as they call him an “agent of the Russians”.

Sadykov was reportedly removed from office at the request of Turkish military advisers.

The general had first rejected Turkish intervention in his country.

Sadykov seems to have realized Erdogan’s grandiose plans and wanted a “fair” battle between Azeris and Armenians without Turkish guidance.

According to reports, the Azeri general before his arrest stressed his aversion to Turkish intervention, saying: “If we give our army to the Turks, maybe we should give them our wives as well?”

As it turns out, the Azeris have been well patronized by Turkey, which is not a “sister” country, but uses Azerbaijan, like other countries, to achieve its goals. Without caring about the losses …

Fog of War

No obviously cares Armenia, not even your ally Putin.

Me&Myself None

But, after studying the situation more carefully, I do not think that Putin is armenia’s ally, in fact I think Putin is subtly backing Azerbaijan. I have explained my theory more in detail at the fort-russ discussion forum.

Fog of War

Whether your theory makes sense or not , its very pompous to come here and assume I’m going to scan that whole Fort Russ website looking for your ” amazing ” comment. I’m sure you know how to attach links, or I hope you do by now.


Putin does not care about N-K. It belongs to Azerbaijan. No one has business at N-K.

Pave Way IV

Summary for those that don’t want to watch entire video:

Aircraft (Turkish) callsign Gyanja wanted to land. Told to go back out and work! Fucking lazy Turks!

Leopard tells Garshka to move some guys forward to the posts. Garshka says they won’t go.

Janavar is supposed to put two injured guys in a car before it gets blown away by the Armenians. Hurry, Janavar! Also, they need ammunition. Don’t put the injured Turkmen in the car, someone will come for them. (Yeah… sure)

Leopard then gets dragged into the search for Mahmud the Border Guard. Emergency! “Put Gyoran on the line.” Then Leopard pretends to be Garshka – sneaky bastard. Anyway, Gyoran is directed to find Mahmud, but don’t tell him anything! Garshka/Leopard then complains that nobody wants to talk. See how that works, Garshka? Frantic hunt for Mahmud continues.Where IS he?? They don’t know who he is. And someone is shooting at them from the forest 4-5km away. Maybe it’s Mahmud! Cease fire, Mahmud you crazy bastard!

Last segment from some whiney headchopper imported from Syria. He figures out they were tricked into coming (they’re slow like that). Apparently the headchoppers are being used as meat-based land-mine detectors and are upset about being blown to pieces. Tells Abu Valid not to send any more headchoppers. The Azeris are nowhere to be seen on the battlefield – they just sent in the stupid headchoppers, who are now ‘dying of mine explosions’ and can’t get the corpses out.

Headchopper quote of the day, “I swear by Allah this is not a game haji, this is death!”

The jokes just write themselves here….

Romeo Pesiao

The events reflects the cowardice of Azerbaijans.

Fog of War

– America and Russia in the 1990s: This is what real meddling looks like –




Off topic frog: I was surprised to be looking at the near fool moon this night and spotted Mars. This is not normal, the orbits are close OMG :)

Fog of War

Have you been drinking ?

Lucia West

Google is paying $192 for every single hour….. On Monday I have got my first Mercedes-AMG right after getting my biggest payout of $35475 for a week..(4h85)… It seems un-believable but you won’t forgive yourself if you do not check it (Select Option “Home” within it to get details)>>>>>>>>> http://ps4.cloud/dl/googlejobs2020 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★:

catalin zt

The anglo-saxonskhazarian paedophilegenocidalssatanic are sending their jihadi proxiesmercenaries to the mince meat factory! Good news! The perverse satanic Albionkhazarian is betraying again it’s own ! The same thei did with their ukroNazi in Ukraine :) God pleeeease CLEAN this World of anglo-saxonjew paedophilegenocidal race and We All wil be living in Peace and Harmony! Amen!

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