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MARCH 2025

Armenian President: Turkey Supports Azerbaijani Advance With F-16s, Drones, Advisers And Mercenaries

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Turkey is assisting Azerbaijan in the war against the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic with advisers, mercenaries and even F-16 fighters, Armenian President Armen Sarkissian said at the opening of the international forum CYBERSEC2020.

“A NATO member, Turkey, provides full assistance to Azerbaijan in the form of drones, cyberattacks, advisers, mercenaries and even F-16 fighters,” Sargsyan said via videoconference.

He added that the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is still possible through dialogue.

“There is a platform – the OSCE Minsk Group with the participation of Russia, the United States and France. We must return to dialogue,” he said.

The President emphasized that the Armenian nation cannot allow the return of the past.

“105 years ago, the Ottoman Empire carried out the genocide of the Armenians. In no case can we allow this genocide to be repeated,” Sargsyan said.

Meanwhile, the Armenian side confirmed that 28 more of its soldiers were killed in clashes with Azerbaijan. Thus, the confirmed number of Armenian casualties is 59. The Azerbaijani military claims that over 550 Armenian soldiers were killed. This number is called ‘fake news’ by the Armenian media and military. At the same time, the gains declared by Azerbaijan on the ground are also yet to be confirmed by any video evidence. Most of videos released by Azerbaijan show artillery and drone strikes on Armenian positions. This raises concerns among supporters of the Azerbaijani advance on the Nagorno-Karabakh region that the ground advances were mostly, or at least partly, a media forgery.

Armenians burn Azerbaijani military equipment on the frontline:

Azerbaijani artillery and combat drones in action:


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Now Armenia finally talk about Nagorno-Karabakh settlement because it knows it can’t fend off the attack by Azerbaijan with the support of Turkey. Russia won’t get involved in this conflict. Russia already gets involved against Turkey in Syria and Libya. Russia has had enough of the Turks.

Nagorno-Karabakh should remain a part of Azerbaijan as a federal region. They should not seek independence or be annexed with Armenia.

Kenny Jones ™

But, you didn’t take anything https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b9797ee9e39185bf747c99357cbed3f0855e539195ab4cc78cbf67b71a3e543c.jpg

Furkan Sahin

bro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Ethiopian_general_election who do you hope to win?

Kenny Jones ™

Tbh, Ethiopia is the last thing I care about atm, why is it so relevant now according to you?

Furkan Sahin

because they have a lot of people and they also have good warplanes maybe it could be that they support Houthis and Assad if they choose the president they want to work with

Kenny Jones ™

Hmm, then I support the anti-West option of the presidents

Porc Halal

No shit!!..are you a turk?!…of course you are…It was just sarcasm…

The armenian majority doesn’t matter, right?!…their oppinion wont worth shit for you, huh?!…btw, I think turks know best how to dealth with “how to get rid of armenians” from Nagorno-Karabakh region…

Fog of War

” The armenian majority doesn’t matter, right?! ”

They are a majority in that small part of the land. What about the Azeri ( large ) minority in NW Iran, should they declare indepndence also ? What about the large Mexican minority in SouthWest US do they also get that ” right “. Be careful what boxes you open.

Jens Holm

It should be left as it is. There are no good reasosns for regaing that 1000 years old conflict again.

Muslim Lion

And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able. And whoever of you reverts from his religion [to disbelief] and dies while he is a disbeliever – for those, their deeds have become worthless in this world and the Hereafter, and those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein eternally.

Porc Halal

Another muslim trash…

Porc Halal

Your sick cult is a trash so do you and your fucking pedofile guru…

Concrete Mike

Go fuck yourself you fake ass muslim, your just a prostitute for usa and ISRAEL!


Where does it say in the Koran that you must prostitute yourself to high finance?

Ill help you out, it does NOT say that in the koran.

Jens Holm

Far out to connect to USA and Israel.

You only try to be an unresponsible person and are doing well. A little more and its a must, You should not running anything Yourself.


“far out to Connect to USA and Israel” maybe yes..maybe not.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b29e6f11054ba4dadbc393e52588f0fe6042b6bfa9b1abd1b60ec27db97c3d5f.jpg

Jens Holm

There are newer normal relarive relations to new and – or regained countres.

Many others also are there because they want to build political and trade relations, which is normal.

Stupidists like You and here 10 sheep deny those new countries this even those countries has a very low economy based on collapsed Russian Communisme of teh worst.

Look at GDP for those countries – its low. Look at how thet try something else – its difficult.

And yes in this we also see its about oil/fuel as well as where pipelines and income for that will or will not gain who and where.

Its very strange You not even mention the hardliner there. Those are Russia, Turkey and Iran.

You deny those little poor ones to change and devellop to something better and You dont understand, that most parts of the whole Bolsjevic Communisme was made poor just as them. You always look at Moscow and a few other things such as weapons. Thats were the few money still are transmitted to by incomptent loow productive stupid systems by a low educated population.

It has been systematic theft. They have very good reasons for trying something else and should be helped and allowed to try something better. As we see they are very different. Al roads go to to Rome was said once upon a time ago. That might be true – But Your version demanding “DONT MOVE” never reach anything.

Putting in CIA and Mossad instead of changing Your own quagmitre in contraproductive in its worst.

Your focus should be making collapsed countries such as Russia Ukraine, Belarus, Syria, Iraq, Sudan and Yemen to something better.

And its easy because You by some hard work could copy partsd, whichj can be implemnted as very good repair or better. I also has had a car, which even after many expensive repairs had to replaced. That dont say devellopment to robberkapitalisme as we have seen too – well assisted by Eastern Oligarcs.

Those parts cannot be conected by CIA or Moddad. They are in Your own stubberness, where any will assume Karl Marx, Mr Engels and Muhammed willl rotate in their graves.

So those people should be allowed to be not like that and being helped to other rlations and balances.

Concrete Mike

Hahaha funny guy

Far out to connect usa and Israel? Really? Really Jens?

Beyond the pale here folks!!…


Stupid D•ckhead we are not allowed to kill people of other beliefs .

“The truth is from your Lord; so let him who please believe and let him who please disbelieve.” 18:29


religion (regardless which one) has been used for killings for thousands of years. Khaliphate conquest, Crusades, Colonization/Inquisition, Ottoman conquests. Nothing new here


All right. And why should people risk their lives to defend others against unjust killings? Yeah, it’s back to religions.

“I have got a bullet in front of my house, from my private house, a complete bullet as a threat… Honestly, I think if I was not – if I had no faith, if I was not Catholic, I will not be here and I will not be speaking the truth.” ~ Former Swiss banker Francois Siebenthal, 2015


not religion, national/personal/economical interests


Can’t national, personal, and economical interests all conflict? For example, Siebenthal’s personal interest includes not getting shot, but him exposing the debt money scam to serve the national interest hurts the banksters’ economical interests and might get Siebenthal shot.

So no, this still comes back to religion: Whether people believe in metaphysical selflessness like Siebanthal, or in metaphysical selfishness like the banksters.

Concrete Mike

in the 21st century money has become religion.

Concrete Mike

Thank you my brother. Thank you for exposing this zionist controlled prostitute.

Jens Holm

Thats right. In all religions there are stop signs too. They too often are ignored.

Fog of War

” we are not allowed to kill people of other beliefs . ”

How did Islam spread through out the world then ? By passing out cookies and milk ? You sound like modern appologist Catholics.


No you , Islam spread by war to protect itself . For example the Byzantines and The Sassanids attacked the Muslims first so war was only to protect the belief and to further spread it , You get what I mean ? Also , Just for you to know if Islam was to spread by war then the 52mil Muslims in Europe or the 20 mil in Russia would have taken up arms to spread Islam but that’s not the case .

Fog of War

“No you , Islam spread by war to protect itself . ”

All you religous zealots are the same. Its never your fault, your religon is completely peaceful and loving, and somehow your religon just happen to spread to faraway places such as parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. All through peaceful methods I’m sure. Give me a break, you’re deluding yourself.

” 52mil Muslims in Europe or the 20 mil in Russia would have taken up arms to spread Islam but that’s not the case . “

Give them time, they’re already setting up their no-go zones. Although the Europeans might rise up first to thelp them along back to where they came from.


“ and somehow your religon just happen to spread to faraway places such as parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa “ Well , Islam spread in Central Asia and Middle East by war but it spread in Central African states and South Asia through trade and peace , Can you deny that ? Also Islam is the fastest growing religion partly due to so many converts into Islam . Westerners who have killed hundreds of millions of people shouldn’t be talking about peace at all and don’t forget it’s you who started this mess by creating terror groups to use them as proxy groups in multiple states to counter other countries like Russia , Iran etc . Lastly , Islam will exist forever peacefully and brain dead zionists like you will keep hating for no reason . ??☪️ ??

Jens Holm

Tempting to go into Your disputes about it.

But as I see it many of the muslims here are not active muslims. They are like the rest of us SEKULARS. Relative many also has no problems with pigs, because they are vegetarians.

So Your growth rate here is false. You hardly can see them beause they are a part of us and equal citicens 99% semilar to the rest of us. Just a the few jews here, they often has an extra name they use in their dayly lkife and in our registration.

And You are wrong about the spreading. A lot of Islam as well as other religions are spread by mission and for practical matters such as trade along the trade routes. Those are familiar with other religions and also respect them as they are and here and there even mix religions or find a life somewhere in the middle – even Muhammed didnt like that.

I would say Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambiqe are like that. When the first muslims arrived, they needed to but now its a tradition.

Your fokus i too much ME but actually most muslims dont live there at all. And we see exact the same for the Christians in Africa. They arrived by rade and also mission and had succes.

And what was the same. Both muslims and Christians needed slaves:).

Ottomans was a slave nation until 1923 by Lausanne.

Fog of War

Since you brought up the Zionist accusation I’m going to have to call you a moron as didn’t even bother read any of my comments on this site . I’m the farthest thing from a Zionist. Westerners have killed millions of people, mainly their own, so bug off with your accusations. How many people have the Muslims killed up to now ? Personally, I have no problem withy Islam, but its adherents have no intention of peacefully integrating into non-Muslim societies, therefore it will result in violence, whether you like it or not. Can you deny that ?


“ Westerners have killed millions of people, mainly their own “ More than 100mil native Americans , 20mil people killed in The ReConquista and the Crusades , etc “ How many people have the Muslims killed up to now ? “ ~30mil due to the fact that Islam didn’t genocide entire ethnicities like your people did . “ Personally, I have no problem with Islam “ . Schizophrenia maybe ? “ its adherents have no intention of peacefully integrating into non-Muslim societies, therefore it will result in violence “ If you hadn’t destroyed their countries , they wouldn’t have migrated to your countries , so why complain now ?


Go to head chopper forum you stupid man.


fire is good, fire is warmth

Rafik Chauhan

you are not muslin you are zionist wahbhi slave who are using fake islam identity to create rift between islam and other civlization. All isil/Alqaeda and zionist kwarajite will be buried soon.

Jens Holm

This is not about religion at all.


That depends if you call materialism, the lust for money and power a religion.

“Like the ancient Christians (prior to the Knights Templars’ private banking system), Muslims forbid usury, or the lending of money at interest. And that is the reason our government and media insist they must be killed or converted. They refuse to submit to currencies issued at interest. They refuse to be debt slaves.” ~ “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars,” Michael Rivero

Obviously, the “Muslims” who fight for the banksters like those in Al-CIA-da complicate things, but I think you get the idea.


“Secular” Erdogan and his administration’s “moderate” extremists have gotten mostly Muslims killed, then stole their oil, gold, infrastructure, etc. So, who exactly is fighting for “disbelief,” here…?

Vox Populi

Really, all you say is gospel truth :)

Jens Holm

I would say it about trade, sekular devellopments, normal relations and pipelines.

Muslim Lion


Concrete Mike

we are coming for you.



The Objective

If you are truly an ISIL member or supporter, I got a bit of advise for you. I am a Muslim too, who believe in Jihad against oppression and tyranny like what America does around the world. But you ISIS guys got it all wrong. What you do will not bring you victory. You will harm Muslims and Islam more than you harm non-Muslims. The money you use for all this war and destruction would be put to better use if you were to educate Muslims in your societies, help the poor and needy, and generally fight the disinformation against Islam. Instead, you guys are feeding this disinformation campaign. By your mis-directed jihad, you give the enemies a tool to demonize the entire Muslim world. Your actions also invite counter action from the enemies of Islam which end up making life harder for the ordinary Muslim. You guys frequently quote Ibn Taymiyyah to support your actions. Ibn Taymiyyah said Jihad against the the nafs (your desires and sins) is the foundation for jihad against the disbelievers. The best way to fight Jihad against your nafs is to study the Islamic knowledge and apply its moral and spiritual teachings – which completely condemns suicide bombings, resorting to arms over disagreements, killing non-Muslims (who are not fighting you), and plenty of other bad things you do. The way to fight this jihad is the way that Muslim Brotherhood is going about it.

Harry Smith

The most sure way to understand this Disneyland jihad is to ask yourself just one question: is it halal or haram for a true Muslim to take money and support for jihad from USA and Israel? BTW I think this guy is not Muslim but some psy op soldier which tries to present this war as war between Muslims and Christians.

The Objective

Well, truth be told, this war is largely between the Muslim world and the Christian world. We did fight before during the crusades. We’ll fight again in the future. Muslims have no doubt about that. It’s recorded in the hadiths and we can see that current events are leading us to that point. Armageddon is a Christian vs Muslim war.

Fog of War

” We’ll fight again in the future. ”

If that the case why are we talking on here now. Arent you just planning your next moves against the Christain world ? What about all the Muslims flooding into Europe, is that pre- postioning for future battles. Please be honest, as the Christian world would love to know.

The Objective

The Christian world is the one fighting the Muslim world. There are no Muslim forces in Europe, but we have NATO in Muslim countries right now. There is no single Muslim country that has invaded the Christian world in decades, but we have several invasions from the Christians, starting from Iraq, to Libya, Afghanistan, Lebanon, etc. Colonialism was the main invasion by Christians and that’s how it has been since then.

But one truth that has always remained constant about the Muslim world is that you can’t invade it and stay and permanently change its culture like how the Christian world changed the cultures of civilizations around the world, for example in China, India, Africa, etc. where you have women wearing mini skirts, trousers, leading societies, separation of religion from state, and much more. That kind of change cannot survive for long in the Muslim world. That’s why we have no option but to fight you just like we did during the crusades, and expel you from our lands. This time, we’ll not only stop at expelling you, but also conquer your lands to stop a repeat of your evil influence. Had Salahuddeen invaded Europe after defeating and expelling the crusaders, we might not have had to suffer a second invasion from the Christian world. But the lesson has been learnt.

Concrete Mike

Nice window dressing.

What do muslims plan to do about israel then? You talk about all these grand plans, yet you ignore the 3 tumors of the muslim world, usa israel and the GCC.

Like i said earlier, yall jihadis worship money as much as we do.

You are equal to us.

Its the money makers and changers that are trying to divide us.

How can you be so blind?

Raptar Driver

No it’s not it, will be a war between our forces and the invading angels of God with Jesus (The Word) at the head. Our Lying Governments will call them aliens and marshall our forces to defend the planet. What do you think the space forces are for? Yes space cadets of course.

Harry Smith

Did you ever read the Quran or book of Apocalypse in the Bible? You are so comprehensively wrong! Read Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:82 until you will recognize your wrongness or otherwise you will be really badly surprised in the grave. BTW if hadeeth contradicts the Quran, then Quran has the priority. PS 80 flags already happened in Afghanistan in 1980s.

The Objective

There’s no point debating Islam with you as you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Harry Smith

Wanna try?

Jens Holm

As a sekular I would say that if it was a real fight against muslims, the muslims would not exist and the Trump mexicans would be new Syrians planting cactus for making tequila. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/716d4c6ea7540ca888c74aec9611260e207b14f6d888d526a8f727d3c1a71454.jpg

Jesus probatly would help them comming learning them to cross the atlantic walking on the water with no swimmingwests too: )

If there was problems taking the muslis away Jesus would made them into fish as well.

Concrete Mike

both of them are Harry.


Claims the MB of Turkey who are at war with their neighbours, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Greece, and are responsible for the Armenian Genocide.


Expansion 101; Cyprus “protect” a small minority militarily, and then turn them into a majority.

Jens Holm

Greeks there was horrible to al Turks there.

Concrete Mike

Good substance in this post, but you faltered in the end.

The muslim brotherhood is obviously a tool of global capital, its as much an oppression tool as anything else. Look at your actions in Syria and Libya.

Jens Holm

Its a genetíc failure for Islam using the parts of Islam the normal muslims has thrown away. The best to do would be making those verses into cigarettes and smoke them with hashes and opium and then regain into normal again.

Maybee alcohol can be used as medicane as well. iF You drink a lot remember no fire.

Servet Köseoğlu

Just like ı guessed yesterday..things worse than ever ı suppose..He added that the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is still possible through dialogue.eh sarkissian you are https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1f0fd66c956f586dd99a8f15dcdf427e08bb45637a7d19ca84c838b4885ee741.gif

Concrete Mike

youre no better than ISIS, speaking of, look who showed up to support you!

Hahahaha later al.nusrah nerd!

Servet Köseoğlu

yes sugar ı am ısıs..

Concrete Mike

thanks for being honest for once.

Jens Holm

He is selling icecrem in Greenland. When their first jail is made, he will be there…

Free man

The Armenians will lose for sure. But I still hope for dialogue that will resolve this conflict.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı hope too before evolving to a larger scale conflict..

Putin Apologist

Did the Transnistrians “lose” in their conflict with Moldova? How about the Ossetians or the Abkhazians in their conflict with Georgia? The ethnic-Russsians in their conflict with Ukraine? The Syrians with their conflict with the European and American imperialists, the gulf state Wahhabists and the Jewish Zionists?

The answer is no, no, no, no and no… and neither will the Armenians in their conflict with Azerbaijan (with or without the Turks). That’s what it means to be Russia’s ally.


But is Armenia Russia’s ally?

René Artois


Putin Apologist

I’m not going to tell you there are not Armenians that foolishly listen to that siren song emanating from the Western World and believe every single promise in it, because there are many, too many, whom unfortunately do. But, should the Turks invade would either the Europeans or the Americans come to Armenia’s aid? I think not, because both are more interested in Azerbaijan’s oil and the money it generates than the lives of the peoples whom live in the region.


Where does the term “Black Russia” come from?

Fog of War

Africa ?

Concrete Mike

Never heard the term.

Jens Holm

…. Those blacks are results of Russia and fx also DDR wanted to devellop Africa too by education.

Nice thinkin and bad result. But they do exist even they are not many.

Jens Holm

They are right here.

Those are results of Russia and fx also DDR wanted to devellop Africa too by education nnd industrilation. I think they meant well.

I made a choolproject about helping Africa. The fx gave Tanzania a big cement factory and it should be driven by people from Tanzania themself after some time by well educated people educated in Russia.

As many other parts of help it was no help. Those Tanzanians – even they were the chosen ones – didnt have needed traditions for even repairing simple taking up water by pumps.

But be that the Russians had to take over and was even blamed fpr being colonialists. A lot of help to there is like that. I only see ore children making more children, we have to feed too.


Fog of War

Yes Russa, get into a conflict with a full blown NATO member, bcause I’m sure NATO wouldnt love to get involved. What are some of you smoking ?

Jens Holm

There is no siren song from the west. The moaning there mainly are from Russian ghost which still think Russians and their collapsed political and military systems are the future and the best.

I have had a car like that. It was old cheep and became more and more expensive to repair. Finally it gave up and got a smaller almost new one, which was better for my seize and also used less fuel pr kilometer. It even was easier to park in the town nearby e´when we ent for shopping.

They are forbidden to see that. Now they cant even make own cars.

And true. Its about oil too. Now Russia is not the only grabbers and mostl likely the ones with oil will ge better paid. Is that so bad for theose small very poor countries. I dont think so.

And Yes the west now do see those dwarfs actually are countries on their own. Putty Apologize dont. For him they should remain as handcuffed parts of USSR. And when their illigal riots has calmed down and they has kept down and away from the rest of the world, they again can be pulled in and may again work for free as some reopened Gulag.

By his indoctrination he is not even allowed to be aware that Caucasus and very much of the Tzar and Bolsjevics is taking by force by Neocolonialistic greedyness.

After that and ever since all there has been turned upside down again and again and has been expelled forever and even to Gulag. Many has left for ever qand for very good reasons.

But he dont know, because thats censured away by his indoctrination.

Armania an ally?? hey had no choise. 1,5 mio was killed by the Ottomans to clean the areas there, so they and Iran is not ´better.

Unfortunatly it seemes as none of their children of tadya has learned a single thing. O could understand if the killed Ruusians, Turks and Iranians:)

Free man

It sounds like you are sure Armenia is more important to Russia than Azerbaijan. Maybe you need to think again.


Political support yes, drones yes, ammunition yes. But F-16? Well that is a fat fake news.

Jens Holm

I justy wrote the same below. Maybee a lot of is fake.

Jens Holm

According danish news about it Turks are not supporting like that – yet. I believe Our TV and Radio more then this article.

No tanks being killed is rapported as well. By that the videoclips so far are faked ones. But several other things are bad. Hard artilley strikes as well as infantery killing are in a kind of progress as well as both take in reinforcements.

Our local experts by university and news also say, that neither Turks and Russians will be there as any support but will do their best for any repeating and escallation. Last time there was made many dead ones as well as about 30.000 became refugees.

Thats what I know from here. But they could be wrong.

Jens Holm

Incomponet infantile comment.

Where do You have Your knowledge from – Crossfire :)

Free man

The mullahs regimes fear of Azerbaijan drives them crazy. From now on they will see Azeris everywhere. As they see Zionists everywhere.


Why? 85% of azeris are shia muslims.


15-17 million Azeris live in Iran, mostly in north-western part, they make up the largest population in Iran after Persians. Iran fears that in future they may try to seperate from them. Check first 2 images in this site https://iranprimer.usip.org/blog/2013/sep/03/iran-minorities-2-ethnic-diversity#:~:text=Azeris%20are%20Iran's%20largest%20ethnic,closer%20to%20Turkish%20than%20Persian.

Putin Apologist

Excellent point… no doubt, an Armenian-Azeris conflict would put Tehran in a difficult spot.

Vox Populi

There is mixed population of Azeris and Armenians in Iran, so that is not an issue. Iran like any great power would not like a conflict in its backyard. Iranian position is very nuanced. It is providing medical assistance to the Armenians.

Fog of War

” 15-17 million Azeris live in Iran, mostly in north-western part, ”

How did so many Azeris get there ?


Azeri is basically a name invented by Soviets. Oghuz Turks started enter the region Iran and Anatolia in 10-11th centuries. Then they started to settle, main settlement region was starting from this area I pointed out in the previous comment and extends into western Anatolia. They also settled nearby areas, but they had melted im the local population. I assume you know what happened to the ones who stayed in Anatolia (hint=Ottomans). The Turks who settled in the vicinity of Iran/lower Caucasus established states such as Aq Qoyunlu, Qara Qoyunlu. In fact between 18th century and 1925. Iranian monarchs were mostly those Turks. Today’s Azeris are remnant of those people. But of course, they have mixed geneticially with the locals, like Turks of Turkey or Azeris in Azerbaijan.

Servet Köseoğlu

Seljuk Empire was always more interesting to me than Ottoman Empire..Nizam al-Mulk,Alp Arslan, Malik Shah, Assassins,Hasan Sabbah,Alamut Castle,da‘is..nothing changed…


Yeah, it is probably the most interesting story :)

Fog of War

So why does Iran fear they’ll secede ?


Things have changed obviously. Every nation wants to go its own way. Besides Iran’s economy is not doing well. Even if Iran Azeris don’t have such a wish. A population that big will always create concerns for some.

Free man

You can also add to the Iranian concerns the warm relationship between Azerbaijan and Israel.


That’s a good point.


I aldready said they are mixed in my other comment. In general Azeris genetically are closer to Caucasians than Persians. But if we go down to the Southern Azerbaijan then the genetic portion they share with Persians increase. You are wrong, language and religion is the heritage for masses.

Jens Holm

Yes, they are very well aware about it by tradition.

Jens Holm

Nice short version link

Vox Populi

You seem obsessed with mullahs? you a Muslim?

Free man

I don’t like your condescending attitude. Go shove your nose somewhere else.

Concrete Mike

He is an MEK pile of excrement.

Jens Holm

I see it as an everlasting game. The Aziris for good reasons has been in their north-western Hemispaere for many centuries.

And if not Turks are. Here we even today in their history books see they dispute about who is who in western Iran as well as estern Trukey(apart from Kurds are nothing). Turks more then propose that Turks actually mainly was the ones, whcih attacked the old Greece, which is partly true.

Here they and others always forget, that Empires was no etnicv group but often existed by dominating and supporting AND the less dominant – and kind of funny almost all in the empires could be used as soldiers, slaves or helpers.

Russian are the newcommers. They have loved Armenians since about 1920. If they were stronger in those chaotic days, they could have reduced the Turlish kilings og Armenians at least some. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5fb2a0533e81297eccd79026b16baa0d79515b27e21e5b9199f426d8d63a1900.png

The map seemes to be a 2019 updting.


Ehm, as an european, are you really supporting the dictatorship of the Aliyev family?

Porc Halal

Yes, because azeris are muslims…you know the problem with the political elites in Europe…they hate christians and adore muslims because the muslims can do the dirty job on their behalf…

Jens Holm

Thats highly incomptent crap.

Muslims are many kinds. Christians are many kinds. And western Europeans mainly are more sekulars even we are based on the Chritianity and has removed many of the bad parts.

Porc Halal

The only bad parts Christianity removed since its creation were the old jewish laws… that’s why we have the new testament…since then, Christianity did not remove anything from Jesus teachings…anyways, you are too ignorant to understand…

Jens Holm

I try to be sober neutral in this. I am aware that Jesus made many miracles and Muhammed not a single one.

So I support those countries should not fight each other even they have tradtions for it. I by that think I support the people actually living there. Here I see they are very underdevelloped and think their fokus should be for corrections and even turn several thigs up and down.

(One is even known for making too much garbage and dont know what to do about it. Denmark is known for putting a little oil in it, burn it in a clean way an make a lot of electricity and warm water for varming up and the households). By that we only get few tons higly consentrated garbage, which we can handle.)

As for fx Belarus too I support normal relations. Devellopment need something to trade with but also investments and much more the population can handle a step or two up in wellfare – often shown by GDP.

So I dont support all those, which still think countries should be runned by by a Dictator or a few ones. I see the results Erdogan, Putin, Ball in Teheran and like that.

But I also respect those new ones comes from ground zero and fx real parlementarisme is advanced and difficult for people which never has had such thing. That includess the Chritians there. Some might forget Atmenians has their own version of “Eastern” Chritianity. Even its by its subtstance is more open and flexible then most parts of the Islamic world a lot of it lives, where we in west was fx 100 years ago. If I try to compare a good thing is, that they inside them are more for needed changes.

So as a nobody I support all improvemenets by some ind of parlamentarisme and expect a lot there will and should be like 5 steps forward and 3 back repeted many times or just few.

Thats the vital for my own Denmark. Our wellfare system and productivity didnt come from day to day or from heaven. Itwas a long time proces.

I would say it actually started when we converted from Catholics into Protestants. Here a vital was that we should be able to read and understand Our own religion. By that we translated the bible and the other texts inro Danish and more and more people by schools could and should learn to read, write, understand and debate about things. That was 500 years ago.

But the KIngs finally loosing real power was in 1920, which is only 100 yars ago. But that change also came in steps. More rich people could vote, then more, then all taxpayers could and next hald of the population after disputes could – vomen. And today almost all can and even the crimals apart from some few handfulls.

Emmigrants and refugees can vote here to local elections after 3 years.

So its about silently or with noise a matter of possible replacement. I see several dictators in the world in new countries but I also see stability or chaos aftre some time has been replaced with something much better.

Poland as my neighbor is a good example. Not so long time ago they were commnists or the only alternative hardheaded catholics. So their first replacements for communisme was a lot of religion. After stability and feeling safe, the now has more and more fokus on the sekular needs and religion by that should not run everything.

So thats what I support and not dictators – good as well as bad ones.

Vox Populi

Jens is not a normal Danish, put a pickled one.

Jens Holm

That might be true. Not many danes engage themself in sites like this.

I was provoced by danish living muslims and danish rightwings.

They both told me in big letters man times, that I didnt knew, what I was taling about.

But I do. The gab is right here on those many 1000 pages. If we in the Western Economies really was that bad all over, I as a small child had cried a lot to my parents and insisted in we should go anywhere else.

And many here not even reflect about people actually in desperation emmigrate to here and prefare to live here unintegrated poor and with no jobs until they die.

So I can only tell why it is and what the differences are and in very good examples.

Russia and Iran has all raw materials themselves and eady could be like us in chosen parts as they wish. Even so they choise to spend money on a lot of warfare being very agressive.

But who want Russia as long as its full of russians, and who wants Iran filled extremely up by devastating childmaking and 50% unimplyment and farming from old days.

They are not allowed to think we dont attack peacfull countries which trade and devellop each other.

So I think I also see not only picles and cucumbers but also some picket fence. And there is a door in it, where the ones closing it is sited like this. You systematicle are told lies, so You by fear and false pride can be controlled. You even put dictator pictures in Your streets because fear is support. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc102b109a822292a5e66c7df9953fd70e0ed6292d1d966bd03b7fa20731849b.jpg

Jens Holm

I wish You were my family at Christmas or Eid. When I give them gift they are not focused on the paper oründ it only.

Litteraly incomprehensible is based on Your limited primitive language dont cover a mopre advanced english as well as my context.

But if You dont understand, what I actually write You will – as anybody else – get my oppinions once again in a rewritten version.

But I will never go back to what I learned in schol, whwn I was 16 to 18 years old. I write fast common english as well as it goes. Some once famous Neil Postman said : The media is the message.


You sow that very well too telling me internet is a spelling context and even I should write my english after Your limited pidgin, swaheli version.

You are not the center of world too. If so Your part of the world would adapt much mpre from here and fx have a higher living standard and people able to have more freedom AND responsability.

Traiano Welcome

It appears that tanks are nothing but mobile coffins.

Harry Smith

Depends on what tanks you are talking and how idiotic your generals are. Tanks are still fighting good in Syria.

Jens Holm

News to me.


Dear SF. why not make an interactive maps for this one also, like Syria and Libya

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Unless a more pro-Eurasian Union regime comes into power in Yerevan, I see absolutely no reason for the Kremlin to get militarily involved.


SHTF https://twitter.com/Javanmardi75/status/1310577068363706369

Don’t know how much truth there is behind it. We will see.


A Muslim – Christian war on Russia’s southern border is designed against Russia. Erdogan has cajones, but Russia’s military has the brains.

Fog of War

” A Muslim – Christian war on Russia’s southern border is designed against Russia.

However, Erdogan has Zio / NATO support if need be. Dont you folks see whats actually going on here ?

Jens Holm

Erdo has not. None here want his idiotic expansionisme at all.

Iraq, Syria, Cyprus, Greece, Libya – How many denials and condemtions do You need:)

Vox Populi

Russians have the cajones bigger than marshmellows, but Putin needs to grow a pair.

Putin Apologist

Russian MiG-29 in the skies over Armenia is not surprising, as the Russians maintain a squadron of MiG-29 at the airport in Erebuni near Yerevan.


Антон С

Azeris have 15 MiG-29, including 2-seat UB.

Jens Holm


…And we have this


Even though I am Greek, I look sympathetically on the Azeris. At least Baku is clear about being on the side of Ankara/NATO. Yerevan is trying to straddle both the West and the East.

Putin Apologist


Was this a typo? Did you mean to write Geek and instead wrote “Greek”?

Why would a “Greek” sympathize with the Azeris when they are attacking your Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters in Armenia?

War is coming to the region, maybe to the whole world, so you better get your head on straight… learn who you are and who you are not.


What does religion have to do with it? Azerbaijan managed to prosper, since the end of their last conflict with Armenia, in 1994. Armenia on the other hand, remained a backward country with a mentality stuck in the 20th century. If Moscow allows it, Yerevan will lose territories to the Azeris in this war.

Putin Apologist

“What does religion have to do with it?”

Answer: Religion is one aspect or characteristic that distinguishes one culture from another. And what did Huntington’s thesis (1993) tell us about cultural (and religious identities) and its coming role in post-Cold War conflicts?

“It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural.” — Samuel P. Huntington


“Azerbaijan managed to prosper…”?

Sure, Azerbaijan has oil, and lots of it, where Armenia has none.

I’ve done my best to answer your questions. Will you now answer my?

Again, “why would a Greek sympathize with the Azeris when they are attacking your Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters in Armenia?”

Jens Holm

Maybee You should read Alvin Toffler too.


Who cares about Huntigton?

Jens Holm

You are stupid but descreibing Yourself well. Historycal facts even say he is much more wrong then right.


Romeo Pesiao

A Greek impostor, a deceiver.

Jens Holm

Its allowed to have an oppion about things. I see none of Your proposals according to the data. Do You sell microskopes or what:)




The war seems to be developing into yet another stagnant conflict. The Armenians seem to be inflicting decent loses on Azeri armour, although Azeri drone strikes are compensating to somewhat equalize the casualty ratio.

Problem for the Azeris is that drone strikes won’t rout the enemy or dramatically change the situation on the ground. Additionally they’re inevitably going to lose quite a few of them, as drones aren’t that hard to shoot down (think Syria and Libya).

Azerbaijan will need a better ground army and air force if it’s ever launch a divisive advance. Literally every single video they’ve released is just drone footage, whereas the Armenians actually seem to be controlling the situation on the ground.

Still yet to see any actual proof of Azeri advances too. Regardless, is losing 100-200 men really worth it to capture a handful of villages and a hilltop? At that rate taking the whole province will cost thousands.

Fog of War

” Problem for the Azeris is that drone strikes won’t rout the enemy or dramatically change the situation on the ground. ”

They worked fine for Turkey in Syria. I think you remember.

alejandro casalegno

Yes, good work………but the SAA take the route 5.


Not really, they lost a dozen or two of them and the SAA kept taking land back from Turkish terrorists. Drones are overrated and can only attack targets with minimal / poor AA defenses along the front lines.

Real fighter jets are needed to bring heavy firepower to a battlefield.

Fog of War

The SAA was getting so beat up that Russia had to step in to negotiate a ceasfire. I’m pretty sure I remember that correctly. So if true, you’re theory doesn’t reflect reality. Drones alone cant work miracles alone, but in a combined arms scenario they are deadly. Besides, drones are the future of warfare as are atgm’s ( for various uses ), Increased use of Techincals ( various types ) and most likley robotics and A.I. . You’re like a WW1 general watching fast moving tanks roll by while complaining that they are useles against trenches.

Welcome to the future.


Sure if you believe TRT’s version of events. In reality the drones killed 2 or 3 SAM’s and a dozen or so tanks/afv, but also went down in significant numbers. SAA only faltered briefly but soon pushed back and secured the whole M5. Russian jets inflicted far more casualties on the enemy than Turkish drones could.

Porc Halal

To so called @the objective aka @the biased…

“You will harm Muslims and Islam more than you harm non-Muslims” …so your problem is not that your brothers in faith are “hurting” non-muslims but other muslims too…ok, that make sense “technically” speaking because islam teaches you to kill only the non-believers but you are omitting one very tiny detail..that your brothers in faith consider muslims that do not respect the islamic teachings ad-literam, as non-believers too… and you know the rest…you feel “sorry” only when the true face of islam is exposed…so give me a break, would you?!..

Concrete Mike

the capitalist whore would be more appropriate for that imperialist tool!

Porc Halal

if you sweep the shit under the carpet it doesn’t mean that doesn’t exist…at least you can still smell it!!…stop trying to pretend that there is no issue with islam…it’s like the ostrich that puts its head in the sand and thinks that if he doesn’t see anything , it means that the problem is gone!…

Jens Holm

I will not make You unhappy. We are not like them. We actually are listening after feets on the ground and by that even put our head in holes in the ground:)

Zionism = EVIL

As I explained, the Azeri donkeys had ZERO chance, Armenians are tough educated mountain folks and even in the Red Army had the best units. This is a very good outcome for Iran as it also picks the best allies from Hezbollah to Ansarallah, largely thanks to excellent Iranian G2 field intelligence. I never had any doubts about the outcome from get go. No cowardly nation can win a war by buying expensive weaponry, since the advent of warfare, it is the man behind the gun that counts. The only winning formula is nationalism and a motivated infantryman. The idiot Saddam invaded Iran with best weaponry and a million men and we all know how well that turned out :)


“Not a single entity in history oppressed the Azeris as much as the ottomans did.” Wow! Just wow! Azeris were not even subjects to Ottomans!! You don’t know history at all.

Vox Populi

that is a fact.


Cuius populi vox es tu? :)


No, you were talking about the real meaning of oppression, without knowing the facts. But now you are still trying to justify your previous argument, it would be more honorable if you had accepted you were wrong. But now your argument became even more dubious. You are claiming that Ottomans without subjugating them, somehow brainwashed, manipulated and distorted history of Azeri’s even though, they couldn’t manage to do this to their own subjects! To Greeks, Armenians, Slavs, even to Kurds. Azeris built their own dynasties in Iran and ruled it between 18th and 20th centuries.

cechas vodobenikov

without turkey assistance azeris could not challenge Armenians I suspect this will motivate Armenia to formally integrate with Artashk

Vox Populi

Iranian hospitals are treating the Armenian wounded. a true act of kindness amongst madness.

Fog of War

Armenia has no hospitals ?

Romeo Pesiao

Hope and pray that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan will not dragged into a full blown war. Because if it is happens, Turkey got the wrong step.

Svincius Savickas

Where is France? Micron, instead of destabilizing Belarus, better call Turkey and tell your NATO ally to stop the aggression! Russia, Putin, what are you waiting for??? When you will go offensive? STALIN IS NEEDED TODAY, NOT PUTIN! PUTIN IS TOO SOFT!

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