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MARCH 2025

Arms Deliveries To Ukraine. Who Are Real Beneficiaries?

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Arms Deliveries To Ukraine. Who Are Real Beneficiaries?

NATO countries supply weapons and military equipment to Ukraine to fight Russia

The Russian special operation has been going on for 47 days now. The U.S. and EU countries officially support Ukraine on international platforms, saying that Russia’s actions are unacceptable. Moreover from the very beginning they have been providing full-scale support: arms are being supplied, mercenaries are being sent to Ukraine. The U.S. Congress passes new acts to expand the amount of military assistance to Kiev. However despite the Europeans’ noble goal of “countering the crimes of the Russian regime” in reality there may be self-interest in this situation on the part of European and American defense enterprises.

It is no secret that the countries of the former socialist camp are still armed with Soviet equipment, which is characterized by ease of handling and reliability of use. That is why Slovakia and the Czech Republic were not previously interested in additional purchases of modern Western arm.

Arms Deliveries To Ukraine. Who Are Real Beneficiaries?

The Czech Republic supplies several dozen Soviet T-72 tanks to Ukraine

The situation has drastically changed at the moment. The aforementioned countries are actively supplying Soviet weapons to Ukraine. They have also been joined by Germany and the Baltics. Moreover, speaking of the countries of the former Soviet Union: Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, the supplies accompanied by calls to increase their volume. According to information available in various media, the Baltic states mostly send expired weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

Arms Deliveries To Ukraine. Who Are Real Beneficiaries?

Baltic states and Germany supply Ukraine with defunct Soviet weapons

The defense capabilities of the countries indirectly participating in the conflict on Kiev’s side are falling. This just allows the defense companies of America, Europe and Turkey to dictate their terms to solve the problems that have arisen. Washington talking about military aid has never implied that it should be exclusively free of charge. On the contrary, Ukraine will have to pay all of its allies for weapons at the end of the conflict.

Washington’s real intentions are particularly evident in the modern Lend-Lease program, opened in early April with the approval of the U.S. Congress. In this connection, U.S. defense enterprises will be the beneficiaries more than ever.

As for the European countries, which supplied Soviet weapons to Ukraine, US weapons are coming to their territory as a substitute. The deployment of the US Patriot air defense systems instead of S-300 in Slovakia is noted. Although the Pentagon claims that this measure is temporary, negotiations are underway to permanently base American weapons in all countries on NATO’s eastern flank.

Arms Deliveries To Ukraine. Who Are Real Beneficiaries?

The S-300 air defense system, which was in service with the Slovak army, was provided to Ukraine

Thus, thanks to the war in Ukraine, U.S., European and Turkish defense enterprises got a powerful production boost, from which they get more benefits. Leaders of the leading Western powers such as Great Britain and the U.S. are actively promoting the point of view that this measure is necessary.


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Good friends on your funeral !

Aunt Polly

What is that supposed to mean?


It means do some exercise and stop eating junk food Twat Pilly. Perhaps your diminutive stature and ugly appearance will not change, but your appearance will be less neuseating.


Karma does not measure hight, lenght or appearence. Karma does not judge you for your food consumption means. Karma does not judge your appearence. But will judge your actions related to others harm. Peace!


in fact its junk Chav Brit talk. Only skank low end Brits talk that way. Say it like it is and “speak da troof bruv”!

Ghost of Kiev

Kek notice how the same 3 CNNbots are all talking to each other in the comment section. What is it exactly about this article that triggered the bots so much?


They get paid by the word, so it doesn’t matter what they spout as long as they spout!


after you made Hat-o GUPIS army we cry om you funeral ….

Putin Chess 4D

Oh, Lavrov now says that the purpose of the special operation is to end US dominance in the world. Well, finally, the intentions are clear. This accusation, by the way, is aimed at China and all potential outcasts in the world. They are already trying to make strategic accusations. And then somehow the denazification of Ukraine is not visible. Now they will fight for all the idiots of the world in Ukraine against the United States. It is good for us, finally everything falls into place and Muscovy openly says: we have started to fight against the West


There is no “west”. There is just a collapsing US empire that took over from the former European colonial masters. The Ukrainians are too brainwashed and ignorant to figure out that they bought tickets for the Titanic. The notion that China is some kind of “outcast” is just absurd. The US is a terrifying global bully that has unleashed bloodshed and trauma across the planet. And Ukrotards thought this was all about getting their designer shoes and watches.

Michel LeBlanc

The russians are effectively fighting a zombie nation.

Thus UAF is guided and controlled 100% by the west and their AWACS controllers, plus ground advisors.

Ukraine is already an american colony. Its pretty obvious the russians need to take the trash out.

Seems every century or so the russians gotta take the trash out.. dont stop in berlin this time, go all the way to the Potomac!


Spot on!

jens holm

Yes, its vey much desperation. My worries might be some Putin decide to go down in the last big bang.

Russia is declining. They makes no tools to avoid it. They almost only has their military forces and the nukes. Those are added only low paid products such as food and gas.

Center is not well organized. The Regions inside it are almost no states and also dont decide needed changes.

Soon they cant even dominate themself.

Anatolio Mamontow

USA is declining, not Russia, dear. USA is practically overtaken by China, the new master of the world.


Everyone is in decline when compared to china. And Russia is certainly not in a position of ascendance. If you look at the number Russia can’t win, their only safety measure are their nukes. 1)Russia is #52 on the HDI right below Kazakhstan 2)61 billion per year spent on defence, right above the UK, but all of nato spends 1.2 trillion. 3) this is 4% of Russian GDP, NATO on average excluding the USA spend 1.7%, so room to spend more. 4) trade when exports total $158 billion and $100 billion of this working actively to not trade with you, there is an issue coming 5) Russian GDP of $158 billion, is equivalent to South Korea. Nobody thinks of them as a super power with 1/3 of the Russian population 6) Russian gdp per capita was at $25k right next to Chile, now it’s probably the same as Equatorial Guinea. Canada with a similar economy and environment is at $47k 7) Average life expectancy male: Russia 67 Canada 81(both nations same latitude and climate) 8) happiness ranking Russia #74 and trending down. right above the Tajikistan and the Congo. Not good.

I’’m struggling to find a metric that Russia can do well at any ideas? A lot of people have a garden? People say lots of natural resources but they don’t help if your only customer is china, because you won’t be getting market value.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin
Tommy Jensen

Keep on thinking reality are graphs and statistics in your flat-screen.

russian-german friendship

You are an blithering idiot and propaganda puppet – believing in your own bubble. Russia is not declining- in the opposite. I was there, I know of what Im speaking-look at the cities in the south of RF. You will be astonished. No comperison to american poor cities! The fucking banksters and their shitty satelites tell us idiotic things, staring to the gross domestic product. But this is a distorsion! What counts is not sureal stock market bullshit but real valuables. And here is Russia well positioned with the highest wealth at raw materials. Aditionally it has the highest rate of self catering in the world (70%) what means subsistence economy. Thats really important! Forget GDP! And they have people, able to repair things by themselves. Her in the west so many people are so idiotic- they are so unable, they will starve without supermarket!

Last edited 2 years ago by russian-german friendship

Well said! I tell people here the same thing. I can’t believe some people believe it’s Russia on their knees. Well, reality bites and they’re soon to be bitten.


Do You have food? Do You have gas? Seems the Russians have both. So they can dominate themselves when they can feed themselves and turn on the gas in their homes.

Ghost of Kiev

>special operation is to end US dominance in the world The trolls are seething lmao. At least Russia is honest, USA is trying to do the same thing but they present it as “helping the people of Ukraine”. Either way it doesn’t matter. The western warmongering empire is not just collapsing, it’s already dead, it just hasnt been officially announced yet.


How can it not be seen! The disposal of the Nazis is in full swing!


Please define outcasts of the world and idiots of the world remarks. You are not being specific. I am way over my glass of wine right now and need some clarification as to who the outcasts and where the idiots are located. Please share a hint of light. PS. Sarcasm….


He is probably referring to Russias only supporters: North Korea, Myanmar ,Eritrea ,Belorussia, Syria, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela. All the authoritarian dictators/ tyrants with poor human rights records who are also getting sanctioned by USA for treating their citizens poorly.

With friends like these, you know your on the right side of history.! P.S. Sarcasm…..:

Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

Weird as a lot of Russians seem to be emigrating to the west to live their lives, rather then live Under the Putin regime. And it’s where Russias wealthy come to enjoy their lives as well.

Ghost of Kiev

Putins own Children are kept safely in Switzerland and the Netherlands.


who is this fight in Ukraine actually with? All of the Western NATO nations.


ride or die every last one of my “frends” so together we gupis is strong _:) Two Steps from Hell: United We Stand – Divided We Fall :) gupppis guppis HAT-O allianze

Putin Chess 4D

Anyone could see how eficicient is the Soviet equipment against modern warfare in Nagorno. Let’s see if Russia is as good with the drones as Turkey, Israel, Iran, Houthis…

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin Chess 4D
jens holm

The russians only has shown theuý have reseized their military forces in numbers. There seemes to be no real upgrades in quality. Its only added some few nasty superweapons.

Anatolio Mamontow

Mr. Jens Holm, in a direct confront Russia X USA+NATO, Russia will destroy USA and Europe in a few days even without nuclear weapons. That’s why americans and europeans are very very terrified to confront russians in a direct war.


Copes well, the video from the Bayraktars TB-2 has not been seen for a long time. Their wreckage was also shown, as were the wreckage of other types of drones.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey
Michel LeBlanc

Soviet gear is performing pretty good id say.

Nagorno is not a fair case study, the armenians were fighting with 1 hand tied behind their back, while azerbaijan went all out.

Drones is a tool, it wont win a war against a combined arms army.

Putin Chess 4D

Thanks Putin for removing any Russian influence in the EU, and making America great again!

jens holm

I dont think US has become great again. They have vital problems needing reforms very much. I see no sign of that. Biden is only a kind of repair.

Anatolio Mamontow

Mr. Putin Chess 4D, Russia is not interested in Europe. Europe is ZERO interest for Russia. Russia is so great (17 million square Km (more than 3 times Europe)) an very reach in natural resources. Europe is a worthless vassal for United States.

hans raus

Thats why 48% of russian dont have acces to toilet inside of their house

Thats why number of people with HIV in russia is similar to african countrys. Some sources claim 2 milion russian live with hiv.

thats why 70% of russian people live in only 2 biggest city’s.

Lets face facts, russia is shithole with poor economy that is very similar to tiny netherlands.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Shut up you filthy Nazi.


Maybe an all out effort to increase the pace of this war before the economic collapse of the west .Russia can win by outlasting these fools unless they expect to enhance their propaganda war to gradually escalate the lethality of their weapons, then we will all lose.

jens holm

I dont see a single sign of any collapse here. We are in many steps higher level. From there we if needed are able to decline.

Im tired of reading all those predictions base on Engels or Muhammed. We dont use that crap here.

Kapitalisme is much better. It has loosers too, but it makes the cake to share bigger.

Its the same in Your version for China. They dont take much from USA. They make the cake to share bigger as well.

Anatolio Mamontow

Mr. Jens Holm, in 1945, just after the II WW, britons screamed very loudly to all the world: “British Empire Will Last More 300 years!” Like now, americans “dont see a single sign of any collapse in USA” like you. Just look to USA numbers like internal and foreign debt, foreign exchange debt, lost positions in basic rankings of competitiveness, innovation and patents compared to China (world’s #1) and others. America: “Farewell!”


30 trillion in government debt plus another outstanding trillions in foreign debt plus 40 to 60 trillion in commercial and private debt is just a sign of a healthy capitalistic way of handling things. You are such a bad lair. The US is drowning in debt. All they have left is money printing with interest rates at zero to circumvent interest payments and now inflation kicking in. US was broke already 20 years ago. They only survived because they threatened anyone to call them on their money printing scam. But those times are over. US is broke and is going down from here on. They will buy some time selling their overpriced crap to their NATO vassals and thus sucking them out on their way down. The rest of the world will just do business with each other and watch them go broke.

hans raus

Remember rule number one- when russian propaganda claim that someone doing something wrong then its clear sign that you doing well. I know its pain for russian to see how ukrianian army destroy russian child rapists but i want you just to know that ukraine will get what they want. Nothing can stop it. why? not long tinme ago usa and polish company discovered rich gas deposits in eastern poland and western ukraine- big bussines need a lot of investment ;) Donbas soon will be liberated as well

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Us propaganda

Just another CIA troll.

jens holm

He is not. He is a kind of semi nazis.

Your problem is You by no choise are censured away from the rest of the world naming everything as CIA or CNN


Hans is you using a different handle.

Muhammad your Prophet

And every time you beat them at their own game they start to cry about the CIA. You forgot that one.


If you had beat anyone at a game you wouldn’t have to troll SF. Your very presence is proof that you lost.

Ghost of Kiev

>Donbas soon will be liberated as well That’s about the only thing this retard has ever said that makes any sense. Indeed Donbas will be liberated from their terrorist government very soon. Ukrainian volunteers of Donbas are working very hard to clear their land of nazi goblins.


Usual game plan at work here. The people on the ground suffer while the “defense” industries get rich(er).


Ukrainian people. Russia violated its neighbor and Ukraine needs weapons to fight them off. Russia sells weapons too, ironically to the Turks and other countries which are selling weapons to Ukraine.

Al Doobie

Ukrainian people. Your illegitimate government, supported by another illegitimate government, has forced Russia to take steps to stop an existential threat. Dealers of death work both sides of course.


You called the Turkish dealers of death? Cancelled!


Ukrainian Government is a legitimate government recognized by everyone in the world. Only Russia has a legitimate government according to you?!

Last edited 2 years ago by Karma

The Ukrainian government was overthrown by the US in 2014. The state has been illegitimate ever since.


I think you underestimate the pro-EU sentiment in Western Ukraine. They want to be modern people, free to embrace homosexuality and other Western social zeitgeists from America. They want to have an open and tolerant country with a free media and a multicultural society.

Last edited 2 years ago by Karma

To be clear, I am not calling them a bunch of queers. I am just saying.


I think you’re another idiot Ukrotard. There is no free media. Since 2013 it has been legal for the US government to conduct psychological operations against their own people. The media, penetrated by the CIA over seventy years ago, is now openly censoring itself as a function of the “Trusted News Initiative”. The notion that Galician Ukrotards that took over in Kiev did so to advance the acceptance of homosexuality and multiculturalism in the Ukraine is absurd. The result of the US coup was overt persecution of minorities in the Ukrainian CIA project, in particular Russians, but also Roma and others.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde
Michel LeBlanc

So a small minority takes power by arms, the galicians in this case. Install a facist “democratic” government, yet this gang is entitled to remodel the whole ukraine as they see fit, painted with the blood of russian speakers?

You are prostituting your nation so joe biden and his friends can rob ukraine blind while your friends die trying to stop the russians?

Or your grandma died because the ukrainian army didnt let her evacuate.for the last 40 some days.


Dying so joe biden can line his pockets, SLAVA JOE BIDEN’S POCKETS!!!


The Ukraine was rolled into the US hybrid war against Russia. The US hybrid war against Russia was escalated and Russia finally responsed. The Ukrainian population was used by the US, and is suffering the consequences. The US MIC welfare program is the only beneficiary. Defence is the last industry left in the US, and US politicians depend on this government welfare to get elected.

hans raus

Ukraine want to be part of west and you cant change it. You stuck in soviet era mentality if you think that you can force them to change their mind. Russia have nothing to offer to world and thats why people want to be part of western culture.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

What “the Ukraine want” is totally irrelevant except as a device for the US to further manipulate the already brainwashed and ignorant population. The US chose the Ukrainian path, and that path led to destruction. In the name of “joining the west” the Ukrainian politicial class pursued NATO membership and the persecution of the substantial Russian population in the Ukraine. Now they suffer the consequences of that. There is no such thing as “western culture”. That’s a completely meaningless trope.

hans raus

Seems like being part of west is not for free but ukrainian people understand this and thats why they fight for better future. Ask yourself why ukraine dont ordinary citizens dont want to be under russia rule? anserw is very simple ;)


Kherson retaken yet?

Michel LeBlanc

What a worthy sacrifice. Our energy bills and food bills will double this year, for what? Because the russians had enough of their peoples getting genocided?

My bills a through the roof because of you stupid pukes!

Once regular joe gets wise and understands its b3cause of YOU our bills are so high… you had better run.


How can such backward barbars as the Ukrops ever be part of Europe? As EU citizen I strongly oppose to adpot such a Nazi – Fucked – Up country. We do not need crazy mass murderers, robbers, and dumb people.

hans raus

You are not part of west, you are just paid desperated russian troll. Neonazi is small % in ukraine. Dont try to play with cheap propaganda and call ,,nazi” everybody you donty agree with- its getting too predictable ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Michel LeBlanc

Your fate was choosen when you decided to treat russian speaking ukrainians like trash!

Karma is a bitch indeed, you get what you deserve nazi scum!

Last edited 2 years ago by Michel LeBlanc
Timmy Temperance

People have been asking me what to read whilst taking a break from war. I would like to recommend Canton by a dear friend of mine, Khatiam. Available on Amazon Kindle.


Germany is sending them 50 Leopard 1 wafer thin armored tanks. xD


Groovy! The Ukraine is now a a 1960s retro-themed amusement park.


Delivery time is 6 – 8 weeks. xD


The S-300 was replaced with a patriot system with a price tag of $1B USD. So in essence US taxpayers paid $1B USD for an obsolete S-300 missile system that can be bought new and upgraded for $200 M / regiment.

Then the S-300 was destroyed a day after it arrived in Ukraine.

Can anyone see who is getting royally screwed here? It ain’t US politicians who made the deal or the US MIC who profit from it. Ukrainians are never going to be able to pay for it seeing as their destiny is to become agrarian serfs indebted to the USA for generations so all that’s left are US taxpayers … suckers!

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica
jens holm

The author try to descriebe things as they are not.

Its made for internal Russian use. You are lied for.


Why do you insist on these displays of total failure to use the English language? Why aren’t you trolling a website in whatever language you can actually read and write?


He’s paid by the post, the more nonsense he posts the more money he gets.

Jan Hölmö

He is the most productive troll, that’s why. We should all cheer him up. No other troll has produced more posts!

Muhammad your Prophet

The moronic Russian invasion gave every country in Europe a legitimate excuse to upgrade their defence systems. And they have every reason to feel that way after seeing what the Putin cockroaches did in Bucha and the rest of Ukraine.


I just don’t understand how the defenders of Bucha didn’t go down like the brave martyrs of Snake Island. Where was the Ghost of Kiev? The European populations have typical limited attention spans. They will soon forget the con-job used to take their tax money to pay for the US program to weaponize the Ukraine in their war against Russia. What will be left is people who are more hostile to their governments every day as the US system fails.

Muhammad your Prophet

There was no defense of Bucha because that’s where the moronic 40 mile Russian convoy got stranded. The entire moronic Russian convoy came down into Bucha and committed the massacre before being picked apart by Ukranian forces.


Lying won’t make it more believable. By murdering those people Ukraine has crossed all red lines. We all will be paying for it. Because we all did let this happen. The war is on. Too bad the western MSM can’t see it happen. That is entirely on them.


They are all drowning in debt, inflation is kicking in, but what the heck, lets buy more weapons. To bad, they can’t just go and buy some nukes, right? Because more tanks will make them safer. The world survived on diplomacy. Now that is over. We all know how this will end. Russia is not bluffing. But NATO is.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum


hans raus

Ukrainian forces have eliminated chechen/russian unit in donetsk oblast . Bye bye russian child rapists



Ukraine throwing in their remaining conscripts won’t save it. Mop up still going on, no matter how much cheap propaganda Ukraine is making. The amount of fake material on youtube and twatter is also a strong sign of Ukraine collapsing. They can’t hide their losses forever.


Perhaps the U.S. defense industry is seeing some kind of growth. But at the same time, the U.S. Navy under Biden’s leadership plans to cut 24 warships (including several ships under 10 years old). Honestly, I have absolutely no idea what they are trying to do? A sea power country abandoning the navy and focusing on strengthening land power?

Last edited 2 years ago by aglio

Ex Warsaw Pact counties are under big pressure to send their legacy systems, so they will become dependent on NATO systems and be under full NATO control for any defensive capabilities. Apparently the Baltic’s get this, and are just sending munitions well past their use by date. Wise move, for any ex Warsaw Pact countries in NATO it would be prudent to send the worst of their legacy gear, just with a quick respray to tart it up for the US cameras.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaltyDog

After USA invaded and regime changed Iraq, the USA eventually dictated the new Iraqi state’s army. then under full USA control, would buy and operate US Abrams tanks. These were of course export grade models, that were basically dumbed down and had restricted capabilities and performance compared to USA army models. But equally USA contractors completely controlled the maintenance and supply chain of parts, and charged premium contracts to just keep them running. Eventually due to both the average performance of these export models against ISIS ATGM’s, and USA maintenance contractor’s over-charging, the best of Iraqi armored units switched over to orders of Russian Federation export T-90’s.

This is a tale more recent east European members of NATO might want bear in mind, as USA pushes for own corporate hardware exports to replace these east European state’s existing legacy Soviet hardware.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Yep, I’m pissed off by our purchase of this shit instead of technology transfer from say South Korea with their tanks. Overall most american equipment is overpriced junk, maybe javelin atgm are worth it, but that’s it (ok, f-16 are not bad either, but f-35 are utter garbage). That’s said, we have no option to buy Russian gear, and we hate them with passion as a country. You really didn’t played fair during communist times and the hate is well earned. By exploiting us, you lost hearts and minds of Polish people forever.


The Slovak supplied missile battery is already destroyed. All the four launchers with 4 missiles each were destroyed before getting a chance to get used even once.

hans raus

source? trust me bro? slovak s300 is still in….. slovakia you russobot


here you go dumbass:


russian-german friendship

For the blithering idiots and propaganda puppets here– believing in there own bubbles. Russia is not declining- in the opposite. I was there, I know of what Im speaking-look at the cities in the south of RF. You will be astonished. No comperison to american poor cities or death east ukraine! The fucking banksters and their shitty satelites tell us idiotic things, staring to the gross domestic product. But this is a distorsion! What counts is not sureal stock market bullshit but real valuables. And here, Russian Federation is well positioned with the highest wealth at raw materials. Aditionally it has the highest rate of self catering in the world (70%) what means subsistence economy. Thats really important! Forget GDP! And they have people, able to repair things by themselves. Here in the west so many people are so idiotic- they are so unable, they will starve without nextdoor supermarket !

Last edited 2 years ago by russian-german friendship
russian-german friendship

For all blithering idiots and propaganda puppets – believing in their own bubbles. Russia is not declining- in the opposite. I was there, I know of what Im speaking-look at the cities in the south of RF. You will be astonished. No comperison to american poor cities! The fucking banksters and their shitty satelites tell us idiotic things, staring to the gross domestic product. But this is a distorsion! What counts is not sureal stock market bullshit but real valuables. And here is Russia well positioned with the highest wealth at raw materials. Aditionally it has the highest rate of self catering in the world (70%) what means subsistence economy. Thats really important! Forget GDP! And they have people, able to repair things by themselves. Her in the west so many people are so idiotic- they are so unable, they will starve without nexdoor supermarket!

Last edited 2 years ago by russian-german friendship

They will starve already when they won’t get any money from the ATM. Almost all western civilization is dependent on someone feeding them. In Germany 50% of the population don’t have food for more than 3 days. Stores are everywhere and no one ever buys stuff for storage. I won’t even mention what will happen if they can’t properly heat their flats.


I am sitting in a village in Spain, and they turned off all the street lights, no doubt to save money .. pathetic, and they have a corrupt politician Borrell dictating things to us, like someone gave him the authority to dictate to us US policy here in the EU. We hate the US and their warmongering policy and hope that Russia can stop the un-elected corrupt goons at the EU

Bigg Chungus

blood money

Tommy Jensen

This means more wars. East-Europe as buffer and cannonfodder to exhaust Russia. German Aryan race and French Vichy Government, and fascist Governments in Spain and Italy. All dancing to the anglo-sax tune, with Japan gearing up in East.


USNato debts trap to tie up Ukraine with weapons sales and occupy it permanently without firing a bullet.

Every conflict and war has a kosher hand behind rubbing 2 shekels is no mere coincidence.

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