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MARCH 2025

Army, Allies Liberated Ghanim al-Ali, Drive ISIS Out From More Area On Bank Of Euphrates

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Army, Allies Liberated Ghanim al-Ali, Drive ISIS Out From More Area On Bank Of Euphrates

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Syrian government forces have liberated Ghanim Al-Ali, Qubbat Abu Ahmad, Tal Torab, Wadi Torab, Wadi Kharaye and Maghla Kabirah from ISIS near the Euhprates River in the southern Raqqah countryside and allegedly entered the province of Deir Ezzor.

In northern Deir Ezzor, the Syrian army and its allies have allegeldy liberated Wadi Qattoub and Wadi Bir Sujayri.

With these advances government troops besieged the ISIS-held village of Sabkrah on the bank of Euhprates and strengthened their positions at the administrative border with Deir Ezzor province. This will also allow government forces to develop further the advance in the direction of the so-called Bishri Triangle located south of the Wadi Ubayd oil field.

The government forces advance in southern Raqqah:

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SAA has become a real army of national unity. It now has the leaders, the organisation, the spirit, and the capabilities of an army worthy of its name. Good to see such things in this day and age of fractured nations where personal identity politics (bullshit basically) takes precedence over national identity. We should take heed. Corporate greed now ransacks nations, and our national identity is sometimes all that stands between us and the abyss! The events in Syria surely are a turning point.


Well said and 100% accurate.


“Besieged the ISIS-held village of Sabkrah on the bank of the Euhprates “. I like that , no need to risk civilian lives or waste time on a hundred men , siege and move on . Deir Ezzor ; the Tigers of the Euhprates are swimming your way .


And the DAESH dirt bags will pay a heavy price for sure! Who said cats don’t like water :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c173b222449a0052b18a8b56bbef977af7401cde66f124703528c5f6cd7a10f.jpg

John Mason

According to AMN there are thousands of tribesmen from provinces of Al-Hasakah, Al-Raqqa, Homs, Damascus, and Hama governorates have joined the SAA to fight ISIS. This type of union between the tribesmen and SAA spells doom for the Kurds, US and coalition and proxies. Good to see that Syrians unite to keep Syria whole and fight for their country and sovereignty.


The Kurds – essentially Syrian gipsies – will be the big losers of this war.

Jens Holm


Stevan Kljajic

It depends what they will demand on the end of the war, if they stay loyal to Syria and Assad it will be good for them if they think that they could get something more, they will be crushed!


I think it is to some extent too late already; about a hundred years ago the Syrian people welcomed the Kurds on Syrian lands as refugees from Ottoman purges; now these “refugees” want to take over large chunks of Syria and ethnically cleanse these territories in line with Oded Yinon’s 1982 plan for the “Greater Israel”. The Kurds have tied their fate to “Israel” – there is simply no way the settler state can survive long term especially with all the new changes that are developing in the region. How can the Kurds be so stupid and put their fate into powers that are external to the region? It blows my mind; only gypsies can think so short term.


Great comment. You can’t discuss the ME without using the Oded Yinon Plan as a centerpiece.

John Brown

Yes you are 100% correct! Though it is the kurdish leaders who do this, selling out their own people (as western leaders, puppets have done to their people) for millions of dollars, a mansion in Switzerland, hookers and drugs and so not all kurds are guilty of this.


They are a world wide problem. Like locusts.


Agreed. They have spread to Germany as well; maybe in the future they will claim parts of Berlin as part of “Rojava” or “Turdistan”?



Justin Ryan

U are the TWAT! U fail to mention Jewish involvement in ANYTHING and are fast to scream like a bitch “anti-semitism”! You’re comments on the Nazi’s in Ukraine (which i took a screen shot of) where u blamed the USA for empowering them yet leaving out THE FACTS that their most right wing battalians (AZOV and Donbass) are funded and are the private armies of Kolomoisky (a jew) and Poreshenko (another jew) who’s right wing support are THE REAL REASON for Nazi support! But u feel soooo comfortable never mentioning that! i wonder why! YOU FUCKIN JEW RAT!


I agree with all that you said. It is all part of divide and rule that creates chaos amongst the populace. The scum bags that want to control our lives feel safer in chaos as they know very well that a unified population would hang them all as common criminals.


Lay off nazi terminology, it isn’t nice.


Its true nevertheless . Its not ‘nice’ when these feral bastards cheat people, steal all that is not nailed down and create a shit heap wherever they go. So may I suggest you take your Libtard crap elsewhere.


Take your head out of your arse.


Only this past weekend not very far from where I live a large gang of these feral scum and their families invaded a civic park area with their caravans, trucks and flash cars, plus of course the tons of rubbish and filth they always leave behind. The locals have been terrorised, theft has been rampant, shop staff assaulted and goods stolen, restaurant owners assaulted and meals unpaid. The cops are too frightened to do anything and the gang will be moved on to terrorise another town with relative impunity Attrition. So kindly keep your foul language in your own home.

Justin Ryan

SHUT YOUR FOOKIN MOUTH! Did u or did u not…… say that the USA were funding Nazi’s in ukraine? So are u saying that YOU can use the term “NAZI” and others cant??? HUH??? SHUT YOUR FOOKIN MOUTH! YES,…. Jews fund Nazi’s in Ukraine! “In April 2014 Kolomoyskyi offered a bounty for the capture of Russian-backed militants and incentives for the turning in of weapons.[38] He also is believed to have spent $10 million to create the Dnipro Battalion,[37][39] and also funds the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions”

HERE ARE YOUR REAL NAZI’S you fuckin scum bag!

https://davidduke.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Igor-Kolomoisky.jpg http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Petro-Poroshenko.jpg http://www.voltairenet.org/local/cache-vignettes/L398xH249/arton183839-82bb3.jpg http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/evil_jew_Soros-1024×768.jpg

Steven Fay

US will just leave the Kurds for Turkey to deal with ,US wont stop the turks from attacking them, they just used the Kurds so 100,s of American coffins were,nt seen coming back home.

Jens Holm

Strange those many 1000`s has been sitting on their hands for years.

Strange as well those should spell any doom for the SDF-zone. SAA & those tribesmen dont represent all the country at all.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are the Militias from these areas among them already those who have served and many are former FSA from these regions ,they are becoming Syrian people again instead of Muslim Brotherhood and SDF fighters.

Wahid Algiers

And one day they will return in the regions they know very well to fight landgrabbers called kurds.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There are 7000+ more keep coming to help with this offensive and come from areas the SDF Kurds control . The PKK/PYD will not be too happy with the support the government has in the area.


I still can’t understand why these people take weapons with external countries agaisnt their own country. I just can’t understand that.

It’s obvious that Syrians don’t benefit and will not benefit from all these destructions. What do they want ? I just can’t understand why these people are so violent and so traitors to their own country.

They are so easily maniupulated. It’s scary.


If the Washington barbarians pointed a gun at your head and showed you a big bag of money, which would you take? Assad appeased the evil bastards by having their victims tortured in Syria, same as the Poles did and look what it got him.


I would ask for my state protection. The fact is that most Syrians don’t care about their country. The islamists care much more about Islam. The kurds care much more about kurdistan. The only that care about their country in Syria are Shias and Orthodox.

Syria is not an united country. Assad is the one that unite Syrians. That’s why USA wants to kill Assad. Once Assad killed, Syria is doomed for good because nobody will unite Syria like he did.


Answer the question




Answer the question, pls


“Death before Dishonor” , from the USMC . Until one finds oneself in such a position with the Washington barbarians , you can only measure your honor what your actions are , as in working and creating a positive energy . What I referred to as BS , was your statement that “Assad appeased the evil bastards by having their victims tortured ” . That is the usual drivel from the propaganda machine .


US is just using Syria weaknesses. They stand with anyone that is ready to fight the syrian governement. A country with Sunnis is a doomed country because Sunnis are so f…. stupid and violent people.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Most of the Sunnis in Syria ,Iraq, Iran are all secularists those that follow the Muslim Brotherhood are the are of the old elite whom many left the region for Sunni nations decades ago.


There is any logic with Sunnis. Saudi Arabia called MB terrorists in Egypt and was supporting Sissi, the traitor, that killed his own people and give two strategic islands to Saudi Arabia.

Sunnis are doomes man. They are doomed.


I’m sorry but these middle easterners are just stupid. They have everything they want but they spend their time killing each other instead of unite themselfs. They are their main problem. US is just using their weaknesses and one of their main weakness is that they are traitors.


Hello Serious. The ‘stupids’ have fully infiltrated Occidental halls of power. The ‘mighty’ sold out their nations for money. It is the oldest trick in the book. The US is not using anybody. It is a slave to it’s own delusions and is trapped in a slow downward spiral of collapse. It is not what it was when I was growing up as a child there. Don’t be too confident about the West. It is a walking dead man. I wish well to you.


Believe me. They are too stupid to infiltrate anything. They are just being used by the west as spies and useful idiots.

You think that they have infiltrated the west but the reality is that the west invited them and they are just using west laws to live their life.

Of course, like sunnis are stupid, they will destroy your country not because they want but because they are stupid.


I believe no one and in nothing. I needs to be proved in my view of things. The proof lies in merely the weapons deals, so generously given to those who have spread so much ill will; GCC et al. Besides, you can’t destroy something that is already wrecked. All this will pass though.


GCC is paying weapons to kill each other. israel is given weapons by USA. Do you see the big difference ? GCC states are puppet whereas israel is USA boss.


You have your take on things, I disagree. Have a great day. :)


No problem. Everyone has his own view.


Shias are united and know what they want. That’s why they are stronger. Sunnis are just low-life human beings walking on the planet. Nobody like them and nobody want them. Most of the sunnis countries are dominated by USA even if Anglos are killing them every day since 2 centuries.

Time to wake up. But can stupid people wake up ? Never. So time to be doomed.


When Yemen is attacked by Saudi Arabia for extrenal countries sake (because just tell me what is the advandage of Saudi Arabia in the Yemen war), Iran, Hezbollah, … unite with Yemen. So Sunnis start what they do best just after killing people, they start crying. “Why do Iran help Yemen ?” they say. Well, Iran help their shia brothers. Sunnis can’t understand that.

When USA invaded Afghanistan and Irak and Libya, … why don’t sunnis help them ?? No, Sunnis coujntries were helping to destroy these countries.

So, the fact is that the problem is that sunnis are useful idiots.


Well. Do just like Poland. Don’t take these low-life sunnis into your country. You will never recover. They will be used by globalists to make your country a puppet country.


Unfortunately, apparently over 40 fighters got killed by isis today/yesterday and what was left of the units that had reached the Euphrates had to retreat…


And why do they killed these brave soldiers ??? For absolutely nothing. Don’t they see that they are surroundered ?? What do they want ??

It’s just unbelievable.

What is the goal of fighting a lost war. What is the goal of destroying your own country.


When a wolf is trapped is when he is most savage…


Well. A wolf trapped is very dangerous because he will fight for his liberty. But, “daesh” is fighting to enslave his own people into ignorance.

Where is Al-Baghadadi ? XD. They are fighting for someone that they have never see. XD. Their leader is a CIA agent. XD.


It is not their country , the ISIS and Al Qaeda jihadists are “rebels” in name only , for American propaganda . They are 80 % from Saudi and Tunis , they are “believers” in Wahhabi Islam , a perversion of Sunni Islam , originating in Saudi Arabia .

John Whitehot

and who said that?


It is reported that ISUS put up a fight for Ghamim Al-Ali, but SAA has counter attacked. Quote from AMN: “The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has been immersed in a fierce battle with the Islamic State (ISIL) forces in the Al-Raqqa Governorate’s southeastern countryside this weekend, resulting in significant losses for all parties involved.” And from SF: “Pro-government sources confirmed that SAA faced fierce resistance from ISIS fighters in Ghanim Al-Ali village before it liberated the village on Sunday.” GODSPEED SAA

John Whitehot

good to hear that. I was imagining one of those countless battles where according to jihadists the SAA “took losses and retreat” but at the end of the day another area becomes red on the map.



John Whitehot

I suspected it, it’s one of the most fervent pro-jihadist news conglomerate on the web.


That website? It’s just a map, there’s another map thats definately pro jihadi, I don’t go there no more.

John Whitehot

you are right, there’s more than one around. I go there seldom but reckon this: often by considering what kind of propaganda is released, one can “read between the lines” and make a general idea about some subject.

It’s useful, especially if the alignment of the considered publisher is known.


It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the isis fighters were somehow tipped off. When SAA arrives at the SDF front line there are suddenly lots of eyes on what they are doing. Since SDF is “neutral” and not actively hostile there is maybe a tendency to feel that you can relax a bit. But they have CIA eyes on them 24/7, drones, scopes, everything – very hostile. We know CIA/Pentagon likes killing Syrian soldiers, and near the SDF lines, under close observation, it just takes a phone call…


Collin Powel was right. There are WMD in Iraq. They are called Sunnis.

Wahid Algiers

Why you mix up Sunnies who are invaders as refugees in Europe countries and Sunnies who are fighting alongside with Shias to free Syria?

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