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Army Aviation of the People’s Liberation Army Ground Forces

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Army Aviation of the People’s Liberation Army Ground Forces

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Written by Colonel S. KorginLieutenant Colonel D. Ilagin; Originally appeared at Foreign Military Review #4 2019, translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Army Aviation (AA) is a type of aviation within the Ground Forces (Army). It is designed to defeat enemy targets mainly on the front line and in tactical depths, as well as to solve the problems of comprehensive support of the general army combat (special operations) and increase the mobility of troops. The PLA AF Command regards army aviation, which is equipped with helicopters for various purposes, as a versatile and reliable means of support and combat operations.

The main tasks of the AA are: striking the enemy’s forces and facilities; suppressing its electronic means; conducting aerial reconnaissance, as well as providing control and communication.

The main organisational and staff unit of the Army Air Force is the AA Brigade. Subdivisions of the AA Brigade participate in aerial bombardment, correction of field artillery fire and tactical aviation strikes, protection and defence of the rear areas of compounds and units, search and rescue and medical evacuation activities.

Since May 2017, the PLA AF Command has been carrying out the next stage of the ground forces reform in order to increase the mobility and combat capabilities of the Army groups in the theater.

China’s land forces have 15 army aviation brigades and four helicopter training regiments. In the course of the organisational and staff activities, each army was assigned an army aviation brigade. The AA brigades were assigned numbers corresponding to the number of the army they belonged to (for example, the 71st Army formed the 71st AA Brigade, etc.).

The institutions, units and military units of central subordination include: the Institute of Aviation of the Ground Forces of the PLA AF and the AA pilot training centre.

The army aircrew combat training is conducted in permanent locations (airfield areas). Flight training includes the development of elements of individual piloting techniques, group flight clearance of crews and tactics for use within units. For the performance of combat training tasks, forward airfields are used during various AA exercises.

Army aviation formations may operate as part of a brigade, squadron of links or helicopter pairs. The tactics of units and divisions depends on the combat situation and the nature of the tasks to be performed.

Army Aviation of the People’s Liberation Army Ground Forces

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During the exercise of the Army Corps “Kuayue-2016” AA management noted that the conduct of an offensive army operation can be carried out by up to three helicopter flights per day by one crew, and the total flight time is from 2 to 4 ours per day, with the preparation of the helicopter for the subsequent flight should not exceed 20-40 minutes.

In the period between 2014 and 2016, army aviation crews in the course of the fire training plans event as part of regular squadrons during the sea landing operations performed the tasks of covering landing ships and landing aids, as well as landing them on an unprepared coast.

The main educational institution for training personnel for formations and units of the PLA AA is the institute of Aviation of the Land Forces (IALF).

It was formed on June 30, 1999 on the basis of helicopter training Regiment A, stationed in the area of Tongzhou (20 km east of Beijing).

The Institute trains over 2,000 cadets and civilian students for helicopter aviation units of the land forces and the people’s armed militia of the PRC in two faculties: flight and engineering personnel. The training period is four years.

Up to 100 flight personnel and up to 200 specialists of engineering and technical staff graduate annually.

Graduates of secondary educational institutions who have expressed a desire to study in the IALF and passed the entrance exams are sent to the branch of the aviation university (part of the Air Force) in Changchun (Jilin province), where they receive primary aviation education for two years, which at this stage of the programme is similar in both faculties. The cadets are then sent directly to the IALF, where they learn the aerodynamics of helicopters, as well as the basic training course.

The final stage of training at the flight faculty of the Institute is held in training helicopter regiments (Z-11 and Mi-17 helicopters).

At the Faculty of Engineering, after completing the primary aviation education, students in the following two years will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills according to their specialisation:

  • helicopter and engine repair and maintenance engineer;
  • repair and maintenance of automated data transmission systems engineer;
  • repair and navigation systems maintenance engineer;
  • repair and maintenance of weapons systems engineer.

The daily activities of army aviation formations are managed from the brigade command post (CP) located at the airfield of permanent location.

When carrying out direct fire support tasks for land forces groups, AA forces are commanded from a forward control point (FCP), which is typically deployed in the area of the CP of an air-supported combination or connection using standard vehicle equipment. This may include:

  • control station of the brigade commander (deputy);
  • air traffic control centre;
  • mobile HF and microwave hardware;
  • mobile hardware;
  • mobile weather station.

In the area of combat, use of automotive PPU equipment brigades and support units (fuel, lubricants, weather reconnaissance) circulate on public roads. If necessary, they can be transferred by air from the army aviation brigades.

To improve the accuracy of target designation of helicopters, advanced air gunners (AAG) are allocated from the army aviation, sent to the PPU provided to the military units of the ground forces. Communication with the army aviation FDUs is provided by VHF communication means (30-300 MHz).

In addition, the army aviation is involved in other tasks, such as delivering humanitarian aid, conducting search and rescue operations, and participating in natural disaster responses both within China and abroad.

Aviation helicopter squadrons (as part of brigades) have specialised attack, multi-purpose and transport helicopters, which determine their main purpose.

Helicopter attack squadrons are designed to perform an number of tasks: to provide direct (aviation) support to units and subdivisions of ground forces on the battlefield; to strike at combat troop formations; escort transport helicopters; fighting the enemy’s helicopters and UAVs; conducting aerial reconnaissance and surveillance; target designation, as well as to provide control and communication.

The main types of attack helicopters are Z-10 and Z-19, while the Z-10W series is designed to fight armoured targets and is capable of conducting air combat. The machine is a standard layout for combat helicopters, its design uses composite materials. In 2016, production of Z-19 attack helicopters began, featuring an upgraded fire control system and radar station (radar) in a fairing located above the main rotor.

In the AA brigades, the Z-19 helicopter is to replace the Z-9 helicopter currently in service.

The multi-purpose helicopter squadrons are designed to deliver logistics support assets on the battlefield, to provide control and communications capabilities, and to install minefields.

The main types of such vehicles in Chinese AA are the Mi-17 (including its modifications) and the Z-9. The Z-9 is a family of Chinese multi-purpose helicopters, which is a licensed copy of the French Dauphin by Aerospaciale.

Army Aviation of the People’s Liberation Army Ground Forces

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Modifications of the Z-9 helicopter are: the Z-9A is the first serial modification of the multi-purpose helicopter; the Z-9B is a multi-purpose helicopter with improved engines; the Z-9W is a reconnaissance and strike helicopter capable of performing tasks at night.

The Z-11 is a light multipurpose Chinese-made helicopter. There is also a modified training helicopter.

Transport and landing helicopter squadrons are designed for tactical landing and evacuation, transfer of personnel, weapons, ammunition and other means of logistics support (both in the cargo bay, and the external suspension), search and rescue operations, as well as the evacuation of the wounded.

The main types of transport and landing helicopters are the Mi-17 and Z-8.

The Z-8 is a licensed copy of the French Super Frelon helicopter. There are three modifications of the helicopter: Z-8Z, the first serial modification of the transport helicopter; the Z-8F, with improved engines; the Z-8K/KA, a vehicle for search and rescue operations.

The military and political leadership of China pursues a consistent policy aimed at improving the capabilities of the army aviation, developing the national helicopter industry and reducing dependence on foreign supplies of spare parts. In the near future, a new multi-purpose Z-20 helicopter is expected to enter service with the PLA, based on the civilian Sikorsky transport helicopter S-70C-2, which was purchased from the USA.

In terms of tactical and technical characteristics, the Z-20 is close to the UH-20 Black Hawk multi-purpose helicopter, which is in service with the U.S. Armed Forces.

The Z-20 differs from the S-70C-2 by the presence of a five-blade main screw and an increased volume of cargo and passenger compartment. The Z-20 helicopter has a payload weight of up to 9,000 kg (1,000 kg of cargo and passenger load and 8,000 kg on the external sling), which will allow it to carry up to 15 fully equipped soldiers.

Army Aviation of the People’s Liberation Army Ground Forces

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In addition, the new machine is also designed for highland operations. It is planned that the Mi-17 transport and landing helicopters will be taken off the armament and replaced by the Z-20.

At present, the country’s aircraft industry is actively researching the creation of a heavy transport and landing aircraft (with four-blade large-diameter propellers, similar to the American CV-22 Osprey) and a high-speed helicopter (similar to the S-97 Raider from the Sikorsky company), capable of cruising speeds of over 400 km/h.

The Chinese analogue of the S-97 helicopter has larger dimensions, is made on the coaxial scheme with four-blade bearing and stabilising screws in the ring channels, located on the tail beam.

In addition, it is planned to develop a large-capacity transport helicopter together with Russian specialists.

Thus, the PLA AF Army Aviation has helicopters and aircraft capable of providing direct air support and combat support to ground forces. The majority of the machines are in satisfactory technical condition, but the aircraft management is trying to improve the fleet of AA aircraft so that it meets the requirements of modern combat.


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Liberal guy

All these weapons and aircraft will punish the Yankees and their allies if these not then their successors will be that’s for sure in the future.

Bobby Twoshoes

In 1950 China pushed the yanks back to the 38th parallel despite having to share a rifle between multiple soldiers, the seppos are barking mad if they think they can threaten China now.


chyna is going to be smashed

Traiano Welcome

Aussies don’t have a chance.

Jimmy Jim



This video can be watched by clicking on the link below. The source material shown and referenced in the video can be fact checked using follow up research. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ee430e66a21f9cecddb49fd5a1e8a02ec515aad1962f7588dd5df5ac8326f17.png https://banned.video/watch?id=5ec2a9c6244ac5001d2a12e0


I haven’t done in depth follow up research of Alex Jones’ contentions. But the preliminary research that I’ve done indicates that the source material that he references exists and says what he says that it does. People can and do disagree with the conclusions that he draws from this material. Myself included.

My view at this time is that he’s got enough of it right that he should be taken seriously. It’s worth pointing out that the source material that he references is almost exclusively of Jew and Zionist origin. That he regularly has Jews and Zionists on his shows in a good Jew vs bad Jew farce. And that he’s a self proclaimed Christian Zionist supporting Israel’s, Jews’ and Zionist’s forever war crimes against humanity. Yes he does sometimes talk out of both sides of his mouth both condemning and supporting the global Yinon plan forever war. But it’s clear that he supports Israel and the Jew’s forever war hegemony drive against the planet.

Having said that. The main issue is is there a global omnicide plan that Putin, Xi and Modi of the SCO are collaborating with to mass murder the Russian, Chinese and Indian people, and the rest of humanity. Or is this a NATO Zionist human extinction plan run by Israel, the US, France and the UK? Where they are planning to kill Putin, Xi and Modi and replace them with puppets to mass murder the Russian, Chinese, and Indian people and the rest of humanity?

I don’t have the answers to these questions at this time. I’m looking at the incoming data and analysing what I see. The SCO is doing much the same thing against their citizens that the NATO Zionists are. Whether it’s reactionary or conspiratorial I don’t know. What’s being done is in character with the NATO Zionists and out of character with the SCO leadership. So at this time I’m giving the SCO the benefit of the doubt until the scamdemic plays out further. My hope is that the SCO uses the Jews and Zionist’s take down of the NATO economies to increase global economic market share, proceed with the belt and road initiative to raise the standard of living to stabilize population growth and eliminate poverty in the developing sector, and stabilize the security situation on the planet.

My view is that NATO countries can’t be trusted to meaningfully participate in planetary development and need to be quarantined due to their Jew infestation until it’s corrected. And that the solution to this problem is to outlaw Judaism in the US and worldwide so that the planet is Jew free. It isn’t a cure all, but it will take care of the biggest part of the problem and make the other problems easier to resolve.

Alex Jones ignores the systemic evil of Satanic Talmud rabbinical Judaic ideology and shifts the blame to China. And that the Chinese have done more to eliminate poverty on this planet in modern history than any other nation.


“With the US economy reeling from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee agreed to give Israel a minimum of $3.8 billion in military aid per year. …

Moreover, the federal government’s financial relief packages to date have pushed national debt past a record $25 trillion.

You wouldn’t think there was anything wrong if you asked Senator Marco Rubio though. The Florida Republican and his colleagues on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee quietly approved a bill on Thursday to guarantee Israel a minimum of $38 billion in military aid over the next ten years, despite the economic shambles at home.”

– As Americans lose their jobs, Senate gears up to give Israel A MINIMUM of $38 billion over 10 years –





“the root causes of antisemitism are not to be found in some weird cause-less aberration common to every single nation on earth, but in the teachings of Pharisaic Talmudism.”

– A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism” –


Jimmy Jim


cechas vodobenikov

the angloshere is a rotting culture less goo of meaningless stimulation—these hyperactive racist morons can only wallow in their obesity and drug epidemics as they recede into insignificance


Anglos and jews are not one in the same, there’s little indication of “racism” either from “WASPs” (a derogatory word for “White Anglo Saxon Protestant”) nowadays, unless it is anti-white racism in the sense of unwitting self hatred.

Douglas Rushoff (jew) ‘ We Are A Corrosive Force’: archive[]org/details/douglas-rushoff-we-are-a-corrosive-force

Minister & Black Nationalist Louis Farrakhan explains the White Genocide: bitchute[]com/video/4lvlppH8B7m3/

Who Dominated The Slave Trade?: bitchute[]com/video/6zdJTIRzAJSk/

Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews: bitchute[]com/video/BkvCQpAHdnih/

Roots Was A Fraud: archive[]org/details/the-inconvenient-truth-part-2-roots-was-a-fraud_202005

Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America: bitchute[]com/channel/americankrogan/

In seeing the obesity and exaggerated drug epidemics, it offers a degree of satisfaction in the unlearned that strikes a chord in coming from a place of misplaced animosity fuelled by jewish interest groups that weaponize the discontent for the migrant’s lot in life against the white man, woman, child, and European civilization itself—America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Boers and Afrikaaners are each an extension of European civilization.

They unwittingly slide into an appropriation of the Marxist dialectic, whereas inter-class antagonisms are redirected towards antagonisms between the races and sexes of mankind; with whites (including the economic proletariat) being scapegoated as the new ‘bourgeois’—the epitome of evil, while everyone else are turned into ever narrowly defined classes of the ‘proletariat’.

The false charge amounts to such that any level of success found in the “west” never came out of merit and is the “cause” of every one’s failure in life, anyone that really believes such nonsense has a linear understanding of history. It completely ignores the much higher rates of slavery in South America and the Orient. And despite having had access to a greater abundance of riches before colonization, never managed to outmatched the depths and ingenuity of the resilient European mind and soul.





It’s obvious you’re either a teenager or in your early 20s, it’s also evident you’ve never been to the place you’re criticizing and believe every stereotype you’re conditioned to believe. Not only that Russia is degenerate too, anyone who doesn’t realize that is a very confused person.

The former champion of Russian slapping contests that are federally registered as a sport in Russia.




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