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US Army Secures $480 Million Deal For Next-Generation Camo That “Defeats All Known Sensors”

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

The US Army has chosen Fibrotex to manufacture the services Next-Generation Ultra-Light Camouflage Netting System (ULCANS) to protect its special forces on the modern battlefield from electro-optical and electromagnetic threats.

The ULCANS will be an all-weather, state-of-the-art signature concealment system that provides multi-spectral protection for troops and equipment.

Stealth Solutions 

US Army Secures $480 Million Deal For Next-Generation Camo That "Defeats All Known Sensors"

Personal Camouflage Solutions 

US Army Secures $480 Million Deal For Next-Generation Camo That "Defeats All Known Sensors"

Next-Generation Combat Uniforms 

US Army Secures $480 Million Deal For Next-Generation Camo That "Defeats All Known Sensors"


US Army Secures $480 Million Deal For Next-Generation Camo That "Defeats All Known Sensors"

The army has prepared materials needed like the camouflage and deception equipment , as part of their battle with the terrorists.

According to Jane’s 360, a November 07 press release from the company detailed a 10-year contract valued at $480 million with series production starting in early 2019.

“Today more than ever military forces and opposition groups are using night-vision sensors and thermal devices against our troops, but by using Fibrotex’s camouflage, concealment, and deception solutions we make them undetectable again, allowing them to continue keeping us safe,” said company CEO Eyal Malleron.

“The US Army tested our best camouflage solutions and the camouflage repeatedly demonstrated the ability to defeat all sensors known to be operating in the battlefield and throughout the electromagnetic spectrum,” Malleron added.

ULCANS has undergone more than two years of testing, trials and data collection conducted by the Army’s Natick Soldier Systems Center in Massachusetts. Natick has been testing camouflage technologies from global defense manufacturers for the last decade, in the attempt to create a stealth army on the battlefield.

Fibrotex will deliver the ULCANS material in several designs — allowing for different pattern and capability on each ­­side, enabling soldiers, military machines, and other war systems to disappear into light or dark woodland, snow or alpine and desert or urban environments in any operational theater, said the Army Times.

“We have more than 50 years of experience, with thousands of hours in the field and a deep understanding of conventional and asymmetric warfare,” Malleron said. “The U.S. Army tested our best camouflage solutions, and the camouflage repeatedly demonstrated the ability to defeat all sensors known to be operating on the battlefield and throughout the electromagnetic spectrum.”

As per the contract, ULCANS will be manufactured in the US, in a new manufacturing facility in McCreary County, Kentucky, creating jobs for the war economy.

“I firmly believe we have the best workforce in the country, and that their hard work and dedication has earned these new jobs, helping deliver a vital new military contract from McCreary County,” US Representative Hal Rogers, R-Ky., said in a press statement. “I take great pride in knowing that our people are crafting these products to keep our warfighters and allies safe, giving them an edge on the battlefield.”

So, why would the Army need about a half-billion dollars worth of stealth material to shield troops and weapons from electro-optical and electromagnetic threats? Well, it seems the Pentagon is preparing for war with either China or Russia and or both. “By way of deception, thou shalt conduct war,” the Fibrotex’s website concludes.

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More money down the drain probably. Doesn’t matter if it works or not, the US defense industry will get its cut of the defense budget, so why bother making it work?


The Emperors new clothes.

You can call me Al

Damn, I have been thinking about something like this based on a Faraday’s cage – just remember I said it first and want royalties of 7.5%.


Not a damm cent food you…unless you are zio jewish rats..

You can call me Al

Oh !!…. damn, damn, damn.


The (second vid) vehicle attachment panels have internal lining of a reflective panel – ie quality and robust insulating foil. This is interesting approach, because there are potential and inherent time-frame issues for hiding the thermal signature in this manner – ie reflective insulation will work for limited time-period shielding internal heat signature – until the (now) insulated engine bay heats up further and the whole area becomes an even hotter environment with leakage. This is same principle as why wrapping a human in insulating foil will only hide thermal signature for very short period – before the insulated body-heat factor makes wrapped environment even hotter and leaks. Then again, maybe they have overcome this most basic principle in some manner (tech/ airflow) – but they certainly don’t address it in the infomercial.

Daniel Miller

wait…..you mean to tell me that only now they have considered doing this?…..the Ratnik-1 kit has a system like this.

Brother Ma

Named Eyal? I bet Israeli-born Zionist Jew. Why is it that America allows all key positions to be held by Zionists? So the guy who supplies camo to America is Israeli? Wow. Talking about trusting some foreigners with your lives!


EXACTLY brother…read my comment above before I even seen your comment..


The XL18 has a range of in excess of 100 feet. If you can identify a cloaked threat through your 5 senses, or technical sensors. If it’s close enough you can paint it with non flammable or flammable liquid to get a better idea of what you’re dealing with to mitigate the threat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcEpB39HqJw


This is what I’m planning on running for camo with my quad track for woodland snow ops: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5404786360b323e85ef2b8526642479d62ffb10b4acc6d7c7b27d52ce1f64bfe.png


Seek compact pro Android micro usb port thermal imaging camera and related gear. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da43673dd6dba551936078336dd53f57030855b25b633fd51ee0095e82e7f971.jpg


With a 900cc 74 horsepower engine, and all 4 tracks providing traction capable of being locked in at the same time. The quad track that I’m having built unhitched from a sled or trailer with skis on the wheels can move pretty quick if it has to. After the close encounter with what was probably multiple bigfoots at night last year. I want the option of disengaging. But having been through that. In the future I may go looking for what I’m encountering. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8bdd8a4b3a241f8b308334768f524e7a5cdf3212bbf89f26e198fa4cf51b494a.jpg


The middle track from 23 seconds to 51 seconds into the video is the closest to what was screaming at me last summer at night. It sounded like there was one at 12:00 and another at about 2:00 just outside my 100 foot headlamp range at distamces of 100 to 250 feet, and possibly a third behind me mimicking an owl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov4CUo_XeWY


This is the 9mm that I had in one coat pocket during the close encounter, and the 200 lumen flashlight and spare mag that was in the other coat pocket during the encounter. I was concerned that the creatures may have been ETs or had ET handlers. At the time I didn’t know that they were probably bigfoots. And that if I brandished a weapon or got out the 100+ meter beam light. That it would have escalated the situation. So I left them in my pockets and disengaged.



I’ve since upgraded the ammo to woods rounds with 50% greater large dangerous game penetration, and had the gunsmith install an 80 lumen tactical light green laser sight combination on the front picatinny rail of the 9mm. And purchased fiber optic front and rear sights that I’m also going to have installed.

After the encounter with the bigfoots I stopped going into the wilderness with just a 9mm, which was my standard woods carry up to then. And now bring an additional firearm. Like a long range pistol such as my CZ-52 in bottle neck 7.62mm x 25mm. Or a folding Sub 2000 16 inch barrel carbine in .40S&W.

Iv’e had a 500 lumen tactical light red laser sight combination installed on it and have purchased 4 31 round stick magazines and a speed loader shown in the picture for it. And am also planning to buy some Doubletap 200 grain hard cast lead woods rounds and tracer ammunition for it. I’ve also purchased a Nitecore 1,000 lumen compact flashlight with 4 settings. The highest produces a 2,000 foot beam. This is also shown.


There’s a strong nexus between bigfoots and ufos. There’s also a strong nexus between bigfoots and wilderness missing persons cases. Most of whom are either never found or are found dead. And many of those that are found under mysterious circumstances, have no memory of what happened to them. David Paulides is a former 20 year police detective, bigfoot and wilderness missing persons researcher.



According to Paulides, of the thousands of non conventional missing persons cases that he’s looked at, there hasn’t been one where the missing person was both armed with a gun, and carrying a satellite emergency locator. Whether I was at risk of being abducted or murdered during my encounter I don’t know. But the creatures were clearly loud and aggressive. And now I have both a gun and satellite locator with two way smartphone linked text messaging. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/785af647de0149b87d12feeb10c474ceae189a703dfdbb6b445590017618fd0e.jpg


Forget the uniform, paint your body with camo paint. It will make you hard to see, and anybody who does see you, will run away.


$480 million to a zio jew owned establishment…..another military support industry!!! When will the American sheeple open their eyes to whom support the perpetual wars that benefit their own tribe!! They remain safe and rich…While the sheeple goes as cannon fodder for the jews in America and isrealhell!!! Surely the children of Lucifer!!!


Fibrotex – Made in China ;-)

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