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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Syrian government forces have lbierated the villages of Rasm Tawil and Shayman from ISIS in the eastern Salamiyah countryside. The villages are located in the southern part of the ISIS-held pocket north of the Homs-Palmyra highway.

Meanwhile, ISIS has released a photo report showing clashes between government troops and ISIS members in the area. According to photos, the army and its allies have lost at least 2 battle tanks.

Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Army Troops Liberated 2 Villages East Of Salamiyah, ISIS Destroyed 2 Battle Tanks (Map, Photos)

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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

ISIS tanks destroyed by Air attacks , just more fake propaganda from ISIS.


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