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Army Troops Storming Few Remaining ISIS Positions In Southern Syria (Maps)

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Army Troops Storming Few Remaining ISIS Positions In Southern Syria (Maps)

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On July 31, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), led by the Tiger Forces and the 4th Armoured Division, started sotrming a few remaining ISIS positions in southern Syria.

According to pro-government sources, army troops engaged ISIS members in the village of Beit Irah while artillery strikes were also reproted in the villages of Qusayr and Kowaya.

The ISIS resistance in this area will soon fully collapse because the terrorist group does not have resources to stop the SAA advance. However, even after this, the SAA and its allies will have to contribute significant reprots to secure the liberated area.

Army Troops Storming Few Remaining ISIS Positions In Southern Syria (Maps)

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Lena Jones

“Storm” away, mighty heroes!

You are now the stuff of legends!


LOL they clean this daesh so fast Its unbelievable i though they will resist blah blah but it turns out Daesh want to die and they will die and they are dying until the last of them.30km2 LMAO that so small 6k that way 5 km that way so small place. Good Work SAA, after this secure all of your borders settle the people bring the life back in all those places, and after you do that next stop re-group and IDLIBISTAN is on for executing.


The 4th Mechanized Division’s Brigades are well trained and equipped, mostly career soldiers rather than conscripts, and for their motivation bear in mind ISIS publicly executed SAA prisoners throughout the war.


I agree that the ‘Shock and Awe’ tactics ( beheadings, rape and the tortuous persecution of civilians and SAA soldiers alike) was a strategy of the US Coalition of Terror that owed more to the bloody Norman Conquest of Britain or the Genocide of the American Indian Tribes, than the ‘Right to Protect ‘ mantra that is utilised by NATO to falsely invade other nations.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj0HVR3-yLA The Native American protest and confronts the protest of illegal US migrants.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eyiYdFhG5v0 Thousands of Native Americans March in Washington to Protest Pipeline.


A lot of problems for America at the Moment…IsraHell & Europe will follow…it is the Price they’ll have to pay for Lying….

You can call me Al

Shouldn’t you be doing some Red Indian dance in honour of Rob’s comment ?


I did… you missed it…

Here a little movies so that you not have the feeling being left out… https://youtu.be/wqBzdNpnyYY https://youtu.be/nA0bTp677gk

You can call me Al

I promise to pay “most of the alcohol” when we meet, if you walk into the pub doing that + chanting of course.


I’m not as good as the kid though….


That kid is a force!

You can call me Al

I dont give a toss. Just do it.


These are very old traditional drumming. The new music of native Americans is very fascinating.


US and Israel both are fake states and build on stollen lands. I don’t know who has given power to US to sanction or invade any country. I want them down. Their frauds takes last breaths.


I always said that the Native Americans & Palestinians had a very similar History concerning the Stealing of their lands… and their Treatment, they were both put in Concentrationcamps that get smaller & smaller every time they steal a little bit more Hard oppression with every step they take to improve their situation ..that the Middle East may become United… Native Americans Lost because of their Diversion and Hatred towards eachother…The UK & France are in it too…All the Way…my Government is hiding behind the Curtain..


Wonderful to see :)


Syrian rescue Operation from US backed proxies Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc.

1. in July / August 2018 Daraa/Jawlan Heights, ISIS cells and Al-Tanf in Homs, 2. in August and September, 2018 Idlib/Aleppo, 3. in October / November, 2018 Deir Ezzor/ Hasakah/ Raqqah, 4. December, 2018 to March, 2019 all Palestine will be liberated from US backed proxies Israel.


Oh man I wish to be as simple as you said so you made Syria free until december this year LMAO man. Easy there parties that will stay with years, and war in Idlib can take up to 1 or 2 years depend, estimates are that are some 50k Jihadists there, and there is possibility the Turkish Jihadists to come together with HTS in IDLIB and make some 15k more. Easy you are Rushing the time.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TV01S_haL0g The US Economy Collapse Warning! US$70 Trillion Dollar Dark Cloud Of Debt – Stock Market Crash 2018


Ah the US steals a lot that’s nothing for them, they run a lot of bigger numbers from that, they have bases in all over world for security telling to those country and will leave some 100 Us soldiers and that country will pay for security and that’s what the US doing ripping off many countries want it or not. Yes true want it or not.

You can call me Al

Nice video thanks. But the real figure is much higher than this spin (FYI, Washington post is putting the same figures out at your video) – —->, so sit back and watch these ……..====> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ijw5FM2Z6U





GRRRREAT GOING SAA…!! Go Crush’m all…may Idlibistan Fall Just as Fast….Victory for Syria!


The Syrian government coalition has these clear and hold operations down to a science. They’re writing a new chapter in military strategy and logistics on how to coordinate and carry out these types of campaigns that will be studied for decades to come. Congratulations on a job well done!

Bill Wilson

Yes, the Syrian government and SAA did write a new chapter on incompetence.


Oh yes, like the Red Army destroying the Whermacht, what a imcompetence…


How is pushing back a 50 plus nation state sponsered $20 billion terrorist invasion anything other than an outstading success?


i bought popcorn and beer getting ready to watch the Turks getting smashed by the Syrian army at idlib!

Promitheas Apollonious

if you live in europe, is best to prepare your self and stock in food water and guns. You need them sooner than you think and dont relay on politicians and alleged governments to save your ass, they will not.

Leave the popcorn for after if you survive what is coming.


And although I live in that part of Europe, what is coming will be the catalyst to educate the politically illiterate who spend their lives looking at Facebook and TV Trivia programmes .

It will likely be a practical education in how to stay alive when imported chaos is all around :)


And in this case, Florian, you are the classic chorus.

Promitheas Apollonious

how you mean, what you said? help me understand your line of thinking.


It’s only a friendly joke, nothing more: the chorus of the greek tragedies. And I answered to your other reply


I suppose I am and I am looking forward to the finale :)


A Greek prevision.

Promitheas Apollonious

nothing to do with a greek prevision. 100s of thousand of veterans of ME war are spread all over europe. Mostly in northern europe as are the only ones willing to fight, against russians one and second, along with them to pull into the fight the islamists, of the ex soviet states.

Most of you I read your comments seem not to comprehend that this is a war for global domination and think is only happening in ME and fail to see the preparations of west to execute their planning that never changed since the 90s. The target is russia. They already defused ME as a threat to them and it take ME at least 15 years before they are any real threat as they establish reality there. West, sort of lost a fight in ME not the war. So make no mistake the real war, has not began yet. So dont confuse the foreplay with what is coming.


I only disagree with you on one thing: that war started long ago, had high points in the 20th century, (WWI, WWII), but their origins are in fact in the end of the 15th century, with the conquests of castilians and portuguese. About the rest, I think that you call the thing behind that war, or if you want, that historic movement, by one name and that I call it by another. My name is this one: the war of the west rulers to conquer the world. But, In my opinion, they have no chances. Never the less, it’s obvious that we have to gave attention to your point of view.

John Whitehot

“They already defused ME as a threat to them and it take ME at least 15 years before they are any real threat”

True, although we can’t make much predictions on things happening 15 years from now. The ME could have become much more united by then, and not under Saudias leadership (hence anti-Russian and pro-Israel).

In 15 years ME could be much more similar to how it was in the 70ies rather than it is today.

Promitheas Apollonious

If you can not predict then you are unable to read the big capital letters on the wall my friend. What you can not predict is the details not the main outcome. Too bad discuss is build in such a way, that prevents any serious conversation to expand.

John Whitehot

I dont have a crystal ball..

i don’t make assumption on things i possibly can’t know.

if you make them, you’ll be wrong anyway. it’s mathematic.

“Too bad discuss is build in such a way, that prevents any serious conversation to expand.”


Promitheas Apollonious

When you take an action has a reaction and a result. Not hard to predict where things go and we never been wrong on the general picture we predicted yet.

John Whitehot

“When you take an action has a reaction and a result”

but how could you compute a result if the action hasn’t got any historical precedent?


so tell me what is coming?

Promitheas Apollonious

if you need to ask, then it be a waste of time and I am not here to educate any one.


we have Tsipras power protecting us…we are not afraid of the turks.. he kills us by the hundreds alone

Promitheas Apollonious

yes you have, not I or my group. I understand your comment is sarcastic with a touch of self pity in it. I dont have much respect for neo-greeks and the way they allowed my motherland to be destroyed. The way I see them they deserve even worst of what they receiving due to their unwillingness to stand on their feet and always waiting from someone else to, fight for them so they dont have to get up from their couches and do what an Ellinas have to do.

Part of the reason all our war teams have repatriated and took positions on our borders. In all our history our families fight with our own armies and our own logistics against all enemies of Ellada and we will do so again. As to what you residents of Ellada do between you and fuck each other every step of the way, that is you doing it not us or we care about any of you.

You make your bed you sleep in it. But when the dust settle the only ones who be standing I assure you it be us. You on the other hand wait from the politicians to save you as you are too thick to digest that is no politician no matter of name or color that dont serve NWO.


you are as much as neo greek as the next random greek near you…dont exlude yourself from the rest and pretend that you are better than the rest…do actions insteadof keyboard fighting plz…this is so pathetic… btw witch motherlad you speak of cause greeks have many

Promitheas Apollonious

that is what you like to think so. read your own post to understand how stupid and ignorant you sound. And dont assume and judge all based, on the worthless you.


man you have issues..i feel sorry for you.. unless you are just a stupid kid dont have anything else to do ..just to pretend that knows everything behind a monitor. dont bother replying to me anymore plz you waste my time.

Promitheas Apollonious

only with mentally challenged individuals, as yourself.


said the 5k posts guy of nonsense

Promitheas Apollonious

Take no prisoners.

Jim Prendergast


Oscar Silva Martinez

Just make you some of them are not hiding among the civilian population.

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