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As Azerbaijan’s Military Victories Continue, Armenian Prime Minister Concedes ‘Painful’ Concessions Will Be Necessary

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As Azerbaijan’s Military Victories Continue, Armenian Prime Minister Concedes ‘Painful’ Concessions Will Be Necessary

An Armenian artillery position on the front line, 25 October. Credit: Aris Messinis/AFP/Getty Images

As the third ‘humanitarian ceasefire’ not unexpectedly ended before it began, and Armenia/ Nagorno-Karabakh continue to lose ground on the battlefield, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan appears to be facing the new reality. In an address broadcast live on ‘Facebook’ he stated that the Armenian people must be willing to make ‘painful’ mutual concessions in any peace agreement. However, he reiterated that this does not mean Armenia will capitulate entirely.

As South Front reported earlier today, Azerbaijan has triumphantly announced a string of military victories and advances today, even as the third ‘humanitarian ceasefire’ was supposed to take effect.

The Azerbaijani political and military leadership is clearly not interested in easing up on its military offensives when they appear to have a decisive upper hand on the battlefield. Were the negotiations then a deliberate ploy to keep up formal appearances of desiring peace, to try to trick the enemy into a false sense of security, and to string the international community along as a pack of fools? Or did they simply change their mind at the last minute?

Whatever the case may be, they have made substantial additional gains on the battlefield today. Meanwhile, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke live on Facebook, assuring that the Armenian side has been doing everything it can to ensure the US-brokered ceasefire is maintained.

“The Defence Army has shown restraint since morning, but at this moment we can state that the ceasefire has failed to be observed for a third time,” Pashinyan said.

“I talked to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last night and said that I was sure the ceasefire would be violated. I asked Secretary if the ceasefire is not respected, how are we going to find out which side violated it? Secondly, I asked what would be the consequences for the party breaching the ceasefire,” Pashinyan said.

He received no answer at the time, but hopes Washington officials will answer the questions today. Pashinyan also emphasized his conviction that the Presidents of Russia, United States and France are sincere in their efforts to help establish ceasefire.

The Prime Minister said that while the Armenian side has been very flexible in this period, Azerbaijan has not shown any willingness to accept anything. “What Azerbaijan wants is capitulation of Nagorno Karabakh at least.”

The Prime Minister stressed that while the Armenian nation is ready for mutual concessions, even painful ones, Armenian people are in no event ready for capitulation.

“Therefore, the Armenian nation should find resources to struggle and protect its interests,” the Prime Minister stated.

Azerbaijan will not see capitulation of Nagorno Karabakh: Armenian PM on another failed ceasefire

The international community appears powerless to influence events on the ground through diplomacy. So much so, that Azerbaijan is now acknowledging Turkey’s involvement and even the deployment of F-16’s to Azerbaijan, something they categorically denied previously.

Hours after the truce agreement took effect, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said in a televised address that his country would “carry on to the end” until Armenians announced a withdrawal from its territory, while also saying he’d ordered his military to observe the truce.

Aliyev warned that as many as six Turkish F-16 fighter jets located in his country would intervene if Azerbaijan came under attack. “Our Turkish brothers kept them here to show us moral support,” he said. “If there’s an aggression against us from abroad, they’ll face the F-16s.” LINK

While Azerbaijan clearly enjoys the military advantage at the moment, they may yet find that the further they advance, the stiffer the resistance will become. The key question at this point seems to be how far are they intending to advance before they will be satisfied with a ceasefire and genuine peace negotiations?

The more they advance militarily and engage in disingenuous ceasefire talks, the more international opinion will shift to the Armenian side. And as Turkey’s role becomes more difficult to deny, if there appears to be no end in sight to their military offensive it will become more difficult for Russia to not become directly involved.


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Usually these conflicts between proxies, in which new weapons are used, are opportunities for the bigger powers to test new tech. This conflict is golden for Turkish and Israeli drones testing. Unfortunately Russia doesn’t have anything new to test in drone warfare. Nothing. Nada!

Rhodium 10

Russia have tested his weapons…when AZ sent 4 drones to Yerevan..all of them were shot down by TOR system….days after 2 Harop drones which have entered in Armenia airspace were Jammed and turn course to Georgia and crashed there… 2 more crashed in Daguestan and inside Azerbajan border ( AZ sources told that it was “Armenian rockets”)……and Iran shot down all drones which were approching to is borders!..so good test for Irani AD!…also Russia have tested the new 9M542 it is a 120km range guide rocket of the Smerch complex which destroyed AZ equipment during first days of conflict and stopped AZ offensive in North and East…Armenia usually post videos of that rocket attacks where Tanks and vehicles were destroyed one by one hided behing trenchs!…of course if Armenia dont use drones and fighterjets…it will be difficult to defeat AZ!..even Houttis have large number of drones and ballistic missile!


I doubt Azeris sent drones through Yerevan. It sounds like Serbian claims in ’99 when they reported they shot down 2-3 NATO airplanes per day but showed only one.

Anyway the drones warfare happens in Nagorno, not Yerevan. Russia could conceal sime drones, radars and jaming systems to see if they work well against the new NATO technology.

So there are 3 scenarios as I see them: 1.Russia knows they don’t have advanced tech to fight in a drone enviroment. 2.They sent their new toys but they didn’t work well. 3.Putin had a secret deal with Erdogan to give a lesson to Armenia for being a naughty vassal.

Rhodium 10

We have seen many photos of the “sofisticate tech drones” Harop, Orbiter, Tb2 among others shot down by old Soviet SA-8 in NK….also we have seen debris of these “sofisticate NATO tech drones” crashed in Georgia! ( because some one changed the course)…also we have seen these “sofisticate tech drones” being shot down by Iran air defense….for other side Serbian claimed that Stealth F-117 was shot down by Soviet S-125 while USA propagande told thet Serbian army was collapse and after the war 90% of the Serbian army was intact and NATO just destroyed infraestructure( brigdes, petrol refinery, power station, buildings, TV station..) even NATO recognize that!


Lol ok


Weapons-testing on Armenians is as evil as it gets, and won’t be forgotten, or forgiven, for real.

Fog of War

What do you think has been happening in Syria from the time the Russians entered ? Was Russia not testing its weapons ?


So what? Where did I defend that?

Fog of War

Dont you blindly support Russia like most everyone else here ?

Vox Populi

These simple trolls simply fail to see reality. Russia today is half the size of failed USSR, its resource based economy is in shambles beset by corruption. Its military weakness is on display in Ukraine and Syria.

Fog of War

All true, however Russia could still do well for itself if it wasn’t for that Chabad midget Putin. He’s intentionally letting it get outplayed. Just keep watching further developments.


You are the simple troll. As for Ukraine and Syria, Russia has prevailed in Crimea and Syria pretty much, and ‘frozen’ Ukraine more generally. Stop talking pro-Turk bullshit.


Hardly, what gave you that impression? I criticized it strongly here.

Random Dude

He thinks Armenians are some special species, that should not be touched:))))

Great Khan

Armeni donkey, not people hahhahha


‘Great Khan’ donkey, not Great Khan.


Even Russian generals officially bragged the intervention in Syria offered the Russian military great opportunity to test new weapons. Everybody is doing it.

But Russia is still droping unguided bombs from airplanes, that’s why ISIS is still very activw in Syria.

Russia is 20 years behind NATO at drones. They should learn something from Iran.


omfg dude i am starting to feel embarresed for you,for real wheir do you get this shit form?

Also in what way is Russia 20 years henind NATO in drones? What drones? What weight calss? What type of drone? etc.


Which part of what I said made you feel embarassed for me?

Rhodium 10

Russia use SVP-24..you know what is it?…..imagine you are flying you bomber plane in Syria at 6000mts and the system guide you to the exact point and altitude where you have to drop a 500kg bomb!…the explosion on a terrorist trench is about 150- 300kg of explosive….the explosion of an Azerbajan loitering drone in that trench is 2kg, 10kg and max 20kg….thats why SAA have retaken 90% of Syria despite SAA army is useless sometimes and other times is like a joke!


I only asked you what I said that made you feel embarassed for me. Short quote, please.

Jim Allen

You’re no brighter. SAA is fighting their war, not Russia. Russia’s bombing is as accurate as US bombing is not. Leastways Russian Aerospace doesn’t bomb civilians. Reports on Russian bombing missions report accurate strikes on the intended targets. No sniveling about collateral damage. You two idiots can’t seem to grasp the concept that Russia correctly see’s this as a world issue, and is acting as such. Russia does not want war, there’s no mileage in war, but all you can think about is this little sliver of fighting and who’s gonna’ win. No one is going to win, idiots. War’s are not won on the battlefield. Pitiful troll’s, you’re an embarrassment to yourself, your country, and humanity. A bigger embarrassment than my Government is to me, and humanity.


the questions i asked in the first comment are all ment for you to confim what you originaly said since all of what you said is so wrong and badly constructed as a argument that its just bad…


Ok so you don’t have something specific, everything I say is wrong. Then thanks for your input. It was noted :)


not just wrong but also horridly constructed atleast try to defend your argument tho i agree it is indefenacble.


Oh my..


can you try to atleast defend some of your arguments?


Ok, I will defend my argument that Russia borders 5 NATO countries against your argument: only 4, how does it sound? Will make your day?


really only that? Ah yes you culd only defende that one since i over looked norway in list of nato nations but again 5 nations all of them on its western border…that dosent sound like its surrounded. Also what about the other arguments? Your claim of unguided bombs beeing vastly inferior to guided weapons or your claim about drones? nothing?

Jim Allen

Everything you said you pitiful troll. You’re not just a liar, you’re a stupid liar. Who’s crack pipe you smokin’ anyway ?


My own :) wanna try?

Vox Populi

People fail to realize that even the USSR was inferior to the west and that is why it disintegrated, Russia is a mere shadow of the defunct USSR and hardly in a position to challenge NATO or western superiority. Putin is an inept and corrupt tool of the oligarchs who all have business interests and money in the west, so Russia is hardly in a position to bite the hand that feeds it.

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity is tiresome

Vox Populi

Please feel free to refute anything I have posted that is not factual. Stupidity is a relative term :)

Jihadi Colin

In a full scale war the USSR would have wiped the floor with NATO. Even NATO war games repeatedly showed this.


Only in the early stages, or until it went full nuke (in which case the world would have been wiped).

Vox Populi

A nuclear war is MAD (mutually assured destruction) so not a viable option for anyone. Nuclear weapons can not be used in a multi-polar world. When US nuked Japan it was due to US monopoly on nuclear weapons in 1945. Now with many nuclear states, a nuclear war will spell the end of humanity. The USSR has had thousands of nukes but was defeated in Afghanistan and imploded. Today’s Russia is far more weaker, isolated and vulnerable. Russia has been unable to create viable ties and alliances with anyone. The Warsaw Pact had nations that hated Russia and were invaded from Hungry, Czechoslovakia and Poland. With friends like that, who needs enemies.


Even by then, USSR would have imploded much earlier if EU didn’t buy their natural gas.

Jim Allen

Not true. US military war simulations show US military losing every time. Russia’s got a growing economy, growing reserves, no debt, it’s military technology and capabilities are decades ahead of US. Get your head outta’ your ass, and take a look around in real life. US cannot defeat Russia, or Iran in conventional war. Russia has the advantage in nukes, too, with hypersonic delivery systems. As for the use of nukes, Israel has been using tactical nukes for decades. Lebanon twice, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Japan, USA. The last in Lebanon a few months ago in a blundered terrorist false flag attack against civilians that failed to turn the people against Hezbollah. Instead it backfired, and exposed the fake State of Israel, as the terrorist organization and supporter of terrorism it is. Pitiful troll.


It’s viable as a last resort. It’s also more likely in a multi polar world, because more will have nukes, and the chances of use or accident multiply. The USSR imploded due to a failed model and other incompetence, Afghanistan was a minor sideshow in that regard, conducted incompetently. Russia is not isolated and vulnerable, given China and Iran amongst others.

Vox Populi

I am not so sure. Russia has an economy smaller than Italy and a multi-ethnic dissatisfied population of barely 140 million. Russia’s Muslim population has surpassed 20% and will reach the half mark in 2050, so Russia has to be careful and that is one of the reasons that Russia is wary of Turkey, Pakistan and Israel. Putin besides being incompetent and corrupt is not blind and knows Russian weakness.

Jihadi Colin

I think you are seriously confusing Russia with the USSR.

Vox Populi

How so? Russia is half the size of the failed USSR and beset by far greater problems in every area from demographics, corruption to a weak economy. China is now the predominant power and the focus of west. Russia will be co-opted into an anti-China futile alliance.


Russia keeps to its own sphere of infuance thats why NATO no longer considers it as big of a threat as China withc has more of a imperialist oriented forghen policy.

Jim Allen

No, he’s just a deliberate pathological liar.


“Russia has an economy smaller than Italy and a multi-ethnic dissatisfied population of barely 140 million.”

ok let me demonstrate how just outright wrong you are. 1st Russia is the 6th larges econemy on the planet italiy is not even in the top 10. 2nd saying with a population of barely 140million is quite funny to me Russia’s population is 146 million…did you fail math class? how is 146 million “barely 140 million”? 3rd the mislim population is 10%…not 20…wheir do you even get these numbres?

A simple google search littearly can debunk all of your claims…why claim something that can be so easely disproofed? That is what i do not understand.

Jim Allen

Putin said 15% Muslim. Everything else you stated is100% correct.


Russia needs a smaller Muslim population, one way or another.


why? Russia has always had a large muslim population.


Actually it was ruled by Muslims for a while under the Golden Horde. It needs to be smaller to avoid a repeat, or other problems like uprisings, and to be safe for Christians and critics of Islam


If they had a chance to win against NATO, USSR would have 100% started that war, because for them, their people are expendable. They don’t give a shit on their lifes.

Jihadi Colin

That’s rubbish. The USSR never intended an attack against NATO. Stalin broke with Trotsky on the issue of building socialism in one country (Stalin) versus exporting it everywhere (Trotsky). Even the Warsaw Pact was only created years after NATO and strictly as a defensive buffer. Stalin was very aware that even before WWII was over, Churchill and Patton were independently planning to start WWIII against the USSR.


I agree, Churchill and Patton had plans to push USSR back to its old borders and USSR had plans to reach Atlantic. Even without nukes, Americans would have beaten USSR to the pulp because of huge air superiority, also naval and economy advantage, but they didn’t want to spend more human lifes. USSR just knew they had no chance.

Jim Allen

Patton wasn’t concerned about anything but ridding the world of Bolshevik Zionist Khazar Atheists pretending to be God’s chosen ones.


In that case that’s why he died


The West is as fragile as USSR too. Look at the self-degradation and destruction after the Covid. Its free liberal system can’t handle it. And Trump just gave up on it.

On the East, it is a totally different story. China narrows the gap with US for at least 5 years. If Trump is re-elected, the gap will be narrowed again. USA under Trump just implodes….

Vox Populi

No matter who wins the US selection process, they will not alienate Turkey. US has major problems with China, whose economy has already surpassed the dwindling US. The wishful thinking that somehow manufacturing will return to a hollowed out US economy simply did not materialize as China overcame the Covid crises and its manufacturing and exports are booming and the Asian nation refuse to be co-opted into an anti-China pipe dream.


Not true at all, Western people have that entrepreneurship skills and work ethics, that make businesses work, look how a Western village look, it’s clean. Then look how an Eastern village look like – dirty. Russians need other people to tell them what to do. So after a crisis, the West will get well much faster than the East, because of their people.


Yeah I see people here still bragging with their FAB 500 bombs :) Russian nostalgy works as substitute for a quality life. Lenin said religion is the opium of the nations. For some Russians, the nostaly is their opium.


Karl Marx said this…


And he loved opium too


So you consider the use of unguided munitons as ineffective? Also are you claiming that Russia dosent have guided bombs? And you claim that the Russian campaing in syria failed cuz of the use of unguided bombs?


The USSR fell due to sosio-economic issues not cuz of “wester superiorety” Thats like saying the british empire fell cuz of “eastern superiorety”.


The way you speak reminds me of Z=E.

Great Khan

Great Khan say Russia not do anything…Azeribrother STRONK! Win now.

cechas vodobenikov

says the pork brain

Vox Populi

Instead of hurling insults a better more informed rebuttal would be more appropriate. A good sign of mature intelligence is to debate diverse views and not engage in group think.


Plz do not start talking about things you know next to nothing about…again.

John Brown

The more they advance militarily and engage in disingenuous ceasefire talks, the more international opinion will shift to the Armenian side.

Is this guy on drugs? The USSA and France side against Turkey and ZATO and destroy the alliance?? Russia going to save Armenia when the Soros Govt has been busy kicking Russians out? No way.

how far are they intending to advance before they will be satisfied with a ceasefire and genuine peace negotiations?

So stop advancing to give Armenia time to build new ground defenses and an buy new Rsssian TOR air defense systems to take way Azer air power.

Wait another 30 years for negotiations?

Azer may yet find that the further they advance, the stiffer the resistance will become.

How will that be??? Azer has broken through the main fortifications built over 30 years. Once they did that the advance has been much easier. The Armenian army is degraded and gets weaker every day from Azer air power. Azer is getting stronger and Armenia is getting weaker. Total victory for Azer is assured as long as they keep advancing


Right, Armenia cannot win a war of attrition against high-tech equipped Turkic hordes, it’s just a matter of time, maybe even days now. When Putin-Russia collapses, which it will, partly as a result of this, Armenia will be next in line for extermination, then the entire West, one by one, if Putin does not nuke it first on the way out.

John Brown


Armenia won’t even recognize NK and activate CSTO for it themselves right now..

You apparently can’t see it is the Soros government of Armenia that created this situation turning victory into defeat not Azer not Turkey. Azer saw their chance when Soros Armenia betrayed Russia. It was Russia backing Armenia no one else.

Vox Populi

Russia is largely isolated and weak and with Biden coming into power soon, it is doubtful that Russia will take on Turkey at any stage. There is a lot of wishful thinking here by angry people who fail to see that Armenia was the ultimate aggressor in this conflict and occupied Azerbaijani land illegally. Azerbaijan showed restraint for 25 years, but wisely rearmed and re-equipped its military and is now close to achieving its goals. The world has changed and people should accept the new dynamics.


Bullshyte. Turks occupied Armenian land first, and did genocide to boot. Armenia/Artsakh had full rights to declare independence from Turko-Bolshevik tyranny and occupation. Only criminal idiots would ‘accept the new dynamics’ of Turko-Islamic extermination of Artsakh, criminal idiots who make themselves worthy of the same treatment thereby.

cechas vodobenikov

I certainly accept that the US empire will collapse in less than 10 years; apparently u r too stupefied to comprehend this

John Brown

America is largely isolated, weak, bankrupt and with an economy in free fall. China is the number one economy now at 25 trillion the and the USSA has now dropped down to 15 trillion.

By 2025 China’s economy wlll be 3 plus times bigger then the collapsing Zio USSA. The USSA is now going into the biggest and fasted collapse in history


Russia betrays Armenia to Turks, Russia becomes shit. Shit gets flushed, down the drain of history. By fate, and God. Soros is no excuse at all. Some fucking geriatric lizard from Hungary/America is an excuse to let Turks genocide Armenians, the first Christian nation in the world? Russia should have found another way to ‘chastise’ Pashinyan than this Big Evil. You (and Putin) are way, way out of the Righteous line. Look what happened the last time you did it. Big big tribulations for Russia. God has a lot more where that came from.


Armenians f*cked themselves. Look at the “Artsakh”. Those Artskins are not farmers. They are mountain folks. So they expelled all the more peaceful Azeri people from the low land to Azerbaijan proper. Even after the huge Armenian resettlement project for 30 years, there are still very few Armenians inside the Artsakh. They still live in the mountains and left the low land rich farms abandoned.

So those Artskins are the worst people. They are so stubborn and stupid. And yet they are so savage and cruel. This is why they should be punished for their crimes.


After genocide by Turks, they might be fewer and less developed than otherwise. Also, mountains give relative security against renewed Turk attacks. I would say, some Azeris should have been able to return, if willing to live in peace, but sovereignty is rightfully Armenian, after all the genocide and theft by Turks especially.

Jim Allen

Russia has betrayed no one, you jackass.


Bullshit, jackass. It has allowed the Turks to think they have a green light to attack Artsakh, which they have done, but would not have done had Russia firmly said no.

Vox Populi

Nuclear war is not on anyone’s agenda, even the most insane would not go that route.


i am glad ppl like you are not in power.

Jim Allen

Except in US Government.


This is why Artskins are able to occupy Azerbaijan land for 30 years. Because the international community, most the West powers are sympathetic to Armenia’s cause. They think Armenia is like Jews #2. They already suffered too much from the “Genocide v1.0”. But Armenian past suffering does not give them the right to harm other people and take other people’s land and homes.

Vox Populi

Let’s keep perspective here, Armenia has been on the wrong side of the international law here, and unlike Palestine or Kashmir, their occupation of foreign lands met with resistance from an oil rich and much larger Azerbaijan, supported by Turkey and Israel. Azerbaijan’s stated goals are simple and clear and not intended to occupy Armenia and for that reason Russia has stayed more or neutral like Iran has. The best option for Armenians is to withdraw and not attack civilian areas anymore as the western media is even turning against that. Considering the firepower superiority of the Azerbaijan military and Turkey, they have fought with great restraint. It is time to end this conflict and Armenia needs to with withdraw and save face or face a total rout. Macron also needs to tone down his incendiary rhetoric as it is doing damage than good. Turkey is in a very strong position here.


You can’t expect much perspective from anyone who reduces Ziocorporate terrorist globalism to the name “Soros”.


Looks like you’re dumbeddown by Putin partisanship so much you can’t see “Soros” as you idiots always say is part of the same globalist terrorist Ziocorporatists Putin is so hellbent on having “partnership and business” with. Why didn’t Putin’s Kremlin help thwart the rise of the pro-EU Pussyshinian regime? Or do you think a tiny nation like Armenia can face the the New World Order war-profiteering, coup-making machine of the US/EU/NATO just like that? It’s not like Russia doesn’t already have a military base in Armenia to run counter-intel and sabotage operations from.

John Brown

Ok, so post some proof about Ziocorporatists Putin being totally Zio. If you can’t you are the dis-info troll.

Saying “Its true because you say so does not count”.


Don’t be stupid. You post some proof that Putin is anti-Ziocorporatism. If you can’t you are the dis-info troll.

Saying “Its true because you say so does not count”.

John Brown

Like I said you are full of shit. You are the disnfo troll.

Some proof. Putin stopped Israel from conquering Syria.

Again you will have nothing

Vox Populi

Putin also allowed Israel to bomb Syria at will.

Jim Allen

You made the lying statement. You back it up, chump. You can’t back up that far stupid mouth, and you know you can’t. There’s no evidence on this earth that substantiates your lying ass.


Who’d try to convince a dumb piece of shit motherducker that can’t see beyond his own stupid partisanship like you? Ziocorporatism goes way beyond the support of the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine, because it is globalist, social and economic in scope and you’re too fucking cretinous and partisan to understand that.

Jim Allen

What the Hell is wrong with you ? You high on glue ? Or, just that stupid ? Russia has nothing to do with Zionist Khazar pretenders. Read some history you braying jackass.

Great Khan

Great Khan say you talk horseshit mamtu… hahhahhahaa


Does deployment of F-16s and announcing they will intervene has any relations to the recent move by Canada and Austria to stop sending drone parts to Turkey? With five flights daily from Israel there won’t be shortage of other arms, but TB2s seem to go out of the picture.

So far much of advances happened in the flat grounds in the south, with their flank protected by Iranian border and Armenians caution to not hit Iran instead of Aliyev Jihadi army. How will they perform in the mountains is another very different matter (just like north which their advance came to a halt quickly. None of them are mountain soldiers.

I just hope these “painful concessions” does not include swapping Armenia’s border with Iran for mountain Qarabaq. Connecting Turkey through Nakhjavan, a land corridor at the Armenian-Iranian border to the Caspian sea is very bad news.

I wonder why Armenians don’t do something about their clearly compromised PM. IMO showing the picture of his son at the “front lines” doesn’t compensate for his inaction and mistakes.Armenians are very good soldiers, motivated as hell (fighting for survival of their people), geography is on their side and with will and correct political positioning they can come out of this deadlock.

One worrisome news that is clearly designed to push Armenians into NATO arms is the move in the US senate to recognize Artsakh, something that no other country on earth did. There’s no way that Americans sell Aliyev regime to Armenia by recognizing Artsakh (which officially means taking some parts of republic of Azerbaijan) unless there’s a catch and something far more precious for Aliyev and his puppet masters than mountain Qarabaq. I genuinely am worried about the mentioned land corridor, which means Turkish travel agency for Jihadis from northern Africa directly to southern Caucasus and all the way to central Asia, at the heart of OBOR, between Iran. Russia and China and vice versa. Funny is, the US embassy in Baku warned about the possiblity of terror attack in Baku. Is a false flag in the cooking? Such operation certainly helps Aliyev’s regime to overcome his own people’s increasingly brewing unrest. Aliyev needs something like a victory otherwise his regime will be in danger of being toppled by his own people. Let’s hope Pashinian doesn’t give him just that.


Your thinking is not clear. You need to get a cold shower and think clear.

Azeri will not move into the mountains. The aim is to control Lachin corridor and cut off all military and logistic link between N-K and Armenia proper. Without the link, the Artskin’s resistance can’t continue.

During the mean time, more Azeri reserve army will move in, along with some of the displaced people into the Azerbaijan-Iran border areas. There are a lot of old settlements and fertile farm land.

NATO won’t be interested in Armenia to be another NATO member. The Greece-Turkey trouble is already too much. NATO will be happy to leave a landlocked poor Armenia under the influence of Russia.

Vox Populi

Have to concur.

Free man

It seems that Iran will have to get used to the exchange of territories on its border and to new neighbors. Later they will be forced to separate from the Azeri territories they control. It happened to Yugoslavia and that is what awaits Iran.

Vox Populi

Armenia is no asset for anyone and should merge with Russia. It is small and has no resources. NATO has the key prize of Azerbaijan and really does not need Armenia, which is a liability. US has complete control over all ex-Soviet republics now with bases ringing Russia.


You seem really have some brain problems….

Do you realize that Armenians are very stubborn mountain folks? They are so proud of themselves to as old as the Jews. Or they say they had the very first Christian Kingdom in the world. So they will never merge with anyone. Its diaspora won’t allow that happen.

Vox Populi

Maybe in Pakistan you guys don’t understand that this is not a religious conflict. Armenia has always been part of an empire, either Russian or Persian. So your claim is your usual nonsense.

John Brown

US has complete control over all ex-Soviet republics now with bases ringing Russia.

Name them and the bases

Vox Populi

The United States maintains two large bases in Central Asia, one each in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan,while US and NATO have various advisory groups in Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Rhodium 10

USA dont have bases in Uzbekistan and kirguistan..it was only during first years of Afghan war….Russia have 2 bases in Kirguistan and Tajikistan!..another 2 in Abjazia and South Ossetia…2 more in Belarus.. 3 more in Armenia have a large base in Syria, another one in Libya…have used an Irani base during Syrian war….have a radar base in Kazajistan…have advisory groups in Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Central republic of Congo and North Korea….


holy shit more missi information that is easely disproofed the govt of armenia is pro western that is a fact of the matter. With exeption to the baltics georgia and armenia all other post soviet republics are under firm Russian control azeris are mostly neutral tho since Russia is a massive trade partner to them.

Jim Allen

Right on time as usual.


Turkish F-16’s are NATO. Thus NATO is participating in the extermination of the (Christian) Republic of Artsakh by jihadic Turkic genocide hordes, who threaten Armenia with nuclear terror by striking Armenia’s only nuclear plant with Israel-supplied missles. WTF? This is pure Satan, the Beast unleashed. But what some forget, is what happens to the Beast.

Vox Populi

That is nonsense. This is not a religious conflict at any stage. Armenia grabbed Azerbaijani land by force at the end of USSR and is now paying the price for its arrogance and folly. Turkey is the key NATO ally and has support globally. Trying to fan religious hatred only turns people off. Let’s keep emotions in check and face reality, it is over for Armenia, its own people even did not show up for the military call up. Pashinyan has been a complete disaster and needs to shoulder responsibility for this humiliation.


Bullshyte! Erdogan proclaims Islamic aims often. The land was Armenian for many centuries before Turks arrived. Evil Bolsheviks gave Armenian Artsakh to Azerbaijan, within the Soviet Union, even though they gave formerly Armenian Nakhitchevan to Azerbaijan also. When the USSR collapsed, the Armenians were fully within rights to declare their own independence on their own land. Turkey genocided the Armenians and still denies it. Key NATO ally? NATO=NAZI now.

Vox Populi

NK was never Armenian land. They committed genocide and expelled a million Azeri civilians by ethnic cleansing and are now facing their just desserts. Not a single nation ever supported the annexation of Karabakh, even Armenia itself never recognized it. Emotive statements and propaganda are no substitute for facts and reality.


What utter crap! NK was definitely Armenian land, for many centuries. It still is, ethnically. The genocide is by the Turks. A million Azeris? Dream on idiot. Annexation is a delicate matter, but now it shoud definitely happen. Facts and reality? You are far from them. Emotive propaganda is your forte.

Great Khan

You stupid mamtu///hahahhahahaa


Get lost vegetable.


This should’ve been done before the terrorist Turks and ISISrael took the entire NK border with Iran. Now the stage’s set for an endless war of attrition in the mountains where Armenians are risking losing all of NK to the Ziowahhabis. This is ridiculous, there’s gonna be a point where Armenians would have to provoke a Turkish attack on Armenia proper to try and force Putin to act against his Ziocorporate globalist business partners for once, as Zioturks are certainly not gonna stop weaponising the Azeris for as long as they can.

John Brown

Armenia won’t even recognize NK and activate CSTO for it themselves right now..

You are to dumb to see it is the Soros government of Armenia that created this situation turning victory into defeat not Azer not Turkey. Azer saw their chance when Soros Armenia betrayed Russia.


Idiot, Ziocorporate globalist terrorists were doing these machinations since long before Soros changed his name to Soros. You’re commenting like a complete Putin partisan moron failing to remind himself that Russia is the world power in Armenian-Russian relations, go justify Putin’s “partnership and business” with the Zioterrorists somewhere else.

Vox Populi

Your grasp of reality is very murky. Armenia is in the wrong and lost.


Very dumb thinking. There won’t be endless war. After Lachin corridor is cut, those Artskins have to care for their own families. The war will be over really soon. Even the dammn’ed Parshinyan gets prepared…


There’s already been 31 yrs of war and there’s more to come, fucktard. Armenians should’ve forced the Russians into negotiation ages ago. The “would” about Putin in my comment is very unlikely to ever happen and by losing the Iranian border, Armenians already lost.

Great Khan

You smart brother… Armeni donkey fini…hahaha Great Khan know these things…..

Fog of War

Dont worry, Putin will do his ” aaawwwhh Shuccksss I didnt see this coming dance ” again.



SF is still foolish to think that international support will come to aid Armenia side. For what? For its illegal occupation of Azerbaijan territory? For 30 years/ Also the world will support Artskin killing and ethnic cleansing of Azeri people? SF is just out of their mind.

Also SF still think Russia will come to Armenia’s aid too. This is not happening. Russia has no legal ground to so so. And Putin is facing a determined Erdogan who shares an extensive border with Armenia directly. A Russian confrontation with a powerful NATO member will be a nightmare. Putin will never do that.

Azerbaijan troops will control Lachin corridor, then the main offensive will stop and consolidate their gains. Then Azeris will cut off all military supplies into N-K. And it will still open the road to civilian traffic. So the international community can’t fault Azerbaijan for the control of their own land.

This will force Artskins to negotiate on Azerbaijan’s terms. The drone strikes will continue. But most ground attacks will stop. There is no need to take over those barren mountains. The Artskins rats can’t stay in their rat holes for very long over the dead winter.

The war can be done in a week or so.


The territory was and is legally (by right to self-determination and historical claim) and otherwise Armenian-Artsakh territory, Turks are the illegal and genocidal occupiers.


No such thing as self-determination and historical claim within a sovereign country. That is illegal. That only applies for a new region like a former colony etc.

So there is no such thing of self-determination and historical claim with Spain’s Catalonia, Canada’s Quebec, China’s Hong Kong. The same with Azerbaijan’s N-K….

Those Artskins have to stay with Azerbaijan. Or move back to Armenia proper…..


Yes there is, that’s how many countries started, including Azerbaijan. Also, N-K was an autonomous oblast, that voted just under 100% for independence, on historically Armenian land, that should have been part of Armenia anyway, and would have been, but for outside treachery and genocide.

Armenia is the oldest Christian nation on earth, Azerbaijan is a recent interloper by comparison. The Turk claim to Artsakh is fake, and invalid.


It is only in Azeri state because Lenin could not be bothered to change the ARBITRAY Tsar era oblast boundaries (these were just drawn by numerical geographic distance to an urban center). Soviets changed these for Soviet Belarus in 20s, but Armenia was a loser, same to north because of Stalin (Georgia, here WHOLE Abkhazia is absorbed also, and as you state, recently [early 90s, then post-2008 agreements] Ossetia has been settled according to popular self-determination).

Vox Populi

USSR was an expansionist imperialist state and now that failed architecture is being replaced by new rising powers.

Vox Populi

Armenia was part of Persian Empire long before the advent of Orthodox Christianity.


So what? The ancient Zoroastrian Persian Empire disappeared, Armenia became an independent Christian nation, the first in history.

Servet Köseoğlu

So much so, that Azerbaijan is now acknowledging Turkey’s involvement and even the deployment of F-16’s to Azerbaijan, something they categorically denied previously.

F-16’s are sword of Damocles which represents “there can be no happiness for one who is under constant apprehensions” Mr.pashinyan…

Vox Populi

I don’t believe Turkey needs to use airpower, despite Armenian provocations and desperation in targeting Azerbaijani civilians areas. This conflict in in end game and Armenia’s illegal occupation of NK will be reversed. The Azerbaijanis have simply outfought the much touted Armenian military which turned out to be a mirage and now the best option for Armenia is to accept defeat as no one is coming to its help. Even the Armenian diaspora has largely ignored this conflict.


A bad result for the world really, with greater Zioturk influence in the Caucasus, the filth spreads further. Although a pro-EU Armenian regime isn’t any good for anyone either and it’s even more of a shitshow because the Kremlin won’t change the world order if it costs them the sale of cheap gas to their Ziocorproate globalist business partners.

Vox Populi

As an observer of world stage, it is quite apparent that the global power balance has changed and Turkey has emerged as a key player with historical influence in the region. The west itself is to blame for weakening Iran as it historically played a balancing act in the Caucasus and lost substantial parts of its lands to Russia. Now Turkey is filling the vacuum and Israel is just a spoiler with no real power to affect reality on the ground, largely due to its small insignificant population and domestic problems with the occupied Palestinian population. Turkey is vying for the leadership of the resurgent Islamic world, so its engagement with Israel is not tenable and there will be an eventual clash. Iran and Turkey are destined to cooperate as they are linked by religion, geography, history and now economically. Iran on the whole has lost less land to Russian expansion than Ottoman Turkey and now demographics and geo-strategic power shifts will reverse those trends. Armenia may be better off joining Iran or Russia as its survival as a land locked resource poor state in not viable.


Jihadi Colin

Yes, Erdo is using his military extremely cannily. He’s establishing influence and securing vassals. Very much in the Ottoman tradition.

Vox Populi

The root cause of this conflict is that arbitrary nature of Soviet boundaries and demographics that a weak Russia could not manage and the power vacuum led a resurgent Turkey to protect its own interests. Erdogan is a shrewd ruthless politician who knows that the west is in decline, Russia beset by demographic challenges, corruption and economic weakness, Iran weakened by decades of western sanctions, thus Turkey is in a ascendant position. The US has conceded its global role after 30 years of endless lost wars in the Middle East at Israel’s behest. So Turkish geo-strategic position is now paramount. I don’t believe it is a new Ottoman drive, but more of an effort to redress historical wrongs. Russia now needs Turkey more than other way around. With Iran being squeezed more by the west, it will also become more dependent on Turkey. I see a strong nuclear armed Muslim block of Turkey, Pakistan and Iran emerging with a population equal to Europe and far great military strength. Russia has wisely chosen to stand aside.

The current state of Armenia is not viable and is in the danger of complete rout. It is time for Armenians to accept defeat or they may end up losing large chunks of Southern Armenia near the Iranian border.

Looks like its game over for Armenia. Once Azerbaijan consolidates its grip on the corridor it will make Armenia suffer, from 40% territory gain it will be 60%. Azerbaijan will move north from the corridor and try to surround the Nachchivan territory, and from North push west to conquer the border area and the corridor.



I agree with most of you say except Armenia will not be isolated from Iran coridor and letting Turkey(NATO) reach Caspian sea. Russia and Iran will never allow that.


What a bunch of crap. Turkey redressing historical wrongs? To do that it would have to pull out of a lot of its current territory and give it to Armenia and others. Russia needs Turkey? Like a hole in the head. ” I see a strong nuclear armed Muslim block of Turkey, Pakistan and Iran emerging with a population equal to Europe and far greater military strength. Russia has wisely chosen to stand aside.”

Russia would far more wisely act to preempt any such possibility, as would the West.


That’s for the Armenians to decide, and Armenia should not be landlocked either, after WW1 they were supposed to get a slice of the Black Sea coast (Trabzon).

Vox Populi

That is wishful thinking, weak states in the current lawless environment get rolled over, look at the fate of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and so on. Armenia is a micro-state with barely 3 million people and lacks cohesive nationalism to survive. As even Pashinyan acknowledged, most Armenians shunned the military call up to fight the Azeris. Armenia was naively hiding behind a weak Russian smokescreen and Turkey called it bluff. Who dares wins!


They only get rolled over when stronger states allow it, like gangster scum. And, Armenia itself is not under attack yet, the reponse would be different if it were. Nor is it a micro-state, by a long way, though maybe it’s part of a devious Russian strategy to make it think it is, and thus ‘join’ Russia, by eliminating Artsakh? A ‘weak Russian smokescreen’? So that’s what the alliance is? Some ally, maybe better to look elsewhere.

The Objective

A good analysis, but you missed one thing when you said: “Iran and Turkey are destined to cooperate as they are linked by religion, geography, history and now economically”

Iran will NEVER truly cooperate with any SUNNI country. They’ll always compete with the dominant Sunni faith and try to dominate, even if it means resorting to force and destructive overt and covert operations. See what they are doing in Iraq for example. Here are a couple of links to help you research further.

It’s surprising to me how many intelligent people still do not understand the Iranian regime. Those mullahs are after leadership of the Islamic world and want to do that by taking over the Hejaz. Currently, the Hejaz (Mecca and Madina) are under Sunni control even though the government of Saudi Arabia is evil and does not represent Sunnis.

The Turks have a long bloody history with Iranian Shiites. They know what Iran is, and the Mullahs are unlikely to fool people like Erdogan. They tell a lot of lies to hide their real motive and end goal. They may deceive Western leaders, but certainly the Sunni scholars know them inside out. Hence, their goals will not materialize. If the Shiites ever try to take over the Hejaz, they can expect a Turkish intervention, backed by all other Sunni countries.

Have you wondered why Iran sides with Armenia instead of a SHIITE Azerbaijan? Forget their vocal proclamation of support for Azerbaijan, which does not go past their mouth. They declared support for Azerbaijan due to fear of the 20 million Azeris in Iran who had started demonstrating against suspected assistance to Armenia.


The ascension of Turkey in the region is allowed only because US is slowly retreating and they are willing to fill the gap, the EU is unwilling to. They use proxies against Israel enemies, Iran and Russian interests in the regii, and in exchange they get access to some good oil deals.

Harry Smith

It’s not USA but UK. The old whore wants to play big games again. Erdogan is supported by UK to implement the project of 61 Islamic states confederation. Nothing good for Muslims in strategic perspective, but very convenient target for old European families to reduce the planet population.


Obviously the war in ME will continue, but currently UK is military weaker than Turkey, at least in that region. And their economy will be absorbed by US – if they are lucky.

Harry Smith

USA is dying. If USA won’t be terminated by martial law after November presidential, it will be finished by Basel III. While UK has huge financial resources and controls world market of gold, which is definitely awesome bonus after Basel III starts. Don’t forget that in modern warfare nukes and special forces decides country destiny. And Turkey has only SF, while UK has both.


Hehe, that’s why Lenin’s head was not burried, so he can see USA dying.

Harry Smith

Can’t correlate Lenin with USA economy situation https://youtu.be/9xZx1lf2tvs


Trump is a geopolitical and civilizational imbecile, but so is his opponent.


Unlike their predecessors :)

Fleecing Rabbi

Great victory of the Khazarian brotherhood over sacrilegious infidel Armenian animals. Lord of Moses has struck down the blasphemous. Mazal Tov!

Ashok Varma

Armenia should accept defeat like Pakistan did in 1971 when they lost Bangladesh and ended up surrendering over 90,000 prisoners. It looks like most of NK is now in Azerbaijani hands and if Armenia does not withdraw the war may end up on its own soil.

Alekai Mordechai

And the indian support for Armenia goes poof!!

Alekai Mordechai

Man its getting tedious!!

Do you even feel tired regurgitating the same shit over and over again?



Vox Populi

US will not intervene in this conflict even if it had the capability. Turkey is a key NATO ally and controls US access to Syria and Iraq. Alienating a rampant Turkey is the last thing an imploding US needs at this late stage. Turkey will push for a complete victory before the new Biden administration takes office next January. Even if Biden gets in, he will not alienate Turkey as it is far too important. US main goal is to check China and coerce a weak Russia into its camp. The west without the US is nothing as most European could care less about these little wars and no European is willing to die for Armenia.


Actually US would like Turkey to unite with Azerbaijan and sell oul and gas from Caspian sea to EU. But they know it’s not possible as Russia and Iran would fight to the last tooth to prevent that.


Turkey is a key NATO liability. A rampant Turkey is the last thing the West or Russia need. US are idiots, and increasingly scum. Allowing Ottoman victory over Armenia is moral and strategic suicide for both the West and Russia.

Great Khan

Azeri-Turk brother STRONK and WIN! Great Khan know these things…hahahhaha Armeni donkey fini…..hahhahaaa


F-16’s are NATO=NAZI.

Vox Populi

The upgraded Block 50/52 of the Turkish airforce are the most advanced aircraft in the region and consist of the APG-68(V)9 multimode radar (currently being installed on new Advanced Block 50/52 F-16s) and can deal with anything the Russians have. The Turkish pilots are also far more better trained and experienced and can can count on their Pakistani allies if needed.



How are the Turks supporting those F-16s? They couldn’t have moved much in the way of supplies on that little CN-235 (and I suspect that was mostly used to move the ground crew), and I doubt anything is getting in there now.

Any combat operations would need a supply of spares and ordnance for the planes, and since all the neighbors are going to block any obvious shipments of weapons or military equipment, the Turks are probably using only what they brought with them, or prepositioned before the war started.

Unless the Turks stockpiled a lot of stuff in Azerbaijan before the fighting started, I’m starting to buy the rationale they are there as a symbolic deterrent. I’m assuming they have no problem using whatever fuel is available locally.


Russia could glass Turkey in an hour, or eliminate its air assets.


And is that good or bad?

Fleecing Rabbi

Congratulations and felicitations to our Turkish friends over this great victory over the blasphemous Armenian fake rotten state.

Ashok Varma

This war has been a advertising boom for Israeli IAI drones and future of warfare.

Alekai Mordechai

Expect Modi to jump the line with billions in hand. Where as 800 million indians starve.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Our Turkish friends”, but you’re actually Turkish Mustapha, some of us aren’t fooled just because you use a Jewish avatar, we know you’re really a Turk working on Erdogan’s payroll. LOL, the Israelis don’t call the Turks friends anymore, but Turkish trolls working on SF always slander the Russians and their allies whenever they get a chance, but they never slander them for the right reasons.

Great Khan

hahahahha Great Khan …always RIGHT….Armeni donkey Kaputenheimer….Azeri-Turk brother STRONK!

According to the Armenian Minister of Defense, Artsrun Hovhannisyan, the Azerbaijani Army captured the town of Qubatlu after clashing with the Artsakh Defense Army (ADA) on Sunday night.

“Yes, the enemy captured Qubatlu last night,” Hovhannisyan said in response to a question about the situation in Karabakh.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The more they advance militarily and engage in disingenuous ceasefire talks, the more international opinion will shift to the Armenian side.”

That didn’t deter Erdogan and the opposition in Syria, or stop them.

“And as Turkey’s role becomes more difficult to deny, if there appears to be no end in sight to their military offensive it will become more difficult for Russia to not become directly involved.”

Is that in the same way they did in Syria and Libya, so in other words it just means another stalemate with more concessions conceded to the most aggressive party.

Erdogan will go down in history as one of the strongest and most influential leaders of the modern world, and that’s because his achievements are now becoming legendary, he’s become a real life biblical/Torah/Koran hero for some. He’s the smaller weaker David who’s standing up to all the Goliaths, the US, Israel, the Russians, the Arab League, and the EU, and his ongoing quest to place his own Ottoman Empire at the head of a new strong Islamic Caliphate has pitted him against all of them, and all of them have backed down. So to some people he is gaining legendary status, especially among the religious Zealots. But not everybody sees him as a hero. Some of us have always thought of him as a mindless bloodthirsty tyrant and nothing more than that, someone who was so pigheaded and unreasonable that he could never survive the increasing international opposition to his cause, or devise clever military strategies that would further his objectives, but we underestimated him severely, he’s now done more than anyone ever believed he could. His popularity at home is now growing, it’s gone from under 50% to over 50% now, the conflict over gas and oil in the mediterranean and the new conflict in Azerbaijan have boosted his popularity, if this keeps up he may not lose the next election as predictions have forcast. Btw the fact Turkey recently stopped buying Iranian gas altogether and started importing more from Azerbaijan [up 23%], so is that his incentive to intervene in Azerbaijan, he’ll be able to secure his gas supply now.

Jihadi Colin

Where is Death To Turks? Shouldn’t it be here boasting of how Armenia is eradicating Azerbaijan? Has it already deleted its account?

Death to Turks

My little pidaraz. We took over Azerbaijani “land” in the 90s fighting for 6 years and we will defend our land today if it takes 20 or 1000 years. If we have to start taking measures outside of the conflict zone we will do that as well. Nothing is over. Nothing is stopped. Those lives weren’t lost for nothing. Our money wasn’t sent for nothing. If Azerbaijan takes Artsakh we will make sure the cost is heavier than anything you could ever imagine.

Jihadi Colin

“If Azerbaijan takes Artsakh we will make sure the cost is heavier than anything you could ever imagine”

Death To Turks, three days ago:


Death to Turks

We will never lose to any turk or any azeri. When you will have to pay such a cost you will not stay on our land. The misery we are going to stick inside you will be something you never forget.

Jihadi Colin

Yay! Another screenshot to mock you with later! Thanks!

Death to Turks

You’re somehow against jihadists and Muslim terrorists yet you take their side against Christian Armenians fighting to preserve their homeland. Incredible.

Mustafa Mehmet


Death to Turks


Mustafa Mehmet

?????? Head

Mustafa Mehmet

Death to your sister scumbag

Death to Turks

Which one should I send to the Azeri woman I found online waiting for her son to come home? I’ll let you guys pick. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/98d1bd9bcd7b7768cc5648eee08361925e0743193b0f02bc35b8061b9bce0b3a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8f50c072e2e70b86b83a91d5e5d44115f062ba2fd9e940893fb17bb89615745a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1cf1a4af6b606455e69805d9753b34d302d4d9b370a82300b63c87624f0dbb4a.jpg


Armenian soldiers RUN AWAY – “WE HAVE BEEN HUNGRY AND DRY FOR 3 DAYS IN THE RAIN” https://youtu.be/YqLQlR2cPMg


They are accustomed to running throughout history!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/52dc6741debe9e852a77915fb6565de1462ee6a53026ee54e514ce3b10cf1660.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cecf8cd6647c05f89917c88edbe51dc91c9da4cb0f572565e3dc1fcd649239dd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d79677de73fa5b05778c6449bbf32e77318ae2acf1ab35cfddb63126533d9e6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f943ba10fa23f380689ba3c4669290b0f6598ea60947718eba7dbc8145582cbd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0d5970caf9426eab8d2be6e3535db02e338ce6eaf2ae87d1af44f230ae98ddf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e6f94cc9aac829c1b82bd33c301b9854bf332cf837dcad8e715ff462776ff0f.jpg Come, sacrifice, take your pigs, let them be haraam!

Mustafa Mehmet

death to your mama scumbag idiot

Death to Turks

Any azeri captured should be forced to FaceTime his mother or other family member then be executed live in front of them. I do not view any of you as human beings, whether you’re a soldier over there or an azeri living anywhere else in the world, you are one enemy.


It is the savagery within you that destroys you. You promote yourself to the world very well, keep going.

Death to Turks

You haven’t even seen the savagery begin. We’re going to cut your legs and arms off and leave you in the mountains. We will burn you alive. We will record it and send it to your families live, evil pig invader. We feed azeri bodies to pigs.

Mustafa Mehmet

death to your mama scumbag


Yes, what you said was the character of a savage Armenian. You promote yourself very well in a very beautiful world. Go on, let everyone know who you are! Valndal, depraved, immoral, uncultured, savage-occupying tribe!

Death to Turks

We aren’t going anywhere Orospu


The place where the bastard goes is to fuck his ass. Stay where you are, no doubt you will be fucked!

Death to Turks

Karabakh Erministan’dir. Say it bitch.


Armenia is Kim Kardashian’s ass! Give it a rest!

Mustafa Mehmet

Death to your mama scumbag

Death to Turks

That would make a nice doormat. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dabed2be1705cab9e7de11edd2ea9c1b1e6710ab1e6eb64c2e401728af1277d1.jpg


Fear and demoralization in the Armenian Armed Forces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXDPtfO9LUU

Ida Acobian

Fake news to spread panic by using POW probably or their Armenian speaking ones. Hitler was using it too.

Vox Populi

All reports indicate that Armenian morale has collapsed and only a fraction of conscripts showed up for the call. Azerbaijan strategy was clear from day one.

They started the war a month before winter snows set in.

They occupied the plains first and tried to cutoff Armenian supplies with effective drone strikes.

After the Lachin corridor falls, Armenians penny pockets spread at high mountains with no supplies, ammunition and fuel will starve to death. Armenian inept leadership needs to accept defeat, this war is lost and no point losing more men and whatever is left of their military.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e6f94cc9aac829c1b82bd33c301b9854bf332cf837dcad8e715ff462776ff0f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0d5970caf9426eab8d2be6e3535db02e338ce6eaf2ae87d1af44f230ae98ddf.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0bffba71d860ab04da6ed3c0ca765d1402350f3485fbe02dde46f8153437ce8b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d79677de73fa5b05778c6449bbf32e77318ae2acf1ab35cfddb63126533d9e6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1f7d08166510e579769a45562ecd7f921a3b2a803e466e5087713554ded422d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/96ce96d36a31d969f79a8faf2ca5708c81ef7cabf1afb2b69dcc15f8c631f82d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1ee93318d7e86da7608bef03f241e222e073091c31c0cea12e43a4864a83d86.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d1b1577f01aff6560fbda91cf6fb402ee32f2e85e1332a2563098f71fd65002b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ce93b70cc77aff9903cfce9ab706d369ca5317fbf042381e451210eea59aea0.jpg See what your fate is now ??? Cowards find cheap comfort for themselves!


Who is taking benefit of this war beside the damn Khazar fake jew and the anglo-zionist ? Armenia Azerbaijan lived in this land for century.When the war is over they will continue to live there.Same modus operandi in Syria/Ukraine/Donbass /Crimea/etc…

Ida Acobian

There is no turkey on the future world map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bgKVc7OY28


Who cares! he was tormented in hell

Ida Acobian

A real howl arose in Ankara: “The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed the headquarters of the” favorite Turkish group “because of Nagorno-Karabakh, many militants were killed and wounded.”


Random Dude

He is breaking slowly. Little more push and he will capitulate


Pashinyan is only creating more difficulties for his political career. He’d be much better off fighting the Azeris with the entire Armenian army and might rather than just volunteers and spare equipment. It won’t be long before a far-right candidate will rise in popularity because of his shortcomings.

Doom Sternz

On the ground it appears to be a stalemate (sorry South Front you have been consistently wrong) and Armenia has yet to deploy its military. Armenia has not requested Russian assistance as they do not require it.

The attack by Azerbaijan would not of happened unless the rules based order signed off on it. ie NATO is again the aggressor. Azerbaijan now realises the foolishness of going along with them. Azerbaijan clearly went to negotiate a peace deal in Russia to end the war they started as they now realise it will not be a quick victory. This is the way out for them and Turkey has been sidelined hence Erdogan’s tantrums.

Pashinyan is there to sell out, that what neo liberals do. The war was started so that NATO can occupy Azerbaijan. The breakaway republic and the people of Azerbaijan must be subjugated first, hence Pashinyan is ready to negotiate.

Jabbar Abbo



Armenian people are in no event ready for capitulation

Well, once the Lachin Corridor is secured (it’s already pretty unusable due to Azerbaijani air dominance) they’ll be ready for capitulation. All the Azerbaijanis have to do at that point is lay siege as there will be no supply route. It’s going to be a long, cold winter without supplies.


That is, the whole world logically interprets this war. However, Pashinyan promised himself that his logic to destroy Armenia is more correct. Go to a foolish nation and live comfortably in your land, being a good neighbor with a country like Azerbaijan will revive you even more. Why don’t they understand this?

Lone Ranger

Slow clap for that soros/CIA traitor…


Russia dosent lift a finger cuz of him and to me this makes sence also i wont call him a trator simply a pro western politician and i find it a bit funny tho that armenians whitch wanted Russian troops out of Armenia now are begging them to help.


Any links about the Soros link etc.?

Lone Ranger



Thanks, very clear what’s going on. Soros is at it again.

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c6fed472bac191a689c523a9b8a9c6afe5b2e30805fc5b818eb770ae5f7e67c.jpg Today marks one month since the beginning of the Karabakh war. Within a month, 4 cities, 3 settlements, many strategic heights, 162 villages were liberated! More than $ 2 billion worth of military equipment was destroyed. LONG LIVE THE AZERBAIJANI ARMY! LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE OF AZERBAIJAN! LONG LIVE AZERBAIJAN! VICTORY IS OURS!

There is a peak above all heights – the peak of martyrdom. It is the greatest honor and pride to rise to the peak of martyrdom by sacrificing one’s life and blood for the protection of our lands and the defense of our Motherland. May God bless our martyrs who gave their lives for the integrity of Azerbaijan and the protection of our lands! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

We wish God’s healing to our wounded heroes, fighters and fearless soldiers!


Albert Pike

It was never good idea for a Christian country to have a Jewish George Soros made government. It was clear right from the start that Armenia would be destroyed under Pashinyan. So well done USraHell…

cechas vodobenikov

because the security services produce new aliases and post photo shop here and pretend Lachin is in Vietnam and therefore US troops will be defeated by Viet-cong they believe they can predict victory for Azeris. Destroying homes with drones does not win a war

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